TRUTH TABLE (X = Don’t Care)
EG W Mode VCC Current Output Cycle
H X X Not Selected ISB1, ISB2 High–Z —
L H H Output Disabled ICCA High–Z —
L L H Read ICCA Dout Read Cycle
L X L Write ICCA High–Z Write Cycle
Rating Symbol Value Unit
Power Supply Voltage VCC – 0.5 to + 7.0 V
Voltage Relative to VSS for Any Pin Except
VCC Vin, Vout – 0.5 to VCC + 0.5 V
Output Current Iout ±30 mA
Power Dissipation PD1.2 W
Temperature Under Bias Tbias – 10 to + 85 °C
Operating Temperature TA0 to + 70 °C
Storage Temperature — Plastic Tstg – 55 to + 125 °C
NOTE: Permanent device damage may occur if ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS are
exceeded. Functional operation should be restricted to RECOMMENDED OPER-
ATING CONDITIONS. Exposure to higher than recommended voltages for
extended periods of time could af fect device reliability.
(VCC = 5.0 V ±10%, TA = 0 to 70°C, Unless Otherwise Noted)
Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Unit
Supply V oltage (Operating Voltage Range) VCC 4.5 5.0 5.5 V
Input High Voltage VIH 2.2 — VCC + 0.3** V
Input Low Voltage VIL – 0.5*— 0.8 V
*VIL (min) = – 0.5 V dc; VIL (min) = – 2.0 V ac (pulse width ≤ 2.0 ns) for I ≤ 20.0 mA.
**VIH (max) = VCC + 0.3 V dc; VIH (max) = VCC + 2 V ac (pulse width ≤ 2.0 ns) for I ≤ 20.0 mA.
Parameter Symbol Min Max Unit
Input Leakage Current (All Inputs, V in = 0 to VCC) Ilkg(I) —±1.0 µA
Output Leakage Current (E = VIH, Vout = 0 to VCC) Ilkg(O) —±1.0 µA
Output Low Voltage (IOL = + 8.0 mA) VOL —0.4 V
Output High Voltage (IOH = – 4.0 mA) VOH 2.4 — V
Parameter Symbol 6729D–8 6729D–10 6729D–12 Unit Notes
AC Active Supply Current (Iout = 0 mA) (VCC = max, f = fmax) ICCA 195 165 155 mA 1, 2, 3
Active Quiescent Current (E = VIL, VCC = max, f = 0 MHz) ICC2 90 90 90 mA
AC Standby Current (E = VIH, VCC = max, f = fmax) ISB1 60 60 60 mA 1, 2, 3
CMOS Standby Current (VCC = max, f = 0 MHz, E ≥ VCC – 0.2 V,
Vin ≤ VSS + 0.2 V, or ≥ VCC – 0.2 V) ISB2 20 20 20 mA
1. Reference AC Operating Conditions and Characteristics for input and timing (VIH/VIL, tr/tf, pulse level 0 to 3.0 V, VIH = 3.0 V).
2. All addresses transition simultaneously low (LSB) and then high (MSB).
3. Data states are all zero.
This device contains circuitry to protect the in-
puts against damage due to high static voltages
or electric fields; however, it is advised that nor-
mal precautions be taken to avoid application of
any voltage higher than maximum rated volt-
ages to these high–impedance circuits.
This BiCMOS memory circuit has been de-
signed to meet the dc and ac specifications
shown in the tables, after thermal equilibrium
has been established. The circuit is in a test
socket or mounted on a printed circuit board
and transverse air flow of at least 500 linear feet
per minute is maintained.