Coaxial Connectors
94 Catalog 1308638 Dimensions are in inches and Dimensions are shown for USA: 1-800-522-6752 South America: 55-11-3611-1514
Revised 8-05 millimeters unless otherwise reference purposes only. Canada: 1-905-470-4425 Hong Kong: 852-2735-1628
specified. Values in brackets Specifications subject Mexico: 01-800-733-8926 Japan: 81-44-844-8013 are metric equivalents. to change. C. America: 52-55-5-729-0425 UK: 44-141-810-8967
S-50, 70 & 93
Dim. Dim. Cable Jacket Instruction Former Assembly
Part No. A B Max. Special Features Sheet No. MICRODOT Tool
I.S. No.
S-50 Series (50 Ohm) .190 [4.83] -32 UNF-2B Thread
032-0021-0001 .745 .230 Dia. .087 1Solderless Assembly 408-08521 RF-ASMB-88 010-0003-0000
18.92 5.84 2.21
032-0023-0001 .745 .230 Dia. .087 1408-08522 RF-ASMB-89 010-0003-0000
18.92 5.84 2.21
032-0025-0001 .745 .230 Dia. .093 1Solderless Assembly 408-08521 RF-ASMB-88 010-0003-0000
18.92 5.84 2.36
032-0033-0001 .745 .230 Dia. .093 1408-08522 RF-ASMB-89 010-0003-0000
18.92 5.84 2.36
032-0097-0001 .745 .250 Hex. .087 1Solderless Assembly, Hex Nut 408-08521 RF-ASMB-88 010-0003-0000
18.92 6.35 2.21
032-0098-0001 .745 .250 Hex. .087 Hex Nut 408-08522 RF-ASMB-89 010-0003-0000
18.92 6.35 2.21
032-0155-0001 .700 .250 Hex. .088 1, 2Hex Nut, .187 [4.75] 408-08522 RF-ASMB-89 010-0003-0000
17.78 6.35 2.24 Hex Cable Clamp Nut
032-0156-0001 .700 .250 Dia. .088 1, 2.187 [4.75] 408-08522 RF-ASMB-89 010-0003-0000
17.78 6.35 2.24 Hex Cable Clamp Nut
052-0213-0001 .745 .250 Hex. .087 1Solderless, Hex Nut w/ Safety 408-08521 RF-ASMB-88 010-0003-0000
18.92 6.35 2.21 Wire Holes, .021 [0.53] Wire Max.
052-0235-0001 .745 .250 Hex. .087 1, 2Hex Nut 408-08522 RF-ASMB-89 010-0003-0000
18.92 6.35 2.21
052-0235-0003 .745 .250 Hex. .087 1, 2Hex Nut w/ Safety Wire Holes, 408-08522 RF-ASMB-89 010-0003-0000
18.92 6.35 2.21 .021 [0.53] Wire Max.
052-0370-0001 .745 .250 Hex. .093 1Hex Nut, Designed for 408-08522 RF-ASMB-89 010-0003-0000
18.92 6.35 2.36 Dual Shield Cable
052-0542-0001 .745 .250 Hex. .087 1Hex Nut 408-08522 RF-ASMB-89 010-0003-0000
18.92 6.35 2.21
S-70 Series (70 Ohm) .216 [5.49] -32 UNEF-2B Thread
032-0010-0001 .760 .255 Dia. .093 1Solderless Assembly 408-08521 RF-ASMB-88 010-0004-0000
19.30 6.48 2.36
032-0022-0001 .760 .255 Dia. .093 1408-08525 RF-ASMB-95 010-0004-0000
19.30 6.48 2.36
032-0067-0001 .755 .255 Dia. .108 1408-08522 RF-ASMB-89 010-0035-0000
19.18 6.48 2.74
032-0078-0001 .755 .255 Dia. .108 1Solderless Assembly 408-08521 RF-ASMB-88 010-0035-0000
19.18 6.48 2.74
032-0222-0001 .760 .281 Hex. .093 1Hex Nut w/ Safety Wire Holes, 408-08525 RF-ASMB-95 010-0004-0000
19.30 7.14 2.36 .014 [0.35] Wire Max.
052-0092-0001 .760 .255 Dia. .093 2408-08525 RF-ASMB-95 010-0004-0000
19.30 6.48 2.36
S-93 Series (93 Ohm) .250 [6.35] -32 UNEF-2B Thread
032-0011-0001 .760 .320 Dia. .134 1Solderless Assembly 408-08521 RF-ASMB-88 010-0005-0000
19.30 8.13 3.40
032-0017-0001 .760 .320 Dia. .134 1408-08525 RF-ASMB-95 010-0005-0000
19.30 8.13 3.40
032-0066-0001 .950 .350 Dia. .154 1Silicone Bend Relief Cap 408-08523 RF-ASMB-90 —
24.13 8.89 3.91
032-0071-0001 .760 .320 Dia. .134 1Cable Inner Conductor, 408-08525 RF-ASMB-95 010-0005-0000
19.30 8.13 3.40 .031 [0.78] Max.
032-0092-0001 .760 .320 Dia. .155 1408-08525 RF-ASMB-95 010-0044-0000
19.30 8.13 3.94
032-0099-0001 .760 .312 Hex. .134 1Hex Nut 408-08525 RF-ASMB-95 010-0005-0000
19.30 7.92 3.40
052-0200-0001 .760 .312 Hex. .134 1Hex Nut w/ Safety Wire Holes, 408-08525 RF-ASMB-95 010-0005-0000
19.30 7.92 3.40 .015 [0.38] Wire Max.
1Pin protected.
2Hole in ferrule permits soldering to clamp ring and shield for increased cable pullout strength.
Pin Protector
[.762–.838] Pin
Standard Connectors — Screw-On Series(Continued)