ae aa DUAL PORT D-SUB CONNECTORS 4 {7 THREADED OR To PIN OR SOCKET CONNECTOR a THROUGH HOLE \ AVAILABLE IN EITHER PORT INSERT \ _ a CoH +244 [31 60] | Fi 750 19.05) | ay { 'o 44 % 5 Sy % % & %0"o"o"d"o Lot i ad \ Oa we? 4 939 22029? 2 v ) 318 [8.08] pew! aol _ 1d [2.84] 590 {14.99} pe : a a .054 [1.373 i po 12 [2.84] eoeeresoooeooyl | Dimensions oe Fe ee ester eee Te Connector size A B C 315 [8.06} |; i , | 272 (6.94) +o OOO > oo ooo > ttn nomen in nae egestas cee dace ne nse eeeeveeees pe 9 1.213 [30.81] .984 [24.99] 432 [10.97] 15 1.541 (39.14) 1.312 [33.32] _.756 [19.20] 003 f0.08} baw a -| 25 2.088 [53.04] 1.852 [47.04] 1.304 [33.12] P.C.B. LAYOUT HOW TO ORDER DUAL PORT D-SUB ne -2]BPiBS]-4] ]1 1516 omen FCC17 Series Designation 2 Vertical Mounting Dimension Between Connectors of .750" (other options available} BP Upper Connector Configuration (Size and Style) EP: Qpin ES: 9 socket AP: 15 pin . AS: 15 socket Modifier: 0 BP: 25 pin 0: Standard Product BS: 25 socket x: Special or Custom Versions er . BS Lower Connector Configuration Lower Connector Filter Capacitance: ; 5 (Size and Style) same as Upper Connector same as Upper Connector Filter Capacitance Configuration Designation Tr . . -4 Mounting Upper Connector Filter Capacitance: 1 2: 120" [3.05 mm] Diameter Through Hole on D: 50 pF 5: 1000 pF Flanges 0: 180 pF E: 2200 pF 4: 4-40 Threaded Inserts on Flanges 1 470 pF = -9:-- S600 pF E: 4-40 Hex Jack Sockets 4: 820 pF 8: 47,000 pF Amphenol? Canada Corp. Telephone: (416) 754-5656 Facsimile: (416) 754-8668These products are protected by U.S. Patent # 4500159 HOW 10 GROBER Ces > [Feeu -B25|P{A Tn FCC17 Series Designation B25 Size: 09, A15, B25, C37 P Connector Style: P - Pin, S - Socket, A - Adapter A Termination Type: - Right Angle PC Tail, 318" [8.08 mm] Footprint - Right Angle PC Tail, .405" (10.29 mm] Footprint - Right Angle PC Tail, .590" [14.99 mm] Footprint - Pin/Socket Adapter - Vertical Mount PC Tail - Solder Cup - Lang Body, Vertical Mount PC Tail 2Zn0oOWY -4 Mounting (on flange): A: Vertical Mount, 4-40 Threaded PC Tail Standoffs with Boardlock 2: .120" [3.05 mm} Diameter Through Hoie 4: 4-40 Threaded inserts (self-locking inserts available) 6: M3 Threaded inserts E: 4-40 Hex Jack Sockets FILTERED D-SUB CONNECTORS Filter Characteristics: See Page 2 Electrical Data: See Page 2 Material and Finishes: See Page 3 Environmental Data: See Page 3 UL File #: F135615 CSA File #: LR68598 Gold Content on Contacts: No Digit: 15y inches [0.38 microns] G: 50p inches [1.27 microns} @ Modifier: 0 = Standard Product (Boardlocks on Right Angle D-Subs) B= Metal Mounting Brackets, for Right Angle D-Subs x = Special or Custom Versions Filter Capacitance: 1 D: 50 pF 5: 1000 pF 0: 180 pF E: 2200 pF 1: 470 pF 9: 5600 pF 4: 820 pF 8: 47,000 pF MOUNTING DIMENSIONS 125 3.18) & ~ STANDARD CUT-OUT (FOR FRONT MOUNTING} 120 [3.08] DIA ' Ue oe 4 125 [3.18] 8 ~ a OPTIONAL CUT-OUT (FOR REAR MOUNTING) Size Mounting A _ B ef Front 875 (22.23) .984(24.99] 812 (13.00) S Rear __=807 (20.50) 984(24.99] 449 [11.40] "1,200 (30.48) 1.312 133.32) 512 (13.00) 15 1.134 (28.801 1.312 (33.321 449 [11.40] 1.744 [44.30] 1.852 [47.08] 512 {13.00} % 1.673 [42.49] 1.852 [47.04] 449 [11.40] Front 2.989 [6068] 280016350] _512113.00] 37 Rear 2.326 [59.08] 2.500(63.50} 449 {11.40] Amphenol? Canada Corp. Telephone: (416) 754-5656 Facsimile: (416) 754-8668 anan Pa ae ee ee ee ee ee es pe 1.213 [30.81] -=f pw - 1.213 [30,81} om 643 [16.33] po-}-~ 666 [16.92] / r- 311 [7.90} i r- .d05 [7.75] Yv t } a st L2yes i i@- go e916} 4g [12.55] meee eood a 494 12.55] ~ \ , 6,0, 0, Y e Pie 2 Y i 4 | af ' | 984 [24.99] - 245 [6.22] | LL .9B4 [24.99] em 238 [5.97] onl i PIN-TO-SOCKET ABAPTER 7 4-40 UNC THREAD .120 [3.05] DIA / (4 PLACES) FOR THROUGH HOLE AND } DEVIATION -4XX } MOUNTING POST FOR / } DEVIATION 2x 1 / i pov 4-40 UNC THREAD i j / / (BOTH ENDS} i: i 245 (6.22) | / j ; Amphenol 1.445 (29.082 ! i : 235 [5.97] Hag J t Mounting Options 4-40 Threaded Inserts: FCC17-E09AD-4x0 Through Hole with Mounting Post: FCC17-EQ9AD-20 SOLDER CUP TERMINATION 038 [0.97] _ yt | + i 230 [5.84] _.| a 028 [0.71] . | 180 [4.57] mp be SOLDER CUP DETAIL (ACCEPTS UP TO 26 AWC WIRE) Pin: FCC17-E09PM-sex0 Socket: FCC17-E09SM-2exD xx = To complete the P/N, see page 5 to assign Mounting Code and Filter Capacitance. For electrical and mechanical specifications, see pages 2 and 3. Go Amphenol? Canada Corp. Telephone: (416) 754-5656 Facsimile: (416) 754-8668FILTERED B- SUB CONNES PC FAIL TERMINATION VERTICAL MOUNT THROUGH ~ a HOLE ( [uROUGH | al | _ i : 250 [5.84] - 279 [7.09] | Lm + INSERT a TI THREADED 140 [3.56] i INSERT 470 [11.98] 4 Pin: FCC17-E09PE-sex0 Pin: FCC17-E09PE-Ax0 Pin: FCC17-E09PN-2ex0 Socket: FCC17-E09SE-axe0 Socket: FCC17-E09SE-Ax0 Socket: FCC17-E09SN-xx0 RIGHT ANGLE, WITH BOARDLOCKS 318" Footprint 405 Footprint 590" Footprint .318 [8.08] 4 : 405 [10. 2s) |. 590 [14.993 {of 1] 056 [1.42] | O86 [1.42] - | 112 (2.84) ey pe 112 [2.84] - ne (zee) ool Te Pin: FCC17-EG3PA-xx0 Pin: FCC17-E09PB-xxG Pin: FCC 17-EQ9PC-xem0 Socket: FCC17-E09SA-xex0 Socket: FCC17-E09SB-xx0 Socket: FCC17-E09SC-se0 RIGHT ANGLE, WITH METAL MOUNTING BRACKETS 318" Footprint .405" Footprint .590" Footprint 1 t .318 [8.08] | i .405 [10. 28) 315 [8.00] ~ | | | s {1.42} = 056 [1.42] ~ 590 [14.99] ed ; 112 [2.84] He M12 [2.84] ~ ab via [2.84] =| a Pin: FCC17-E09PA-xxB Pin: FCC17-E09PB-xxB Pin: FCC17-E09PC-B Socket: FCC17-E09SA-xB Socket: FCC17-E09SB-xB Socket: FCC17-E09SC-xxB P.C.B. LAYOUT 040 [1.62] DA _--- 432 [10.973 9 HOLES NK ae 054 [1.37] 4 \ r .275 [6.99] [ 142 (2.84) te ttt \ $-6-4-6-4 oo ee a 112 (2.84) 120 fe 05] DIA of 056 (1.42) Q-- se P I 984 [24.99] "| 984 [24.99] +| STANDARD P.C.8. LAYOUT P.C.B. LAYOUT FOR 590 METAL BRACKET ONLY xx = To complete the P/N, see page 5 to assign Mounting Code and Filter Capacitance. For electrical and mechanical specifications, see pages 2 and 3. Amphenot Canada Corp. Telephone: (416) 754-5656 Facsimile: (416) 754-8668 aFILTERED D-SUB CONNECTORS SOCKET pet BAT (39,14) --~ fee 1.543 [39.14] om i B71 [24.68] m ; fren 994 125.25] ~em! { 31) [7.901 i 5 305 17.75) f ei Tease ae S| 434 bass } ' +i | 1312 [33 $2) 248 [6.22] pae-om] Le a 1342 [33.32] -~s 235 [5.97] ei _ PIN-TO-SOCKET ADAPTER p> 420 [3.05] DIA i 124 rh_| o's 0 ofo oo , Q Y OP Pak PP is? T 4 | 9 10 al f p-- 4-40 UNC THREAD iy OLE AND i THROUGH HOLE. AND | (4 PLACES) FOR {MOUNTING POST FOR / ! DEVIATION ~4XX / DEVIATION -2XX H 4-40 UNC THREAD (BOTH ENDS) i j 245 [6.22] / | / i Arn henol | 1.145 [29.08] P a8 fe Tre poo | | | Mounting Options 4-40 Threaded Inserts: FCC17-A15AD-4a6 Through Hole with Mounting Past: FCC17-A15AD-2x0 SOLDER CUP TERMINATION 028 [0.97} | 028 [e.71] 230 [5.84] -~ + 180 [4.57] = SOLDER CUP DETAIL (ACCEPTS UP TO 20 AWG WIRE) Pin: FCC17-A15PM-x0 Socket: FCC17-A1SSM-x0 xx = To complete the P/N, see page 5 to assign Mounting Code and Filter Capacitance. For electrical and mechanical specifications, see pages 2 and 3. Amphenol Canada Corp. Telephone: (416) 754-5656 Facsimile: (416) 754-8668FILTERED O- SUB CONNECTORS PC TAIL FERMINATION VERTICAL MOUNT gee [ THOTT. T TT mpeg roa be THREADED 140 [3.56} INSERT #70 [1194 -~ Pin: FCC17-A15PE-30 Pin: FCC17-A15PE-Ax0 Pin: FCC17-A15PN-sex0 Socket: FCC17-A15SE->e0 Socket: FCC17-A15SE-AxQ Socket: FCC17-A15SN-30 RIGHT ANGLE, WITH BOARDLOCKS .318" Footprint 405" Footprint 590 Footprint Th- \ 318 [8 08] --+| 408 [10.29] ee] \ 590 [74.993 te > \ .058 enol 42] on 056 [1.42] 04 ib. .056 [1.42] 4 12 [2.a4} ea 192 [2.84] i 112 (2.84) ae L Pin: FCC17-A15PA-m0 Pin: FCC17-A15PB-xx0 Pin: FCC17-A15PC-mx0 Socket: FCC17-A15SA-xx0 Socket: FCC17-A15SB-mx0 Socket: FCC17-A15SC-xxG RIGHT ANGLE, WITH METAL MOUNTING BRACKETS .318" Footprint .405" Footprint 590 Footprint | I 318 [8.08] ee i 405 [10.29] ath 315 [8.00] semj : G56 [1.42] 0565 [1.42] ~ 590 14.99) +. 112 {2.84} 142 [2.84] 112 [2.84] el ~~ Pin: FCC17-A15PA-xB Pin: FCC17-A15PB-amB Pin: FCC17-A15PC-2eeB Socket: FCC17-A15SA-xxB Socket: FCC17-A15SB-xxB Socket: FCC17-A15SC-xB P.C.B. LAYOUT 040 [7.02] DIA > - one 1758 [79.26] 15 HOLES Kt 1 ~_- 054. {1.37} a \ .275 [8.992 1412 [2.84] tf pe bee eeo-ie [ oooeeceet SO FFE H 4-0-6 oO $b Oo 192 [2.84] ~ hoes) o i | 056 1.43] . ~ ~ worm jo 1 342 [33.32] -w jenn 4312 (33.32) s| STANDARD P.C.B. LAYOUT P.C.B. LAYOUT FOR 590 METAL BRACKET ONLY xx = To complete the P/N, see page 5 to assign Mounting Code and Filter Capacitance. For electrical and mechanical specifications, see pages 2 and 3. Amphenof Canada Corp. Telephone: (416) 754-5656 Facsimile: (416) 754-8668FILTERED O-SUB CONNECTORS 2.088 {53.04} Lg 2.088 [53.04] -__-=- 1.511 38.38} fee-- 3,534 [38.96] -o 311 [7.90} ~~ 305 (7.75) di / iE y T Leye op 11215 i 494 [1256} fo a 2 ae ram AGA [12.55] LL . y 1415 88 17 | PPro? i \ 1 Af 1 1.852 [47.04] 245 [6.22] | 1.852 [47.04] -~m 235 [5.97] --om ~ PIN-TO-SOCKET ADAPTER yr #-40 UNC THREAD -~ .120 [3.05] DIA / (4 PLACES) FOR | THROUGH HOLE AND / DEMIATION -4xx MOUNTING POST FOR / {DEVIATION - 2x f pon y-> 4-40 UNC THREAD oe 7 {BOTH ENDS) { [ i j 248 / i | i | Amphenol | 4.145 (7908) J i _ | .235 [5.973 0 a | a a if Mounting Options 4-40 Threaded Inserts: FCC17-B25AD-4x0 Through Hole with Mounting Post: FCC17-B25AD-2x0 SOLDER CUP TERMINATION 038 [0.97] 4 be Jog 230 [5.84] el | me or] 180 [4.57] be SOLDER CUP DETAIL (ACCEPTS UP TO 20 AWG WIRE) Pin: FCC17-B25PM-xx0 Socket: FCC17-B25SM-xx0 xa = To complete the P/N, see page 5 to assign Mounting Code and Filter Capacitance. For electrical and mechanical specifications, see pages 2 and 3. Amphenot Canada Corp. Telephone: (416) 754-5656 Facsimile: (416) 754-8668F an i a oa J-SUB CONNECTORS PC TAIL TERMINATION VERTICAL MOUNT jt vise 1 Tr TOOT | : L THREADED 150 [3.81] J 279 [7.09] | Lamm ee ! INSERT -230 [5.84] ! | Tree | -~ THREADED +40 (3.56) : INSERT 470 [11,94] Pin: FCC17-B25PE-xax0 Pin: FCC17-B25PE-Axx0 Pin: FCC17-B25PN-xx0 Socket: FCC17-B25SE-xo0 Socket: FCC17-B25SE-Ax0 Socket: FCC17-B25SN-2a0 RIGHT ANGLE, .318" Footprint 318 [8.08] : 056 1.42] , 142 [2.64] Pin: FCC17-B25PA-ox0 Socket: FCC17-B25SA-xx0 Pin: RIGHT ANGLE, 318" Footprint [1.42] (2.84) 318 [8.08] 056 405 [10. Socket: WITH BOARDLOCKS 405" Foctprint [- .590" Footprint 056 [1.42] 056 [1.42] 112 {2.84) 142 [2.84] ~ | 29] tad +. 590 [14.99] ao { ~ FCC17-B25PC-ax0 FCC17-B25SC-x0 FCC17-B25PB-xx0 FCC17-B25SB-xx0 Pin: Socket: WITH METAL MOUNTING BRACKETS 405" Footprint f- | .405 [10.29] + | 590" Footprint cr ee .315 [8.00] L_ | | mas .956 [1.42] , 590 [14.99] 112 142 12.84] 112 (2.84) = L. Pin: FCC17-B25PA-xmB Pin: FCC17-B25PB-%xB Pin: FCC17-B25PC-xxB Socket: FCC17-B25SA-axB Socket: FCC17-B25SB-xxB Socket: FCC17-B25SC-xeB P.c.B. LAYOUT SABRI PT co an | po 275 {6.99} po 112 [2.84] 9: 9-0-9: 1-00-41 o-eo-e-ypeoeet $6} $38 o> ooo 112 [2.84] \ " ae Roo] 0 | q. HW . } HOLES 056 [1.42] 4 - _ STANDARD P.C.B. LAYOUT 1.852 [47.04} ---e} {. 1.882 [47.04] mt P.C.B. LAYGUT FOR 590 METAL BRACKET ONLY xx = To complete the P/N, see page 5 to assign Mounting Code and Filter Capacitance. For electrical and mechanicai specifications, see pages 2 and 3. Amphenof Canada Corp. Telephone: (416) 754-5656 Facsimile: (416) 754-8668 flee a -SUB CONNECTO PIN-TO-SOCKET ADAPTER ri 4~40 UNC THREAD po 120 [3.05] DIA (4 PLACES) FOR / THROUGH HOLE AND j DEVIATION ~4xx | MOUNTING POST FOR ; / DEVIATION. ~2xx i A . / i> yo 440 UNC THREAD j ! / {a0TH ENDS) 1 bh iL ! 1.248 [6.223 / / 4 1 1.145 [29.08] ! .235 [5.97] i Maunting Options 4-40 Threaded Inserts: FCC17-C37AD-40 Through Hole with Mounting Post: FCC17-C37AD-2m0 SOLDER CUP TERMINATION 038 [0.97] a ul o ; 028 [0.71] .230 [5.84] ae : 180 [457] ep ae SOLDER CUP DETAIL {ACCEPTS UP TO 20 AWG WIRE) Pin: FCC17-C37PM-xx0 Socket: FCC1?7-C37SM-xx0 xx = To complete the P/N, see page 5 to assign Mounting Code and Filter Capacitance. For electrical and mechanical specifications, see pages 2 and 3. Amphenol? Canada Corp. Telephone: (416) 754-5656 Facsimile: (416) 754-8668 2.729 [69.32] pet 2.729 [69.32] -_ 2.159 [54.84] pate---- 2.182 [55.427 onl sit + $0] ~\ a EU La eee oy Uy Patch 3393 33 Y ! 2 2.500 [65.501 248 [6.22] | a 2.500 [63.50] --wFILTERED O-SUB CONNECTORS PC TAIL TERMINATION VERTICAL MOUNT jw . \ hoe i ft ! > _ J 4 { ae ; | _ i L THREADED aan i528) 279 [7.09} 4 ee \ THREADED 140 [3.56] ~ | INSERT 470 (11.94) Pin: FCC17-C37PE-20 Pin: FCC1?7-C37PE-An0 Pin: FCC17-C37PN-x0 Socket: FCC17-C37SE-a0 Socket: FCC17-C37SE-Axx0 Socket: FCC17-C37SN-20 RIGHT ANGLE, WITH BOARDLOCKS .318" Footprint 405" Footprint 590 Footprint | i | 318 [8.08] 7 465 [10.29] a LL 580 [14.99] an i: 056 [1.42] _ 056 [1.42] + , i 7 12 [284] : te 112 [284] ef be oe 112 [2.84] aol Pin: FCC17-C37PA-xex0 Pin: FCC17-C37PB-mm0 Pin: FCC17-C37PC-sex0 Socket: FCC17-C37SA-maxd Socket: FCC17-C37SB-x0 Socket: FCC17-C37SC-sex0 RIGHT ANGLE, WITH METAL MOUNTING BRACKETS .318' Footprint 405" Footprint .590" Footprint raul ho T | i i aml II | : 318 [8.08] + Vi 498 [10.29] --- | 315 [8.00] [e oy | 056 [1.42] 058 [1.42] - } 590 [14.99] .-maj lL ] a 1 142 [2.84 112 [2.84] 142 (2.84) + Pin: FCC1?-C37PA-aaB Pin: FCC17-C37PB-%aB Pin: FCC17-C37PC-xB Socket: FCC17-C37SA-2xB Socket: FCC17-C37SB-xB Socket: FCC17-C37SC-axB P.C.B. LAYOUT 040 [7.02] DA foe 1.956 [49.68] 37 HOLES * | 054 [1.37] ~e { .275 [6,99] 112 [2.84] ty~ 7 9-6-4 - eet + o-6-4- eoeet ESS HE SOS oO $6-646-48 440-6 - > 12 (264) | | +20 [5.05] DIA i : 112 [2.84] ( 2 HOLES { Z Qe oe. O- 058 [1.42] ! $ a 2.500 (63,50) a be. _ 2,500 [63.50] ---- ed STANDARD P.C.B. LAYOUT P.C.B. LAYOUT FOR 590 METAL BRACKET ONLY xx = To complete the P/N, see page 5 to assign Mounting Code and Filter Capacitance. For electrical and mechanical specifications, see pages 2 and 3. Amphenol Canada Corp. Tefephone: (416) 754-5656 Facsimile: (416) 754-8668