Vishay Siliconix
Document Number: 70006
S-42042—Rev. H, 15-Nov-04
Reference Section
The reference section of the Si9120 consists of a temperature
compensated buried zener and trimmable divider network.
The output of the reference section is connected internally to
the non-inverting input of the error amplifier. Nominal reference
output voltage is 4 V. The trimming procedure that is used on
the Si9120 brings the output of the error amplifier (which is
configured for unity gain during trimming) to within 2% of 4 V.
This compensates for input offset voltage in the error amplifier.
The output impedance of the reference section has been
purposely made high so that a low impedance external voltage
source can be used to override the internal voltage source, if
desired, without otherwise altering the performance of the
Error Amplifier
Closed-loop regulation is provided by the error amplifier, which
is intended for use with “around-the-amplifier” compensation.
A MOS differential input stage provides for high input
impedance. The noninverting input to the error amplifier
(VREF) is internally connected to the output of the reference
supply and should be bypassed with a small capacitor to
Oscillator Section
The oscillator consists of a ring of CMOS inverters, capacitors,
and a capacitor discharge switch. Frequency is set by an
external resistor between the OSC IN and OSC OUT pins.
(See Typical Characteristics for details of resistor value vs.
frequency.) The DISCHARGE pin should be tied to −VIN for
normal internal oscillator operation. A frequency divider in the
logic section limits switch duty cycle to 50% by locking the
switching frequency to one half of the oscillator frequency.
SHUTDOWN (pin 12) and RESET (pin 13) are intended for
overriding the output MOSFET switch via external control
logic. The two inputs are fed through a latch preceding the
output switch. Depending on the logic state of RESET.
SHUTDOWN can be either a latched or unlatched input. The
output is off whenever SHUTDOWN is low. By simultaneously
having SHUTDOWN and RESET low, the latch is set and
SHUTDOWN has no effect until RESET goes high. See
Table TABLE 1.
Both pins have internal current source pull-ups and should be
left disconnected when not in use. An added feature of the
current sources is the ability to connect a capacitor and an
open-collector driver to the SHUTDOWN or RESET pins to
provide variable shutdown time.
H H Normal Operation
HNormal Operation (No Change)
L H Off (Not Latched)
L L Off (Latched)
LOff (Latched—No Change)
Output Driver
The push-pull driver output has a typical on-resistance of 20-W
maximum switching times are specified at 75 ns for a 500-pF
load. This is sufficient to directly drive MOSFETs such as the
IRF820, BUZ78 or BUZ80. Larger devices can be driven, but
switching times will be longer, resulting in higher switching
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