April 1998 ML4812 Power Factor Controller GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ML4812 is designed to optimally facilitate a peak current control boost type power factor correction system. Special care has been taken in the design of the ML4812 to increase system noise immunity. The circuit includes a precision reference, gain modulator, error amplifier, overvoltage protection, ramp compensation, as well as a high current output. In addition, start-up is simplified by an under-voltage lockout circuit with 6V hysteresis. Precision buffered 5V reference (0.5%) Current-input gain modulator reduces external components and improves noise immunity Programmable ramp compensation circuit 1A peak current totem-pole output drive In a typical application, the ML4812 functions as a current mode regulator. The current which is necessary to terminate the cycle is a product of the sinusoidal line voltage times the output of the error amplifier which is regulating the output DC voltage. Ramp compensation is programmable with an external resistor, to provide stable operation when the duty cycle exceeds 50%. Overvoltage comparator helps prevent output voltage "runaway" Wide common mode range in current sense comparators for better noise immunity Large oscillator amplitude for better noise immunity BLOCK DIAGRAM (Pin Configuration Shown is for DIP Version) OVP - 5V 1 ISENSE + - - 5V 2 3 4 SHDN + 5 S Q R Q 10 VCC OUT 12 PWR GND GM OUT 11 EA OUT EA- + 5V UNDER VOLTAGE LOCKOUT ERROR AMP ISINE VCC - IEA 6 VREF 14 13 32V GAIN MODULATOR GND 15 7 16 5V RAMP COMP CT CLOCK 9 8 RT OSC 1k REV. 1.0 10/10/2000 ML4812 PIN CONFIGURATION EA OUT 3 14 VREF EA- 4 13 VCC OVP 5 12 OUT ISINE 6 11 PWR GND RAMP COMP 7 10 SHDN RT 8 9 CLOCK 3 2 GND GND CT 15 1 20 19 EA OUT 4 18 EA- 5 17 VREF VCC NC 6 16 NC OVP 7 15 OUT ISINE 8 14 PWR GND 9 10 11 12 13 TOP VIEW SHDN 2 CLOCK GM OUT ISENSE NC CT NC 16 RT 1 RAMP COMP ISENSE GM OUT ML4812 20-Pin PLCC (Q20) ML4812 16-Pin PDIP (P16) TOP VIEW PIN DESCRIPTION PIN 1 2 NAME ISENSE GM OUT FUNCTION Input from the current sense transformer to the non-inverting input of the PWM comparator. Output of gain modulator. A resistor to ground on this pin converts the current to a voltage. This pin is clamped to 5V and tied to the inverting input of the PWM comparator. PIN NAME FUNCTION 8 RT Oscillator timing resistor pin. A 5V source sets a current in the external resistor which is mirrored to charge CT. 9 CLOCK Digital clock output. 10 SHDN A TTL compatible low level on this pin turns off the output. 11 PWR GND Return for the high current totem pole output. 3 EA OUT Output of error amplifier. 4 EA- Inverting input to error amplifier. 12 OUT High current totem pole output. 5 OVP Input to over voltage comparator. 13 VCC Positive Supply for the IC. 6 ISINE Current gain modulator input. 14 VREF Buffered output for the 5V voltage reference. 7 RAMP COMP Buffered output from the oscillator ramp (CT). A resistor to ground sets the current which is internally subtracted from the product of ISINE and IEA in the gain modulator. 15 GND Analog signal ground. 16 CT Timing capacitor for the oscillator. 2 REV. 1.0 10/10/2000 ML4812 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Absolute maximum ratings are those values beyond which the device could be permanently damaged. Absolute maximum ratings are stress ratings only and functional device operation is not implied. Supply Current (ICC) ............................................... 30mA Output Current Source or Sink (OUT) DC ................ 1.0A Output Energy (capacitive load per cycle) .................. 5J Gain Modulator ISINE Input (ISINE) ......................... 1.2mA Error Amp Sink Current (EA OUT) .......................... 10mA Oscillator Charge Current ........................................ 2mA Analog Inputs (ISENSE, EA-, OVP) ............... -0.3V to 5.5V Junction Temperature ............................................. 150C Storage Temperature Range ..................... -65C to 150C Lead Temperature (soldering 10 sec.) ..................... 260C Thermal Resistance (JA) 20-Pin PLCC .................................................... 60C/W 16-Pin PDIP .................................................... 65C/W OPERATING CONDITIONS Temperature Range ML4812CX ................................................ 0C to 70C ML4812IX ............................................. -40C to 85C ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Unless otherwise specified, VCC = 15V , RT = 14k, CT = 1000pF, TA = Operating Temperature Range (Notes 1, 2). PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS 91 98 105 kHz OSCILLATOR Initial Accuracy TJ = 25C Voltage Stability 12V < VCC < 18V 0.3 Temperature Stability Total Variation 2 Line, temperature 90 Ramp Valley to Peak % 108 3.3 RT Voltage Discharge Current (RT open) % kHz V 4.8 5.0 5.2 V TJ = 25C, VCT= 2V 7.8 8.4 9.0 mA VCT = 2V 7.3 8.4 9.3 mA 0.2 0.5 V Clock Out Voltage Low RL = 16k Clock Out Voltage High RL = 16k 3.0 3.5 Output Voltage TJ = 25C, IO = 1mA 4.95 5.00 5.05 V Line Regulation 12V < VCC < 25V 2 20 mV Load Regulation 1mA < IO < 20mA 2 20 mV V REFERENCE Temperature Stability Total Variation 0.4 Line, load, temp. 4.9 % 5.1 V V Output Noise Voltage 10Hz to 10kHz 50 Long Term Stability TJ = 125C, 1000 hours 5 25 mV Short Circuit Current VREF = 0V -85 -180 mA 15 mV -1.0 A -30 ERROR AMPLIFIER Input Offset Voltage Input Bias Current -0.1 Open Loop Gain 1 < VEA OUT < 5V 60 75 dB PSRR 12V < VCC < 25V 60 75 dB Output Sink Current VEA OUT = 1.1V, VEA- = 6.2V 2 12 mA Output Source Current VEA OUT = 5.0V, VEA- = 4.8V -0.5 -1.0 mA Output High Voltage IEA OUT = -0.5mA, VEA- = 4.8V 5.3 5.5 V Output Low Voltage IEA OUT = 1mA, VEA- = 6.2V Unity Gain Bandwidth REV. 1.0 10/10/2000 0.5 1.0 1.0 V MHz 3 ML4812 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Continued) PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS GAIN MODULATOR ISINE Input Voltage ISINE = 500A 0.4 0.7 0.9 V Output Current (GM OUT) ISINE = 500A, EA- = VREF -20mV 430 470 510 A 3 10 A 860 940 1020 A ISINE = 500A, EA- = VREF + 20mV ISINE = 1mA, EA- = VREF - 20mV ISINE = 500A, EA- = VREF - 20mV, IRAMP COMP = 50A Bandwidth PSRR 12V < VCC < 25V 455 A 200 kHz 70 dB OVP COMPARATOR Input Offset Voltage Output Off -25 Hysteresis Output On 95 +5 mV 105 115 mV Input Bias Current -0.3 -3 A Propagation Delay 150 ns PWM COMPARATOR: ISENSE Input Offset Voltage 15 mV Input Offset Current 1 A 5.5 V -10 A Input Common Mode Range -0.2 Input Bias Current -2 Propagation Delay 150 ILIMIT Trip Point VGM OUT = 5.5V 4.8 ns 5 5.2 V IOUT = -20mA 0.1 0.4 V IOUT = -200mA 1.6 2.2 V OUTPUT Output Voltage Low Output Voltage High IOUT = 20mA 13 13.5 V IOUT = 200mA 12 13.4 V Output Voltage Low in UVLO IOUT = -5mA, VCC = 8V 0.1 Output Rise/Fall Time CL = 1000pF 50 Shutdown VIH 0.8 V ns 2.0 V VIL 0.8 V IIL, VSHDN = 0V -1.5 mA IIH, VSHDN = 5V 10 A V UNDER-VOLTAGE LOCKOUT Startup Threshold Shutdown Threshold 9 15 16 17 10 11 V VREF Good Threshold 4.4 V SUPPLY Supply Current Internal Shunt Zener Voltage Start-Up, VCC = 14V, TJ = 25C 0.8 1.2 mA Operating, TJ = 25C 20 25 mA 30 34 V ICC = 30mA 25 Note 1: Limits are guaranteed by 100% testing, sampling, or correlation with worst-case test conditions. Note 2: VCC is raised above the Startup Threshold first to activate the IC, then returned to 15V. 4 REV. 1.0 10/10/2000 ML4812 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION TOSC = TRAMP + TDEADTIME OSCILLATOR The ML4812 oscillator charges the external capacitor (CT) with a current (ISET) equal to 5/RSET. When the capacitor voltage reaches the upper threshold, the comparator changes state and the capacitor discharges to the lower threshold through Q1. While the capacitor is discharging, Q2 provides a high pulse. The Oscillator period can be described by the following relationship: where: VOUT = VIN 1 - D ON and: TDEADTIM E = C T VRAM P VALLEY TO PEAK 8.4mA - I SET 90% 10 5nF 2nF 8 85% 1nF EXTERNAL CLOCK 5 CSYNC RT (k) 80% SYNC 10 Q2 3 70% ISET RSYNC 20nF RT 2 9 MAXIMUM DUTY CYCLE (%) 10nF RT 16 CT ISET CT 1 10 + 8.4mA 5.6V 100 - Q1 1000 OSCILLATOR FREQUENCY (kHz) Figure 2. Oscillator Timing Resistance vs. Frequency 15 VCC = 15V 80s PULSED LOAD 120Hz RATE tD RAMP PEAK V(CT) RAMP VALLEY Figure 1. Oscillator Block Diagram OUTPUT SATURATION VOLTAGE (V) VCC CLOCK 14 13 SOURCE SATURATION LOAD TO GROUND SINK SATURATION LOAD TO VCC 3 2 1 GND 0 0 200 400 600 800 OUTPUT CURRENT (mA) Figure 3. Output Saturation Voltage vs. Output Current REV. 1.0 10/10/2000 5 ML4812 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION (Continued) OUTPUT DRIVER STAGE The ML4812 output driver is a 1A peak output high speed totem pole circuit designed to quickly drive capacitive loads, such as power MOSFET gates. (Figure 3) ERROR AMPLIFIER the output of the error amplifier. When the error amplifier is saturated high, the output of the gain modulator is approximately equal to the ISINE input current. The gain modulator output current is converted into the reference voltage for the PWM comparator through a resistor to ground on the gain modulator output. The gain modulator output is clamped to 5V to provide current limiting. Ramp compensation is accomplished by subtracting 1/2 of the current flowing out of RAMP COMP through a buffer transistor driven by CT which is set by an external resistor. The ML4812 error amplifier is a high open loop gain, wide bandwidth, amplifier.(Figures 4-5) GAIN MODULATOR The ML4812 gain modulator is of the current-input type to provide high immunity to the disturbances caused by high power switching. The rectified line input sine wave is converted to a current via a dropping resistor. In this way, small amounts of ground noise produce an insignificant effect on the reference to the PWM comparator. The output of the gain modulator is a current of the form: IOUT is proportional to ISINE IEA, where ISINE is the current in the dropping resistor, and IEA is a current proportional to UNDER VOLTAGE LOCKOUT On power-up the ML4812 remains in the UVLO condition; output low and quiescent current low. The IC becomes operational when VCC reaches 16V. When VCC drops below 10V, the UVLO condition is imposed. During the UVLO condition, the 5V VREF pin is "off", making it usable as a "flag" for starting up a downstream PWM converter. ERROR CURRENT 5V 8V 6 ISINE 9V ISINE x ERROR CURRENT 0.5mA + - IRAMP COMP/2 EA- - 4 5V GM OUT 2 RAMP COMP EA OUT 7 3 16 100 500 60 PHASE -60 40 -90 20 -120 GAIN 0 -150 -20 -180 10M MULTIPLE OUTPUT CURRENT (A) -30 EXCESS PHASE (degrees) AVOL, OPEN LOOP GAIN (dB) Figure 6. Gain Modulator Block Diagram 0 80 CT 4.5 400 4.0 3.5 300 3.0 200 2.5 100 2.0 ERROR AMP OUTPUT VOLTAGE (V) Figure 4. Error Amplifier Configuration IRAMP COMP 1.5 6 10 100 1k 10k 100k 1M 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 FREQUENCY (Hz) SINE INPUT CURRENT (A) Figure 5. Error Amplifier Open-Loop Gain and Phase vs Frequency Figure 7. Gain Modulator Linearity REV. 1.0 10/10/2000 ML4812 TYPICAL APPLICATIONS 25 INPUT INDUCTOR (L1) SELECTION One more condition where the inductor can dry out is analyzed below where it is shown to be maximum duty cycle dependent. 20 ICC (mA) The central component in the regulator is the input boost inductor. The value of this inductor controls various critical operational aspects of the regulator. If the value is too low, the input current distortion will be high and will result in low power factor and increased noise at the input. This will require more input filtering. In addition, when the value of the inductor is low the inductor dries out (runs out of current) at low currents. Thus the power factor will decrease at lower power levels and/or higher line voltages. If the inductor value is too high, then for a given operating current the required size of the inductor core will be large and/or the required number of turns will be high. So a balance must be reached between distortion and core size. 15 10 5 0 10 0 20 30 40 VCC (V) Figure 9a. Total Supply Current vs. Supply Voltage 25 For the boost converter at steady state: VIN 1- D ON 20 (1) cycle [T [TON /(TON + TOFF)]. The Where DON is the duty cycle ON/(T ON + input boost inductor will dry out when the following condition is satisfied: VIN(t ) < VOUT (1- D ON ) (2) SUPPLY CURRENT (mA) VOUT = OPERATING CURRENT 15 10 5 or STARTUP VIND RY = [1 - D ON (max)] VOUT (3) VINDRY: voltage where the inductor dries out. VOUT: output DC voltage. 0 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 TEMPERATURE (degrees) Effectively, the above relationship shows that the resetting volt-seconds are more than setting volt-seconds. In energy transfer terms this means that less energy is stored in the inductor during the ON time than it is asked to deliver during the OFF time. The net result is that the inductor dries out. Figure 9b. Supply Current (ICC) vs. Temperature 0 -4 VREF (mV) -8 ENABLE VREF -16 VREF GEN. 5V VREF -20 9V - INTERNAL BIAS VCC + Figure 8. Under-Voltage Lockout Block Diagram REV. 1.0 10/10/2000 -12 -24 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 IREF (mA) Figure 10. Reference Load Regulation 7 ML4812 TYPICAL APPLICATIONS (Continued) The recommended maximum duty cycle is 95% at 100KHz to allow time for the input inductor to dump its energy to the output capacitors. For example, if: VOUT = 380V and DON (max) = 0.95, then substituting in (3) yields VINDRY = 20V. The effect of drying out is an increase in distortion at low voltages. For a given output power, the instantaneous value of the input current is a function of the input sinusoidal voltage waveform, i.e. as the input voltage sweeps from zero volts to a maximum value equal to its peak so does the current. The load of the power factor regulator is usually a switching power supply which is essentially a constant power load. As a result, an increase in the input voltage will be offset by a decrease in the input current. By combining the ideas set forth above, some ground rules can be obtained for the selection and design of the input inductor: Step 1: Find minimum operating current. IIN(min)PEAK = 1414 PIN(min) . VIN(max) (4) PIN(min) = 50W Gapped Ferrites, Molypermalloy, and Powdered Iron cores are typical choices for core material. The core material selected should have a high saturation point and acceptable losses at the operating frequency. One ferrite core that is suitable at around 200W is the #4119PL00-3C8 made by Philips Components (Ferroxcube). This ungapped core will require a total gap of 0.180" for this application. OSCILLATOR COMPONENT SELECTION fOSC = then: IIN(min)PEAK = 0.272A 136 . RT CT (6) For example: Step 2: Choose a minimum current at which point the inductor current will be on the verge of drying out. For this example 40% of the peak current found in step 1 was chosen. then: ILDRY = 100mA Step 3: The value of the inductance can now be found using previously calculated data. L1 = 8 Step 4: The presence of the ramp compensation will change the dry out point, but the value found above can be considered a good starting point. Based on the amount of power factor correction the above value of L1 can be optimized after a few iterations. The oscillator timing components can be calculated by using the following expression: VIN(max) = 260V VIND RY D ON (max) ILD RY fOSC 20 V 0.95 = = 2mH 100mA 100KHz The inductor can be allowed to decrease in value when the current sweeps from minimum to maximum value. This allows the use of smaller core sizes. The only requirement is that the ramp compensation must be adequate for the lower inductance value of the core so that there is adequate compensation at high current. Step 1: At 100kHz with 95% duty cycle TOFF = 500ns calculate CT using the following formula: CT = TOFF IDIS = 1000pF VOSC (7) Step 2: Calculate the required value of the timing resistor. RT = 136 . 136 . = fOSC C T 100KHz 1000pF = 136 . kW choose R T = 14kW (8) (5) REV. 1.0 10/10/2000 ML4812 TYPICAL APPLICATIONS (Continued) CURRENT SENSE AND SLOPE (RAMP) COMPENSATION COMPONENT SELECTION Slope compensation in the ML4812 is provided internally. Rather than adding slope to the noninverting input of the PWM comparator, it is actually subtracted from the voltage present at the inverting input of the PWM comparator. The amount of slope compensation should be at least 50% of the downslope of the inductor current during the off time, as reflected to the inverting input of the PWM comparator. Note that slope compensation is required only when the inductor current is continuous and the duty cycle is more than 50%. The downslope of the inductor current at the verge of discontinuity can be found using the expression given below: diL VOUT - VIN DRY 380 V - 20V = = = 0.18 A / ms (9) 2mH dt L The downslope as reflected to the input of the PWM comparator is given by: S PWM = S PWM = VOUT - VIN DRY L RS NC (10) 380 V - 20 100 = 0.225V / ms 2mH 80 Where RS is the current sense resistor and NC is the turns ratio of the current transformer (T1) used. In general, current transformers simplify the sensing of switch currents (especially at high power levels where the use of sense resistors is complicated by the amount of power they have to dissipate). Normally the primary side of the transformer consists of a single turn and the secondary consists of several turns of either enameled magnet wire or insulated wire. The diameter of the ferrite core used in this example is 0.5" (SPANG/Magnetics F41206-TC). The rectifying diode at the output of the current transformer can be a 1N4148 for secondary currents up to 75mA average. Sense FETs or resistive sensing can also be used to sense the switch current. The sensed signal has to be amplified to the proper level before it is applied to the ML4812. The value of the ramp compensation (SCPWM) as seen at the inverting terminal of the PWM comparator is: SC PWM = 25 . RM R T C T R SC (11) The required value for RSC can therefore be found by equating: SCPWM = ASC x SPWM, where ASC is the amount of slope compensation and solving for RSC. The value of GM OUT depends on the selection of RAMP COMP. RP = VIN (max) PEAK 260 1414 . = = 750k 0.5mA I SINE (PEAK) REV. 1.0 10/10/2000 (12) RM = VCLAMP R P 49 . 750k = = 288 . k 90 1414 . VIN (PEAK) (13) The peak of the inductor current can be found approximately by: ILPEAK = POUT 1414 1414 . 200 . = = 314 . A 90 VIN (RM S ) (14) Selection of NC which depends on the maximum switch current, assume 4A for this example is 80 turns. RS = VCLAM P NC 4.9 80 = = 100W 4 ILPEAK (15) Where RS is the sense resistor, and VCLAMP is the current clamp at the inverting input of the PWM comparator. This clamp is internally set to 5V. In actual application it is a good idea to assume a value less than 5V to avoid unwanted current limiting action due to component tolerances. In this application, VCLAMP was chosen as 4.9V. Having calculated RS, the value SPWM and of RSC can now be calculated: 25 . RM R SC = A SC S PWM R T C T (16) 25 . 28.8k = 33k R SC = 6 0.7 (0.225 10 ) 14K 1nF The following values were used in the calculation: RM = 28.8k RT = 14k ASC = 0.7 CT = 1nF VOLTAGE REGULATION COMPONENTS The values of the voltage regulation loop components are calculated based on the operating output voltage. Note that voltage safety regulations require the use of sense resistors that have adequate voltage rating. As a rule of thumb if 1/4W resistors are chosen, two of them should be used in series. The input bias current of the error amplifier is approximately 0.5A, therefore the current available from the voltage sense resistors should be significantly higher than this value. Since two 1/4W resistors have to be used the total power rating is 1/2W. The operating power is set to be 0.4W then with 380V output voltage the value can be calculated as follows: R 1 = ( 380V) 2 / 0.4W = 360k (17) Choose two 178k, 1% connected in series. Then R2 can be calculated using the formula below: VREF R 1 5V 356k = = 4747 . k R2 = (18) 380V - 5V VOUT - VREF 9 ML4812 TYPICAL APPLICATIONS (Continued) Choose 4.75k, 1%. One more critical component in the voltage regulation loop is the feedback capacitor for the error amplifier. The voltage loop bandwidth should be set such that it rejects the 120Hz ripple which is present at the output. If this ripple is not adequately attenuated it will cause distortion on the input current waveform. Typical bandwidths range anywhere from a few Hertz to 15Hz. The main compromise is between transient response and distortion. The feedback capacitor can be calculated using the following formula: 1 R 1 BW 3142 . 1 = 0.44mF CF = 356k 2Hz 3142 . CF = (19) OVERVOLTAGE PROTECTION (OVP) COMPONENTS The OVP loop should be set so that there is no interaction with the voltage control loop. Typically it should be set to a level where the power components are safe to operate. Ten to fifteen volts above VOUT is generally a good setpoint. This sets the maximum transient output voltage to about 395V. By choosing the high voltage side resistor of the OVP circuit the same way as above i.e. R4 = 356K then R5 can be calculated as: R5 = VREF R 4 5V 356k = 4564 = . k 395V - 5V VOVP - VREF (20) Choose 4.53k, 1%. Note that R1, R2, R4 and R5 should be tight tolerance resistors such as 1% or better. CONTROLLER SHUTDOWN The ML4812 provides a shutdown pin which could be used to shutdown the IC. Care should be taken when this pin is used because power supply sequencing problems could arise if another regulator with its own bootstrapping follows the ML4812. In such a case a special circuit should be used to allow for orderly start up. One way to accomplish this is by using the reference voltage of the ML4812 to inhibit the other controller IC or to shut down its bias supply current. OFF-LINE START-UP AND BIAS SUPPLY GENERATION The ML4812 can be started using a "bleed resistor" from the high voltage bus. After the voltage on VCC exceeds 16V, the IC starts up. The energy stored on the 330F, C15, capacitor supplies the IC with running power until the supplemental winding on L1 can provide the power to sustain operation. 10 The values of the start-up resistor R10 and capacitor C15 may need to be optimized depending on the application. The charging waveform for the secondary winding of L1 is an inverted chopped sinusoid which reaches its peak when the line voltage is at its minimum. In this example, C9 = 0.1F, C15 = 330F, D8 = 1N4148, R10 = 39k, 2W. ENHANCEMENT CIRCUIT The power factor enhancement circuit shown in Figure 12 is described in detail in Application Note 11. It improves the power factor and lowers the input current harmonics. Note that the circuit meets IEC 1000-3-2 specifications (with the enhancement) on the harmonics by a large margin while correcting the input power factor to better than 0.99 under most steady state operating conditions. CONSTRUCTION AND LAYOUT TIPS High frequency power circuits require special care during breadboard construction and layout. Double sided printed circuit boards with ground plane on one side are highly recommended. All critical switching leads (power FET, output diode, IC output and ground leads, bypass capacitors) should be kept as small as possible. This is to minimize both the transmission and pick-up of switching noise. There are two kinds of noise coupling; inductive and capacitive. As the name implies inductive coupling is due to fast changing (high di/dt) circulating switching currents. The main source is the loop formed by Q1, D5, and C3-C4. Therefore this loop should be as small as possible, and the above capacitors should be good high frequency types. The second form of noise coupling is due to fast changing voltages (high dv/dt). The main source in this case is the drain of the power FET. The radiated noise in this case can be minimized by insulating the drain of the FET from the heatsink and then tying the heatsink to the source of the FET with a high frequency capacitor (CH in Figure 12). The IC has two ground pins named PWR GND and Signal GND. These two pins should be connected together with a very short lead at the printed circuit board exit point. In general grounding is very important and ground loops should be avoided. Star grounding or ground plane techniques are preferred. REV. 1.0 10/10/2000 ML4812 TYPICAL APPLICATIONS (Continued) MATERIAL MANUFACTURER PART # TURNS (#24AWG) Powdered Iron Powdered Iron Molypermalloy Micrometals Micrometals SPANG (Mag. Inc.) T225-8/90 T184-40 58076-A2 (high flux) 200 120 180 Table 1. Toroidal Cores (L1) MAGNETICS TIPS T1 -- Sense Transformer L1 -- Main Inductor In addition to the core type mentioned in the parts list, the following Siemens cores should be suitable for substitution and may be more readily available in Europe. As shown in Table 1, one of several toroidal cores can be used for L1. The T184-40 core above is the most economical, but has lower inductance at high current. This would yield higher ripple current and require more line EMI filtering. The value for RSC (slope compensation resistor on RAMP COMP) was calculated for the T225-8/ 90 and should be recalculated for other inductor characteristics. The various core manufacturers have a range of applications literature available. A gapped ferrite core can also be used in place of the powdered iron core. One such core is a Philips Components (Ferroxcube) core #4229PL00-3C8. This is an ungapped core. Using 145 turns of #24 AWG wire, a total air gap of 0.180" is required to give a total inductance of about 2mH. Since 1/2 of the gap will be on the outside of the core and 1/2 the gap on the inside, putting a 0.09" spacer in the center will yield a 0.180" total gap. To prevent leakage fields from generating RFI, a shorted turn of copper tape should be wrapped around the gap as shown in Figure 11. For production, a gapped center leg can be ordered from most core vendors, eliminating the need for the external shorted copper turn when using a potentiometer core. MATERIAL SIZE CODE PART # N27 N30 R16/6.3 R16/6.3 B64290-K45-X27 B64290-K45-X830 The N27 material is for high frequency and will work better above 100KHz but both are adequate. In addition, Philips Components (Ferroxcube) core 768T188-3C8 can be used. Please also refer to the list of core vendors below SPANG/Magnetics Inc. Micrometals Philips Components COPPER FOIL SHORTED TURN 1 (800) 245-3984, or (412) 282-8282 1 (800) 356-5977 (914) 247-2064 0.09" GAP Figure 11. Copper Foil Shorted Turn REV. 1.0 10/10/2000 11 12 90 TO 260 VAC N AC IN L P1 C1 1F 630V D4 1N5406 D3 1N5406 D2 1N5406 R13 22k 22k C17 RGMOUT 27k + R12 1K Q3 R3 D11 D12 D13 C19 R2B 3.9k R2A 10k CF R1B 180k R1A 180k R5B 3.9k R5A 10k R4B 180k R4A 180k NP RSC 33k RPB 150k RPA 360k 1 NS Q3 = 2N2222 OR EQUIVALENT. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 IC1 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 ML4812 RT 7.5k 2 L1 7812 Q2 ** SEE NOTES BELOW R10 39k 2W C16 + 100F 25V D9 NOTES: 1. ALL UNSPECIFIED DIODES ARE 1N4148. 2. ALL UNSPECIFIED RESISTORS ARE 1/4 WATT. 3. ALL UNSPECIFIED CAPACITOR VOLTAGE RATINGS ARE 50V. 4. ADJUST R2A AND R5A WITH CAUTION TO AVOID OVER VOLTAGE CONDITIONS. FUSE F1 5A 250V D1 1N5406 OPTIONAL ENHANCEMENT CKT. 1N5406 D10 CT 2nF D8 P3* C6 680F 200V C5 680F 200V C4 1F 630V FOR HIGHER POWER USE MORE VCC DECOUPLING. 2F OR MORE BE REQUIRED AT 1KW LEVELS. CH 6.8nF HEATSINK R7 150k 1W R6 150k 1W C3 6.8nF 1kV *** IRF840 Q1 T1 D5 MUR850 FIXED RESISTORS CAN BE USED FOR THE SENSING COMPONENTS. BELOW ARE 1% STANDARD RESISTORS THAT WILL FORCE THE CORRECT OUTPUT VOLTAGES R1A, R1B, R4A, R4B = 178k 1%, R2B = 4.75 1%, R5B = 4.53k 1%. USE JUMPERS INSTEAD OF R2A AND R5A (POTS). RG 10 B A - + ** RS 100 D6 VCC P3 IS USED AT INITAL TURN-ON TO CHECK THE IC FOR PROPER OPERATION. APPLY 16VDC. C8 0.1F C11 1nF 1F C10 * C9 0.1F *** R11 33k 330F 25V C15 C18 + OFF-LINE START-UP AND BIAS SUPPLY - + VOUT P2 380 VDC ML4812 Figure 12. Typical Application, 200W Power Factor Correction Circuit REV. 1.0 10/10/2000 ML4812 REFERENCE DESCRIPTION REFERENCE DESCRIPTION C1, C4 C3, CH C5, C6 C8, C9 C10, C19 C11 C15 C16 C17 CF CT D1, D2, D3, D4, D10 D5 D6, D8, D9 D11, D12, D13 F1 IC1 L1 Q1 Q2 Q3 1F, 630V Film (250VAC) 6.8nF, 1KV Ceramic disk 680F, 200V Electrolytic 0.1F, 50V Ceramic 1F, 50V Ceramic 0.001F, 50V Ceramic 330F, 25V Electrolytic 100F, 25V Electrolytic 10F, 25V Electrolytic 0.47F, 50V Ceramic 0.002F, 50V Ceramic 1N5406 (Motorola) MUR850 (Motorola) 1N4148 R1A, R1B, R4A, R4B R2A, R5A 180k 10k TRIMPOT BOURNS 3299 or equivalent 3.9k 22k 150k 39k, 2W 33k 1k 10 27k 360k 100k 33k 7.5k SPANG F41206-TC NS = 80, NP = 1 (see note) 5A, 250V 3AG with clips ML4812CP (Micro Linear) 2mH, 4A IPEAK (see note) IRF840 or MTPN8N50 LM7815CT 2N2222 or equivalent R2B, R5B R3, R13 R6, R7, RPB R10 R11 R12 RG RM RPA, R15 RS RSC RT T1 Notes: All resistors 1/4W unless otherwise specified. Some reference designators are skipped (e.g. C2, C12, etc.) and do not appear on the schematic. These designators were used in previous revisions of the board and are not used on this revision. Additional information on key components is included in the attached appendix. Table 2. Component Values/Bill of Materials for Figure 12 REV. 1.0 10/10/2000 13 14 C3 C2 C1 1F 1F 1F 500V 500V 500V BRIDGE RECTIFIER RM 27K 1N5406 R2B 3K R2A 5K R5B 3K R5A 5K R4B 180K R1B 180K CF R4A 360K R1A 180K ** 22K RPB 150K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Q3 = 2N2222 OR EQUIVALENT. 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 IC1 22K VCC ML4812 RT 6.2K GND RSC 51K L1 566H RPA 360K R6 C13 10F NOTES: 1. ALL UNSPECIFIED DIODES ARE 1N4148. 2. ALL UNSPECIFIED RESISTORS ARE 1/4 WATT. 3. ALL UNSPECIFIED CAPACITOR VOLTAGE RATINGS ARE 50V. 4. ADJUST R2A AND R5A WITH CAUTION TO AVOID OVER VOLTAGE CONDITIONS. N 15A 250V FUSE F1 330K + ENHANCEMENT CIRCUIT SEE TEXT R2 CT 2.2nF R7 R3 33K D2 VZ 3.5V Q3 2N2222 C6 1F GND 1T C8 15F 630V R4 150K 1W C9 15F 630V FIXED RESISTORS CAN BE USED FOR THE SENSING COMPONENTS. BELOW ARE 1% STANDARD RESISTORS THAT WILL FORCE THE CORRECT OUTPUT VOLTAGES R1A, R1B, R4A, R4B = 178k 1%, R2B = 4.75 1%, R5B = 4.53k 1%. USE JUMPERS INSTEAD OF R2A AND R5A (POTS). FOR HIGHER POWER USE MORE VCC DECOUPLING. ** *** - VOUT C11 680F 250V C10 680F 250V C12 1F 630V GND AT INITIAL TURN-ON TO CHECK THE IC FOR PROPER OPERATION, APPLY 16VDC. C7 0.1F RG2 3 RG1 3 T1 R5 150K Q1 Q2 1W APT5025 APT5025 C14 1F *** RS 22 80T D5 MUR3050 * C4 0.1F VCC C5 1nF D4 + IN AC L D1 R1 ML4812 Figure 13. 1kW Input Power, Power Factor Correction Circuit REV. 1.0 10/10/2000 ML4812 PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS inches (millimeters) Package: P16 16-Pin PDIP 0.740 - 0.760 (18.79 - 19.31) 16 0.240 - 0.260 0.295 - 0.325 (6.09 - 6.61) (7.49 - 8.26) PIN 1 ID 1 0.02 MIN (0.50 MIN) (4 PLACES) 0.055 - 0.065 (1.40 - 1.65) 0.100 BSC (2.54 BSC) 0.015 MIN (0.38 MIN) 0.170 MAX (4.32 MAX) SEATING PLANE 0.016 - 0.022 (0.40 - 0.56) 0.125 MIN (3.18 MIN) 0.008 - 0.012 (0.20 - 0.31) 0 - 15 Package: Q20 20-Pin PLCC 0.385 - 0.395 (8.89 - 10.03) 0.042 - 0.056 (1.07 - 1.42) 0.350 - 0.356 (8.89 - 9.04) 0.025 - 0.045 (0.63 - 1.14) (RADIUS) 1 0.042 - 0.048 (1.07 - 1.22) 6 PIN 1 ID 16 0.350 - 0.356 (8.89 - 9.04) 0.385 - 0.395 (8.89 - 10.03) 0.200 BSC (5.08 BSC) 0.290 - 0.330 (7.36 - 8.38) 11 0.009 - 0.011 (0.23 - 0.28) 0.050 BSC (1.27 BSC) 0.026 - 0.032 (0.66 - 0.81) 0.165 - 0.180 (4.19 - 4.57) 0.146 - 0.156 (3.71 - 3.96) 0.100 - 0.110 (2.54 - 2.79) 0.013 - 0.021 (0.33 - 0.53) SEATING PLANE REV. 1.0 10/10/2000 15 ML4812 ORDERING INFORMATION PART NUMBER TEMPERATURE RANGE PACKAGE ML4812CP ML4812CQ 0C to 70C 0C to 70C Molded PDIP (P16) Molded PLCC (Q20) ML4812IP ML4812IQ -40C to 85C -40C to 85C Molded PDIP (P16) Molded PLCC (Q20) DISCLAIMER FAIRCHILD SEMICONDUCTOR RESERVES THE RIGHT TO MAKE CHANGES WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE TO ANY PRODUCTS HEREIN TO IMPROVE RELIABILITY, FUNCTION OR DESIGN. FAIRCHILD DOES NOT ASSUME ANY LIABILITY ARISING OUT OF THE APPLICATION OR USE OF ANY PRODUCT OR CIRCUIT DESCRIBED HEREIN; NEITHER DOES IT CONVEY ANY LICENSE UNDER ITS PATENT RIGHTS, NOR THE RIGHTS OF OTHERS. LIFE SUPPORT POLICY FAIRCHILD'S PRODUCTS ARE NOT AUTHORIZED FOR USE AS CRITICAL COMPONENTS IN LIFE SUPPORT DEVICES OR SYSTEMS WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE PRESIDENT OF FAIRCHILD SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION. As used herein: 1. Life support devices or systems are devices or systems which, (a) are intended for surgical implant into the body, or (b) support or sustain life, and (c) whose failure to perform when properly used in accordance with instructions for use provided in the labeling, can be reasonably expected to result in a significant injury of the user. www.fairchildsemi.com 16 2. A critical component in any component of a life support device or system whose failure to perform can be reasonably expected to cause the failure of the life support device or system, or to affect its safety or effectiveness. (c) 2000 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation REV. 1.0 10/10/2000