30 Altera Corporation
APEX 20K Programmable Logic Device Family Data Sheet
ESBs can implement synchronous RAM, which is easier to use than
asynchronous RAM. A circuit using asynchronous RAM must generate
the RAM write enable (WE) signal, while ensuring that its data and address
signals meet setup and hold time specifications relative to the WE signal.
In contrast, the ESB’s synchronous RAM generates its own WE signal and
is self-timed w ith resp ec t to the g lob al clock . Cir c uits usin g t he ESB ’s se lf-
timed RAM must only mee t the set up and hold time specifica tion s of the
global clock.
ESB in puts are driv en by the adjac ent local interconne ct, which in turn c an
be driven by the MegaLAB or FastTrack Interconnect. Because the ESB can
be driven by the local interconn ect, an adjacent LE can drive it direct ly for
fast memory acce ss. ESB outpu ts dri v e t he Meg aLA B and FastTrack
Inter conn ect. In addi tion , ten ESB outputs , nine of which are uniq ue
output lines, drive the local interconnect for fast connection to adjacent
LEs or for fast feedback product-term logic.
When im plem enting m e m ory, each ESB can be config ured i n any of th e
following sizes: 128 ×16, 256 ×8, 512 ×4, 1,0 24 ×2, or 2,04 8 ×1. By
combining multiple ESBs, the Quartus II software implements larger
memory blocks automatically. For example, two 128 ×16 RA M blocks can
be combined to form a 128 ×32 RAM block, a nd two 512 ×4 RAM blocks
can be combined to form a 512 ×8 RAM block. Memory performance does
not degrade for memory bl o cks up to 2,048 words deep. Each ESB can
implement a 2,048-word-deep memory; the ESBs are used in parallel,
eliminating the need for any external control logic and its associated
To cr eate a hi gh-s peed me mory blo ck th at is mo re th an 2, 048 w ord s de ep,
ESBs drive tri-state lines. Each tri-state line connects all ESBs in a column
of MegaLAB structures, an d dri ves the MegaLAB interconnect and row
and column FastTrack Interconnect throughout the column. Each ESB
incorporat es a programmab le decoder to activate the tri-sta te driver
appr opriatel y. For instance , to im plemen t 8,192- word-de ep memor y, four
ESBs are used. Eleven address lines drive the ESB memory, and two more
drive the tri-state decoder. Depending on which 2,048-word memory
page is selected, the appropriate ESB driver is turned on, driving the
output to the tri-state line. The Quartus II software automatically
combines ESBs with tri-state lines to form deeper memory blocks. The
interna l tri-state cont rol logic is design ed to avoid inter nal conte ntion and
floating lines. See Figure 18.