Technical Data Sheet Multicore X39 September 2007 NO CLEAN CORED SOLDER WIRE FLUX Properties of Multicore X39 solid flux for cored solder wires: x No clean x Low residue x Eliminates cost of cleaning x Halide free x Non-corrosive formulation x Negligible residues x Fast Soldering on copper and brass PRODUCT RANGE Multicore X39 cored wires are manufactured as standard with a nominal flux content of 1%. Multicore X39 cored wires are available in a variety of alloys conforming to J-STD-006 and EN 29453 or alloys conforming to similar national or international standards. For details refer to document "Properties of Alloys used in Cored Solder Wires ". A wide range of wire diameters is available. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS A full description of test methods and detailed test results are available on request. Alloys: The alloys used for Multicore flux cored solder wires conform to the purity requirements of the common national and international standards. A wide range of wire diameters is available manufactured to close dimensional tolerances. For details refer to document "Properties of Alloys used in Cored Solder Wires ". Flux: Multicore X39 solid flux is based on modified rosins and halide free carboxylic acid activators. In use it has a mild rosin smell and leaves a small quantity of clear residue. It may be classified as RO L0 according to J-STD-004 (January 1995), LR3CN according to IPC-SF-818 or DIN F-SW32 according to DIN 8511. It meets the requirements of Bellcore TR-NWT-000078 issue 3 (December 1991). FLUX PROPERTIES TEST Acid value Halide content Copper mirror Chromate paper Corrosion J-STD-004 Test IPC-SF-818 BS 5625 DTD 599A DIN 8516 JIS-Z-3197 RESULT 215mg KOH/g Zero Pass Pass Pass Pass (10 days) Pass Pass Pass Pass SPECIAL PROPERTIES The uncleaned residues PASS SIR testing to the Bellcore TR-NWT-000078 issue 3 (December 1991) and IPC Class 1,2 and 3 protocols. They also pass the electromigration test specified by Bellcore TR-NWT000078. BELLCORE TR-NWT-000078 ISSUE 3 SIR TEST RESULTS ON UNCLEANED COMBS Test conditions Test time, h Surface insulation resistance, ohms Passmark, ohms 35C, 85% RH 24 96 3.17 x 1011 - 3.52 x 1011 1011 IPC-SF-818 SIR TEST RESULTS ON UNCLEANED COMBS Test conditions Test time, h Surface insulation resistance, ohms Passmark, ohms 0 1.63 x 1012 - 85C, 85% RH 24 96 1.68 x 3.37 x 109 109 8 10 108 168 3.43 x 109 108 BELLCORE TR-NWT-000078 ISSUE 3 ELECTROMIGRATION TEST RESULTS ON UNCLEANED COMBS Test conditions Test time, h Bias, V (DC) Surface insulation resistance, ohms Unfluxed control, ohms NOT FOR PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS THE TECHNICAL INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS INTENDED FOR REFERENCE ONLY. PLEASE CONTACT HENKEL TECHNOLOGIES TECHNICAL SERVICE FOR ASSISTANCE AND RECOMMENDATIONS ON SPECIFICATIONS FOR THIS PRODUCT. 85C, 85% RH 96 500 No bias 10 1.16 x 109 5.43 x 109 5.09 x 109 8.91 x 109 X3 RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS Soldering iron: Good results should be obtained using a range of tip temperatures. However, the optimum tip temperature and heat capacity required for a hand soldering process is a function of both soldering iron design and the nature of the task and care should be exercised to avoid unnecessarily high tip temperatures for excessive times. A high tip temperature will increase any tendency to flux spitting and it may produce some residue darkening. The soldering iron tip should be properly tinned and this may be achieved using Multicore cored wire. Severely contaminated soldering iron tips should first be cleaned and pre-tinned using Multicore Tip Tinner Cleaner, then wiped on a clean, damp sponge before re-tinning with Multicore cored wire. Soldering process: Multicore cored wires contain a careful balance of resins and activators to provide clear residues, maximum activity and high residue reliability, without cleaning in most situations. To achieve the best results from Multicore solder wires, recommended working practices for hand soldering should be observed as follows: x Apply the soldering iron tip to the work surface, ensuring that it simultaneously contacts the base material and the component termination to heat both surfaces adequately. This process should only take a fraction of a second. x Apply Multicore flux cored solder wire to a part of the joint surface away from the soldering iron and allow to flow sufficiently to form a sound joint fillet - this should be virtually instantaneous. Do not apply excessive solder or heat to the joint as this may result in dull, gritty fillets and excessive or darkened flux residues. x Remove solder wire from the work piece and then remove the iron tip. The total process will be very rapid, depending upon thermal mass, tip temperature and configuration and the solderability of the surfaces to be joined. X39, September 2007 GENERAL INFORMATION For safe handling information on this product, consult the Material Safety Data Sheet, (MSDS). Note The data contained herein are furnished for information only and are believed to be reliable. We cannot assume responsibility for the results obtained by others over whose methods we have no control. It is the user's responsibility to determine suitability for the user's purpose of any production methods mentioned herein and to adopt such precautions as may be advisable for the protection of property and of persons against any hazards that may be involved in the handling and use thereof. In light of the foregoing, Henkel Corporation specifically disclaims all warranties expressed or implied, including warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, arising from sale or use of Henkel Corporation's products. Henkel Corporation specifically disclaims any liability for consequential or incidental damages of any kind, including lost profits. The discussion herein of various processes or compositions is not to be interpreted as representation that they are free from domination of patents owned by others or as a license under any Henkel Corporation patents that may cover such processes or compositions. We recommend that each prospective user test his proposed application before repetitive use, using this data as a guide. This product may be covered by one or more United States or foreign patents or patent applications. Multicore flux cored solder wires provide fast soldering on copper and brass surfaces as well as solder coated materials. The good thermal stability of Multicore fluxes means they are also well suited to soldering applications requiring high melting temperature alloys. Cleaning: Multicore X39 flux cored wires have been formulated to leave minimal quantities of flux residue and to resist spitting and fuming. Cleaning will not be required in most situations but if necessary this is best achieved using Multicore MCF800 Cleaner (see separate technical data sheet). Other proprietary solvent or semi-aqueous processes may be suitable. Saponification may be viable but customers must ensure that the desired level of cleanliness can be achieved by their chosen system. Americas Henkel Corporation 15350 Barranca Parkway Irvine, CA 92618 U.S.A. 949.789.2500 Europe Henkel Loctite Adhesives Ltd Technologies House, Wood Lane End Hemel Hempstead Hertfordshire HP2 4RQ, United Kingdom +44 (0) 1442 278 000 All trademarks, except where noted are the property of Henkel Corp. Asia Henkel Loctite (China) Co. Ltd No. 90 Zhujiang Road Yantai Development Zone Shandong, China 264006 +86 535 6399820