CDE Cornell Dubilier • 1605 E. Rodney French Blvd. • New Bedford, MA 02744 • Phone: (508)996-8561 • Fax: (508)996-3830 • www.cde.com
Type ESRD Solid Polymer Aluminum SMT Capacitors
Operating Temperature Range:
–55 °C to +105 °C, at 100% rated voltage
Surge Voltage:
125% of the rated working Vdc
Capacitance Range:
2.2 µF to 270 µF
Capacitance Tolerance:
±20% at 120 Hz and +20 °C
DC Leakage Current (DCL):
After a two minute application of the rated working
voltage at +20 °C:
2V — 4V: I ≤0.06CV
6.3V — 16V: I ≤0.04CV or 3 µA
(whichever greater)
Dissipation Factor (DF):
The ratio of the capacitorís equivalent series
resistance to its reactance at 120Hz and +20 ºC
ESRD (1.8 mm ht.): DF is 0.06 Max.
ESRD (2.8 mm ht.): DF is 0.10 Max.
Resistance to Soldering Heat:
Heat the capacitors at 235 ºC in an oven for 200
seconds. The capacitors will meet the following
limits after stabilizing at 20 ºC:
∆C = ±10% of the initial measured value
DF ≤ the initial specied value
DCL ≤ the initial specied value
Moisture Resistance:
After 500 hours storage at +60 ºC and 90% to
95% RH without load, the capacitor will meet the
following limits:
∆C = +70%/–20% of the initial
measured value (2.0 Vdc, 2.5 Vdc),
+60%/–20% of the initial
measured value (4.0 Vdc),
+50%/–20% of the initial
measured value (6.3 Vdc),
+40%/–20% of the initial
measured value (all other voltages)
DF ≤ two times the initial specied value
DCL ≤ the initial specied value
Life Test:
Apply rated DC working voltage at 105 ºC for 1000
hours, and then stabilize them to +20 ºC. Capacitors
will meet the following limits:
∆C = ±10% of the initial measured value
DF ≤ the initial specied value
DCL ≤ the initial specied value
Shelf Life Test:
Shelf life is typically 42 months. Accelerated test:
after 500 hours at 105 ºC, capacitors will meet the
following limits after stabilization at 20 ºC:
∆C = ±10% of the initial measured value
DF ≤the initial specied value
DCL ≤ the initial specied value
Shear Test:
No damage shall be visible after subjecting a
mounted capacitor to a side force of 5 N for 10
No abnormal change shall occur to capacitors that
have been soldered (and attached) to a board when
subjected to a vibration of 1.5 mm amplitude that
is varied from 10 Hz to 2000 Hz in 20 min. cycles.
The test duration is 2 hours for each right angle
direction (total 6 hours). Capacitance is monitored
during the last cycle of the test for stablilty.
(For more information on this product please see the Solid Polymer Aluminum Capacitors Application Guide)