ABB Semiconductors AG reserves the right to change specifications without notice.
VDRM = 4500 V
ITGQM = 3000 A
ITSM =24kA
VT0 =1.80V
VDClin = 3000 V
Gate turn-off Thyristor
5SGF 30J4502
PRELIMINARY Doc. No. 5SYA 1211-04 Aug. 2000
Patented free-floating silicon technology
Low on-state and switching losses
Annular gate electrode
Industry standard housing
Cosmic radiation withstand rating
The 5SGF 30J4502 is a 85 mm buffered layer GTO with exceptionally low dynamic and
static losses designed to retro-fit all former 3 kA GTOs of the same voltage. It offers
optimal trade-off between on-state and switching losses and is encapsulated in an
industry-standard press pack housing 108 mm wide and 26 mm thick.
VDRM Repetitive peak off- stat e voltage 4500 V VGR 2V
VRRM Repetitive peak revers e voltage 17 V
IDRM Repetitive peak off-state current 100 mA VD = VDRM VGR 2V
IRRM Repetitive peak reverse current 50 mA VR = VRRM RGK =
VDClink Permanent DC voltage for 100
FIT fa ilu re ra te 3000 V -40 Tj 125 °C. Ambient cosmic
radiation at sea level in open air.
Mechanical data (see Fig. 19) min. 28 kN
FmMounting force max. 38 kN
Device unclamped
Device clamped 50
200 m/s2
MWeight 1.3 kg
DSSurface creepage distance 33 mm
DaAir strike distance 15 mm
5SGF 30J4502
ABB Semiconductors AG reserves the right to change specifications without notice.
Doc. No. 5SYA 1211-04 Aug. 2000 page 2 of 9
GTO Data
ITAVM Max. average on-state current 960 A Half sine wave, TC = 85 °C
ITRMS Max. RMS on-state current 1510 A
ITSM 24 kA tP=10msT
j = 125°CMax. peak non-repetitive
surge current 40 kA tP= 1 ms Afte r surge:
I2t Limiting load int egral 2.88106A2st
D = VR = 0V
VTOn-state voltage 3.90 V IT= 3000 A
VT0 Threshold voltage 1.80 V IT= 400 - 4000 A Tj = 125 °C
rTSlope resistance 0.70 m
IHHolding current 100 A Tj=25 °C
VGT Gate trigger voltage 1.2 V VD= 24 V Tj = 25 °C
IGT Gate trigger current 2.5 A RA=0.1
VGRM Repetit ive peak reverse voltag e 17 V
IGRM Repetitive peak reverse current 20 mA VGR =V
Turn-on sw itching
di/dtcrit Max. rate of rise of on-state 500 A/µ s f = 200Hz I T = 3000 A, Tj = 125 °C
current 1000 A/µs f = 1Hz IGM = 25 A, diG/dt = 20 A/µs
tdDelay time 2.5 µs VD=0.5V
DRM Tj= 125 °C
trRise time 5.0 µs IT= 3000 A di/dt = 300 A/µs
ton(min) Min. on-t ime 100 µs IGM =25Adi
G/dt = 20 A/µs
Eon Turn-on energy per pulse 2.50 Ws CS=3µFR
Turn-off switching 3000 A VDM =V
DRM diGQ/dt = 40 A/µsITGQM Max controllable turn-off
current CS=3 µF L
S0.2 µH
tsStorage time 25.0 µs VD=½VDRM VDM =V
tfFall time 3.0 µ s Tj=125°Cdi
GQ/dt = 40 A/µs
toff(min) Min. off-time 100 µs ITGQ =I
Eoff Turn-off energy per pulse 10.0 W s CS=3µFR
IGQM Peak turn-off gate current 800 A LS0.2 µH
5SGF 30J4502
ABB Semiconductors AG reserves the right to change specifications without notice.
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TjStorage and operating -40...125°C
junction temperature range
RthJC Thermal resistance 22 K/kW Anode side cooled
junction to case 27 K/kW Cathode side cooled
12 K/kW Double side cooled
RthCH Thermal resistance case to 6 K/kW Sing le side cooled
heat sink 3 K/kW Double side cooled
RI (K/kW ) 5.4 4.5 1.7 0.4
Anal ytical f unction for transient thermal
)e-(1R = (t)Z 4
thJC i
τi (s) 1.2 0.17 0.01 0.001
Fig. 1 Transient thermal impedance, junction to case.
5SGF 30J4502
ABB Semiconductors AG reserves the right to change specifications without notice.
Doc. No. 5SYA 1211-04 Aug. 2000 page 4 of 9
Fig. 2 On-state characteristics Fig. 3 Average on-state power dissipation vs.
average on-state current.
Fig. 4 Surge current and fusing integral vs. pulse
5SGF 30J4502
ABB Semiconductors AG reserves the right to change specifications without notice.
Doc. No. 5SYA 1211-04 Aug. 2000 page 5 of 9
Fig. 5 Forward blocking voltage vs. gate-cathode
resistance. Fig. 6 Static dv/dt capability: Forward blocking
voltage vs. neg. gate voltage or gate
cathode resistance.
Fig. 7 Forward e ga te cu rren t v s . fo rard gate
voltage. Fig. 8 Gate trigger current vs. junction
5SGF 30J4502
ABB Semiconductors AG reserves the right to change specifications without notice.
Doc. No. 5SYA 1211-04 Aug. 2000 page 6 of 9
Fig. 9 Turn-on energy per pulse vs. on-state
current and turn-on voltage. Fig. 10 Turn-on energy per pulse vs. on.-state
current and current rise rate
Common Test conditions for figures 9, 10 and 11:
diG/dt = 20 A/µs
CS = 3 µF
RS = 5
Tj = 125 °C
Definition of Turn-on energy:
)0.1 I 0, (t G
Don IdtIVE ===
Common Test conditions for figures 12, 13 and 15:
Definition of Turn-off energy:
)0.9 I 0, t ( T
Doff IdtIVE ===
Fig. 11 Turn-on energy per pulse vs. on-state
current and turn-on voltage.
5SGF 30J4502
ABB Semiconductors AG reserves the right to change specifications without notice.
Doc. No. 5SYA 1211-04 Aug. 2000 page 7 of 9
Fig. 12 Turn-off energy per pulse vs. turn-off current
and peak turn-off voltage. Extracted gate
charge vs. turn-off current.
Fig. 13 Turn-off energy per pulse vs. turn-off
current and snubber capacitance.
Fig. 14 Requir ed snubber capacitor vs. max
allowable turn-off current. Fig. 15 Turn-off energy per pulse, storage time
and peak turn-off gate current vs. junction
Fig. 16 Storage time and peak turn-off gate current
vs. neg. gate current rise rate. Fig. 17 Storage time and peak turn-off gate
current vs. turn-off current
5SGF 30J4502
ABB Semiconductors AG reserves the right to change specifications without notice.
Doc. No. 5SYA 1211-04 Aug. 2000 page 8 of 9
Fig. 18 General current and voltage waveforms with GTO- specif ic symbols
Fig. 19 Outline drawing. All dimensions are in
millimeter s and represent nominal values
unless stated otherwise.
5SGF 30J4502
ABB Semiconductors AG reserves the right to change specifications without notice.
ABB Semiconductors AG Doc. No. 5SYA 1211-04 Aug. 2000
Fabri kstra sse 2
CH-5600 Lenzburg, Switzerland
Tel: +41 (0)62 888 641 9
Fax: +41 (0)62 888 630 6
Reverse avalanche capability
In operation with an antiparallel freewheeling diode, the GTO reverse voltag e VR may exceed the rate
value VRRM due to stray inductance and diode turn-on voltage spike at high di/dt. The GTO is then
driven into reverse avalanche. This condition is not dangerous for the GTO provided avalanche time
and current are below 10 µs and 1000 A respectively. However, gate voltage must remain negative
during this time. Recommendation : VGR = 10 15 V.