Performance Specification KAI-1003M KAI - 1003M 1024 (H) x 1024 (V) Pixel Megapixel Interline CCD Image Sensor Performance Specification Eastman Kodak Company Image Sensor Solutions Rochester, New York 14650-2010 Revision 4.0 October 13, 2003 Eastman Kodak Company - Image Sensor Solutions - Rochester, NY 14650-2010 Phone (585) 722-4385 Fax (585) 477-4947 Web: E-mail: Performance Specification KAI-1003M CONTENTS 1.1 Features................................................................................................................................................................................. 3 1.2 Description............................................................................................................................................................................ 3 1.3 Image Acquisition................................................................................................................................................................. 4 1.4 Charge Transport .................................................................................................................................................................. 4 1.5 Output Structure ................................................................................................................................................................... 4 1.6 Non-Imaging Pixels .............................................................................................................................................................. 4 2.1 Package Drawing.................................................................................................................................................................. 7 2.3 Cover Glass Specification..................................................................................................................................................... 9 3.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings ............................................................................................................................................... 10 3.2 DC Operating Conditions ................................................................................................................................................... 11 3.3 AC Clock Level Conditions................................................................................................................................................ 11 3.4 Electronic Shutter Operation .............................................................................................................................................. 11 3.5 Calculated Clock Capacitance ............................................................................................................................................ 12 3.6 AC Timing Requirements................................................................................................................................................... 12 3.7 CCD Clock Waveform Conditions ..................................................................................................................................... 13 Non-binning........................................................................................................................................................................... 13 2 x 2 Binning ......................................................................................................................................................................... 13 4.1 Performance Specifications ................................................................................................................................................ 23 4.3 Defect Specifications .......................................................................................................................................................... 25 Defect Test Conditions .......................................................................................................................................................... 25 Defect Definitions.................................................................................................................................................................. 25 Defect Proximity.................................................................................................................................................................... 25 5.1 Quality Assurance and Reliability ...................................................................................................................................... 26 5.2 Ordering Information.......................................................................................................................................................... 26 Appendix 1 Part Number Availability ...................................................................................................................................... 27 Appendix 2 Revision History ................................................................................................................................................... 27 FIGURES Figure 1 - KAI-1003M Sensor Architecture................................................................................................................................ 3 Figure 2 - Horizontal CCD Registers .......................................................................................................................................... 5 Figure 3 - Package Drawing ........................................................................................................................................................ 7 Figure 4 - Package Pin Designations - Top View........................................................................................................................ 8 Figure 5 - CCD Clock Waveform.............................................................................................................................................. 13 Figure 6 - Frame Timing - 1 x 1 ................................................................................................................................................ 14 Figure 7 - Line Timing - 1 x 1 - Dual Outputs, In-phase........................................................................................................... 15 Figure 8 - Line Timing - 1 x 1 - Dual Outputs, Out-of-phase ................................................................................................... 16 Figure 9 - Line Timing - 1 x 1 - Single Output ......................................................................................................................... 17 Figure 10 - Pixel Timing - 1 x 1 ................................................................................................................................................ 18 Figure 11 - Frame Timing - 2 x 2 .............................................................................................................................................. 19 Figure 12 - Line Timing - 2 x 2 ................................................................................................................................................. 20 Figure 13 - Pixel Timing - 2 x 2 ................................................................................................................................................ 21 Figure 14 - Electronic Shutter Timing....................................................................................................................................... 22 Figure 15 - Quantum Efficiency Spectrum................................................................................................................................ 24 Figure 16 - Angular Dependence of Quantum Efficiency......................................................................................................... 24 TABLES Table 1 - KAI-1003M Calculated Clock Parameters.................................................................................................................. 6 Eastman Kodak Company - Image Sensor Solutions - Rochester, NY 14650-2010 Phone (585) 722-4385 Fax (585) 477-4947 Web: E-mail: 2 Revision 4.0 Performance Specification KAI-1003M 1.1 Features 1.2 Description * * * * * * * * The KAI-1003M is a high performance interline charge-coupled device (CCD) designed for a wide range of medical imaging and machine vision applications. The device is built using an advanced two-phase, double-polysilicon, NMOS CCD technology. The p+npn- photodiodes eliminate image lag while providing antiblooming protection and electronic shutter capability. The 12.8m square pixels with microlenses provide high sensitivity and large dynamic range. The two output, split horizontal register and several binning modes enable a 15 to 60 frame per second (fps) video rate with this megapixel progressive scan imager. 1 Megapixel Progressive Scan Interline CCD 1024 (H) x 1024 (V) Imaging Pixels 12.8 m Square Pixels 13.1 mm Square Imaging Area Microlenses for Increased Sensitivity Large capacity (170ke) Split Horizontal Register for 1 or 2 Outputs Binning to 1 x 2 or 2 x 2 2 light shielded rows Single Output or Dual Output 14 light shielded columns 2 buffer columns 2 buffer columns 2 empty pixels Video A 1024 x 1024 imaging pixels 2 empty pixels 14 light shielded columns 2 buffer rows 2 buffer rows 2 light shielded rows 2 14 2 2 14 2 1024 512 512 2 14 2 14 Video B 2 Figure 1 - KAI-1003M Sensor Architecture Eastman Kodak Company - Image Sensor Solutions - Rochester, NY 14650-2010 Phone (585) 722-4385 Fax (585) 477-4947 Web: E-mail: 3 Revision 4.0 Performance Specification 1.3 Image Acquisition KAI-1003M Binning can be used in a 1x2 and a 2x2 mode. Two successive vertical transfers vertically bin the charge directly onto the horizontal CCD, as shown in Figures 11 and 12. Horizontal binning is accomplished by two successive horizontal transfers onto the H22 gate, which then transfers the charge to the output structure, as shown in Figure 13. An electronic representation of an image is formed when incident photons falling on the sensor plane create electron-hole pairs within the individual silicon photodiodes. These photoelectrons are collected locally by the formation of potential wells at each photodiode. Below photodiode saturation, the number of photoelectrons collected at each pixel is linearly dependent on light level and integration time and nonlinearly dependent on wavelength. When the photodiode's charge capacity is reached, excess electrons are discharged into the substrate to prevent blooming. The integration time can be decreased below the frame time by using an electronic shutter, which is a voltage pulse applied to the substrate to empty the photodiodes. Combinations of output modes, binning and horizontal clock frequency allow the range of frame rates listed in Table 1. 1.5 Output Structure Charge presented to the floating diffusion (FD) is converted into a voltage and current amplified in order to drive off-chip loads. The resulting voltage change seen at the output is linearly related to the amount of charge placed on the FD. Once the signal has been sampled by the system electronics, the reset gate (R) is clocked to remove the signal and the FD is reset to the potential applied by the reset drain (RD). More signal at the floating diffusion reduces the voltage seen at the output pin. In order to activate the output structure, an off-chip load must be added to the output pin of the device. 1.4 Charge Transport The integrated charge from each photodiode is transported to the output by a three step process. The charge is first transferred from the photodiodes to the vertical shift registers by applying a large positive voltage to one of the vertical CCD phases. This transfer occurs simultaneously for all photodiodes. The charge is then transported from the vertical CCD registers to the horizontal CCD line by line in parallel. Finally, the horizontal CCD register transports each line of charge pixel by pixel serially to one or both of the output structures. 1.6 Non-Imaging Pixels In addition to the 1024 (H) by 1024 (V) imaging pixels, there are active buffer, light shielded and empty pixels, as shown in Figure 1. A two pixel border of active buffer pixels surrounds the imaging area. These buffer pixels respond to illumination but are not tested for defects and non-uniformities. Two light shielded rows lead and follow each frame, and 14 light shielded columns lead and follow each line. The light shielded columns are tested for column defects and can be used for dark reference. Only the center 10 columns by 1028 rows of light shielded region on each side can be used for dark reference due to light leakage into the border of two pixels at the edges. Finally, two empty pixels occur at the beginning of each line, which are empty shift register cycles not associated with any vertical CCD columns. Empty pixels may also occur at the end of the line, depending on the timing. The single horizontal CCD register is split into two halves to allow a variety of line readout modes, as shown in Figures 1 and 2. The A output half of the register is a true two-phase design, which results in unidirectional transport using phases H1A and H2A. The B output half of the register is a pseudo two-phase design, which allows bi-directional transport using phases H1B, H2B, H1C and H2C. Dual output is achieved with all of the first phases identical and all the second phases identical. If the clocks of H1A and H2A phases are shifted by one half cycle, the output remains dual with the outputs alternating, so that only one analog-to-digital converter is necessary. Finally, single output of the entire image from the A output is obtained by complementing the C phases, which reverses transport in the B half of the horizontal CCD. Eastman Kodak Company - Image Sensor Solutions - Rochester, NY 14650-2010 Phone (585) 722-4385 Fax (585) 477-4947 Web: E-mail: 4 Revision 4.0 H1C H1B H2C H2B H1C H1B H2C H2B H2B H2C H1B KAI-1003M H1C H1A H2A H1A H2A Performance Specification Dual Outputs H2B H2C H1C H1B Out-of-phase H1A - 1/2 = H1B = H1C H2A - 1/2 = H2B = H2C H1A H2A H1A H2A In phase H1A = H1B = H1C H2A = H2B = H2C Single Output H1A = H1B = H2C H2A = H2B = H1C Figure 2 - Horizontal CCD Registers Eastman Kodak Company - Image Sensor Solutions - Rochester, NY 14650-2010 Phone (585) 722-4385 Fax (585) 477-4947 Web: E-mail: 5 Revision 4.0 Performance Specification KAI-1003M Table 1 - KAI-1003M Calculated Clock Parameters Binning (H x V) Output HORIZONTAL CLOCK Frequency Period actual effective Pixel counts actual effective 1x1 Dual 1x2 Dual 2x2 Dual 2x2 Dual 1x1 Single Units 20 50 50 532 532 20 50 50 532 532 20 50 100 532 266 40 25 50 532 266 20 50 50 1060 1060 MHz ns ns VERTICAL TO HORIZONTAL TRANSFER (Horizontal Retrace Time) Equivalent H-clock counts (m) 80 80 80 160 Duration 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 80 4.0 s s HORIZONTAL LINE TIME Total H-clock counts Line time 612 30.6 612 30.6 612 30.6 692 17.3 1140 57.0 VERTICAL CLOCK Line counts actual effective 1032 1032 1032 516 1032 516 1032 516 1032 1032 PHOTODIODE READ (Vertical Retrace Time) Equivalent line counts (n) 4 4 Duration 122.4 122.4 4 122.4 7 121.1 2 114.0 s FRAME RATE Total effective line counts Frame time Frame rate 520 15.9 62.8 523 9.0 110.5 1034 58.9 17.0 ms frames/s 1036 31.7 31.5 520 15.9 62.8 Notes: * Time values have been rounded. * The number of counts (n and m) shown here are nominal integers, but in general they do not need be integers. They can be adjusted for frame time, so long as the horizontal and vertical retrace times exceed the minimums specified in 3.6. * Operation at 40MHz will have increased readout noise. Eastman Kodak Company - Image Sensor Solutions - Rochester, NY 14650-2010 Phone (585) 722-4385 Fax (585) 477-4947 Web: E-mail: 6 Revision 4.0 Performance Specification KAI-1003M 2.1 Package Drawing Figure 3 - Package Drawing Eastman Kodak Company - Image Sensor Solutions - Rochester, NY 14650-2010 Phone (585) 722-4385 Fax (585) 477-4947 Web: E-mail: 7 Revision 4.0 Performance Specification KAI-1003M 2.2 Pin Description Pin 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Label V1 GND SUB VDD VOUTA VLG RDA RA OGA SUB H1A H2A H22A GND Pin 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Label H22B H2B H2C H1C H1B OGB RB RDB VSS VOUTB VMIN SUB GND V2 Pin 1 Designation 1 V1 GND SUB VDD VOUTA VLG RDA RA OGA SUB H1A H2A H22A GND 14 28 V2 GND SUB VMIN VOUTB VSS RDB RB OGB H1B H1C H2C H2B H22B 15 Pixel (1,1) Figure 4 - Package Pin Designations - Top View Eastman Kodak Company - Image Sensor Solutions - Rochester, NY 14650-2010 Phone (585) 722-4385 Fax (585) 477-4947 Web: E-mail: 8 Revision 4.0 Performance Specification KAI-1003M 2.3 Cover Glass Specification Item Substrate Thickness Coating Scratch Specification Corning 7059 or equivalent 0.030 0.002 Double-sided anti-reflecting coating on a 0.660" x 0.660" square for a transmission minimum of 98% in the 400 to 700nm wavelength. No scratch greater than 10 microns Eastman Kodak Company - Image Sensor Solutions - Rochester, NY 14650-2010 Phone (585) 722-4385 Fax (585) 477-4947 Web: E-mail: 9 Revision 4.0 Performance Specification KAI-1003M 3.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings Item Temperature Relative Humidity Voltage (Between Pins) Current Capacitance Description Operation to Specification Operation Without Damage Storage Operation Without Damage SUB - GND VRD, VSS, VDD - GND VMIN - GND All Clocks - GND V1 - V2 H1 - H2 H1, H2 - V2 H2 - OG VLG, OG - GND Output Bias Current (IDD) Output Load Capacitance (CLOAD) Min. 0 -10 -55 0 -0.6 -0.6 -15 ------------------- Max. 40 70 80 95 50 25 0.6 17 17 17 17 17 17 10 10 Units C C C % V V V V V V V V V mA pF Notes 1 2 3 4 4 Notes: 1. Without condensation. 2. Under normal operating conditions, the substrate voltage should be maintained above 8.0 V. The substrate voltage should not remain above 25 V for longer than 100 s. 3. Maximum of 20 V for V1H - V2L, with 20 s maximum duration. 4. Each output. Caution: This device contains limited protection against Electrostatic Discharge (ESD). Devices should be handled in accordance to strict ESD procedures for Class 1 devices. Caution: Improper cleaning of the cover glass may damage these devices. Refer to Application Note DS 00-009 "Cover Glass Cleaning Procedure for Image Sensors" Eastman Kodak Company - Image Sensor Solutions - Rochester, NY 14650-2010 Phone (585) 722-4385 Fax (585) 477-4947 Web: E-mail: 10 Revision 4.0 Performance Specification KAI-1003M 3.2 DC Operating Conditions Description Output Gate Reset Drain Output Amplifier Return Output Amplifier Load Gate Output Amplifier Supply Disable ESD Protection Substrate Ground, P-well Symbol OG VRD VSS VLG VDD VMIN VSUB GND Min. 1.8 10.0 Nom. 2.0 10.5 0.0 1.5 15.0 -8.5 TBS 0.0 1.4 14.5 8.0 Max. 2.2 11.0 1.6 15.5 18.0 Units V V V V V V V V Notes 1 2 3,4 4 Notes: 1. Current sink. 2. Connect a 0.001 F capacitor between VMIN and GND. VMIN must be more negative than the low voltage of any of the H clocks and should be established before the H voltage is applied. 3. DC value when electronic shutter is not in use. See 3.2 for electronic shutter pulse voltage. The operating value of the substrate voltage, VSUB, will be supplied with each shipment. 4. Ground and substrate biases should be established before other gate and diode potentials are applied. 3.3 AC Clock Level Conditions Description Vertical CCD Clocks Horizontal CCD Clocks Reset clock Electronic Shutter Pulse Level High Mid Low High Low Amplitude Low Shutter Symbol V2H V1M, V2M V1L, V2L H1H, H2H H1L, H2L Rswing VRlow VShutter Min. 9.5 -0.8 -9.0 4.5 -6.5 0 37 Nom. 10.5 -0.5 -8.5 5.0 -6.0 5.0 TBS 40 Max. 11.5 0.0 -8.0 5.5 -5.5 5.0 45 Units V V V V V V V V Notes 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 Notes: 1. For best results, the CCD clock swings must be greater than or equal to the nominal values. 2. Reset clock low level voltage will be supplied with each shipment. 3. Electronic shutter pulse voltage referenced to GND. See 3.2 for DC level when electronic shutter is not in use. 3.4 Electronic Shutter Operation Electronic shuttering is accomplished by pulsing the substrate voltage to empty the photodiodes. See Figure 14 for timing. The pulse must not occur while useful information is being read from a line. Eastman Kodak Company - Image Sensor Solutions - Rochester, NY 14650-2010 Phone (585) 722-4385 Fax (585) 477-4947 Web: E-mail: 11 Revision 4.0 Performance Specification KAI-1003M 3.5 Calculated Clock Capacitance Description Vertical CCD Clocks Horizontal CCD Clocks Phase 1 to GND 2 to GND 1 to 2 1A 1B 1C 2A 2B 2C Symbol C V1 C V2 C V1 - V2 C H1A C H1B C H1C C H2A C H2B C H2C C H22A/B C RA/B HCCD Summing Clock Reset clock - GND Typical 55/37 50/32 4 58/21 41/13 15/10 48/22 30/11 18/13 3 5 Units nF nF nF pF pF pF pF pF pF pF pF Notes 1 1 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 Notes: 1. Accumulation/depletion capacitances. 2. Capacitance of this gate to GND and all other gates. 3.6 AC Timing Requirements Description Vertical High Level Duration Vertical Transfer Time Vertical Pedestal Delay 1 & 3 Vertical Pedestal Delay 2 Horizontal Delay Reset Duration Horizontal CCD Clock Frequency Pixel Time Line Time Frame Time Clamp Delay Sample Delay Electronic Shutter Pulse Duration Electronic Shutter Horizontal Delay Symbol TV2H TV TVPD1, TVPD3 TVPD2 THD TR fH TH TL TF TCD TSD TES TESHD Min. 15 1.0 40 15 1.5/0.5 Nom. Max. 20 2.0/1.0 10 20 50 5 1.0 7.5 10 Units s s s s s ns MHz ns ns ns s s Notes 1 1 2 3 4 4 5 5 Notes: 1. Non-binning/binning times. 2. The rising edge of R should be coincident with the rising edge of H22, within 5 ns. 3. Horizontal CCD clock frequency can be increased to 40MHz, with increased readout noise. 4. See Table 1 for nominal line and frame time in each mode. 5. The clamp delay and sample delay should be adjusted for optimum results. Eastman Kodak Company - Image Sensor Solutions - Rochester, NY 14650-2010 Phone (585) 722-4385 Fax (585) 477-4947 Web: E-mail: 12 Revision 4.0 Performance Specification KAI-1003M 3.7 CCD Clock Waveform Conditions Non-binning Description Vertical CCD Clocks Horizontal CCD Clocks Phase 1 2 2, High 1 2 2, Binning Reset clock Symbol V1M/L V2M/L V2H H1 H2 H22 R twh ------1.5 15 20.5 20.5 20.5 5 twl 1.5 ------------21.5 21.5 21.5 39 tr 0.5 0.5 1.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 3 tf 0.5 0.5 1.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 3 Units s s s ns ns ns ns Notes Symbol V1M/L V2M/L V2H H1 H2 H22 R twh 0.5 0.5 15 20.5 20.5 46.0 5 twl 0.5 0.5 ------21.5 21.5 46.0 89 tr 0.5 0.5 1.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 3 tf 0.5 0.5 1.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 3 Units s s s ns ns ns ns Notes 2 2 1 2 x 2 Binning Description Vertical CCD Clocks Horizontal CCD Clocks Phase 1 2 2, High 1 2 2, Binning Reset clock Notes: * Typical values measured with clocks connected to image sensor device. The actual values should be optimized for particular board layout. 1. H22 may be connected to H2 in 1x1 mode. 2. twh and twl for V1M/L and V2M/L are the time periods during the double pulses. tr twh tf twl High 100% 90% 10% Low 0% Figure 5 - CCD Clock Waveform Eastman Kodak Company - Image Sensor Solutions - Rochester, NY 14650-2010 Phone (585) 722-4385 Fax (585) 477-4947 Web: E-mail: 13 Revision 4.0 Performance Specification KAI-1003M Frame Timing - 1 x 1 TF = (1032 + n) x TL V1 Light shielded line Buffer line 3 2 1 n x TL 0 1031 1030 1029 1028 1027 4 3 2 1 1031 0 V2 Image line V1 TL TV2H V2 TPD1 TPD2 TPD3 n x TL Line 1030 Line 0 Line 1031 H1 H2 Figure 6 - Frame Timing - 1 x 1 Eastman Kodak Company - Image Sensor Solutions - Rochester, NY 14650-2010 Phone (585) 722-4385 Fax (585) 477-4947 Web: E-mail: 14 Revision 4.0 Performance Specification KAI-1003M Line Timing - 1 x 1 - Dual Output, In-phase TL = (532 + m) x TH V1 TV V2 m x TH THD H1 H2 & H22 Empty pixels Light shielded pixels Buffer pixels 0 1 2 528 530 531 14 15 16 17 18 19 0 1 2 3 pixel count 529 530 531 R Image pixels Figure 7 - Line Timing - 1 x 1 - Dual Outputs, In-phase Eastman Kodak Company - Image Sensor Solutions - Rochester, NY 14650-2010 Phone (585) 722-4385 Fax (585) 477-4947 Web: E-mail: 15 Revision 4.0 Performance Specification KAI-1003M Line Timing - 1 x 1 - Dual Output, Out-of-phase TL = (532.5 + m) x TH V1 TV V2 THD m x TH H1A H1B,C H2A & H22A H2B,C & H22B 0 1 2 528 530 531 14 15 16 17 18 19 0 1 2 3 pixel count 529 530 531 RA Empty pixels Light shielded pixels Buffer pixels 0 1 2 528 530 531 14 15 16 17 18 19 0 1 2 3 pixel count 529 530 531 RB Image pixels Figure 8 - Line Timing - 1 x 1 - Dual Outputs, Out-of-phase Eastman Kodak Company - Image Sensor Solutions - Rochester, NY 14650-2010 Phone (585) 722-4385 Fax (585) 477-4947 Web: E-mail: 16 Revision 4.0 Performance Specification KAI-1003M Line Timing - 1 x 1 - Single Output TL = (1060 + m) x TH V1 TV V2 THD H1A,B & H2C m x TH H2A,B & H1C & H22A,B Empty pixels Light shielded pixels Buffer pixels 0 1 2 1056 1057 1058 1059 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 0 1 2 3 pixel count 1057 1058 1059 R Image pixels Figure 9 - Line Timing - 1 x 1 - Single Output Eastman Kodak Company - Image Sensor Solutions - Rochester, NY 14650-2010 Phone (585) 722-4385 Fax (585) 477-4947 Web: E-mail: 17 Revision 4.0 Performance Specification KAI-1003M Pixel Timing - 1 x 1 TH H1 H2 & H22 VOUT TR Reference level Signal R TCD Clamp Sample TSD Signal Video after correlated double sampling (inverted) Reference level Figure 10 - Pixel Timing - 1 x 1 Eastman Kodak Company - Image Sensor Solutions - Rochester, NY 14650-2010 Phone (585) 722-4385 Fax (585) 477-4947 Web: E-mail: 18 Revision 4.0 Performance Specification KAI-1003M Frame Timing - 2 x 2 TF = (516 + n) x TL V1 Light shielded line Buffer line 3 2 1 n x TL 0 515 514 513 512 511 4 3 2 1 0 1031 V2 Image line V1 TL TV2H V2 TPD1 TPD2 TPD3 n x TL Line 514 Line 0 Line 515 H1 H2 Figure 11 - Frame Timing - 2 x 2 Eastman Kodak Company - Image Sensor Solutions - Rochester, NY 14650-2010 Phone (585) 722-4385 Fax (585) 477-4947 Web: E-mail: 19 Revision 4.0 Performance Specification KAI-1003M Line Timing - 2 x 2 TL = (532 + m) x TH V1 TV V2 THD m x TH H1 H2 H22 Empty pixels Light shielded pixels Buffer pixels 1 0 265 264 12 11 10 9 8 7 1 0 pixel count 265 R Image pixels Figure 12 - Line Timing - 2 x 2 Eastman Kodak Company - Image Sensor Solutions - Rochester, NY 14650-2010 Phone (585) 722-4385 Fax (585) 477-4947 Web: E-mail: 20 Revision 4.0 Performance Specification KAI-1003M Pixel Timing - 2 x 2 2 x TH H1 H2 H22 VOUT TR Reference level Clamp Signal R TCD Sample TSD Signal Video after correlated double sampling (inverted) Reference level Figure 13 - Pixel Timing - 2 x 2 Eastman Kodak Company - Image Sensor Solutions - Rochester, NY 14650-2010 Phone (585) 722-4385 Fax (585) 477-4947 Web: E-mail: 21 Revision 4.0 Performance Specification KAI-1003M Electronic Shutter Line Timing V1 V2 TV THD Vshutter TES VSUB TESHD H1 H2 & H22 R Integration Time Definition V2 Integration Time Vshutter VSUB Figure 14 - Electronic Shutter Timing Eastman Kodak Company - Image Sensor Solutions - Rochester, NY 14650-2010 Phone (585) 722-4385 Fax (585) 477-4947 Web: E-mail: 22 Revision 4.0 Performance Specification KAI-1003M 4.1 Performance Specifications All values measured at 40C and 30 frames/s (integration time = 33 ms, fH = 20 MHz) for nominal operating parameters unless otherwise noted. These parameters exclude defective pixels. Description Saturation charge capacity with blooming control Output gain Output voltage at the saturation level Quantum efficiency at 500 nm Quantum efficiency at 540 nm Quantum efficiency at 600 nm CCD readout noise with CDS Dark current Antiblooming factor Vertical smear Nonuniformity of sensitivity Nonuniformity of dark current Output signal nonlinearity Gain difference between the two video outputs Nonuniformity of gain between the two outputs Symbol Qsat Min. 170 6.5 Vsat Idark Xab Nom. Max. 7.5 1.3 32 30 24 40 0.25 8.5 0.005 0.3 14 1 0.01 0.5 50 0.45 Units ke V/e V % % % e rms nA/cm2 100 0.5 2 10 1.5 % % rms e rms % % % Notes 1, 2 2, 6 3, 4 4 5 5 5 Notes: 1. The illumination required to bloom the image sensor reported as a multiple of the saturation intensity. Blooming is defined as doubling the vertical height of a spot that is 10% of the vertical CCD height at the saturation intensity. 2. Measured with continuous green light centered at 550 nm, F/4 optics and a spot size that is 10% of the vertical CCD height. 3. Measured at 90% of 150 ke output. 4. Measured in the center 50 x 50 pixels. 5. Between 10% and 90% of 150 ke output. 6. Measured without electronic shutter operation. Eastman Kodak Company - Image Sensor Solutions - Rochester, NY 14650-2010 Phone (585) 722-4385 Fax (585) 477-4947 Web: E-mail: 23 Revision 4.0 Performance Specification KAI-1003M 4.2 Typical Quantum Efficiency 0.50 0.45 0.40 0.35 Absolute 0.30 Quantum 0.25 Efficiency 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00 With Cover Glass 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 35 40 Wavelength (nm) Figure 15 - Quantum Efficiency Spectrum 100 90 80 Horizontal 70 Relative 60 Quantum 50 Efficiency 40 (% ) 30 20 10 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 45 Angle (degrees) Figure 16 - Angular Dependence of Quantum Efficiency For the curve marked "Horizontal", the incident light angle is varied in a plane parallel to the HCCD. Eastman Kodak Company - Image Sensor Solutions - Rochester, NY 14650-2010 Phone (585) 722-4385 Fax (585) 477-4947 Web: E-mail: 24 Revision 4.0 Performance Specification KAI-1003M 4.3 Defect Specifications Defect Test Conditions Temperature Integration time Light source Operation 40C 33 ms (20 MHz HCCD frequency, no binning, 30 fps frame rate) Continuous green light centered at 550 nm Nominal voltages and timing Defect Definitions Name Major Defective Pixel Maximum Number 20 Minor Defective Pixel Cluster Defect 100 Column Defect 0 4 Definition A pixel whose signal deviates by more than 25mV from the mean value of all active pixels under dark field condition or by more than 15% from the mean value of all active pixels under uniform illumination at 105ke- output signal. A pixel whose signal deviates by more than 8mV from the mean value of all active pixels under dark field condition. A group of 2 to 6 contiguous major defective pixels, but no more than 2 adjacent defects horizontally. A group of more than 6 contiguous major defective pixels along a single column. Defect Proximity Minimum distance between defective clusters Minimum distance between defective columns 2 pixels in all directions without major pixel defects 3 columns without column defects or cluster defects Eastman Kodak Company - Image Sensor Solutions - Rochester, NY 14650-2010 Phone (585) 722-4385 Fax (585) 477-4947 Web: E-mail: 25 Revision 4.0 Performance Specification KAI-1003M 5.1 Quality Assurance and Reliability 5.1.1 5.1.2 5.1.3 5.1.4 5.1.5 5.1.6 5.1.7 5.1.8 5.1.9 Quality Strategy: All image sensors will conform to the specifications stated in this document. This will be accomplished through a combination of statistical process control and inspection at key points of the production process. Typical specification limits are not guaranteed but provided as a design target. For further information refer to ISS Application note MTD/PS-0292, Quality and Reliability. Replacement: All devices are warranted against failure in accordance with the terms of Terms of Sale. This does not include failure due to mechanical and electrical causes defined as the liability of the customer below. Liability of the Supplier: A reject is defined as an image sensor that does not meet all of the specifications in this document upon receipt by the customer. Liability of the Customer: Damage from mechanical (scratches or breakage), electrostatic discharge (ESD) damage, or other electrical misuse of the device beyond the stated absolute maximum ratings, which occurred after receipt of the sensor by the customer, shall be the responsibility of the customer. Cleanliness: Devices are shipped free of mobile contamination inside the package cavity. Immovable particles and scratches that are within the imager pixel area and the corresponding cover glass region directly above the pixel sites are also not allowed. The cover glass is highly susceptible to particles and other contamination. Touching the cover glass must be avoided. See ISS Application Note DS 00-009, cover Glass Cleaning, for further information. ESD Precautions: Devices are shipped in static-safe containers and should only be handled at static-safe workstations. See ISS Application Note MTD/PS-0224 for handling recommendations. Reliability: Reliability results are available from Image Sensor Solutions and can be supplied upon request. For further information refer to ISS Application Note MTD/PS-0292, Quality and Reliability. Test Data Retention: Image sensors shall have an identifying number traceable to a test data file. Test data shall be kept for a period of 2 years after date of delivery. Mechanical: The device assembly drawing is provided as a reference. The device will conform to the published package tolerances. 5.2 Ordering Information See Appendix 1 for available part numbers. Address all inquiries and purchase orders to: Image Sensor Solutions Eastman Kodak Company Rochester, New York 14650-2010 Phone: (585) 722-4385 Fax: (585) 477-4947 E-mail: Kodak reserves the right to change any information contained herein without notice. All information furnished by Kodak is believed to be accurate. WARNING: LIFE SUPPORT APPLICATIONS POLICY Kodak image sensors are not authorized for and should not be used within Life Support Systems without the specific written consent of the Eastman Kodak Company. Product warranty is limited to replacement of defective components and does not cover injury or property or other consequential damages. Eastman Kodak Company - Image Sensor Solutions - Rochester, NY 14650-2010 Phone (585) 722-4385 Fax (585) 477-4947 Web: E-mail: 26 Revision 4.0 Performance Specification KAI-1003M Appendix 1 Part Number Availability Note: This appendix may be updated independently of the performance specification. Contact Eastman Kodak for the latest revision. Device Name KAI-1003M KAI-1003M KAI-1003 Available Part Numbers 2H4544 2H4825 2H4828 Monochrome Monochrome Monochrome Features Microlens Microlens - Sealed Taped Cover Glass Taped Cover Glass Appendix 2 Revision History Revision 4.0 * * * * * * Description of Changes Page 3 Figure 1 - Changed caption from "Pixel Architecture" to "Sensor Architecture" Page 8 Figure 4 - Package Pin Designations - Top View Corrected Pixel 1,1 location Page 11 DC Operating Conditions, note 2 - changed f to F. Page 23 Performance Specifications - added frequency used to obtain 30 frames per second operation, fH = 20 MHz. Page 26 - Updated Quality Assurance and Reliability section. Updated web site, e-mail and phone number information. Eastman Kodak Company - Image Sensor Solutions - Rochester, NY 14650-2010 Phone (585) 722-4385 Fax (585) 477-4947 Web: E-mail: 27 Revision 4.0