Smaller packages with more functionality have greater power densities that increase junction temperatures, thereby adversely
affecting device and system reliability. Good thermal-design practices, both package and application specific, can lower the
junction temperature. Altering power consumption, trace length, heatsinks, air flow, and package design can mitigate effects of
greater power density. Formulas for calculating power consumption must account for static and dynamic currents. Although no
industry standard exists for calculating thermal resistance (ΘJA), variations in values among manufacturers of identical packages
can be attributed to physical aspects of board design rather than measurement methodology. Software has been developed that
calculates realistic values for ΘJA, taking into account significant conditions.
To meet current and future system requirements of increasing speed and decreasing size, integrated-circuit manufacturers are
pushing the edge on existing packaging technology. A component’s performance is determined by process technology and the
thermal limitations of its package. As a leader in package technology, Texas Instruments (TI) has introduced a number of
fine-pitch packages and is acutely aware of the thermal considerations that must be examined by systems designers. This paper
is intended to create awareness and understanding of thermal issues and to explore factors that influence thermal performance.
Thermal awareness became an industry concern when surface-mount (SMT) packages began replacing through-hole (DIP)
packages in PCB designs. Circuits operating at the same VCC enclosed in a smaller package meant higher power consumption.
To add to the issue, systems required increased throughput, which resulted in higher frequencies, increasing the power density
even further. Not only are designers faced by these same concerns today, they progressively are becoming more severe.
Figure 1 shows part of the reason for increased attention to thermal issues. As a baseline for comparison, the 24-pin small-outline
integrated circuit (SOIC) is shown along with several fine-pitch packages supplied by TI, including the 24-pin SSOP (shrink small
outline), 48-pin SSOP , and the 100-pin TQFP (thin quad flat pack). The 24-pin SSOP (8, 9, and 10 bits) allows for the same circuit
functionality of the 24-pin SOIC to be packaged in less than half the area, while the 48-pin SSOP (16, 18, and 20 bits) occupies
just slightly more area but has twice the functionality of the 24-pin SOIC. This same phenomenon is expanded even further with
the 100-pin TQFP (32 and 36 bits), which is the functional equivalent of four 24-pin or two 48-pin devices, with additional board
savings over that of the SSOP packages. As the trend toward smaller packages continues, attention must be focused on the thermal
issues that are created.
24-Pin SOIC
Area = 165 mm2
24-Pin SOIC
Height = 2.65 mm
Volume = 437 mm3
Lead Pitch = 1.27 mm
48-Pin SSOP
Height = 2.74 mm
Volume = 469 mm3
Lead Pitch = 0.635 mm
48-Pin SSOP
Area = 171 mm2
24-Pin SSOP
Area = 70 mm2
Height = 2 mm
Volume = 140 mm3
Lead Pitch = 0.65 mm
24-Pin SSOP
100-Pin TQFP and
100-Pin Cavity TQFP
Area = 262 mm2
100-Pin TQFP
Height = 1.6 mm
Volume = 419 mm3
Lead Pitch = 0.5 mm
Figure 1. Advanced Packages