AMD PCMCIA Flash Memory Card Embed Utility User ’s Guide 5
The Embed program is a DOS utility that allows you to perform the following functions on any AMD C-series
or D-series Flash m emory PC card:
• Read from the card’s common or attribute memory
• Program a byte or file contents into the card’s common or attri bute memo ry
• Erase a sector or the entire card’s common memory.
AMD Flash memory cards verify program and erase operations through Embedded Algorithms. Each Flash
component within a Flash memory card executes these algorithms.
This guide presents th e features of the Embed program and explains how to use them. This version of the
Embed program is preliminary; currently only minimal support is available.
For general information on the PCMCIA specification, refer t o the PCMCIA Trai ning Manual (PID 17515B),
included in this Eval uat ion Kit.
Preparing to use the
The Embed utility was designed to assist users of the AMD F lash Memo ry Car d Evalu at io n Ki t. Refer to
AMD Flash Memory Card Evaluation Kit User’s Guide for information on installing the card drive provided
with the kit. You can also use Embed with any 365-compatible card drive.
Embed has a built-in flash file system; you should disable any FFS or FTL drivers before running Embed to
avoid possible conflicts. Embed can also conflict with networking software; consider disconnecting the PC
from the network before running Embed.
You can use the boot men u option of confi g.s ys to choo se which drivers you r PC load s at startu p. Whil e
Embed is running, it copies the contents of this address space to the Flash card. Adding this line to the
config.sys file prevents EMM386.exe from using this address space in upper memory. Also, add the
following line to your config.sys file:
device=emm386.exe noem s x=D000-DFFF
If y ou a re using a multip le card driv e con figu r ation, determin e which car d socket is desi gnat ed as the first
(slot 0). Embed always uses the designated first card socket in the system.
To install the Embed utility, copy embed.exe from the floppy disk to the system’s hard drive.