i/' _.' / i` ~"" )/ ,.a,+ zx' _P' r i, (I \. :. : ::ii` : i~`:. ri'.t, *: ,;:: : ii', i r. * __ -: 8~?1`< \ * .- ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TA = 25C unless otherwise noted) Characteristic *Forward *Forward Switching Switching Voltage Current Svmbol IN5782, IN5788 IN5159, IN5783, IN5789 9.0 IN5160, IN5784, IN5790 10 IN5779, IN5785, IN5791 11 IN5780, IN5786, IN5792 12 IN5781, 1N5787, 1N5793 13 lN5158thru IN5160, IN5782 (VF Off-State = 0.75X *Reverse (VR thru 8.0 IN5779 thru IN5781 *Forward Min Vs IN5158, ~ IN5793 Current `s -- IFM -- 1 VS) -~ Current IRM `Holding Current lN5158thru IN5160, 1N5779 1.0 thru IN5781 1N5782 thru IN5787 IN5788 thru -- ~ \ = VRM) , i I 1 N5793 10 0.1 : Vlps I -- --, f I -- -- (AC Voltage Turn-On ---- Turn-Off = 10 mV, VF = O, f = 100 kHz) Time (Figure 2) Time (Figure 3) ~.. ~< ,;,:.~ ..$"<\* . ...~. .*:* ,,,,\,.`*:. .~,l. -.. . ... ,,.. !,, ... (+) `on _: : - 75(1) - 250(1) (-) A uNIT UNDER . . .. .20: 0.1 I I 0.1 ~ .- r l--l 0.1 I SCOPE T ~ I "Q o --------_ toff 0.1 lb When mwtooth waveform appears at TP-1, T = toff __, `------ i-i", : [ - ns ! FIGURE 4 - TYPICAL CONDUCTION FORWARD CHARACTERISTICS 50 40 30 20 1.0 0 2.0 3.0 VF, INSTANTANEOUS 4.0 FORWARD 5.0 VOLTAGE 6.0 1.0 7.0 5,0 7.0 (VOLTS) 1.5 -75 -50 -25 O TA, AMBIENT 5.0 25 50 100 75 TEMPERATURE 125 150 (OC) \. 3.0 \ 2.0 \ 1.0 \ \ 0.7 \ 0.5 \ 1 0.3 0.2 1 ,-. 0.1 I -75 -50 -25 0 TA, AMBIENT ( 25 50 TEMPERATURE 100 75 125 150 -75 (C) -50 -25 O TA, AMBIENT -- 3 25 50 TEMPERATURE 100 75 (C) 125 150 I ( 4-LAYER DIODE SYMBOLS AND DEFINITIONS -v 1 IR dvldt FORWARD VOLTAGE APPLICATION The rate of rise of forward voltage. RATE Is FORWARD BREAKOVER (swITCHt NG) CURRENT - The value of anode current at the instant the device switches from the blocking to the "on" state, specified at a particular junction temperature. FORWARD CURRENT - The continuous forward current during the "on" state. IF PEAK IH IRM PEAK CURRENT or DC value.of ,\L*f(.' ,:,.,.l~y., anode current when the 4-layer diode is in the.;@$?*~?&te for a stated anode-to-cathode voltage and jun,~~~~ `&per,,t:,,* \ ..:j.i,,1$,$' ture. 1.'.. !4,,, ..,> HOLDING CURRENT - That value $ $$:,' ~~'hard anode current below wh; ch the 4-laVer dio~$+~fi~$dhes from the conducting state to the forward bl.o*,&{,~,$~kon dition. ,il,$):~ PEAK PULSE CURRENT - T$e ~ah' repetitive current that can flow stated. BLOCKING - ] FM `pulse FORWARD (v/Ps) th:,+@@%~&~.*r the time duration y.! `!&, .'1.. ,,.,,.s> ,).,,,.,,. ~: B~~~~~ CURRENT - The peak ~~~~$$P~WER *i ,,.~:;>:.,,`~~."~ ,.. TURN-OFF TIME - The time interval required for the device to regain control of its forward blocking characteristic after interruption of forward anode current. Vs FORWARD BREAKOVER (SWITCHING) VOLTAGE - The positive anode voltage with respect to cathode required to switch the device from the high impedance blocking state to the low impedance "on" state, specified at a particular junction temperature. VF FORWARD VOLTAGE - The forward voltage across the device in the "on" state under stated conditions of current and temperature. VFE FORWARD BLOCKING VOLTAGE - The anode-to-cathode voltage when the 4-layer diode is in the "off" state. VRM PEAK REVERSE VOLTAGE - The maximum allowable instantaneous value of reverse voltage (repetitive or continuous DC) which can be applied to the device at a stated DISSIPATION Mechanical temperature (M) u MOTOROLA 969-5 PRINTED IN USA 12-72 without damage to the device. CHARACTERISTICS CASE: Hermetically sealed all glass case DIMENSIONS: JEDEC DO-7 Outline FINISH: All external surfaces are corrosion resistant with readily POLARITY: Cathode end indicated bv color band. WEIGHT: 0.2 grams (approx.) MOUNTING POSITION: AnV - point toff through REVERSE STEADY ,i;:,\ - TR&.pe~b current when the, $-Ia~~$,:@ode is in the reverse blocking state for a state@ a@ode~to-cathode voltage and junction temperature. ;~~~++' pD point (90% of forward blocking voltage) and the 10% above the "on" voltage under stated conditions. Semiconductor OX 20912 IMPERIAL LITHO . B33663 PHOENIX, 6,\4 AR]20NA 85036 solderable leads. -- Products . A SUBSIDIARY OF MOTOROLA Inc. -- INC. N 6510R1