19-4775; Rev 2; 5/04 KIT ATION EVALU E L B A IL AVA +3.3V, 622Mbps, SDH/SONET 4:1 Serializer with Clock Synthesis and LVDS Inputs Features Single +3.3V Supply The MAX3693 serializer is ideal for converting 4-bitwide, 155Mbps parallel data to 622Mbps serial data in ATM and SDH/SONET applications. Operating from a single +3.3V supply, this device accepts low-voltage differential-signal (LVDS) clock and data inputs for interfacing with high-speed digital circuitry, and delivers a 3.3V PECL serial-data output. A fully integrated PLL synthesizes an internal 622Mbps serial clock from a 155.52MHz, 77.76MHz, 51.84MHz, or 38.88MHz reference clock. The MAX3693 is available in the extended temperature range (-40C to +85C), in a 32-pin TQFP package. 155Mbps (4-bit-wide) Parallel to 622Mbps Serial Conversion Clock Synthesis for 622Mbps 215mW Power Multiple Clock Reference Frequencies (155.52MHz, 77.76MHz, 51.84MHz, 38.88MHz) LVDS Parallel Clock and Data Inputs Differential 3.3V PECL Serial-Data Output Applications Ordering Information 622Mbps SDH/SONET Transmission Systems PART TEMP RANGE PIN-PACKAGE 622Mbps ATM/SONET Access Nodes MAX3693ECJ -40C to +85C 32 TQFP Add/Drop Multiplexers MAX3693ECJ+ -40C to +85C 32 TQFP +Denotes lead-free package. Digital Cross Connects Pin Configuration appears at end of data sheet. Typical Operating Circuit (155MHz LVDS CRYSTAL REFERENCE) VCC = +3.3V PCLKI- PCLKI+ RCLK- RCLK+ VCC CKSET PD0+ 1F 1F FIL+ PD0OVERHEAD GENERATION PD1+ PD1- MAX3693 PD2+ PD2PD3+ FILVCC = +3.3V PD3PCLKO- PCLKO+ GND SD- SD+ VCC = +3.3V 130 130 MAX3668 THIS SYMBOL REPRESENTS A TRANSMISSION LINE OF CHARACTERISTIC IMPEDANCE (Z0 = 50) 82 82 ________________________________________________________________ Maxim Integrated Products For pricing, delivery, and ordering information, please contact Maxim/Dallas Direct! at 1-888-629-4642, or visit Maxim's website at www.maxim-ic.com. 1 MAX3693 General Description MAX3693 +3.3V, 622Mbps, SDH/SONET 4:1 Serializer with Clock Synthesis and LVDS Inputs ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Terminal Voltage (with respect to GND) VCC .......................................................................-0.5V to +5V All Inputs, FIL+, FIL-, PCLKO+, PCLKO- ..............................-0.5V to (VCC + 0.5V) Output Current LVDS Outputs (PCLKO)................................................10mA PECL Outputs (SD).......................................................50mA Continuous Power Dissipation (TA = +85C) TQFP (derate 10.20mW/C above +85C) ...................663mW Operating Temperature Range ...........................-40C to +85C Storage Temperature Range .............................-60C to +160C Lead Temperature (soldering, 10s) .................................+300C Stresses beyond those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (VCC = +3V to +3.6V, differential LVDS loads = 100 1%, PECL loads = 50 1% to (VCC - 2V), TA = -40C to +85C, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at VCC = +3.3V, TA = +25C.) PARAMETER Supply Current SYMBOL CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS ICC PECL outputs unterminated 38 65 100 mA PECL OUTPUTS (SD) Output High Voltage VOH Output Low Voltage VOL TA = 0C to +85C VCC - 1.025 VCC - 0.88 TA = -40C VCC - 1.085 VCC - 0.88 TA = 0C to +85C VCC - 1.81 VCC - 1.62 TA = -40C VCC -1.83 VCC - 1.555 V V LVDS INPUTS AND OUTPUTS (PCLKI, RCLK, PCLKO, PD_) VI Differential input voltage = 100mV 0 2.4 V Differential Input Threshold VIDTH Common-mode voltage = 50mV -100 100 mV Threshold Hysteresis VHYST Input Voltage Range 60 Differential Input Resistance RIN Output High Voltage VOH Output Low Voltage VOL 0.925 Differential Output Voltage |VOD| 250 Change in Magnitude of Differential Output Voltage for Complementary States Output Offset Voltage Change in Magnitude of Output Offset Voltage for Complementary States Single-Ended Output Resistance Change in Magnitude of Single-Ended Output Resistance for Complementary Outputs 85 1.475 V 400 mV 25 mV 1.275 V 25 mV 95 140 2.5 10 % 500 A V |VOD| VOS 1.125 VOS RO 40 RO mV 115 100 PROGRAMMING INPUT (CKSET) CKSET Input Current 2 ICKSET CKSET = 0 or VCC _______________________________________________________________________________________ +3.3V, 622Mbps, SDH/SONET 4:1 Serializer with Clock Synthesis and LVDS Inputs (VCC = +3V to +3.6V, differential LVDS load = 100 1%, PECL loads = 50 1% to (VCC - 2V), TA = -40C to +85C, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at VCC = +3.3V, TA = +25C.) (Note 1) PARAMETER SYMBOL Serial Clock Rate CONDITIONS MIN TYP fSCLK MAX 622.08 TA = +25C UNITS MHz Parallel Data-Setup Time tSU 200 ps Parallel Data-Hold Time tH 600 ps PCLKO to PCLKI Skew tSKEW 0 0 Output Random Jitter PECL Differential Output Rise/Fall Time tR, tF +4.0 ns 11 psRMS 200 ps Note 1: AC characteristics guaranteed by design and characterization. Typical Operating Characteristics (VCC = +3.3V, differential LVDS loads = 100 1%, PECL loads = 50 1% to (VCC - 2V), TA = +25C, unless otherwise noted.) SUPPLY CURRENT vs. TEMPERATURE PARALLEL DATA-SETUP TIME vs. TEMPERATURE 40 20 100 50 0 MAX3693-03 MAX3693-02 MAX3693-01 60 150 250 PARALLEL DATA-HOLD TIME (ps) SUPPLY CURRENT (mA) 80 200 PARALLEL DATA-SETUP TIME (ps) 100 PARALLEL DATA-HOLD TIME vs. TEMPERATURE 200 150 100 50 PECL OUTPUTS UNTERMINATED 0 -50 -50 -25 0 25 50 TEMPERATURE (C) 75 100 0 -50 -25 0 25 50 TEMPERATURE (C) 75 100 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 TEMPERATURE (C) _______________________________________________________________________________________ 3 MAX3693 AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Typical Operating Characteristics (continued) (VCC = +3.3V, differential LVDS loads = 100 1%, PECL loads = 50 1% to (VCC - 2V), TA = +25C, unless otherwise noted.) SERIAL-DATA OUTPUT JITTER SERIAL-DATA OUTPUT EYE DIAGRAM 1.0042V MAX3693-06 1.1V MAX3693-05 MAX3693 +3.3V, 622Mbps, SDH/SONET 4:1 Serializer with Clock Synthesis and LVDS Inputs 10mV/ div 57mV/ div fRCLK = 155.52MHz 0.536V 0.904V 200ps/div Mean 25.22ns RMS 4.073ps PkPk 32.6ps 10ps/div 1 70.373% 2 95.357% 3 99.759% Pin Description PIN NAME FUNCTION 1, 3, 5, 7 PD0+ to PD3+ Noninverting LVDS Parallel Data Inputs. Data is clocked in on the PCLKI signal's positive transition. 2, 4, 6, 8 PD0- to PD3- 9, 17, 18, 19, 24, 25, 32 GND 10 PCLKO- Inverting LVDS Parallel-Clock Output. Use positive transition of PCLKO to clock the overhead management circuit. 11 PCLKO+ Noninverting LVDS Parallel-Clock Output. Use positive transition of PCLKO to clock the overhead management circuit. 12, 13, 16, 21, 28, 29 VCC +3.3V Supply Voltage 14 SD- Inverting PECL Serial-Data Output 15 SD+ Noninverting PECL Serial-Data Output 20 4 CKSET Inverting LVDS Parallel Data Inputs. Data is clocked in on the PCLKI signal's positive transition. Ground Reference Clock Rate Programming Pin. CKSET = VCC: Reference Clock Rate = 155.52MHz CKSET = Open: Reference Clock Rate = 77.76MHz CKSET = 20k to GND: Reference Clock Rate = 51.84MHz CKSET = GND Reference Clock Rate = 38.88MHz 22 FIL- Filter Capacitor Input. See Typical Operating Circuit for external-component connections. 23 FIL+ Filter Capacitor Input. See Typical Operating Circuit for external-component connections. 26 RCLK+ Noninverting LVDS Reference Clock Input. Connect an LVDS-compatible crystal reference clock to the RCLK inputs. 27 RCLK- Inverting LVDS Reference Clock Input. Connect an LVDS-compatible crystal reference clock to the RCLK inputs. 30 PCLKI+ Noninverting LVDS Parallel Clock Input. Connect the incoming parallel-data-clock signal to the PCLKI inputs. Note that data is updated on the positive transition of the PCLKI signal. 31 PCLKI- Inverting LVDS Parallel Clock Input. Connect the incoming parallel-data-clock signal to the PCLKI inputs. Note that data is updated on the positive transition of the PCLKI signal. _______________________________________________________________________________________ +3.3V, 622Mbps, SDH/SONET 4:1 Serializer with Clock Synthesis and LVDS Inputs The MAX3693 serializer comprises a 4-bit parallel input register, a 4-bit shift register, control and timing logic, a PECL output buffer, LVDS input/output buffers, and a frequency-synthesizing PLL (consisting of a phase/ frequency detector, loop filter/amplifier, voltagecontrolled oscillator, and prescaler). This device converts 4-bit-wide, 155Mbps data to 622Mbps serial data (Figure 1). The PLL synthesizes an internal 622Mbps reference used to clock the output shift register. This clock is generated by locking onto the external 155.52MHz, 77.76MHz, 51.84MHz, or 38.88MHz reference-clock signal (RCLK). The incoming parallel data is clocked into the MAX3693 on the rising transition of the parallel-clockinput signal (PCLKI). The control and timing logic ensure proper operation if the parallel-input register is latched within a window of time that is defined with respect to the parallel-clock-output signal (PCLKO). PCLKO is the synthesized 622Mbps internal serialclock signal divided by four. The allowable PCLKO-toPCLKI skew is 0 to +4ns. This defines a timing window at about the PCLKO rising edge, during which a PCLKI rising edge may occur (Figure 2). PD3+ PD3- LVDS PD2+ PD2- LVDS MAX3693 4-BIT PARALLEL INPUT REGISTER PD1+ PD1- LVDS PD0+ PD0- LVDS PCLKI+ LVDS PCLKI- PRESCALER RCLK+ LVDS RCLK- PHASE/FREQ DETECT SHIFT VCO CONTROL LATCH 4-BIT SHIFT REGISTER PECL SD+ SD- LVDS FIL+ FIL- CKSET PCLKO+ PCLKO- Figure 1. Functional Diagram _______________________________________________________________________________________ 5 MAX3693 _______________Detailed Description MAX3693 +3.3V, 622Mbps, SDH/SONET 4:1 Serializer with Clock Synthesis and LVDS Inputs PCLKO tSKEW PCLKI tSU PD_ tH VALID PARALLEL DATA* SD D3 D2 D1 D0 NOTE: SIGNALS SHOWN ARE DIFFERENTIAL. FOR EXAMPLE, PCLKO = (PCLKO+) - (PCLKO-). *PD3 = D3; PD2 = D2; PD1 = D1; PD0 = D0. Figure 2. Timing Diagram Low-Voltage Differential-Signal (LVDS) Inputs and Outputs The MAX3693 features LVDS inputs and outputs for interfacing with high-speed digital circuitry. The LVDS standard is based on the IEEE 1596.3 LVDS specification. This technology uses 250mV to 400mV differential low-voltage swings to achieve fast transition times, minimized power dissipation, and noise immunity. For proper operation, the parallel-clock LVDS outputs (PCLKO+, PCLKO-) require 100 differential DC termi- 6 nation between the inverting and noninverting outputs. Do not terminate these outputs to ground. The parallel data and parallel clock LVDS inputs (PD_+, PD_-, PCLKI+, PCLKI-, RCLK+, RCLK-) are internally terminated with 100 differential input resistance, and therefore do not require external termination. PECL Outputs The serial-data PECL outputs (SD+, SD-) require 50 DC termination to (VCC - 2V) (see the Alternative PECLOutput Termination section). _______________________________________________________________________________________ +3.3V, 622Mbps, SDH/SONET 4:1 Serializer with Clock Synthesis and LVDS Inputs Pin Configuration Alternative PECL-Output Termination Layout Techniques GND RCLK+ RCLKVCC VCC PCLKI+ PCLKIGND GND FIL+ FILVCC CKSET GND GND GND 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 MAX3693 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 VCC SD+ SDVCC VCC PCLKO+ PCLKOGND 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 For best performance, use good high-frequency layout techniques. Filter voltage supplies and keep ground connections short. Use multiple vias where possible. Also, use controlled-impedance transmission lines to interface with the MAX3693 clock and data inputs and outputs. TOP VIEW 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 Figure 3 shows alternative PECL output-termination methods. Use Thevenin-equivalent termination when a (VCC - 2V) termination voltage is not available. If AC coupling is necessary, be sure that the coupling capacitor is placed following the 50 or Thevenin-equivalent DC termination. PD0+ PD0PD1+ PD1PD2+ PD2PD3+ PD3- +3.3V 130 130 TQFP MAX3693 SD+ Z0 = 50 PECL INPUTS ___________________Chip Information TRANSISTOR COUNT: 2925 SD- Z0 = 50 82 82 MAX3693 SD+ Z0 = 50 SD- Z0 = 50 50 HIGHIMPEDENCE INPUTS 50 VCC - 2V Figure 3. Alternative PECL-Output Termination _______________________________________________________________________________________ 7 MAX3693 Applications Information Package Information (The package drawing(s) in this data sheet may not reflect the most current specifications. For the latest package outline information, go to www.maxim-ic.com/packages.) 32L/48L,TQFP.EPS MAX3693 +3.3V, 622Mbps, SDH/SONET 4:1 Serializer with Clock Synthesis and LVDS Inputs Maxim cannot assume responsibility for use of any circuitry other than circuitry entirely embodied in a Maxim product. No circuit patent licenses are implied. Maxim reserves the right to change the circuitry and specifications without notice at any time. 8 _____________________Maxim Integrated Products, 120 San Gabriel Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94086 408-737-7600 (c) 2004 Maxim Integrated Products Printed USA is a registered trademark of Maxim Integrated Products.