General Description
The MAX9390 evaluation kit (EV kit) is a fully assembled
and tested printed-circuit board (PCB) that simplifies
the evaluation of the MAX9390 1.5GHz, dual 2 x 2
crosspoint switch. The EV kit accepts low-voltage differ-
ential signals (LVDS) or high-speed transistor logic
(HSTL) input signals and converts the signals to LVDS
outputs for each channel.
The MAX9390 EV kit is designed with 100Ωdifferential
controlled impedance in a four-layer PCB. The board is
designed for direct differential probing of the LVDS
inputs/outputs. The EV kit operates from a single 3.3V
supply. The MAX9390 EV kit can also be used to evalu-
ate the MAX9391, which accepts LVPECL and CML
input signals.
oSingle 3V to 3.6V Supply Operation
o1.5GHz Operation
o100ΩControlled-Differential Signal Traces
oSupports Testing with Various Mediums
Differential Probes
Twisted-Pair Wire
Coax Cables with SMA Connectors
oSurface-Mount Components
oFully Assembled and Tested
Evaluates: MAX9390/MAX9391
MAX9390 Evaluation Kit
Maxim Integrated Products
19-4064; Rev 0; 2/08
Component List
For pricing, delivery, and ordering information, please contact Maxim Direct at 1-888-629-4642,
or visit Maxim’s website at
Ordering Information
Component Supplier
C1 1
10µF ±10%, 6.3V X5R ceramic
capacitor (0805)
Murata GRM21BR60J106K
C2 1
1µF ±10%, 6.3V X5R ceramic
capacitor (0805)
Murata GRM21BR60J105K
C3, C5, C8,
C10–C18 12
0.1µF ±10%, 16V X5R ceramic
capacitors (0603)
Murata GRM188R61C104K
C4, C6, C7, C9 4
0.01µF ±10%, 50V X5R ceramic
capacitors (0603)
Murata GRM188R61H103K
C19 0 Not installed, capacitor (0805)
16 SMA connectors (edge mounted)
J1–J8, JU1–JU9 17 2-pin headers
R1 0 Not installed, resistor (1206)
R2 0 Not installed, potentiometer
Bourne 3361P-1-101GLF
R3–R10 8 49.9Ω ±1% resistors (0603)
R11–R18 0 Not installed, resistors (0603)
U1 1
Dual 2 x 2 crosspoint switch
(32-pin TQFP, 5mm x 5mm x 1mm)
Maxim MAX9390EHJ+
9 Shunts (JU1–JU9)
1 PCB: MAX9390 Evaluation Kit+
Murata Mfg. Co., Ltd. 770-436-1300
Denotes lead-free and RoHS-compliant.
Note: Indicate that you are using the MAX9390 or MAX9391
when contacting this component supplier.
Evaluates: MAX9390/MAX9391
MAX9390 Evaluation Kit
2 _______________________________________________________________________________________
Quick Start
Required Equipment
Before beginning, the following equipment is needed:
3V to 3.6V, 500mA power supply (VCC)
LVDS signal generator (e.g., HP 8133A)
Digital sampling oscilloscope or communication
analyzer (e.g., CSA8000)
The MAX9390 EV kit is fully assembled and tested.
Follow the steps below to verify board operation.
Caution: Do not turn on the power supply until all
connections are completed.
1) Connect the power supply to the VCC PCB pad.
Connect the ground terminal of the power supply to
GND PCB pad.
2) Set the signal generators to provide an LVDS signal
(this requires both a noninverting and inverting sig-
nal output from the signal generator).
3) Verify that a shunt is not installed at jumper JU1
(MAX9390 evaluation).
4) Verify that shunts are installed at jumpers JU2, JU3,
JU6, and JU7 (all outputs enabled).
5) Verify that a shunt is not installed across jumper
JU4 and a shunt is installed across jumper JU5
(channel A configured in dual repeater mode).
6) Verify that a shunt is not installed across jumper
JU8 and a shunt is installed across jumper JU9
(channel B configured in dual repeater mode).
7) Connect the signal generator’s noninverting signals
to the INA_ and INB_ SMA inputs.
8) Connect the signal generator’s inverting signals to
the INA_ and INB_ SMA inputs.
9) Connect all the OUT_ SMA output connectors to the
digital oscilloscope inputs using 50Ωimpedance
10) Enable the signal generators’ outputs.
11) Verify the signals by observing oscilloscope channels.
Detailed Description of Hardware
The MAX9390 EV kit is a fully assembled and tested
PCB that simplifies the evaluation of the MAX9390
1.5GHz, dual 2 x 2 crosspoint switch. The EV kit
accepts LVDS and HSTL signals at each input and
converts the signals to LVDS output for each channel.
The MAX9390 EV kit is designed with 100Ωdifferential
controlled impedance in a four-layer PCB. The board is
designed for direct differential probing at the LVDS
inputs/outputs and single-ended probing at the outputs
using the respective 2-pin headers. The EV kit operates
from a single 3.3V supply that provides 150mA of
output current.
The MAX9390 EV kit consists of two independent LVDS
channels (A and B) that can be configured to operate
in one of three modes (crosspoint switch, 1:2 splitter, or
dual repeaters), using on-board jumpers. All differential
receiver inputs (IN_) are terminated with two series-
connected 49.9Ωresistors. Resistor PCB pads
R11–R18 are provided at the EV kit output channels for
application-dependent termination.
Power Supply
The MAX9390 EV kit can utilize up to three power sup-
plies. VCC is used as the power source for the
MAX9390 and the logic inputs. VTERM_IN and
VTERM_OUT are used as input- and output-termination
voltages when evaluating the MAX9391. VTERM_IN has
a 0 to VCC - 1.2V input supply voltage range.
VTERM_OUT should be set to the respective LVDS
common-mode or bias voltage.
Input Signals
The MAX9390 accepts LVDS or HSTL differential input
signals. The differential high threshold is +100mV and
the differential low threshold is -100mV. The SMA input
connectors for the circuit are labeled INA_, INB_ (non-
inverting) and INA_, INB_ (inverting). All differential
inputs are terminated with two 49.9Ωresistors (R3–R10)
to create a 100Ωimpedance termination. The input sig-
nals can be monitored with a differential signal probe
placed across header pins J1–J4 for the desired signal.
Output Signals
The four differential outputs can be accessed at header
pins J5–J8 with shielded twisted-pair cables or differ-
ential probes. Pin 1 is the inverting signal (OUT_) and
Pin 2 is the noninverting signal (OUT_). When testing
the EV kit using differential probes or twisted pairs,
populate resistor PCB pads R11–R18 with 49.9Ω
(0603) surface-mount resistors. In addition to populat-
ing resistors R11–R18, terminate the twisted-wire pair
with a 100Ωresistor at the far end of the wire. All differ-
ential output pairs are laid out with equal trace length
having a maximum length difference of 10 mils and
100Ωcontrolled differential-impedance traces.
Leave coupling capacitors C11–C18 in series with the
outputs (OUT_, OUT_) and resistor PCB pads R11–R18
unpopulated when interfacing the output SMA OUT_
connectors to 50Ωimpedance oscilloscope inputs.
Evaluates: MAX9390/MAX9391
MAX9390 Evaluation Kit
_______________________________________________________________________________________ 3
Output Enable/Disable
(JU2, JU3, JU6, JU7)
Jumpers JU2, JU3, JU6, and JU7 enable and disable
the EV kit’s corresponding outputs. Remove the
shunts from the jumpers to disable the output pairs.
The differential output pairs assert to a differential low
condition when disabled. Install a shunt across the
jumpers to enable the outputs. The outputs can also
be enabled or disabled by applying a logic signal at
pin 1 of jumpers JU2, JU3, JU6, and JU7. See Table 1
for proper jumper settings for enabling and disabling
the corresponding outputs.
Switch Configuration
(JU4, JU5, JU8, JU9)
Jumpers JU4 and JU5 control the signal routing for
channel A differential inputs (INA0/INA0 and
INA1/INA1). Jumpers JU8 and JU9 control the signal
routing for channel B inputs (INB0/INB0 and
INB1/INB1). Channels A and B can be configured as
a 2 x 2 crosspoint switch, 1:2 splitter, or as dual
repeaters by configuring these jumpers. See Tables 2
and 3 for proper jumper settings for the different
switch configuration.
Table 1. Enabled/Disable Control (JU2,
JU3, JU6, JU7)
Not installed OUTA1, OUTA1 disabled
JU2 Installed OUTA1, OUTA1 enabled
Not installed OUTA0, OUTA0 disabled
JU3 Installed OUTA0, OUTA0 enabled
Not installed OUTB1, OUTB1 disabled
JU6 Installed OUTB1, OUTB1 enabled
Not installed OUTB0, OUTB0 disabled
JU7 Installed OUTB0, OUTB0 enabled
Table 2. Channel A Output Routing Configuration (JU4, JU5)
Not installed Not installed 1:2 splitter INA0/INA0 OUTA0/OUTA0, OUTA1/OUTA1
Not installed Installed Dual repeaters INA1/INA1 OUTA1/OUTA1
Installed Not installed 2 x 2 switch INA1/INA1 OUTA0/OUTA0
Installed Installed 1:2 splitter INA1/INA1 OUTA0/OUTA0, OUTA1/OUTA1
Table 3. Channel B Output Routing Configuration (JU8, JU9)
Not installed Not installed 1:2 splitter INB0/INB0 OUTB0/OUTB0, OUTB1/OUTB1
Not installed Installed Dual repeaters INB1/INB1 OUTB1/OUTB1
Installed Not installed 2 x 2 switch INB1/INB1 OUTB0/OUTB0
Installed Installed 1:2 splitter INB1/INB1 OUTB0/OUTB0, OUTB1/OUTB1
Evaluates: MAX9390/MAX9391
Evaluating the MAX9391
The MAX9390 EV kit can be used to evaluate the
MAX9391 by replacing U1 with the MAX9391. Install a
shunt across jumper JU1, a resistor at R1, and a poten-
tiometer at R2, in addition to applying the desired termi-
nation voltage at the VTERM_IN PCB pad to evaluate
the MAX9391. Resistor R1 and potentiometer R2 are
used to provide current sinking capability to the EV kit
circuit when evaluating LVPECL, CML, and other VCC
referenced differential input signals. PCB pad
VTERM_OUT can also be used to set the LVDS output
termination voltages. See Table 4 for proper configura-
tion of jumper JU1 when evaluating the MAX9391.
MAX9390 Evaluation Kit
4 _______________________________________________________________________________________
Table 4. Jumper JU1 Configuration
Not installed MAX9390
Installed MAX9391
Evaluates: MAX9390/MAX9391
MAX9390 Evaluation Kit
_______________________________________________________________________________________ 5
Figure 1. MAX9390 EV Kit Schematic
Evaluates: MAX9390/MAX9391
MAX9390 Evaluation Kit
6 _______________________________________________________________________________________
Figure 2. MAX9390 EV Kit Component Placement Guide—Component Side
Evaluates: MAX9390/MAX9391
MAX9390 Evaluation Kit
_______________________________________________________________________________________ 7
Figure 3. MAX9390 EV Kit PCB Layout—Component Side
Evaluates: MAX9390/MAX9391
MAX9390 Evaluation Kit
8 _______________________________________________________________________________________
Figure 4. MAX9390 EV Kit PCB Layout—GND
Evaluates: MAX9390/MAX9391
MAX9390 Evaluation Kit
_______________________________________________________________________________________ 9
Figure 5. MAX9390 EV Kit PCB Layout—Power
Figure 6. MAX9390 EV Kit PCB Layout—Solder Side
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____________________Maxim Integrated Products, 120 San Gabriel Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94086 408-737-7600
© 2008 Maxim Integrated Products is a registered trademark of Maxim Integrated Products, Inc.
MAX9390 Evaluation Kit
Evaluates: MAX9390/MAX9391
Mouser Electronics
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