Getting Started with RUGGEDCOM CloudConnect
Entry-ID: 109763521, V1.0, 02/2019
Siemens AG 2019 All rights reserved
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Use of application examples
Ap plicati on exampl es illust rate t he sol ution of automation tasks t hr ou gh an inter ac ti on of s ev er al
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Security information
Siemens provides products and solutions with In dustr ial Security func tions that suppor t t he secure
operat i on of pl ant s , sys t em s, m ach i nes a n d net wor ks .
In ord er to protec t pl ants, system s, machi nes and n etwork s against cyber t hreats , it is n eces sary
to impl ement – an d continuously mai ntain – a holistic, state-of-the-art indus tr ial security concept.
Siemens’ products and solutions c onst it ut e one el em ent of s uch a c onc ept .
Cus tomers are responsible for preventing unauthor ized acces s to their plant s, s ystems, machines
and network s. Suc h systems, mach ines an d comp onent s shoul d onl y be connected to an
enterprise networ k or t he Internet if and to th e extent s uch a connection is necessary an d only
wh en appropr iate s ec ur it y m eas ures ( e.g. fir ew alls and/or n et work segm ent ation) ar e in p lac e.
F or ad d it i onal i nf or m at i on on in d ust r ial s ec urity m easures th at m ay b e im plem en ted, ple as e vis it
Siemens’ products and solutions u ndergo c ontin uous development to make them more secure.
Siemens st rongly recommends t hat product u pdates are app lied as soon as t hey ar e av ail ab l e
and that the latest product vers ions are used. Use of produc t versions that are no longer
supported, and failure to ap ply the latest updat es may inc rease cus tom er’ s exposur e to cyb er
T o st ay i nf orm ed ab out pr od uc t upd at es, s ubscr ibe t o the Siemens Indus trial Security RSS Feed
at: https://www.siemens.com/industrialsecurity.