INTEGRATED CIRCUITS SHORT FORM SPECIFICATION 32-bit PKI Engine High Speed DES Engine 64 Kbytes ROM / 8 Kbytes EEPROM / 2.3 Kbytes RAM ISO7816 & ISO 14443 A Interface Contact & Contactless Operation Optional MIFARE(R) Emulation (1K or 4K) TANGRAM Handshaking Technology P8RF5009 Secure Dual Interface Smart Card IC Short Form Specification Revision 1.0 December 2003 Philips Semiconductors Short Form Specification Revision 1.0 December 2003 Secure Dual Interface Smart Card IC CONTENTS 1 FEATURES 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 MIFARE(R) ProX FAMILY STANDARD FEATURES SECURITY FEATURES PRODUCT SPECIFIC FEATURES DELIVERY TYPES DESIGN IN SUPPORT 2 DESCRIPTION 2.1 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 Different Configurations of the P8RF5009 Configuration A Configuration B1 Configuration B4 3 ORDERING INFORMATION 4 BLOCK DIAGRAM 5 PINNING INFORMATION 5.1 5.1.1 5.1.2 Smart Card contacts Smart Card contacts Dual Interface "Standard Type" Smart Card Contacts Dual Interface "Plug In Type" Note: Specification may be changed without further notice. 2 P8RF5009 Philips Semiconductors Short Form Specification Revision 1.0 December 2003 Secure Dual Interface Smart Card IC 1 P8RF5009 FEATURES 1.1 MIFARE(R) - EEPROM endurance: minimum 100.000 programming cycles per byte - EEPROM data retention time: 10 years minimum ProX FAMILY STANDARD FEATURES * Enhanced ultra low power 80C51CPU, operates in contact and contactless mode * TANGRAM handshaking technology * Versatile EEPROM programming of 1 to 64 bytes at a time * Typical EEPROM page erasing time: 1.6 ms * Typical EEPROM page programming time: 1.6 ms * 2.7 V to 5.5 V extended operating voltage range * High speed DPA resistant DES / DES3 engine - Triple-DES calculation time (incl. key load) <35 s - - Single-DES calculation time (incl. key load) <25 s - Wake-up from IDLE Mode by Reset or any activated interrupt * Power-saving SLEEP or CLOCKSTOP Mode - Wake-up from SLEEP or CLOCKSTOP Mode by Reset or External Interrupt * Additional IO ports IO2 and IO3 for full-duplex serial data communication; can be left unconnected if only one IO is required. * ISO/IEC 7816 UART supporting standard protocols T=0 and T=1 as well as high speed personalisation at 1Mbit/s * Contact configuration and serial interface according to ISO/IEC 7816: GND, VCC, CLK, RST, IO1 1.2 SECURITY FEATURES * Special Design measures against physical attacks * Contactless RF interface according to ISO/IEC14443-2 * Power-up / Power-down reset - 13.56 MHz operating frequency - Reliable communication due to 100% ASK - High speed (106/212/424 kbit/s, efficient frame support) - true anticollision * * * * Low / high supply voltage sensor Low / high clock frequency sensor Low / high temperature sensor EEPROM programming: - no external clock - hardware sequencer controlled - on-chip programming voltage generation * * * * * Electronic fuses for safeguarded mode control Unique 4 Byte long serial number for each die 16 bytes Write Once Security area in EEPROM 4 bytes Read Only Security area in EEPROM 64 EEPROM bytes for customer-defined security FabKey. Featuring batch-, wafer- or die-individual security data. - 100% MIFARE(R) / ISO/IEC14443 compatible * Contactless Interface Unit (CIU) supporting the T=CL protocol according to ISO/IEC14443-4 including high speed option (212/424 kbit/s) * optional free of charge MIFARE(R) 25 to +85 C operating ambient temperature range * * Power-saving IDLE Mode * Memory Management Unit (MMU) allows: - secure separation of multi applications - memory mapping up to 1MByte Code memory - Extended memory addressing system (XMA) for fast memory access and data transfer * True low power random number generator in hardware functionality * MIFARE(R) reader infrastructure compatibility * High speed CRC engine according to CCITT * Internal CPU / coprocessor clock up to 16 / 32 MHz * Two 16-bit timers * Multiple source vectorized interrupt system with two priority levels * Clock input filter for protection against spikes * Error handling by customer definable exception interrupts * Custom specific EEPROM initialisation possible * Memory protection for RAM, EEPROM and ROM * Multiple source reset system * Configurable external or internal CPU clocking * external clock frequency range 1 MHz to 8 MHz * High reliable EEPROM for both data storage and program execution - Bytewise EEPROM programming and read access 3 Philips Semiconductors Short Form Specification Revision 1.0 December 2003 Secure Dual Interface Smart Card IC 1.3 * * * * * P8RF5009 PRODUCT SPECIFIC FEATURES 1.4 DELIVERY TYPES * 180 m sawn wafer on film frame carrier (FFC) 64 Kbytes User ROM 256 bytes IDATA RAM 2048 bytes XDATA RAM 8 Kbytes EEPROM optional free of charge MIFARE(R) 1K or MIFARE(R) 4K functionality * Dual interface module with ISO 7816 contact pads on super 35 mm film (8-contact) * Samples in SO28 package (for new rom codes in small quantities only) 1.5 * 32 bit PKI engine FameX (Fast Accelerator for Modular Exponentiation-eXtended) optimized for public key cryptographic calculations DESIGN IN SUPPORT * Development Tools - Keil PK51 and DK51 development tool package incl. Vision2/dScope C51 simulator, additional specific hardware drivers incl. simulation of contactless interface and ISO7816 card interface board. ( - the major Public Key Cryptosystems like RSA, El'Gamal, DSS, Diffie-Hellmann, Guillou-Quisquater, Fiat-Shamir and elliptic curve are supported - 4096 bits maximum key length for RSA with randomly chosen modulus - Ashling Ultra-Emulator platform, stand alone ROM prototyping boards and ISO7816 and ISO14443 card interface board. Code Coverage and Performance Measurement software tools for real time software testing. ( - < 40 ms typical signature generation time (Chinese Remainder Theorem) of 512-bit RSA - < 400 ms typical signature verification time of 1024-bit RSA - Raisonance, RKitP51, RKitE51 Development Suite (includes RIDE, C-Compiler, Assembler, Simulator, Realtime Emulator and ISO7816 and ISO14443 card interface board). ( - 32-bit key length increments - boolean operations for acceleration of standard, symmetric cipher algorithms - EvalOS Cards and Modules for chip evaluation and production setup testing available in small quantities. - Dual Interface Dummy Modules OM6711 in SOT658BA1 package for implantation process testing available. * Application Support - Application Notes and dedicated customer application support engineers. - Customer trainings on Dual interface controllers and ISO14443 related topics on request * Software Libraries - Libraries supporting contactless communication according to ISO 14443, Part 3 and 4 - EEPROM Read / Write routines - Tutorial libraries / example routines for DES and PKI co-processors - Advanced PKI library 4 Philips Semiconductors Short Form Specification Revision 1.0 December 2003 Secure Dual Interface Smart Card IC 2 P8RF5009 DESCRIPTION high speed for contactless smart card applications. The field proven MIFARE(R) RF interface technology is used in all products of the MIFARE(R) interface platform and provides reliable communication and secure processing, even in electro-magnetically harsh environments like in buses or train stations. Compatibility with existing MIFARE(R) reader infrastructure and the optional emulation modes of MIFARE(R) 1K or MIFARE(R) 4K enables fast system integration and backward compatibility of P8RF5009 based cards. The P8RF5009 is an ultra low power secure 8-bit dual interface smart card controller combining contactless smart card technology based on the ISO14443A / MIFARE(R) contactless interface platform and contact smart card technology on a single chip. It is designed to support both high level languages like Java and multi application operating systems. To meet the requirements of new open e-purse standards like CEPS high security features are implemented combined with the convenience and transfer speed that is needed in contactless applications such as electronic ticketing. PHILIPS offers a unique feature free of charge on its Dual interface controllers, the MIFARE(R) 1K or 4K emulation providing the same functionality and performance as the hardwired logic contactless memory cards. The MIFARE(R) functionality can be used concurrently with ISO/IEC14443 (T=CL) protocol based applications. This gives customers maximum flexibility. The device is manufactured in a most advanced CMOS process and is designed for embedding into chip cards according to ISO 7816. Compared to a contact only card an antenna has to be added in the peripheral zone of the card body (see Figure 1). The antenna consists of a few turns of a printed, etched or wired coil which is directly connected to the two contactless interface pads of the dual interface smart card module. The integrated PKI engine FameX accelerates the encipherment for Public Key encryption algorithms. This widens the field of applications for this device, since it can be used as tamper-resistant security tool for secured and authentic communication in open networks and can be used both in contact and contactless operation. To provide the highest possible degree of protection against hostile attacks the Philips Dual Interface Smart Card ICs are designed for security which requires continuous ongoing improvements. Philips is committed to this policy. Special attention was drawn to the design of the security architecture, in order to achieve the highest degree of protection against fraudulent attacks. Each security measure is designed to act as an integral part of the complete system in order to strengthen the design as a whole. Bi-directional communication with the contact interface of the device can be performed through three serial interface IOs. These IOs are under full control of the application software in order to allow conditional controlled access to the different internal memories. On-chip hardware is software controlled via Special Function Registers (SFRs). Their function and usage is described in the respective sections of this specification as the SFRs are correlated to the activities of the CPU, Interrupt, IO, EEPROM, Timers, etc. The P8RF5009 is based on the 80C51 microcontroller family extended by additional functionality to support high speed memory access. This extended memory addressing system (XMA) is a special hardware block working like a co-processor and offering 16 bit functionality for the P8RF5009. It supports all data manipulating instructions of the 8051 core and can be used without additional special instructions. The P8RF5009 provides two power saving modes with reduced activity: the IDLE and the SLEEP or CLOCKSTOP Mode. These two modes are activated by software. The P8RF5009 operates either with a single 3 V or 5 V power supply at a maximum clock frequency of 8 MHz supplied by the contact pads or with a power supply generated from the electromagnetic field emitted by a reader antenna. The device includes 64 Kbytes of ROM, up to 2.3 Kbytes RAM (data memory) and 16 Kbytes of EEPROM, which can be used as data memory and as program memory. The non-volatile memory consists of high reliability memory cells to guarantee data integrity. This is especially important when the EEPROM is used as program memory. Operated both in contact and in contactless mode the users define the final function of the card with their operating system (OS). This allows the same level of security and flexibility for the contact (ISO 7816) interface as well as for the contactless (ISO 14443) interface. The Triple-DES co-processor speeds up the calculation time for Triple-DES encryption by about three orders of magnitude compared to software solutions and can be used both in contact and contactless operation. Together with the fast contactless interface it offers high security and 5 Philips Semiconductors Short Form Specification Revision 1.0 December 2003 Secure Dual Interface Smart Card IC P8RF5009 Fig.1 P8RF5009 Dual Interface Card. 2.1 Different Configurations of the P8RF5009 2.1.2 In configuration B1 the contactless MIFARE(R) Classic OS provided by Philips is implemented on the P8RF5009. 1 Kbyte of the EEPROM can be accessed by the MIFARE(R) Classic OS offering the same command set and functionality as a MIFARE(R) 1K hardwired logic chip. The access conditions for the user OS to the MIFARE(R) memory area can be configured in a special section of the ROM code with the so called ACM (Access condition matrix). The MIFARE(R) Classic OS offers a backward compatibility to support existing infrastructure based on the MIFARE(R) Classic functionality. Depending on the application requirements the P8RF5009 can be configured in three different ways. The configuration has impact on the access conditions for the EEPROM and influences the user OS development. Three different configurations (A, B1 and B4) are possible and shown in Table 1. The following section gives a rough idea of the different configuration. 2.1.1 CONFIGURATION B1 CONFIGURATION A In configuration A all memory resources are available and under full control of the dual interface User OS. 6 Philips Semiconductors Short Form Specification Revision 1.0 December 2003 Secure Dual Interface Smart Card IC 2.1.3 P8RF5009 For secure separation of the user OS and the MIFARE(R) OS a dedicated built in hardware protection controls access to the EEPROM, RAM and ROM. CONFIGURATION B4 Configuration B4 means that Philips provides MIFARE(R) Classic OS giving the same functionality and command set as given by the MIFARE(R) 4K chip. This emulation will be implemented in the ROM of the P8RF5009 and offers the possibility to access 4 Kbytes of EEPROM memory using the MIFARE(R) command set. Access rights for the user OS and the MIFARE(R) 4K emulation on accessing the EEPROM memory can be configured in a special section of the ROM code (ACM .. Access Condition Matrix). Table 1 For detailed explanation of MIFARE(R) S and MIFARE(R) 4K functionality please refer also to the following documents: * MIFARE(R) MF CM500 Product Specification * MIFARE(R) Standard IC MF1 ICS50 Functional Specification * MIFARE(R) Standard 4 Kbyte Card IC MF1 ICS70 Configurations of the P8RF5009 CONFIGURATION EEPROM A 8 Kbytes for access with user OS B1 7 Kbytes for access with user OS via EEPROM SFR 1 Kbyte for access with MIFARE(R) Classic OS and user OS (1) (2) B4 4 Kbytes for access with user OS via EEPROM SFR 4 Kbytes for access with MIFARE(R) Classic OS and user OS (1) (2) Notes 1. In configuration B1 and B4 the MIFARE(R) OS allocates 128 bytes of the CRAM at address 0480h to 04FFh 2. For secure access a password is needed that is checked every time the user operating system (User OS) wants to access MIFARE(R) password secured EEPROM data. The user system has to call the function eePasswordRead or eePasswordWrite by CVEC function calls. CONFIGURATION A CONFIGURATION B1 CONFIGURATION B4 RAM RAM RAM 1280 bytes 1152 bytes 1152 bytes 128 bytes MIFARE(R) OS 128 bytes MIFARE(R) OS EEPROM EEPROM 7 Kbytes 4 Kbytes EEPROM 8 Kbytes 1 Kbytes 4 Kbytes MIFARE(R) OS MIFARE(R) OS ROM ROM ROM 64 Kbytes 64 Kbytes 64 Kbytes Fig.2 Configurations of the P8RF5009. 7 Philips Semiconductors Short Form Specification Revision 1.0 December 2003 Secure Dual Interface Smart Card IC 3 ORDERING INFORMATION Table 2 Ordering Information of the P8RF5009 PACKAGE TYPE NUMBER(1) NAME P8RF5009AEV/0xxyyBz P8RF5009AEV/0xxyyCz TEMPERATURE RANGE (C) DESCRIPTION P8RF5009AEW/0xxyyWz FFC 4 P8RF5009 - sawn wafer on film frame carrier Module Dual Interface Modules on super 35 mm film (8-contact) SOT658BA3 Module Plug In Type Dual Interface Modules on super 35 mm film (8-contact) with Antenna connected to C4 and C8 SOT658BA3 -25 to +85 BLOCK DIAGRAM LA CARD COIL LB RF INTERFACE CIU ISO 14443 RAM TEST ROM SECURITY SENSORS PUBLIC KEY CO-PROCESSOR MEMORY-BUS POWER-ON RESET CRC IO2 IO3 VOLTAGE REGULATOR INTERRUPT SYSTEM RESET GENERATOR CPU 80C51 MMU SFR - BUS CLOCK INPUT FILTER ISO CONTACTS Fame USER ROM EEPROM TIMERS UART ISO 7816 PROGRAMMABLE IO 1, 2, 3 16 BIT 16 BIT T0 T1 Fig.3 Block diagram P8RF5009. 8 TRUE RANDOM NUMBER GENERATOR TRIPLE-DES CO-PROCESSOR Philips Semiconductors Short Form Specification Revision 1.0 December 2003 Secure Dual Interface Smart Card IC 5 P8RF5009 PINNING INFORMATION 5.1 Smart Card contacts 5.1.1 SMART CARD CONTACTS DUAL INTERFACE "STANDARD TYPE" VCC C1 RST C2 C5 GND C6 N.C. LB* LA* CLK C3 C7 IO N.C. C4 C8 N.C. * Antenna contacts are placed on module backside Fig.4 Contact assignments for SOT658BA1 (Standard Type). Table 3 Pin description ISO 7816 CONTACTS P8RF5009 SYMBOL SYMBOL C1 VCC VCC Power supply voltage input DESCRIPTION C2 RST RST Reset input, active LOW C3 CLK CLK Clock input C4 reserved N.C. not connected C5 GND GND Ground (reference voltage) input C6 VPP N.C. C7 IO IO C8 not connected Input/Output #1 for serial data reserved N.C. not connected - - IO2 Input/Output #2 for serial data - - IO3 Input/Output #3 for serial data - - LA antenna coil connection - - LB antenna coil connection Note 1. IO2, IO3 assignment on request 9 Philips Semiconductors Short Form Specification Revision 1.0 December 2003 Secure Dual Interface Smart Card IC 5.1.2 P8RF5009 SMART CARD CONTACTS DUAL INTERFACE "PLUG IN TYPE" VCC C1 C5 GND RST C2 C6 N.C. LB* LA* CLK C3 C7 IO1 LA C4 C8 LB * Antenna contacts are placed on module backside Fig.5 ISO contact assignments for SOT658BA1 (Plug-In-Type). Table 4 Pin description DUAL INTERFACE ("PLUG-IN TYPE") ISO 7816 CONTACTS P8RF5009 SYMBOL SYMBOL C1 VCC VDD DESCRIPTION C2 RST RST Reset input, active LOW C3 CLK CLK Clock input C4 reserved LA C5 GND VSS C6 VPP N.C. not connected C7 IO IO1 Input/Output #1 for serial data C8 reserved LB Antenna coil connection LB Power supply voltage input Antenna coil connection LA Ground (reference voltage) input a) IO3 assignment on request 10 Philips Semiconductors - a worldwide company Contact information For additional information please visit Fax: +31 40 27 24825 For sales offices addresses send e-mail to: (c) Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2002 SCA74 All rights are reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without the prior written consent of the copyright owner. The information presented in this document does not form part of any quotation or contract, is believed to be accurate and reliable and may be changed without notice. No liability will be accepted by the publisher for any consequence of its use. Publication thereof does not convey nor imply any license under patent- or other industrial or intellectual property rights.