Crystal Clock Oscillator
S1800 / S1803 / S1850 Series
Technical Data
3.3 & 5V, HCMOS, TTL, SMD
DS-181 REV F01
(T) = Tape & Reel
full reel increments only
Frequency Range:
Frequency Stability: ±25, ±50, ±100 ppm over all conditions; calibration, tolerance,
operating temperature, input voltage change, load change, aging
(1 Year @ 25°C average ambient temperature), shock and vibration.
1.5440 MHz to 80 MHz
Temperature Range:
Supply Voltage:
-10 to +70°C or -40 to +85°C
-55 to +125°C
+5.0V ±10%, 3.3V ±10%
Supply Current:
The 5V S1800, S1850 and 3.3V S1803
are crystal-controlled, low-current os-
cillators providing precise rise and fall
times to drive high speed CMOS and
TTL loads. The sub-miniature, very
low profile leadless ceramic packages
have gold-plated contact pads, ideal
for today's pick-and-place SMT envi-
ronments. The S1850 is a high output
load version available to 80 MHz.
25mA max
35mA max
10µA max
15mA max
18mA max
25mA max
10µA max
27mA max
35mA max
75mA max
1.544 to 32 MHz:
32+ to 50 MHz:
50+ to 80 MHz:
1.544 to 50 MHz (standby):
1.544 to 80 MHz (standby):
Standby Current: 10µA max on S1800 and S1803 only
Output: Symmetry:
Rise & Fall Times:
Logic 0:
Logic 1:
45/55% max @ 50% VDD, 40/60% max @ 1.5V on S1800 & 1850
7ns max (10ns max: S1800) 20% to 80% VDD, 1.544 to 50 MHz
5ns max, 50+ to 80 MHz (S1803 & S1850 only)
10% VDD max
90% VDD min
Applications & Features
Sub-miniature, 1.1 mm high ceramic
package ideal for SMT applications
10µA max standby mode on S1800
and S1803
Available as 3.3V and 5V versions
CMOS, HCMOS & TTL compatible
Perfect for PC's; notebook, palmtop
computers; portable applications;
PCMCIA cards;disc drives. Anywhere
small size, low power, surface
mountability are a priority
Available on tape & reel; 16mm tape,
1000pcs per reel
Solder Reflow Guide
Reflow 240 max
Preheat 183 ±10°C
4°C/sec max
Temperature – °C
4°C/sec max
1 – 2 minutes 10 sec maxTime
250 Cooling
15 pF max, 10 LSTTL
50 pF max 1.544 to 50 MHz, 10 TTL
30 pF max 50+ to 70 MHz, 10 TTL
20 pF max 70+ to 80 MHz (HCMOS), 10 TTL
Part Numbering Guide
Solvent Resistance:
Terminal Strength:
Resistance to Soldering Heat:
MIL-STD-883, Method 2002, Condition B
MIL-STD-883, Method 2003
MIL-STD-883, Method 2007, Condition A
MIL-STD-202, Method 215
MIL-STD-883, Method 2004, Condition D
MIL-STD-202, Method 210, Condition I or J
Gross Leak Test:
Fine Leak Test:
Thermal Shock:
Moisture Resistance:
MIL-STD-883, Method 1014, Condition C
MIL-STD-883, Method 1014, Condition A2
MIL-STD-883, Method 1011, Condition A
MIL-STD-883, Method 1004
S1800 = 5.0V, 1.544 to 50 MHz, 15 pF, standby
S1803 = 3.3V, 1.544 to 80 MHz, 15 pF, standby
S1850 = 5.0V, 1.544 to 80 MHz, 50 pF high drive
S 1803 C – 60.0000 (T)
Frequency (MHz)
Stability Tolerance
A = ±25 ppm, -10 to +70°C
B = ±50 ppm, -10 to +70°C
C = ±100 ppm, -10 to +70°C
E = ±50 ppm, -40 to +85°C
F = ±100 ppm, -40 to +85°C
141 Jefferson Drive • Menlo Park, CA 94025 • USA • 650-470-7700 • 800-227-8974 • Fax 650-462-9894
8ps max RMS period jitterJitter: