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MeshConnect™ EM357 Module
CEL’s MeshConnect™ EM357 Module combines high perfor-
mance RF solution with the market's premier ZigBee stack.
The addition of on board memory enables Over-The-Air (OTA)
programming without the need for additional in system memory.
The integrated power amplier maximizes range and perfor-
mance. The small module footprint makes it suitable for a wide
range of ZigBee applications. The MeshConnect EM357 mod-
ule is certied and qualied enabling customers to accelerate
time to market by greatly reducing the design and certication
phases of development.
CEL’s MeshConnect™ EM357 module (ZICM357P2) is based
on the Ember EM357 Zigbee compliant SOC IC. The IC is a
single-chip solution, compliant with ZigBee specications and
IEEE 802.15.4, a complete wireless solution for all ZigBee
applications. The IC consists of an RF transceiver with the
baseband modem, a hardwired MAC and an embedded 32-bit
ARM® Cortex™-M3 microcontroller with internal RAM (12kB)
and Flash (192kB) memory. The device provides numerous
general-purpose I/O pins and peripheral functions such as
timers and UARTs.
The MeshConnect EM357 module adds a power amplier (PA)
to increase range, provide more reliable transmission, and re-
duce the number of nodes in a network. It is useful for open
outdoor applications where the nodes are physically far apart
or for indoor areas where the nodes have to operate in a noisy
RF environment. The Module’s outstanding 120dB link budget
ensures high quality connections even in such harsh environ-
The MeshConnect EM357 module also integrates an optional
1MB Flash memory for Over-The-Air program updates, making
this device ready for Smart Energy Applications.
Integrated Transceiver Modules for ZigBee/IEEE 802.15.4
Development Kits available: ZICM357P2-KIT1-1, ZICM-EM35X-DEV-KIT-1
The information in this document is subject to change without notice, please conrm data is current
Document No: 0008-00-07-00-000 (Issue C)
Date Published: February 24, 2012
Part Number Order Number Description Min./Multiple
EM357 Module
ZICM357P2-1 +20 dBm Output power, PCB Trace antenna, 1MB additional Flash 140 / 140
ZICM357P2-2C +20 dBm Output power, with U.FL Connector for external antenna,
1MB additional Flash 140 / 140
ZICM357P2-1-NF +20dBm Output Power, PCB Trace Antenna (No additional Flash memory) 140 / 140
ZICM357P2-1C-NF +20 dBm Output power, with U.FL Connector for external antenna
(No additional Flash memory) 140 / 140
MeshConnect™ EM357
Development Kits
ZICM357P2-KIT1-1 +20 dBm Engineering Development Kit 1 / 1
ZICM-EM35X-DEV-KIT-1 MeshConnect EM35x Ember Companion Kit; Ships with/for
Ember EM35x Dev Kits 1 / 1
• FLASHMemory:
192 kB (EM357 internal)
1MB (on module board - Optional)
• 12kBSRAM
• 32-bitARM®Cortex™-M3
• Upto23GPIOPins
• SPI(Master/Slave),TWI,UART
• Timers,SerialWire/JTAGInterface
• 5-channel14-bitADC
MeshConnect™ EM357 Module
Ember EM357 Transceiver Based Module
Up to 120 dB RF Link Budget
RX Sensitivity: -100 dBm
RF TX Power: +20 dBm
(25.4 mm x 35.9 mm)
Scheme w/ Deep Sleep Mode
1) Integrated PCB trace antenna or
2) U.FL connector for external antenna
• SmartEnergy/GridMarkets
Smart Meters
• Buildingautomationandcontrol
• GeneralZigBeewireless
• Homeautomationandcontrol
Energy Management
Security Devices
HVAC control
Lighting control
• Transmit power +20dBm
• 1MB additional ash for Over-The-Air programming (Optional)
• +120 dB RF link budget
EM357 USNAP Module ZUSNAP357P2-1 EM357 USNAP module with integrated PCB antenna & ZigBee Pro Software
(for additional information see EM357 USNAP Module Product Brief)5000 / 50