ANP Product Facts mw Designated connectors are MIL-C-39012, Class II, Category B qualified w Captive center contacts m Completely crimpable application one hand tool crimps all cables with single or double braided shields of a given size mu Impedance matching crimps a Broad band performance low VSWR m Superior cable retention m TEFLON dielectric w Silver or nickel finish a Fully intermateable with MIL-C-39012 connectors Related Product Data Connector Selection Pages 4-6 Theory and Application Pages 7-13 Cable-to-Connector Selection Guide Pages 14 & 15 Connector Selection Guide Page 16 Tooling Pages 192-194 Appendix Pages 195-220 Technical Documents Page 221 Military Category All crimp connectors are Category B Type (AMP Crimp Tooling), unless otherwise noted under the Military No. and/or Comments column in the connector specifications chart. Packaging All Mil Type connectors are packaged individually and all Commercial connectors are bulk pack- aged unless otherwise noted under to Military No. and/or Comments column in the connector specifications chart. Guide to RF Connectors N Connectors Catalog 82074 Revised 6-94 The AMP N Connector, featuring a 5/8 [15.88] - 24 threaded coupling for opti- mum stability, is highly suited for critical applications and environments. This medium sized connector can with- stand shock and vibration to assure a low noise level and has a constant impedance of 50 ohms. It also features a captive center contact and provides excellent per- formance at frequencies up to 11 GHz, with voltages to 1000 volts rms. This AMP connector offers the added benefits of low overall applied cost with a labor-saving two-crimp assembly. The contact is simply crimped to the cables center conductor, then both braid and cable support are simultaneously crimped to complete the termination. N Series Connectors are available in standard and weatherproof versions as well as plug, jack, panel jack, bulk- head jack and right-angle plug configurations. A smaller, light- weight commercial version that meets all the performance requirements of MIL-C-39012 is also available. Those con- nectors with a military desig- nation (M39012) are furnished in accordance with all require- ments of specification MIL-C- 39012, Class II, Category B. Materials Brass QQ-B-626 Beryllium Copper QQ-C-530 TEFLON MIL-P-19468 Copper, Annealed QQ-C-576 Phosphor Bronze QQ-B-750 Silicone Rubber 22-R-765 Plating Body Silver per QQ-S-365 Nickel per QQ-N-290 Center Contact Gold per MIL-B-45204 Silver, Tin Table of Contents $10}I9UU0D N i PIUQS, Crimp oo. cccceeceececteteeeeteeeneeteereinteesnenerennieeenenes 74-75 Right-Angle Plugs, Crimp... eee neeeteeentrenetieenes 76 JaACkS, Crimp ooo cccceecceeeenteeeceeneeeseneserseeeesnneeeensinees 77 Bulkhead Jacks, Crimp... ccceeeerece eee eeerteeeteneteenentes 78 Bulkhead Jacks for Semi-Rigid Cable... 79 Panel Jacks, Crimp .....ccccccccccceeeecceceeeteeeeesenteeeeeeeeseneeaees 80 Panel Jacks and Plug, Solder ........0.cccccccessncseeeenereeeees 80 Feed-Thru Jack Adapter and Terminators ........0.: cee 81 Adapters N Plug to BNC Jack oo... eecccceenreceneeeeeneterrnererenniees 81 Electrical Characteristics Nominal Impedance 50 chms Working Voltage 1000 volts, rms at sea level Frequency Range 0 to 11 GHz Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR) Straight Plug or Jack- 1.3:1 max. Right-Angie Plug 4.35 max. at 0 fo 9.0 GHz 1.50 max. at 9.0 to 11.0 GHz Contact Resistance Outer Contact0.2 milliohms Center Contact 1.0 milliohms Right-Angle 2.5 millionms Insulation Resistance 5000 megohms min. Dielectric Withstanding Voltage 2500 Vaits, rms at sea level RF Leakage Mil Type, -90 dB min. at 2 to 3 GHz RF Insertion Loss Mil Type, 0.15 dB max. at 10 GHz Right-Angle Plug, 0.3 dB max. at 10 GHz Corona Level Mii Type, 500 volts min. at 70,000 ft. [21 336 m] Terminator Resistance 50 ohms +1% Power Rating 1.0 watt max. Mechanical Characteristics Mating/Unmating Threaded coupling Cable Attachment Crimp type - center contact and braid Coupling Nut Retention 100 lbs. (445 N} min. Cable Retention 90 lbs. [400 N] min. RG 214/U Cable Durability 500 cycles per MIL-C- 39012 Captive Contact 6 Ibs. [27 N] min. axial retention, either direction Environmental Characteristics Temperature Range Mil Type, - 65C to +165C Commercial, -55C to +85C Vibration MIL-STD-202, Method 204, Test Cond. B Shock MIL-STD-202, Method 213, Test Cond. | Moisture Resistance MIL-STD- 202 Method 106 Salt Spray MIL-STD-202, Method 101, Test Cond B Temperature Cycling MIL-STD- 202, Method 107, Test Cond. B {except high temperature is +85C) Note: Ail data pertains to use with MIL-C- 39012 specified cables only. 73 For drawings, technical data or samples, contact your AMP sales engineer or call the AMP Product Informatian Center 1-800-522-6752. Dimensions are in inches and millimeters unless otherwise specified. Values in brackets are metric equivalents. Specifications subject to change. Consult AMP Incorporated for latest specifications.Catalog 82074 ANP Guide to RF Connectors Revised 6-94 N Connectors, 50 Ohm Plugs, Crimp Mil Type Commercial Dual Crimp Dual Crimp .750 Dia. . [19.05] Max. rot] Max L Max. Semi-Rigid Cabi 5 emi-Rigid Cable oe 2 5 . = 827 Dia. [21.01] Max. L Max. cable Range RGA Terminati Center Bod Mittary able Range ermination ody i jary No. Dim. Integral Die Selection Cable Type Contact Plating Dielectric Style and/or Part Na. L Hand Tool Codet ating Comments Hex Crimp Gold Nickel TEFLON Commercial ataig0-9 1378 58436-1 . 1.687 D & a5 BA, 58B Dual Crimp Gold Nickel TEFLON Mil Type 1-225661-2 49.95 220045-2 5 Dual Crimp Gold Silver TEFLON Mit Type ~ aassei-1+ 1,887 200045-2 Dual Crimp Gold Silver TEFLON Mil Type Weatherproot 2asggz-7* 1,687 220045-2 D1 141,1414, 303 Dual Crimp Gold Nickel TEFLON Mil Type Weatherproot 1-225862-4* 1-887 220045-2 Hex Crimp Gold Nicke! TEFLON Commercial _ aiaig0-7 1375 58436-1 004 Dual Crimp Gold Nickel TEFLON Mil Type 1-225661-3" 1.887 220045-2 : 95,554, 568 Crimp Gold Silver TEFLON Mil Type 22s36t-2+ 1-687 220045-2 Dual Crimp Gold Silver TEFLON Mil Type Weatherproot 2assg2-1* 1,687 200045-2 Hex Crimp Gold Nickel TEFLON Commercial _ araven-7 1,375 58436-1 Dual Crimp Gold Nickel TEFLON Mil Type _ t-22s661-5* 1,687 200045-2 ep 142, 142A, 1428 al Crimp Gold Silver TEFLON Mit Type _ 225361-4* 1.687 220045-2 400 42.85 Dual Crimp Gold Nickel TEFLON Mil Type Weatherproot 2asegg-1* 1.687 220045-2 Dual Crimp Gold Silver TEFLON Mil Type Weatherproof 225302-2* 1,587 220045-2 G 59,62 Hex Crimp Gold Nickel TEFLON Commercial _ atateo-8 1375 58436-1 115A Hex Crimp Gold Nickel TEFLON Commercial ataten-3 1,375 58485-1 L Belden 89880 1 687 9880 Dual Crimp Gold Nickel TEFLON Mil Type ~ 2asog2-8 1.687 220015-1 t Refer to pages 14 and 15 for code specifications. * Hand Tool 69710-1, Pneumatic Tools 69365 and 69365-3, with Die Insert 220062-1, are available to terminate these connectors. ** Order AMP PRO-CRIMPER Coaxial Hex Crimp Hand Tool assembly 58433-2, which includes dies 58436-1. 74 For drawings, technical data or sampies, contact your AMP sales engineer or call the AMP Product information Center 1-800-522-6782. Dimensions are in inches and millimeters unless otherwise specified. Values in brackets are metric equivalents. Specifications subject to change. Consult AMP Incorporated for latest specifications. omANP Guide to RF Connectors Catalog 82074 Revised 6-94 N Connectors, 50 Ohm (Continued) Plugs, Crimp Mil Type Commercial (Continued) Dual Crimp Dual Crimp .750_ Dia. << [19.05] Max. 827 Dia. Vo L [21.01] Max. Max. L \- Max. Semi-Rigid Cable <{ 827 Dia. [21.01] Max. L Max. catle Range RG/U Terminat Center Bod Military N D Integral D able Range ermination ody . ary No. im. ntegral Die Selection Cable Type Contact Plating Dielectric Style and/or Part No. L Hand Tool Codet 9 Comments Hex Crimp Gold Nickel TEFLON Commercial _ ataien-1 4378 58485-1 Dual Crimp Gold Nickel TEFLON Commercial _ 1-227086-0 1-687 220015-1 42.85 3 aA Dual Crimp Gold Nickel TEFLON Mil Type _ 225661-2 1,687 220015+1 u 8 218 Dual Crimp Gold Silver TEFLON Mil Type 0180007 siesz-2 1.887 220015-1 Dual Crimp Gold Nickel TEFLON Mil Type Weatherproot 225662-2 1:889 220015-1 0780007 1.859 Dual Crimp Gold Silver TEFLON Mil Type Weatherproo! 225092-2 47.20 220015-1 Hex Crimp Gold Nickel TEFLON Commercial 41460-61375 58485-1 wi 1nTIA 34.93 216 Dual Crimp Gold Silver TEFLON Mil Type 0180013 steg2-4 1,687 220015-1 Hex Crimp Gold Nickel TEFLON Commercial ataie0-5 1:375 58485-2 34.93 Dual Crimp Gold Nickel TEFLON Mil Type Weatherproot 1-225662-1 1-859 220015-1 M3393 Dual Crimp Goid Silver TEFLON Mit Type Weatherproot 1-225092-1 4.889 220015-1 Dual Crimp Gold Silver TEFLON Mil Type Weatherproof -1-225662-8 1.859 220015-1 ; ; ; 0180012 1.859 M4 225 Dual Crimp Gold Silver TEFLON Mil Type Weatherproof 225092-7 47.02 220015-1 Hex Crimp Gold Nickel TEFLON Commercial ataien-4 1.375 58485-2 M5 Belden 8214 + 687 Dual Crimp Gold Nickel TEFLON Mil Type 1-225661-6 1,687 220015-1 Hex Crimp Gold Nickel TEFLON Commercial ~ ataieo-2 1375 58485-1 Dual Crimp Gold Nickel TEFLON Mil Type 22561-11687 220015+1 4 gah Dual Crimp Gold Silver TEFLON Mit Type 0180008 steaz-1 1,687 220015-1 Dual Crimp Gold Nickel TEFLON Mil Type Weatherproot 225e62-1 1:859 220015-1 0180008 1.859 Dual Crimp Gold Silver TEFLON Mil Type Weatherproof 225092-1 47.29 220015-1 Dual Crimp Goid Nickel TEFLON Commercial ~ 1-227086-1 1,687 220015-1 0 Semi-Rigid 141 Crimp Gold Nickel TEFLON Mil Type 2esaag-1 5908 * tRefer to pages 14 and 15 for code specifications. *Tooling Hand Toot No. 59980-1, Requires (2) Crimping Dies No. 312253-1 and (1) Locator No. 220220-2. Pneumatic Tool No. 58318-1, Requires (2) Crimping Dies No. 313720-1 and (1) Locator No. 220241-1. **Tooling Hand Tool No. 59980-1, Requires (2) Crimping Dies No. 312253-2 and (1) Locator No. 220221-2. Pneumatic Tool No. 58318-1, Requires (2) Crimping Dies No. 313719-1 and (1) Locator No. 308075-2. For drawings, technical data or samples, contact your AMP sales engineer or call the AMP Product Information Center 1-800-522-6752. Dimensions are in inches and millimeters unless otherwise specified. Values in brackets are metric equivalents. Specifications subject to change. Consult AMP Incorporated for latest specifications. 75 $10]99UU04 NN iN Connectors i 76 ANP Guide to RF Connectors Catalog 82074 Revised 6-94 N Connectors, 50 Ohm (Continued) Right-Angle Plugs, Crimp cable Rany Rau OT, Center Bod military i D able Range ermination ody . ititary No. im. Integra! Die Selection Cable Type Contact Plating Dielectric Style and/or Part No. L Hand Tool Codet g Comments Dp -2B.08A.588, ual Crimp Gold Silver TEFLON Mil Type Weatherproof 2a5aaq-ge 2.275 220045-2 E BSA, ggg Dual Crimp Gold Silver TEFLON Mil Type Weatherproof 2agaag-1* 2-278 220045-2 142, 142A, 2.275 A 142B, 400, Dual Crimp Geld Silver TEFLON Mil Type Weatherproof 225394-2* 5779 220045-2 Belden 9246 . Dual Crimp Gold Nickel TEFLON Mil Type _ aasesg-2 2-275 290015-1 M 884,213 Dual Crimp Gold Silver TEFLON Mil Type 0580002 22801-22275 200015-1 ; ; ; 0580002 2.453 Dual Crimp Gold Silver TEFLON Mil Type Weatherproof 225389-2 62.31 220015-1 M3 393 Dual Crimp Gold Silver TEFLON Mil Type Weatherproof 225389-6 2.483 220015-1 M4 225 Dual Crimp Gold Silver TEFLON Mil Type Weatherproof 225389-3 2.543 220015-1 Dual Crimp Gold Nickel TEFLON Mil Type _ 2asess-1 2.275 2200151 N SGA: 98 Dual Crimp Gold Silver TEFLON Mil Type 0580003 22614-32275 200015-1 ; ; . 0580003 2.453 Dual Crimp Gold Silver TEFLON Mil Type Weatherproof 2283894 AB 220015-1 tRefer to pages 14 and 15 for code specifications. Hand Tool 69710-1, Pneumatic Tools 69365 and 69365-3, with Die Insert 220062-1, are available to terminate these connectors. For drawings, technical data or samples, contact your AMP sales engineer or cail the AMP Product Information Center 1-800-522-6752. Dimensions are in inches and millimeters unless otherwise specified. Values in brackets are metric equivalents. Specifications subject to change. Consult AMP Incorporated for latest specifications.Catalog 82074 ANP Guide to RF Connectors Revised 6-94 N Connectors, 50 Ohm (Continued) Jacks, Crimp 627 Dia [15.93] SO $10}938UU09 N i cable Rang RGU Terminati Center Bod military Ne D \ able Range ermination jody : ilitary No. im. ntegral Die Selection Cable Type Contact Plating Dielectric Style and/or Part No. L Hand Tool Codet 8 Comments D Sac Dual Crimp Gold Nickel TEFLON Mit Type Weatherproot 1-225664-2 1.785 290045-2 EL M3 MA Dual Crimp Gold Nicke TEFLON Mil Type ~ 1-225663-5* 1,785 220045-2 Dual Crimp Gold Nickel TEFLON Mil Type Weatherproot ese6a-2 1,987 220015-1 M 8, BA, 213 - Dual Crimp Gold Silver TEFLON Mil Type 0280008 225og3-2 1,987 220015-1 492 9 oA 98 Dual Crimp Gold Nickel TEFLON Mil Type Weatherproof 2256-1 1,937 220015-1 N 9A, 214 Dual Crimp Gold Silver TEFLON Mil Type 0280009 22503-11997 220015-1 tRefer to pages 14 and 15 for code specifications. *Hand Tool 69710-1, Pneumatic Tools 69365 and 69365-3, with Die Insert 220062-1, are available to terminate these connectors. 77 For drawings, technical data or samples, contact your AMP sales engineer or call the AMP Product Information Center 1-800-522-6752. Dimensions are in inches and millimeters unless otherwise specified. Values in brackets are metric equivalents. Specifications subject to change. Consult AMP Incorporated for latest specifications.N Connectors i Catalog 82074 ANP Guide to RF Connectors Revised 6-94 N Connectors, 50 Ohm (Continued) , Bulkhead Jacks, Crimp .630/.645 | [16/16.38] P Dia. .532/.543 [13.51/13.79] -885 Dia. M Maximum Panei Thickness .250 (6.35) [22.48] Max. ax. Recommended Panel Cutout cable Range RG/U Terminat Center Bod maitary Nc D Integral able Range ermination jody : . ilitary No, im. integral Die Selection Cable Type Contact Plating Dielectric Style and/or Part No. L Hand Tool Codet Comments _ ; _ qe (1.953 1 5 sa 58 A, 58B Dual Crimp Gold Silver TEFLON Mil Type 225363-1 496 220045-2 Dual Crimp Gold Silver TEFLON Mil Type Weatherproot 1-225668-2 1,953 2045-2 03 Dual Crimp Gold Silver TEFLON Mil Type _ 225363-2* 1,988 220045-2 E 55, 55A, 55B 1953 a Dual Crimp Gold Silver TEFLON Mil Type Weatherproof 225393-1* 49.6 220045-2 Et 108 400 Dual Crimp Gold Silver TEFLON Mil Type _ 225363-4* 1.988 220045-2 124, 140, 210 : 1.780 62, 62A, 62B Dual Crimp Gold Silver TEFLON Mil Type _ 225363-6 45.91 220045-3 G 59, 59A, 59B . ae ws 39260 Dual Crimp Gold Nicket TEFLON Mil Type _ 1-225667-6 49.61 _ . . : 03B0004 2.125 M 8, 8A, 213 Dual Crimp Gold Silver TEFLON Mit Type Weatherproot 225094-2 53.98 220015-1 M3 393 Dual Crimp Gold Nickel TEFLON Mil Type Weatherproot 1-225668-1 2.128 220015-1 ; . _ . 1.953 - N 8 9A, 9B Dual Crimp Gold Nickel TEFLON Mil Type 225667-1 49.61 220015-1 4 ; : : 03B0005 2.125 Dual Crimp Gold Silver TEFLON Mil Type Weatherproof 225094-1 53,98 220015-1 tRefer to pages 14 and 15 for code specifications. *Hand Too! 69710-1, Pneumatic Tools 69365 and 69365-3, with Die insert 220062-1, are available to terminate these connectors. 78 For drawings, technical data or samples, contact your AMP sales engineer or call the AMP Product Information Center 1-800-522-6752. Dimensions are in inches and millimeters unless otherwise specified. Values in brackets are metric equivalents. Specifications subject to change. Consult AMP Incorporated for latest specifications.ANP Guide to RF Connectors N Connectors, 50 Ohm (Continued) Catalog 82074 Revised 6-94 Bulkhead Jacks Rear Mount Front Mount for Semi-Rigid Cable , 630 Dia. -900 Dia. [16.1] Max. [22.86] Max. 640 05 5, 507 Oe 5 16.26.4190] O [12.88.08] P =z 0.26 -0.05 oS 3 5 8 540 toa = 113.72 +098] ~ f a .220*00 [5.59 +0.03] -0.05) Maximum Panel Thickness .250 [8.35] Maximum Panel Thickness .250 [6.35] Recommended Recommended Panel Cutout Panel Cutout Connector ; Center M39012/ ; ; catleRange AGU Termination Gontat_RMHY,ieectic syle. porto, DY Iter Di Cadet Plating 4 Comments Crimp Gold Nickel TEFLON Mil Type Rear Mount 22e5-1 1.158 , 402,00 : Semi-Rigid/-141 Crimp Gold Nickel TEFLON Mil Type Front Mount 22gaas-1 1.156 - tRefer to pages 14 and 15 for code specifications. *Tooling Hand Tool No. 59980-1, Requires (2) Crimping Dies No. 312253-1 and (1) Locator No. 220220-2. Pneumatic Tooi No. 58318-1, Requires (2) Crimping Dies No. 313720-1 and (1) Locator No. 220241-1. **Tooling Hand Tool No. 59980-1, Requires (2) Crimping Dies No. 312253-2 and (1) Locator No. 220221-2. Pneumatic Tool No. 58318-1, Requires (2) Crimping Dies No. 313719-1 and (1) Locator No. 308075-2. 79 For drawings, technical data or samples, contact your AMP sales engineer or call the AMP Product Information Center 1-800-522-6752. Dimensions are in inches and millimeters unless otherwise specified. Values in brackets are metric equivalents. Specifications subject to change. Consult AMP Incorporated for latest specifications.N Connectors i ANP Guide to RF Connectors N Connectors, 50 Ohm (Continued) Catalog 82074 Revised 6-94 Panel Jacks, Crimp | 1.005 pay [25.53] 718 +008 [18.24 202] 7 | 640 Dia. {16.25} Max. 7182.08 (18.24 202} 125 [3.17] Dia. (4 Holes) Min. Recommended Panel Cutout cable Range RGU Terminat Center Bod maitary Ne Di Integral Di able Range ermination ody . 0. im. integral Die Selection Cable Type Contact Plating Dielectric Style and/or Part No. L Hand Too! Codet 9 Comments D eet Duat Crimp Gold Silver TEFLON Mil Type Weatherproof 225606-4* 1 ay 220045-2 Dual Crimp Gold Nickel TEFLON Mil Type Weatherproof 225666-2 1837 220015-1 M 8, BA, 213 0280016 1 937 Duai Crimp Gold Silver TEFLON Mil Type Weatherproo! 225089-2 492 220015-1 9, 9A, 9B : : 0280017 1.937 N 14 Dual Crimp Gold Silver TEFLON Mil Type Weatherproof 225089-1 492 220015-1 tRefer to pages 14 and 15 for code specifications. *Hand Tool 69710-1, Pneumatic Tools 69365 and 69365-3, with Die Insert 220062-1, are available to terminate these connectors. 1.067 Panel Jacks, Solder vero [16. ool 0.719 |_ .130 [18.25] [3.30] t ? P os00 } 130 0.719 ay | [15.00} ___* {18.25] 0.106 {3.30] Fast oe [2.70] .094 [2.40] Recommended 2 0) Panel Cutout .079 \e ean [2.00] 2.00] Part No. 134866-1 Part No. 135014-1 Panel Plug, Solder 0.719 (3.30) [18.25] 6 >. } [_ 0.590 _t 0.719 [15.00] T [18.25] 0.106 a aes [2703 094 Y [2.40] Recommended 1.00 Panel Cutout [25.40] 80 079 \e [2.00] Part No. 135012-1 For drawings, technical data or samples, contact your AMP sales engineer or call the AMP Product Information Center 1-800-522-6752. Dimensions are in inches and millimeters unless otherwise specified. Values in brackets are metric equivalents. Specifications subject to change. Consult AMP Incorporated for latest specifications.ANP Feed-Thru Jack Adapter (Jack-Jack} Plating Body Nicke! Dielectric General purpose polypropylene Terminators Plating Body Nickel Dielectric TEFLON Adapter Plating Body Nickel Contact Gold Dielectric TEFLON ae, Catalog 82074 Guide to RF Connectors Revised 6-94 N Connectors, 50 Ohm (Continued) Contact Silver plated Part No. 227945-1 Contact Gold plated Part No. 227945-2 1.780 yy (45.22) M 627 Dia. [15.93] ie \7 Plug Jack $10}98UU0 N i ; 1.735 say. . .750 Dia. , [19.05] SO \O feel 7 2 Contact Gold plated Contact Gold plated Part No. 227953-1 Part No. 227997-1 N Plug to BNC Jack A ww 781 Part No. 222321-1 81 For drawings, technical data or samples, contact your AMP sales engineer or call the AMP Product Information Center 1-800-522-6752. Dimensions are in inches and millimeters unless otherwise specified. Values in brackets are metric equivalents. Specifications subject to change. Consult AMP Incorporated for latest specifications.