SYMBOLS & CODES EXPLAINED IN TYPE No. CROSS-INDEX & TECHNICAL SECTIONS A Z % RT ... Replacement Type; consult manufacturer. Indicators of separate manufacturers producing same type number (non-JEDEC) whose characteristics are not the same. This manufacturer-identifying symbol (assigned by D.A.1.A.) is an integral part of the type number {in Type No. Cross Index, Technical Data Sections) to avoid the possibility of confusing the devices of one manufacturer with the devices of others. SYMBOLS & CODES COMMON TO MORE THAN ONE TECHNICAL SECTION LINE No. Vv New Type Revised Specifications # Non-JEDEC Type manufactured t_ @- TYPE No. outside U.S.A. i 6 , i LINE TYPE OLL. IN |M E[BVel No. No. DISS. | fab [FREE |A M @25C AIR. [XP Ww we vi ; @ With infinite heat sink Following symbols indicate temperature at which derating starts: T- 40c i- ec = 100% * 45C - 7C 4 Min. #-~ 50C =A 85C T- tae Gain bandwidth product (f,) %* Maximum frequency of oscillation QD ~ Figure of merit (frequency for unity power gain} A Minimum Z- Maximum Q ~ With infinite heat sink E * 50-65C A Ambient 70-80c C Case # - 85-100C J Junction # 110-125C S Storage T 130-135C $ 140-165C 170-200C Over 200C STRUCTURE (All Sections A Alloy Except 6 & 7} Switching type, also listed in Section 12 AN Annular - a . . D ~ Diffused or drift Chopper, also listed in Section 13, Category 10 pM Diftused These types also included elsewhere with other E 7 E, tons fee characteristics. See Type No. Cross Index for pt axial : EA Epitaxial annular alternate line no. EM Epitaxial mesa Radiation Resistant Devices, also listed in FE _ Feeed Section 13, Category 13, G ~ Grown GA Gallium Arsenide H Hometaxial MA Mico alloy MD Micro alloy diffused ME Mesa MOS Metal oxide silicon PA, Precision alloy PC Point contact PD Precision alioy diffused PE Ptanar epitaxial PL Planar Ss Surface barrier * Matched pair A Switching, other uses Z Chopper, other uses Z Noise figure 8db or below t Plastic package % Overlay ye i \ I ' Mai , cao |BVebo | Icbo. BIAS Cob |STRUC|Y200 le 0 le @MAX! Veb le hfe hoe hie hre -TURE | s/a JAD Veb TO200/D E Vv) A) Al Vv (A) mh 1 Ser, 9 fe QD lo A- lp b h parameters are Pope Pine Mb 74] Maximum D Vee 0) t- Nee A Minimum Pulsed Maximum At Va, Max. V., (See Mfr. Spec.) # aise 68 CB 8 hee Typical CEX yptca %* Available in selected ranges -1 * ~ 'cER CES AtTemp.> 28 =A 'cEO ~ AtTemp. 25C Case # Pulsed or Peak ~ i hb - q iis 7] Maximum $ Co T-c, $ Minimum po $ Tetrode # - BVcex or punch-through D av # Radiation Resistant Device CES (A - BV eo (sus) {Also See Above) .- BVoER * Pulsed $- Indicates min. valves given for BY cb, EV ceo, and BV abo,67 TYPE No. ST61t $T6130 c720t PT3760 2N914/51 2N5272t MD1T2369t TiIS49t ST70 LDA414 2N52928 2N5263 FM911 FM1613 FM871 2SD228 RT1253M AT380 AT383 AT386 $18200f NS477 NS480 NS732 NS733A NS1972 NS1975 2N1965t ST6593 B33D4 D3305 RT696AM FTOOS5 RT719Mt 2N1962t 2N1963/46t DISS. @25C 360m 360m 360m 360m 360m 360m 360m 360m 360m 360m 360m 360m m 375m m 375m m 375m 400m 400m 400m 400m 400m 400m 400m 400m 400m 400m 400m 400m 400m 400m 400m 400m 400m 400m 400m 400m 400m fab 400M8A 400MA|2.0m 420M 460M8A| 2.0m 480M |2.0m 500MA|2.1m 500M5 500M$A|2.9m 6O0MSA 7OO0M |2.9m 800MA|2.1m 1.0684 |2.9m m 50M8A|2.1m m 60M8A|2.1m . m 96MA [2.1m m 2.3m m 60MSA|2.3m 60M8A/2.3m m 60M5A|2.3m 60MEA|2.3m 80MA 12.2m 80MA |2.2m 80M |2.2m 80M 2.6m 90M5 90M5 100M84|2.7m 100M8A|2.2m 112M8A|4.0m 150M5A|4.0m 150M |4.5m 175M [3.2m 180M |2.3m m 200M$A|2.7m 200M5A D.A.T.A. 4.0 |100m 5.0 5.0 |200m 4:5 |200m 4:5 |200m 3.0 3.5 |150m 4.5 |100m 25 | 25m 7.0 7.0 7.0 5.0 5.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 7.0 6.0 | 50m 8.0 | 50m 4.0 |100m 4.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 [500m 5.0 5.0 |500m 5.0 |500m 5.0 6.0 | 75m 5.0 5.0 |200m 5.0 /200m 25 1.0% }100m 5.0 |2. 5.00 |1. 5.0% | 1.0md 1004 1.0% 5.0 5.0 5.00 5.00 | 1 IN ORDER OF (1) MAX COLLECTOR DISSIPATION 20 t#A 30 tA 60 Tt 50 TA 30 t#A 100 ta# a 5OA 20 t#A 20 tA 7.0 30 20 65 55 130 120 45 40 83 20 100n {5.0% |100ug| 40 ta 100n 50ud 60nd 100n 100n 100ng 100u 2.0ud .25uD 100u u 100uZ/100 ta 10D) 1 40 tA 100/1 20 tA 5.0% |100ud| 25MtA 5.00 |100ud| 65MtA 10D|5.0m% | 45 t 1536. 35 1 30 + 1.00 | 1 106 | 1 SYMBOLS AND CODES EXPLAINED IN INTERPRETER Cob |STRUC EO TURE | s/a |AD T0200/D E PEA |TOt8 |@ PEA |TO18 |AD PE TO18 |A PL TO18 TOS1 | AD TO18 | AD TO122/P TO92 | B TO18 @ 7T0122/P TO18 | AD u34 A 67b> CQew + LINE No. Vv - - #- SYMBOLS & CODES COMMON TO MORE THAN ONE TECH New Type Revised Specifications Non-JEDEC type manufactured outside U'S.A. TYPE No. SYMBOLS & CODES EXPLAINED Switching type, also listed in Section 12 Chopper, also listed in Section 13, Category 10 These types also included elsewhere with other characteristics. See Type No. Cross Index for alternate line number. Radiation Resistant Devices, also listed in Section 13, Category 13. ICAL SECTION wo fa, Gain bandwidth product (f-) Maximum frequency of oscillation Figure of merit (frequency for unity power gain) Minimum Maximum I Charge storage time constant Stored base charge picocoulomb Total switching time Ton = t + ty Typical Value ee Tort = ts + ty Typical Value Ton + Tote =td+ tr + tf + ts LINE No. TYPE No. [2] RISE [DELAY TIME | TIME STRUCTURE (Atl Sections A Alloy Except 6 & 7} AN Annular D Diffused or drift DM - Diffused mesa E Epitaxial EA -~ Epitaxial annular EM Epitaxial mesa F Fused G Grown GA Gallium Arsenide H Hometaxial MA -- Mico alloy MD Micro alloy diffused ME - Mesa MOS Metal oxide silicon PA, Precision alloy PC Point contact PD Precision alloy diffused PE Planar epitaxial PL Planar s Surface barrier to Matched pair ~ Switching, other uses Chopper, other uses Noise figure 8db or below Plastic package ~ Overlay * THESE TYPES ALSO INCLUDED ELSEWHERE WITH OTHER CHARACTERISTICS SEE TYPE NO. CROSS INDEX FOR ADDITIONAL PAGE & LINE NO. Pulsed Minimum Maximum Available to selected range narrower than indicated - Yes in millimho (FETs only). Bias values are Vos & 'b . | Cob SAT. xX Tt - "bp rbb PP +him vw 24 NP Cob |N-NPN i A|TEMP: T OWG. No. ormr moo Ge Germanium Si Siticon Tetrode NPN or N Channel PNP or P Channel Field Effect Transistor Radiation Resistant Device (See above also) D With infinite heat sink Following symbols indicate temperature at which derating starts: f - 40c 70 * ~ 45C $- 100C or greater # 50C @ 80C ~ 60C A- Pulsed A ~- Maximum $ ~ Cob - Ron (FETs only) # Pulsed - Coes (FET's only} SISTORS A Ambient Cc Case J Junction Ss Storage DESCRIPTION a 1 Avalanche Mode 10 - 2 Bi-directional 11 - Unmatched Ge Germanium 3 Field Effect Composite (Dual) Si Silicon 4 Hook Collector 12 Cryogenic 5 ~ Complementary 13 Radiation Symmetry (PNP & Resistant Devices NPN) Matched Pair 14 Pressure Sensitive N -~ NPN or N Channel See TECHNICAL TERM DEFINITIONS Section | 6 Matched Pair 15 Transistor chips P PNP or P Channel 7 Phototransistor 16 Darlington (See above also) 8 - Tetrode 17 Microwave 9 Unijunction: NN-type emitter (P-type Base) PP-type emitter (N-type Base)121 TYPE No. FTI315 TIS48 2N5272 28C423 FT4354 2SA450H FM3014 2N709/51 78EP 2N2368/51 BSws0 PMT123 280613 2N2369/51 2N709A/5 1 BSV50G $T6120 MM2554 2N955A ME8101 2N2379 D.A.T.A. SOOMS8A SOOMTA 500M54 5SOOM5A 500M5A 500M8 500M 530M8 S60MA 600MSA 600M 675M 750M 750M$ 800MA 800M 800M 1000M 1OOOMSA 1500M8 4000Mt DELAY; STORE) FALL TIME | TIME td ts 13n 12nt 14nt 18n 4.5nt |5.0nt TIME tf 18nD 18nD IN FREE AIR 6, 360m 360m 360m 360m 360m 500m 4.0 Veb 1.0 @ 10D 1.0% 1.0 @ 5.0 1 le IN ORDER OF (1) fab, (2) MAX RISE TIME & Cob rbb |STRUCTURE;/M|MAX.;Y200 |E 0 X {P-PNP A|TEMP! s/a AD Cob |N-NPN T 5p 4.0pA Si p 4.0ps SYMBOLS AND CODES EXPLAINED IN INTERPRETER T0200 TO18 7018 u T018 TO92 TO018 u TO039 TO105 |A TO18 AD TO46 TO51 u46 121