Fault rectification
5.1 List of alarms and faults
SINAMICS G120C converter
60 Getting Started, 04/2014, FW V4.7, A5E34264105B AA
F01034 Unit switchover: Calculation of
the parameter values after
reference value change
Select the value of the reference parameter so that the parameters involved
can be calculated in the per unit notation (p0304, p0305, p0310, p0596,
p2000, p2001, p2002, p2003, r2004).
F01122 Frequency at the probe input too
Reduce the frequency of the pulses at the probe input.
A01590 Motor maintenance interval
Carry out the maintenance.
A01900 PROFIBUS: Configuration
telegram faulty
Explanation: A PROFIBUS master is attempting to establish a connection
with a faulty configuration telegram.
Check the bus configuration on the master and slave side.
Fieldbus SS setpoint timeout The alarm is generated when p2040 ≠ 0 ms and one of the following causes
is present:
• The bus connection is interrupted
• The MODBUS master is switched off
• Communications error (CRC, parity bit, logical error)
An excessively low value for the fieldbus monitoring time (p2040)
A01920 PROFIBUS: Cyclic connection
Explanation: The cyclic connection to PROFIBUS master is interrupted.
Establish the PROFIBUS connection and activate the PROFIBUS master
F03505 Analog input, wire break Check the connection to the signal source for interrupts.
Check the level of the signal supplied.
The input current measured by the analog input can be read out in r0752.
Check that the sensor is connected correctly.
Power Module overtemperature Check the following:
- Is the ambient temperature within the defined limit values?
- Are the load conditions and duty cycle configured accordingly?
- Has the cooling failed?
F06310 Supply voltage (p0210)
incorrectly parameterized
Check the parameterized supply voltage and if required change (p0210).
F07011 Motor overtemperature Reduce the motor load.
Check ambient temperature.
Check sensor's wiring and connection.
A07012 I2t Motor Module
Check and if necessary reduce the motor load.
Check the motor's ambient temperature.
Check thermal time constant p0611.
Check overtemperature fault threshold p0605.
A07015 Motor temperature sensor alarm Check that the sensor is connected correctly.
Check the parameter assignment (p0601).
F07016 Motor temperature sensor fault Make sure that the sensor is connected correctly.
Check the parameterization (p0601).
Unit switchover: Parameter limit
Check the adapted parameter values and if required correct.