(Main features)
Trigger modes None, Auto, Repeat, Single, Rapid (segmented memory)
Max. pre-trigger capture 100% of capture size
Max. post-trigger delay 4 billion samples
Trigger rearm time < 2 μs on fastest time base
Max. trigger rate 32 waveforms in a 100 μs burst
Source Ch A, Ch B
Trigger types Rising, falling
Advanced triggers Edge, Window, Pulse width, Window pulse width, Dropout, Window dropout, Interval, Runt pulse,
Trigger sensitivity Digital triggering provides 1 LSB accuracy up to full bandwidth of scope.
ETS mode: Typical 10 mV p-p, at full bandwidth
Source D15 to D0
Trigger types Combined Level and Edge
Advanced triggers Data pattern (can be grouped by user)
Source Ch A, Ch B, and D15 to D0
Trigger types Logic trigger across analog and digital inputs (using AND, NAND, OR, NOR, XOR, XNOR)
Connector Rear panel, BNC
Standard waveforms Sine, square, triangle, DC voltage, ramp, sinc, gaussian, half-sine, white noise
Standard signal frequency DC to 100 kHz
Sweep modes Up, down, dual with selectable start / stop frequencies and increments
Output frequency resolution < 0.01 Hz
Output voltage range ±2 V
Output voltage adjustment Signal amplitude and offset adjustable in 1 mV steps within overall ±2 V range
Amplitude flatness < 1 dB to 100 kHz
DC accuracy ±1 % of full scale
SFDR > 55 dB @ 1 kHz, full scale sine wave
Output resistance 600 Ω
Overvoltage protection ±10 V
AWG update rate 2 MS/s
AWG buffer size 8 ksamples
AWG resolution 12 bits
AWG bandwidth 100 kHz
AWG rise time (10-90 %) < 2 μs
Buffer index mode Repeat
Phase accumulator 32 bits
Pk-pk output range ±250 mV to ±2 V
Arbitrary Waveform Downloadable user defined waveforms. 1 sample to 8 ksamples (user-selectable)
Frequency range DC to 25 MHz
Display modes Magnitude, average, peak hold
Windowing functions Rectangular, Gaussian, triangular, Blackman, Blackman-Harris, Hamming, Hann, flat-top
Number of FFT points Selectable from 128 to half available buffer memory in powers of 2
CHANNELS Functions +, −, *, /, sqrt, ^, exp, ln, log, abs, norm, sign, sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan,
sinh, cosh, tanh, derivative, integral, freq, min, max, average, peak
Operands A, B (input channels), T (time), reference waveforms, constants, pi
MEASUREMENTS Oscilloscope AC RMS, true RMS, DC average, cycle time, frequency, duty cycle, falling rate, fall time,
rising rate, rise time, high pulse width, low pulse width, maximum, minimum, peak to peak
Spectrum Frequency at peak, amplitude at peak, average amplitude at peak,
total power, THD %, THD dB, THD plus noise, SFDR, SINAD, SNR, IMD
Statistics Minimum, maximum, average and standard deviation
DECODING Protocols I²C, I2S, SPI, RS-232/UART, CAN, LIN, FlexRay
TESTING Statistics Pass/fail, failure count, total count
DISPLAY Interpolation Linear
Persistence modes Digital color, analog intensity, custom, or none
Specifications continued...