<KM082901> 2006/08
- 39 -
Reason Contents
06/05/18 KM082900 0 First Edition
06/08/25 KM082901 1 Change device
• AK4556 Rev.A → Rev.B
• Table Data & Plot Data were updated.
• These products and their specifications are subject to change without notice. Before considering any
use or applicat ion, consult t he Asahi Kasei Microsys tems Co., Ltd. (AKM) sales off ice or authorized
distri butor concerning t heir current status.
• AKM assumes no liability for infringement of any patent, intellectual propert y, or other right in t he
application or use of any informati on contained herein.
• Any export of these produc ts, or devices or systems containing them, may require an export licens e
or other official approval under the law and regulations of the country of export pertaining to customs
and tariffs, currency exch ange, or strategic materials.
• AKM products are neither i ntended nor authorized for use as critical c omponents in any safety, life
support, or other hazard related device or system, and AKM assumes no responsibility relating to any
such use, exce pt with the express written c onsent of the Represent ative Director of AKM. As used
(a) A hazard related dev ic e or syst em is one desi gned or inte nded f or lif e support o r maint enan ce of
safety or for applications in medicin e, a erospace, nuclear energy, or other fiel ds, in which its
failure to functi on or perform may reaso nably be expect ed to result in loss of life or in signifi cant
injury or damage t o person or prope rty.
(b) A critical component is one whose failure t o function or perform may reas onably be expected to
result, whether d irectly or indirect ly, in the loss of the saf ety or effectiveness of the device or
system contai ning it, and which must t herefore meet very high standards of perf ormance and
• It is the responsi bility of the buyer or dist ributor of an AKM product who dis tributes, dispos es of, or
otherwise place s the product with a third party to notify that part y in advance of the above content
and condit ions, and the buyer or distri butor agrees to assume any and all responsib ility and liability
for and hold AKM ha rmless from any and all cl aims arising from the use of s aid product in the
absence of such notific ation.
Revision History