the smart approach to instrumentation
Temperature & Voltage Scanning Instruments
tel: 440-439-4091 fax: 440-439-4093 sales@iotech.com www.iotech.com
& NetScan
Number of Slots: 4 (expandable to 8 with CSN/Exp option discussed below)
Number of Channels: Up to 64 differential thermocouple or voltage inputs; accepts
CSN14/TC/P, CSN14/LV/T, CSN14/LV/B, CSN14/LV/S, and CSN14/HV/S scan-
ning modules (expands to 128 channels; see CSN/Exp below)
Channel Attributes: High and low set points; hysteresis value for high & low set points
A/D Resolution: 16 bits
Scan Sequence: Any combination of temperature and voltage channels may be
scanned in ascending numerical order
Scan Interval: Relative time between channel scans; minimum = 6.8 ms;
maximum = 99:59:59.9 (hh:mm:ss.s)
Scanning Rates
Multichannel: Rates up to 147 channels/s (50/60 Hz)
32 point averaging: 44 channels/s (60 Hz); 38.5 channels/s (50 Hz),
Single Channel Burst: 20 Ksamples/s, single-channel burst mode
Programmable Triggering
Trigger Criteria: Temperature or voltage above or below a level, absolute time of day,
alarm condition (on or off), IEEE GET, IEEE TALK, external TTL trigger (level high
or level low), specified number of readings
Level Trigger: Programmable value for any one channel*
TTL Trigger: Programmable for high or low level
Pre-Trigger Count: Programmable (< memory size - 1)
Post-Trigger Count: Programmable
Alarms & Digital I/O
Number of Digital Alarm Outputs: 32 TTL-level compatible and 16 high-current
outputs using the optional CSN/Relay module
Number of Digital Inputs: 8 bits, TTL compatible
Connector: 50-pin D-connector; mating connector supplied
Alarm Conditions: Can be detected by SRQ or software query
Data Storage & Format
Storage: 128 Kreadings standard; optional 500 Kreadings, 2 Mreadings, and
4 Mreadings user-installable
Data Formats: ASCII or binary; binary format returns a 16-bit compensated and
linearized temperature value (0.1˚C/bit); user programmable for hi byte/lo byte or
lo byte/hi byte
Note: High-speed DMA transfers use binary format only
Statistical Parameters: High, low, and last available per channel
Time Stamp: Available for each scan group and for each channel’s high, low, and
last parameters*
Time Format
1. Absolute date and time (mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss.sss)
2. Relative time (±hh:mm:ss.sss,DDDDDDD)
RS-232/422 Interface (ChartScan & NetScan)
Baud Rates: 300, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200
Data Bits: 8
Stop Bits: 1
Parity: Even, odd, none
Handshaking: RTS/CTS, XON/OFF
Connector: Male DB-9
Ethernet Interface (NetScan)
Protocol: TCP/IP
Media: 10BASE-T
Interface: RJ-45 shielded connector
Indicators: Enabled, link, activity
Calibration Cycle: One year
Calibration Constants: Chassis constants stored in nonvolatile memory; card
constants stored in EEPROM; each unit includes ScanCal, example software for
automating its calibration procedure; calibration is enabled via software password
and by hardware enable switch
Indicators: LEDs for alarm, scanning, error, send, receive, power, and trigger status
Power: 105 to 125 or 210 to 250 VAC, 50/60 Hz; 20 VA max
Warm-Up: One hour to rated accuracy
Environment: 0˚ to 50˚C; 0 to 95% RH, non-condensing to 35˚C; linearly derate 3%
RH/˚C from 35˚C to 50˚C
Digital I/O and Alarms: Female DB50 (32 alarms, 8 digital inputs, 10 ground pins)
Trigger Input: BNC
TTL Output: BNC
Dimensions: 330 mm W x 241 mm D x 152 mm H (13” x 9.5” x 6”)
Weight: 4.3 kg (9.6 lbs)
Optional Communication Interface – ChartScan/1400 only
CSN/COM/488—IEEE 488 Interface
Implementation: SH1, AH1, T6, TE4, L4, LE4, SR1, PP0, RL0, DC1, DT1, C0, & E1
Programmable Parameters: Alarm set points, thermocouple types, temperature
units, IEEE 488 connector with metric studs
CSN/Exp Expansion Chassis
Number of Slots: 4
Number of Channels: Up to 64 in any combination of CSN14 modules for the
Power: Powered from the ChartScan/1400, no external connection needed
Environment: 0˚ to 50˚C; 0 to 95% RH, non-condensing to 35˚C; linearly derate
3% RH˚C from 35˚ to 50˚C
Dimensions: 330 mm W x 241 mm D x 152 mm H (13” x 9.5” x 6”)
Weight: 1.82 kg (4 lbs)
Alarm Monitoring Module
CSN/Relay Module**
Relay Alarm Outputs: 16
Contact Rating: 8 amps @ 250V
Maximum Current: 10 amps per bank of 8
* Not available when using single-channel burst mode
** Occupies one slot in the mainframe; one card per system