There are two main considerations when choosing an induc-
tor: the inductor should not saturate, and the inductor current
ripple should be small enough to achieve the desired output
voltage ripple. Different saturation current rating specifica-
tions are followed by different manufacturers so attention
must be given to details. Saturation current ratings are typi-
cally specified at 25°C. However, ratings at the maximum
ambient temperature of application should be requested from
the manufacturer. Shielded inductors radiate less noise and
should be preferred.
In the case of the LM3668, there are two modes (Buck &
Boost) of operation that must be consider when selecting an
inductor with appropriate saturation current. The saturation
current should be greater than the sum of the maximum load
current and the worst case average to peak inductor current.
The first equation shows the buck mode operation for worst
case conditions and the second equation for boost condition.
•IRIPPLE: Peak inductor current
•IOUTMAX: Maximum load current
•VIN: Maximum input voltage in application
•L : Min inductor value including worst case tolerances
(30% drop can be considered)
•f : Minimum switching frequency
•VOUT: Output voltage
•D: Duty Cycle for CCM Operation
•VOUT : Output Voltage
•VIN: Input Voltage
Example using above equations:
•VIN = 2.8V to 4V
•VOUT = 3.3V
•IOUT = 500mA
•L = 2.2µH
•F = 2MHz
•Buck: ISAT = 567mA
•Boost: ISAT = 638mA
As a result, the inductor should be selected according to the
highest of the two ISAT values.
A more conservative and recommended approach is to
choose an inductor that has a saturation current rating greater
than the maximum current limit of 2.05A.
A 2.2µH inductor with a saturation current rating of at least
2.05A is recommended for most applications. The inductor’s
resistance should be less than 100mΩ for good efficiency. For
low-cost applications, an unshielded bobbin inductor could be
considered. For noise critical applications, a toroidal or shield-
ed-bobbin inductor should be used. A good practice is to lay
out the board with overlapping footprints of both types for de-
sign flexibility. This allows substitution of a low-noise shielded
inductor, in the event that noise from low-cost bobbin model
is unacceptable.
TABLE 2. Suggest Inductors and Suppliers
Model Vendor Dimension
Coilcraft 4 x 4 x 1.2 100 mΩ2.1A
Coilcraft 4 x 4 x 1.8 70 mΩ2.5A
R0M (2µF)
TOKO 3 x 2.8x 1.2 67 mΩ1.8A
( lower
A ceramic input capacitor of at least 10µF, 6.3V is sufficient
for most applications. Place the input capacitor as close as
possible to the PVIN pin of the device. A larger value may be
used for improved input voltage filtering. Use X7R or X5R
types; do not use Y5V. DC bias characteristics of ceramic ca-
pacitors must be considered when selecting case sizes like
0805 or 0603. The input filter capacitor supplies current to
the PFET switch of the LM3668 in the first half of each cycle
and reduces voltage ripple imposed on the input power
source. A ceramic capacitor’s low ESR provides the best
noise filtering of the input voltage spikes due to this rapidly
changing current. For applications where input voltage is 4V
or higher, it is best to use a higher voltage rating capacitor to
eliminate the DC bias affect over capacitance.
A ceramic output capacitor of 22µF, 6.3V (use 10V or higher
rating for 4.5/5V output option) is sufficient for most applica-
tions. Multilayer ceramic capacitors such as X5R or X7R with
low ESR is a good choice for this as well. These capacitors
provide an ideal balance between small size, cost, reliability
and performance. Do not use Y5V ceramic capacitors as they
have poor dielectric performance over temperature and poor
voltage characteristic for a given value. In other words, ensure
the minimum COUT value does not exceed −40% of the above-
suggested value over the entire range of operating tempera-
ture and bias conditions.
Extra attention is required if a smaller case size capacitor is
used in the application. Smaller case size capacitors typically
have less capacitance for a given bias voltage as compared
to a larger case size capacitor with the same bias voltage.
Please contact the capacitor manufacturer for detail informa-
tion regarding capacitance verses case size. Table 1 lists
several capacitor suppliers.
The output filter capacitor smooths out current flow from the
inductor to the load, helps maintain a steady output voltage
during transient load changes and reduces output voltage
ripple. These capacitors must be selected with sufficient ca-
pacitance and sufficiently low ESR to perform these functions.
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