2011 Microchip Technology Inc. DS80507C-page 1
The PIC18F87K22 family devices that you have
received conform functionally to the current Device
Data Sheet (DS39960C), except for the anomalies
des c ribed in this document.
The silicon issues discussed in the following pages are
for silicon revisions with the Device and Revision IDs
listed in Table 1. The silicon issues are summarized in
Table 2.
The errata describ ed in this document will be addressed
in future revisions of the PIC18F87K22 family si licon.
Data Sheet clarifications and co rrections start on page 7,
following the discu ssion of silicon issues .
The silicon revision level can be identified using the
current version of MPLAB® IDE and Microchip’s pro-
grammers, debuggers, and emulation tools, which are
available at the Microchip corporate web site
For example, to identify the silicon revision level using
MPLAB IDE in conjunction with MPLAB ICD 2 or
PICkit™ 3:
1. Using the appropriate interface, connect the
device to the MPLAB ICD 2 programmer/
debugger or PICkit™ 3.
2. From the main menu in MPLAB IDE, select
Configure>Select Device, and then select the
target part number in the dialog box.
3. Select the MPLAB hardware tool
(Debugger>Se lect Tool).
4. Perform a “Connect” operation to the device
(Debugger>Connect). Depending on the devel-
opment tool used, the part number and Device
Revisio n ID valu e appear in th e Output window.
The DEVREV values for the various PIC18F87K22
family silicon revisions are shown in Table 1.
Note: This document summarizes all silicon
errata issues from all revisions of silicon,
previous as well as current. Only the
issues indicated in the last column of
Table 2 app ly to the current silicon revision
(B1, C1). Note: If you are unable to extract the silicon
revision level, please contact your local
Microchip sales office for assistance.
Part Number Device ID(1) Revision ID for Silicon Revision(2)
A3 B1 C1
PIC18F65K22 530h
3h 4h 10h
PIC18F66K22 52Ch
PIC18F85K22 536h
PIC18F86K22 532h
PIC18F67K22 518h
PIC18F87K22 51Ch
Note 1: The De vice IDs (D EVID and DEVREV) a re loc ated a t the last t wo i mplemen ted ad dresse s of con figura tion
memory space. They are shown in hexadecimal in the format “DEVID DEVREV”.
2: Refer to the “PIC18F6XKXX/8XKXX Family Flash Microcontroller Programming Specification” (DS39947)
for detailed information on Device and Revision IDs for your specific device.
PIC18F87K22 Family
Silicon Errata and Data Sheet Clarification
DS80507C-page 2 2011 Microchip Technology Inc.
Module Feature Item
Number Issue Summary Affected Revisions(1)
A3 B1 C1
Converter A/D Offset 1. The A/D offset is greater than specified
in the data sheet’s A/D Converter
Characteristics table. X
Ports Leakage 2. I/O port l eakage is hig her than t he D060
spec in the data sheet. XXX
Detect HLVD Trip 3. The high -to-low (VDIR MAG = 0) setti ng
of the HLVD ma y send initial interrupts. XXX
ECCP Auto-Shutdown 4.
The tri-state setting of the auto-
shutdown feature in the enhanced
PWM may not succes sfully dr ive the pin
to tri-state .
EUSART Synchronous
Transmit 5.
When using the Syn chr onous Trans m it
mode of the EUSART, at high baud
rates, transmitted data may become
IPD IDD Maximum Limi t 6. Maximum current limits may be higher
than specified i n Table 31-2 of the data
sheet. X
Ultra Low-
Sleep Sleep Entry 7.
Entering Ultra Low-Power Sleep
mode, by setting RETEN = 0 and
SRETEN = 1, will cause the part to not
be programmable through ICSP™.
(BOR) Enable/Disable 8.
An unexpected Reset may occur if the
Brown-out Reset module (BOR) is dis-
abled, and then re-enabled, when the
High/Low-Voltage D etection module
(HLVD) is not enabled
(HLVDCON<4> = 0).
Pin RG5 Leakage 9. RG5 will cause excess pin leakage
whenever it is driven low. X
Note 1: Only those issues indicated in the last two columns apply to the current silicon revision.
2011 Microchip Technology Inc. DS80507C-page 3
Silicon Errata Issues
1. Module: Analog-to-Digital Converter
The ADC will not meet the Microchip standard
ADC spe cif ic atio n. ADC may b e us ab le i f te ste d
at the user end. Th e possible issues are hig h off-
set error, high DNL error and multiple missing
codes. The ADC can be tested and used for
relative measurements.
The ADC is su es wi ll be fi xe d in a future revision
of this part.
ADC Offset
The ADC may have a high offset error, up to a
maximum of 50 LSB; it can be used if the ADC
is calibrated for the offset.
Work around
Method to Calibrate for Offset:
In Single-Ended mode, connect the ADC +ve
input to grou nd and take the ADC reading. This
will be the offset of the device and can be used
to compensate for the subsequent ADC
readings on the actual inputs.
Affected Silicon Revisions
2. Module: Ports
The input leakage will not match the D060
specification in the data sheet. The leakage will
meet the 200 nA specification at TA = 25ºC. At
TA= 85ºC, the lea kag e w il l be up to a maximum
of 2 µA.
Work around
Affected Silicon Revisions
3. Module: High/Low-Voltage Detect (HLVD)
The high-to-low (VDIRMAG = 0) setting of the
HLVD may send ini tial inter rupts. High trip point s
that are close to the intended operating voltage
are susc eptible to this behavior.
Work around
Select a lowe r trip voltage that allo ws con siste nt
start-up or clear any initial interrupts from the
HLVD on start-up.
Affected Silicon Revisions
4. Module: ECCP
The tri-state setting of the a uto-shut down feature
in the enhanced PWM ma y not successfully drive
the pin to tri-state. The pin will remain an output
and should not be driven externally. All tri-state
settings will be affected.
Work around
Affected Silicon Revisions
5. Module: EUSART
When usi ng th e Sy nch r on ous Transmit mode of
the EUSART, at high baud rates, transmitted
data m ay become corrupte d. One or more bit s of
the intended transmit message may be
Work around
Since this problem is related to the baud rate
used, adding a fixed delay before loading the
TXREGx may not be a reliable work around.
Lower the baud rate until no errors occur, or
when loading the TXREGx, check that the
TRMT bit inside of the TXSTAx register is set
instead of checking the TXxIF bit.The following
code can be used:
// wait to load TXREGx until TRMT is set
Affected Silicon Revisions
Note: This document summarizes all silicon
errata issues from all revisions of silicon,
previous as well as current. Only the
issues indicated by the shaded column in
the following tables apply to the current
silicon revision (B1, C1).
A3 B1 C1
A3 B1 C1
A3 B1 C1
A3 B1 C1
A3 B1 C1
DS80507C-page 4 2011 Microchip Technology Inc.
6. Module: IPD and IDD
The IPD and IDD limits will not match the data
sheet. The values, in bold in Section 31.2 “DC
Characteristics: Power-Down and Supply
Current PIC18F87K22 Family (Industrial)”,
reflect the updated silicon maximum limits.
31.2 DC Characteristi cs: Power-Down and Supply Current
PIC18F87K22 Family (Industrial)
PIC18F87K22 Family
(Industrial) Standard Operating Conditions (unless otherwise stated)
Operating temperature -40°C TA +85°C for industrial
No. Device Typ Max Units Conditions
Power-Down Current (IPD)(1)
All devices 10 500 nA -40°C VDD = 1.8V(4)
(Sleep mode)
Regulator Disabled
20 500 nA +25°C
120 600 nA +60°C
630 2000 nA +85°C
All devices 50 700 nA -40°C VDD = 3.3V(4)
(Sleep mode)
Regulator Disabled
60 900 nA +25°C
170 1100 nA +60°C
700 5000 nA +85°C
All devices 350 1300 nA -40°C VDD = 5V(5)
(Sleep mode)
Regulator Enabled
400 1400 nA +25°C
550 1500 nA +60°C
1350 4000 nA +85°C
Supply Current (IDD) Cont.(2,3)
All devices 3. 7 8.5 µA -40°C VDD = 1.8V(4)
Regulat or Di sabled
FOSC = 32 kHz(3)
(SEC_RUN mo de,
5.4 10 µA +25°C
6.60 13 µA +85°C
All devices 8. 7 18 µ A -40°C VDD = 3.3V(4)
Regulat or Di sabled
10 20 µA +25°C
12 35 µA +85°C
All devices 60 160 µA -40°C VDD = 5V(5)
Regulat or Enabl ed
90 190 µA +25°C
100 240 µA +85°C
Note 1: The power-down current in Sleep mode does not depend on the oscillator type. Power-down current is measured with
the part in Sleep mode, with all I/O pins in a high-impedance state and tied to VDD or VSS, and all features that add delta
current are disabled (such as WDT, SOSC oscillator, BOR, etc.).
2: The supply current is mainly a function of operat ing volt age, frequency and mode. Other factors, such as I/O pin loading
and switching rate, oscillator type and circuit, internal code execution pattern and temperature, also have an impact on
the current consumption.
The test conditions for all IDD measurements in active operation mode are:
OSC1 = external square wave, from rail-to-rail; all I/O pins tri-stated, pulled to VDD;
MCLR = VDD; WDT enabled/disabled as specified.
3: Standard, low-cost 32 kHz crystals have an operating temperature range of -10°C to +70°C. Extended temperature
crystals are available at a much higher cost.
4: Voltage regulator disabled (ENVREG = 0, tied to V SS, RET EN (CONF IG1L<0>) = 1).
5: Voltage regulator enabled (ENVREG = 1, tied to VDD, SRETEN (WDTCON<4>) = 1 and RETEN (CONFIG1L<0>) = 0).
2011 Microchip Technology Inc. DS80507C-page 5
Work around
Affected Silicon Revisions
All devices 1. 2 4 µA -40°C VDD = 1.8V(4)
Regulat or Di sabled
FOSC = 32 kHz(3)
(SEC_IDLE mode,
1.7 5 µA +25°C
2.6 6 µA +85°C
All devices 1. 6 7 µA -40°C VDD = 3.3V(4)
Regulat or Di sabled
2.8 9 µA +25°C
4.1 17 µA +85°C
All devices 60 150 µA -40°C VDD = 5V(5)
Regulat or Enabl ed
80 180 µA +25°C
100 240 µA +85°C
31.2 DC Characteristi cs: Power-Down and Supply Current
PIC18F87K22 Family (Industrial) (Continued)
PIC18F87K22 Family
(Industrial) Standard Operating Conditions (unless otherwise stated)
Operating temperature -40°C TA +85°C for industrial
No. Device Typ Max Units Conditions
Note 1: The power-down current in Sleep mode does not depend on the oscillator type. Power-down current is measured with
the part in Sleep mode, with all I/O pins in a high-impedance state and tied to VDD or VSS, and all features that add delta
current are disabled (such as WDT, SOSC oscillator, BOR, etc.).
2: The supply current is mainly a function of operat ing volt age, frequency and mode. Other factors, such as I/O pin loading
and switching rate, oscillator type and circuit, internal code execution pattern and temperature, also have an impact on
the current consumption.
The test conditions for all IDD measurements in active operation mode are:
OSC1 = external square wave, from rail-to-rail; all I/O pins tri-stated, pulled to VDD;
MCLR = VDD; WDT enabled/disabled as specified.
3: Standard, low-cost 32 kHz crystals have an operating temperature range of -10°C to +70°C. Extended temperature
crystals are available at a much higher cost.
4: Voltage regulator disabled (ENVREG = 0, ti e d to VSS, RETE N (CONFIG1L<0>) = 1).
5: Voltage regulator enabled (ENVREG = 1, tied to VDD, SRETEN (WDTCON<4>) = 1 and RETEN (CONFIG1L<0>) = 0).
A3 B1 C1
DS80507C-page 6 2011 Microchip Technology Inc.
7. Module: Ultra Low-Power Sleep
Entering Ultra Low-Power Sleep mode, by set-
ting RETEN = 0 and SRETEN = 1, will cause
the part to not be programmable through ICSP.
This issue occurs when the RETEN fuse bit in
CONFIG1L<0> is cleared to ‘0’, t he SRETEN bit
in the WDTCON register is set to ‘1’ and a
SLEEP instruction is executed within the first
350 µs of code execution, or whenever the
above Sleep mode is entered and MCLR is
disabl ed. Discontinue use of the MCL R disabled
RG5 mode if ICSP reprogramm ing is necessa ry .
Work around
Use norm al Sleep and Low-Pow er Sleep modes
only, or on any Reset, ensure at least 350 µs
passes before executing a SLEEP instruction
when UL P is en a ble d. To ensu re t h e Ul t r a Low -
Power Sleep mode is not enabled, the RETEN
fuse bit in CONFIG1L<0> should be set to a1’,
and the SRETEN bit in the WDTCON register
should be cleared to a ‘0’. The following code
can be used:
//This will ensure the RETEN fuse is
set to 1
#pragma config RETEN = OFF
//This will ensure the SRETEN bit is 0
If the Ultra Low-Power Sleep mode is needed,
then the user must ensure that the minimum
time, before the first SLEEP instruction is
executed, is greater than 350 µs.
Affected Silicon Revisions
8. Module: Resets (BOR)
An unexpected Reset may occur if the Brown-
out Reset module (BOR) is disabled, and then
re-enabled, when the High/Low-Voltage
Detection module (HLVD) is not enabled
(HLVDCON<4> = 0). This issue affects BOR
modes: BOREN<1:0> = 10 and
BOREN<1:0> = 01. In both of these modes, if
the BOR module is re-enabled while the
device is active, unexpected Resets may be
Work around
If BOR is required, and power consumption is
not an issue, use BOREN<1:0> = 11. For
BOREN<1:0> = 10 mode, either switch to
BOREN<1:0> = 11 mode or enable the HLVD
(HLVDCON<4> = 1) prior to entering Sleep. If
power co nsumption is an issu e and low power is
desired, do not use BOREN<1:0> = 10 mode.
Instead, use BOREN<1:0> = 01 and follow the
steps below when entering and exiting Sleep.
1. Disable BOR by clearing SBOREN
(RCON<6> = 0).
WDTCON bi ts .S BO RE N = 0;
2. Enter Sleep mode (if desired).
3. Aft er exiting Sleep mo de (if e ntered), enabl e the
HLVD (HLVDCON<4> = 1).
4. Wait for the internal reference voltage (TIRVST)
to stabilize (typically 25 µs).
5. Re-enable BOR by setting SBOREN
(RCON<6> = 1).
WDTCON bi ts .S BO RE N = 1;
6. Disable the HLVD by clearing HLVDEN
(HLVDCON<4> = 0).
Affected Silicon Revisions
9. Module: RG5 Pin
RG5 will cause excess pin leakage whenever it
is driven low. When RG5 is held at 0V, the pin
will typically source an additional 160 µA of
Work around
In power-sensitive applications, using RG5 as
an input, ensure that any input attached to this
pin Idles high.
Affected Silicon Revisions
A3 B1 C1
A3 B1 C1
A3 B1 C1
2011 Microchip Technology Inc. DS80507C-page 7
Data Sheet Clarifications
The foll owing ty pographic corrections and clar ification s
are to be note d fo r the latest version of the device da t a
sheet (DS39960C):
1. Module: Electrical Characteristics
Table 31-27: A/D Converter Characteristics has
been corrected. The chan ges a r e s hown in bold
in the table below:
Note: Corrections are shown in bold. Where
possible, the original bold text formatting
has been removed for clarity.
No. Sym Characteristic Min Typ Max Units Conditions
A01 NRResolution 12 bit VREF 5.0V
A03 EIL I ntegral Linearity Error ±1 ±6.0 LSB VREF 5.0V
A04 EDL Differential Linearity Error ±1 +3.0/-1.0 LSB VREF 5.0V
A06 EOFF Offset Error ±1 ±9.0 LSB VREF 5.0V
A07 EGN Gain Error ±1 ±8.0 LSB VREF 5.0V
A10 Monotonicity(1) ——
A20 VREF Reference Voltage Range
A21 VREFH Refer ence Voltage High VSS + 3.0V VDD + 0.3V V
A22 VREFL Refer ence Voltage Low VSS0.3V VDD – 3.0V V
A25 VAIN Analog Input Voltage VREFL —VREFH V
A30 ZAIN Recommended
Impedance of Analog
Voltage Source
A50 IREF VREF Input Current(2)
150 A
ADuring VAIN acquis itio n.
During A/D conv ersion cycl e.
Note 1: The A/D conversion result never decreas es with an increase in the input voltage.
2: VREFH current is from the RA3/AN3/VREF+ pin or VDD, whichever is selected as the VREFH source. VREFL current is from
the RA2/AN2/VREF-/CVREF pin or VSS, whichever is selected as the VREFL source.
DS80507C-page 8 2011 Microchip Technology Inc.
Rev A Document (6/2010)
Initial release of this document. Silicon issues 1 (A/D),
2 (BOR), 3 (HLVD). and 4 (Ports).
Rev B Document (12/2010)
Removed Silicon issue 2 (Brown-out Reset). Changes
were made to Silicon issue 3 (HLVD). Added Silicon
issues 4 (ECCP), 5 (EUSART) and 6 (IPD and IDD).
Rev C Document (4/2011)
Added silicon issues 7 (Ultra Low-Power Sleep),
8 (Resets – BOR) and 9 (RG5 Pin). Removed data
sheet clarifications 1-3 (Voltage Regulator Pins –
ENVREG and VCAP/VDDCORE). Added data sheet
clarification 1 (Electrical Charac teri stics).
2011 Microchip Technology Inc. DS80507C-page 9
Information contained in this publication regarding device
applications a nd the lik e is p ro vided on ly for yo ur con ve nien ce
and may be supers eded by updates . I t is you r r es ponsibil it y to
ensure that your application meets with your specifications.
FITNESS FOR PURPOSE. Microchip disclaims all liability
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hold harmless Microchip from any and all damages, claims,
suits, or expenses resulting from such use. No licenses are
conveyed, implicitly or otherwise, under any Microchip
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The Microchip name and logo, the Microchip logo, dsPIC,
PIC32 logo, rfPIC and UNI/O are registered trademarks of
Microchip Technology Incorporated in the U.S.A. and other
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ISBN: 978-1-61341-070-7
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DS80507C-page 10 2011 Microchip Technology Inc.
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