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Corporate Headquarters
Amphenol Fiber Systems International. Inc.
1300 Central Expressway North, Suite 100
Allen, TX 75013
Phone: 214.547.2400 - 800-472-4225
Fax: 214.547.9344
Publication: AFSI-TFOCAII GoldRush-D-03.23.05 Specifications subject
to change without notice. www.fibersystems.com - info@fibersystems.com
© Copyright Amphenol Fiber Systems International. All rights reserved.
About Amphenol Fiber Systems International
Amphenol Fiber Systems International (AFSI) designs,
manufactures, markets, and supports reliable and innovative fiber
optic interconnect solutions that withstand the harsh
environments of military, oil & gas, mining and broadcast
applications. After more than a decade in business, AFSI
continues to uphold its position as a global leader in fiber optic
interconnect components and systems such as termini, M28876,
MIL-ST, TFOCA and the TFOCA-II®connector, which AFSI
developed and patented. Altogether, AFSI has delivered millions
of fiber optic connectors in more than 22 countries. Whenever
there is a need for superior cost-effective fiber optic systems and
products that will stand up to demanding operating
environments, you can rely on AFSI for engineering know-how,
top-quality products and expert technical support.
For more information about AFSI, please visit our web site
at www.fibersystems.com
GoldRush TFOCA-II®
Fiber Optic Connectors
Fiber Systems
Fiber Systems
GoldRush TFOCA-II®
Fiber Optic Connectors
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About GoldRush TFOCA-II®
Amphenol Fiber Systems International (AFSI) has designed the
next generation “longwall communications” deployable fiber
optic connector. By responding to specific customer needs and
leveraging the family of AFSI TFOCA-II®connectors, the Gold
Rush series of fiber-optic connectors was born. These
innovative interconnect solutions have become an enabling
technology for “digital mining. AFSI’s Gold Rush connectors
address specific mining requirements for the future of intelligent
This revolutionary design enables TFOCA-II®connectors to seal
against high humidity and moisture conditions while allowing full
axial and orbital movement of the mated ferrule, providing the
lowest possible insertion loss and back reflection of any
military style connector.
The heart of the TFOCA-II®family of deployable fiber optic
connectors is the TFOCA-II®termini, featuring “sealed” free
floating termini.
The patented Gold Rush TFOCA-II®connector series has been
designed by AFSI for environmentally harsh conditions of
mining. Available in both brass and stainless steel, the Gold Rush
TFOCA-II®and the Gold Rush TFOCA-III®connectors are in
the final approval and certification stages at the Mine Safety
Health Administration.
The Gold Rush TFOCA-II®and the Gold Rush TFOCA-III®
connector series makes it easier to retrieve data from the face of
the longwall. The Gold Rush TFOCA-III®connector series
utilizes 1.25mm termini to increase channel density while
retaining reliable Gold Rush TFOCA-II®housings. Gold Rush
TFOCA-III®incorporates 6 channels into the existing 4-channel
shell size, and 24 channels into the current 12 channel
TFOCA-II®housings. Leveraging the original connector form
factor allows users to upgrade their systems easily while
maintaining the AFSI performance and reliability, and quality.
Features and Benefits
Hermaphroditic Design for Versatility - Enables the
TFOCA-II®plug to be daisy chained or unreeled from either
end of a reel.
Field Repairable Using Existing Parts - Additional
connector components (other than termini) are not required
to perform field repair.
4-Channel Connector Design - Two fold improvement
over TFOCA with better optical performance.
Optional Key Positions - Four key positions
(1,2,3,universal) available, enabling segregation of mated
plug/receptacles or plug/plug, through mechanical interface.
Improved Cable Retention Strength - Designed to meet
400lb. pull strength while protecting fibers from stress.
Solid Core Alignment Sleeves - More robust than split
alignment sleeves
Removable End Cap - Allows for easy field repair and
Commercial Ceramic Ferrule Technology - Enables
TFOCA-II®connector to provision multimode and single
mode interconnect with a variety of polishes including SPC
and UPC.
Available in Stainless Steel and Brass - Allows the
connector to be used in a variety of applications.
Oil, Gas and Geoscience industries
TFOCA-II and TFOCA-III are registered trademark of Amphenol Amphenol Fiber Systems
International. TFOCA-II is covered by U.S. Patents 6,305,849; 6,371,660 and 6,357,929
TTFFOOCCAA--IIII®BBrraassss PPaanneell
MMoouunntt RReecceeppttaaccllee
TTFFOOCCAA--IIII®BBrraassss GGllaanndd
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TFOCA-II® 4-Channel Specifications1
Parameter Typical Maximum
Insertion loss (multimode) 0.30dB 0.75dB
Insertion loss (single mode) 0.40dB 0.75dB
Back reflection (single mode-UPC polish) -50dB -40dB
Back reflection (single mode-APC polish) -60dB -50dB
Operating temperature -46° C to + 71° C
Storage temperature -52° C to + 85° C
Mud 5 minute immersion, clean with water (per MIL-C-83526/12 /13 requirements)
Water pressure 1 meter for 24 hours (Per MIL-C-83526 /12 /13 requirements)
Ice crush/freezing water Immersed and frozen in water for 7 hours (Per MIL-C-83526 /12 /13 requirements)
Humidity immersion MIL-STD-1344, Method 2010, 5 cycles
Flammability MIL-STD-1344, Method 1012
Vibration (operational) MIL-STD-1344, Method 2500.1
Shock EIA/TIA-455-14, Condition A
Mating durability 2,000 cycles per EIA/TIA-455-21
Cable seal flexing 100 cycles per MIL-STD-1344, Method 2017, Procedure 1
Twist 1,000 cycles per EIA/TIA-455-36
Cable retention 400 pounds minimum per EIA/TIA-455-6 (applies to plug and strain relief receptacles)
Impact EIA/TIA-455-2
Crush resistance 450 pounds minimum per EIA/TIA-455-26
EMI shielding (receptacle only) > 60dB average H-field effectiveness 15kHz to 15MHz, > 67dB average E-field
effectiveness 15kHz to 10GHz
TFOCA-II®4-Channel Part Numbers
Product Number Product Name
FS4H5000-X-Y TFOCA-II®Brass Plug
FS4H5001-X-Y TFOCA-II®Brass Panel Mount Receptacle
FS4H5002-X-Y TFOCA-II®Brass Gland Receptacle
MTFP1150 TFOCA-II®Alignment Sleeve, Multimode
MTFP1175 TFOCA-II®Alignment Sleeve, Single mode
MTFP0000 TFOCA-II®Dummy Terminus
X=H Cable Diameter Range .190 - .239 Y=1 Key Option 1
X=F Cable Diameter Range .240 - .279 Y=2 Key Option 2
X=A Cable Diameter Range .280 - .315 Y=3 Key Option 3
X=B Cable Diameter Range .316 - .346 Y=U Universal Key Option
X=G Cable Diameter Range .347 - .379
Product Number X=Ferrule Type Y=Crimp
MTFP1000 0=Multimode Blank=W/O Crimp
MTFP1000C 0=Multimode C=With Crimp
MTFP1100 1=Single mode Blank=W/O Crimp
MTFP1100C 1=Single mode C=With Crimp
For fully warranted and qualified custom cable assemblies utilizing the TFOCA-II®
product line, please contact Amphenol Fiber Systems International at 800-472-4225
or email us at info@fibersystems.com
TTFFOOCCAA--IIII®GGoollddRRuusshh PPlluugg ttoo PPlluugg
CCaabbllee AAsssseemmbbllyy oonn HHaannnnaayy RReeeell
GoldRush TFOCA-II®
Fiber Optic Connectors
Fiber Systems
1. Some parameters qualified to existing TFOCA-II®design
wwwwww..ffiibbeerrssyysstteemmss..ccoommFFiibbeerr OOppttiicc SSoolluuttiioonnss
1.30 MAX 4.80 MAX
6.35 MAX
1.555 MAX
1.55 MAX
1.40 MAX
1.998 MAX
.50 .02
1.760 MAX
1.555 MAX
1.40 MAX
TFOCA-II®Brass Panel Mount Receptacle
TFOCA-II®Brass Gland Receptacle
TFOCA-II®Brass Plug
041.1 500.+
591.1 u500.
TFOCA-II®Brass Mount Receptacle
Panel Cut-out
Drawings are not to scale. Measurements are in inches.
GoldRush TFOCA-II®
Fiber Optic Connectors
Fiber Systems