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Document Number: LS2085ARDBFS REV 1
The LS2085A reference design is designed
in a 1U form factor and will conform to all
requirements for sale worldwide, including
certifications for FCC Part 15 Class A.
The QorIQ LS2085A RDB comes pre-loaded
with Freescale’s board support package
(BSP) based on standard Linux kernel. The
comprehensive BSP also enables some of the
SoCs new capabilities:
• LinuxkernelsupportforDPAA2containers.
• DPAA2L2switchobjects
• NADK,aLinuxuserspaceenvironment
providing functions and interfaces oriented
towards packet processing applications
• Supportforanopenarchitectureparallel
processing packet engine
Hardware Features:
• LS2085ACPUUpto8xARMCortex-A57
CPU, up to 2.0 GHz core speed
• Memory
SDRAM Supporting dual ranked DIMM
slot, two x DDR4 uDIMM x72 support
for 4 GB memory per slot, 2.1 GT/s data
rate, ECC enable
Support for an additional dual rank
uDIMM slot. One x ½ uDIMM x40
support for 1 GB memory, 1.6 GT/s
data rate
128 MB NOR flash, 8-bit
2 GB SLC NAND flash
• PCIExpress
One standard slot x8 PCIe connector
to support 1 x8 PCIe Gen3 or 2x4 PCIe
through a connector
• USB3.0
Two USB type A connectors on the front
or rear panel connected to a USB PHY;
one configured as a host, the second
as OTG
Support for 2xSATA connectors. These
will be muxed from the PCIe SERDES
and configured through a switch on
the board
• Ethernet
Support for up to 4-ports of 10 GbE,
Support for up to 4-ports of 10 GbE,
copper (4xRJ45)
Software Features:
• U-Bootbootloader
• LinuxkernelwithDPAA2networking
• GNUtoolchainforARMv8technology
• LargesetofstandardLinuxuserspace
packages including shells, initialization
scripts and servers
• SupportforDPAA2
Management complex firmware for the
DPAA2 architecture
• LinuxkernelsupportfortreatingDPAA2
containers as plug-and-play busses with
VFIO support
• IntegratedcontrolofDPAA2L2switch
• NADK,aLinuxuserspaceenvironment
providing functions and interfaces oriented
towards packet processing applications
• Supportforanopenarchitectureparallel
processing packet engine
“Service layer” which provides interfaces
and APIs for packet processing
programs that run on the advanced
packet processor
Available CodeWarrior tool chain
• Fullyintegratedmarket-readysolutionsthat
integrate Freescale-supplied datapaths (i.e.
IP forwarding, IPSec, Netflow, BFD, SDN,
ETh OAM and many other networking
functions and protocols)
Users may also integrate these advanced
packet processing datapaths themselves
QorIQ LS2085A Reference Design Board