Structure Operation
1. Forced operation method
(2a2b, 3a1b, 4a4b types)
The two contacts “a” and “b” are coupled with the same
card. The operation of each contact is regulated by the
movement of the other contact.
Even when one contact is welded closed,
the other maintains a gap of greater than
0.5 mm .020 inch.
In the diagram on the left, the lower
contact "b" have welded but the upper con-
tact "a" maintain at a gap of greater than
0.5 mm .020 inch.
Subsequent contact movement is
suspended and the weld can be detected
2. Independent operation method
(4a4b type)
None of four contacts are held in position b y the armature.
Even though one of the external N.O. contacts has
welded, the other three contacts have returned owing to
the de-energizing of the coil.
Enables design of safety circuits that allow
weld detection and return at an early stage.
As shown at the top right of the diagram on
the left, if the external N.O . contact welds , a
0.5 mm .020 inch gap is maintained.
Each of the other contacts returns to N.O.
because the coil is no longer energized.
3. Separate chamber method
(2a2b, 3a1b, 4a4b types)
In independent chambers, the contacts "a" and "b" are
kept apart by a body/card separator or by the card itself. Prev ents shorting and fusing of springs and
spring failure owing to short-circuit current.
As shown on the diagram on the left, even
if the operating springs numbered 1 and 2
there is no shorting between "a" and "b"
4. High-efficiency 4-gap balanced
armature structure
(2a2b, 3a1b, 4a4b types)
The use of high-efficiency magnetically polarized circuits
and 4-gap balanced armature structure means that
springs are not required.
Does away with return faults due to fatigue
or breakage of the return spring, especially
stoppage during contact states.
5. 2a2b contact
3a1b contact
4a4b contact Structure with independent COM contact of (2a2b),
(3a1b), (4a4b) contacts.
Independent COM enables differing pole
circuit configurations. This makes it
possible to design various kinds of control
circuits and safety circuits.
Min. 0.5 mm .020 inch
Contact a
Contact b
External NO
contact weld
Case separator Card
Contact a
Contact b
This SF relay design ensures that
subsequent operations shut down and can
automatically return to a safe state when
the SF rela y suff ers o verloading and other
circuit abnormalities (unforeseen
externally caused circuit or device
breakdowns, end of life incidents, and
noise, surge, and environmental
influences) owing to contact welding,
spring fusion or, in the worst-case
scenario, relay breakdown (coil rupture,
faulty operation, faulty return, and fatigue
and breakage of the operating spring and
return spring), and even in the event of
end of life.