Am186EM and Am188EM
User’s Manual
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Table of Contents v
DESIGN PHILOSOPHY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xix
PURPOSE OF THIS MANUAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xix
INTENDED AUDIENCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xix
USER’S MANUAL OVERVIEW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xix
AMD DOCUMENTATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .xx
E86 Family xx
1.1 KEY FEATURES AND BENEFITS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-1
1.2 DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-2
1.3 APPLICATION CONSIDERATIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-5
1.3.1 Clock Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-5
1.3.2 Memory Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-6
1.3.3 Serial Communications Port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-6
2.1 REGISTER SET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-1
2.1.1 Processor Status Flags Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-2
2.3 I/O SPACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-4
2.4 INSTRUCTION SET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-4
2.5 SEGMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-8
2.6 DATA TYPES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-8
2.7 ADDRESSING MODES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-10
3.1 PIN DESCRIPTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-1
3.1.1 Pins That Are Used by Emulators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-15
3.2 BUS OPERATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-16
3.3 BUS INTERFACE UNIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-19
3.3.1 Nonmultiplexed Address Bus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 -19
3.3.2 Byte Write Enables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 -19
3.3.3 Pseudo Static RAM (PSRAM) Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-19
3.4 CLOCK AND POWER MANAGEMENT UNIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-20
3.4.1 Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-20
3.4.2 Crystal-Driven Clock Source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-20
3.4.3 External Source Clock. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-22
3.4.4 System Clocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-22
3.4.5 Power-Save Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-22
4.1 OVERVIEW. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-1
4.1.1 Peripheral Control Block Relocation Register
(RELREG, Offset FEh) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-4
4.1.2 Reset Configuration Register (RESCON, Offset F6h). . . . . . . . . .4-5
4.1.3 Processor Release Level Register (PRL, Offset F4h). . . . . . . . . .4-6
4.1.4 Power-Save Control Register (PDCON, Offset F0h). . . . . . . . . . .4-7
4.2 INITIALIZATION AND PROCESSOR RESET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-8
Table of Contents
5.1 OVERVIEW. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-1
5.2 CHIP SELECT TIMING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-2
5.3 READY AND WAIT-STATE PROGRAMMING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-2
5.4 CHIP SELECT OVERLAP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-2
5.5 CHIP SELECT REGISTERS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-3
5.5.1 Upper Memory Chip Select Register (UMCS, Offset A0h) . . . . . .5-4
5.5.2 Low Memory Chip Select Register (LMCS, Offset A2h) . . . . . . . .5-6
5.5.3 Midrange Memory Chip Select Register (MMCS, Offset A6h) . . .5-8
5.5.4 PCS and MCS Auxiliary Register (MPCS, Offset A8h) . . . . . . . .5-10
5.5.5 Peripheral Chip Select Register (PACS, Offset A4h) . . . . . . . . .5-12
6.1 OVERVIEW. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-1
6.1.1 Memory Partition Register (MDRAM, Offset E0h) . . . . . . . . . . . .6-1
6.1.2 Clock Prescaler Register (CDRAM, Offset E2h) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-2
6.1.3 Enable RCU Register (EDRAM, Offset E4h) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-2
7.1 OVERVIEW. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-1
7.1.1 Definitions of Interrupt Terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-1
7.1.2 Interrupt Conditions and Sequence. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-4
7.1.3 Interrupt Priority. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-5
7.1.4 Software Exceptions, Traps, and NMI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-6
7.1.5 Interrupt Acknowledge. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-7
7.1.6 Interrupt Controller Reset Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-8
7.2 MASTER MODE OPERATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-9
7.2.1 Fully Nested Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-9
7.2.2 Cascade Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-10
7.2.3 Special Fully Nested Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-11
7.2.4 Operation in a Polled Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-11
7.2.5 End-of-Interrupt Write to the EOI Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-11
7.3.1 INT0 and INT1 Control Registers
(I0CON, Offset 38h, I1CON, Offset 3Ah) (Master Mode) . . . . . .7-13
7.3.2 INT2 and INT3 Control Registers
(I2CON, Offset 3Ch, I3CON, Offset 3Eh) (Master Mode) . . . . . .7-15
7.3.3 INT4 Control Register (I4CON, Offset 40h) (Master Mode) . . . .7-16
7.3.4 Timer and DMA Interrupt Control Registers
(TCUCON, Offset 32h, DMA0CON, Offset 34h, DMA1CON,
Offset 36h) (Master Mode) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-17
7.3.5 Watchdog Timer Interrupt Control Register (WDCON,
Offset 42h) (Master Mode) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-18
7.3.6 Serial Port Interrupt Control Register (SPICON, Offset 44h)
(Master Mode). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-19
7.3.7 Interrupt Status Register (INTSTS, Offset 30h)
(Master Mode). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-20
7.3.8 Interrupt Request Register (REQST, Offset 2Eh)
(Master Mode). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-21
7.3.9 In-Service Register (INSERV, Offset 2Ch)
(Master Mode). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-22
7.3.10 Priority Mask Register (PRIMSK, Offset 2Ah) (Master Mode). . .7-23
7.3.11 Interrupt Mask Register (IMASK, Offset 28h) (Master Mode) . . .7-24
7.3.12 Poll Status Register (POLLST, Offset 26h) (Master Mode). . . . .7-25
7.3.13 Poll Register (POLL, Offset 24h) (Master Mode). . . . . . . . . . . . .7-26
7.3.14 End-of-Interrupt Register (EOI, Offset 22h) (Master Mode) . . . .7-27
7.4 SLAVE MODE OPERATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-28
Table of Contents vii
7.4.1 Slave Mode Interrupt Nesting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-28
7.4.2 Slave Mode Interrupt Controller Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-28
7.4.3 Timer and DMA Interrupt Control Registers
(T0INTCON, Offset 32h, T1INTCON, Offset 38h, T2INTCON, Offset
3Ah, DMA0CON, Offset 34h, DMA1CON, Offset 36h)
(Slave Mode). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-29
7.4.4 Interrupt Status Register (INTSTS, Offset 30h) (Slave Mode) . .7-30
7.4.5 Interrupt Request Register (REQST, Offset 2Eh) (Slave Mode).7-31
7.4.6 In-Service Register (INSERV, Offset 2Ch) (Slave Mode) . . . . . .7-32
7.4.7 Priority Mask Register (PRIMSK, Offset 2Ah) (Slave Mode). . . .7-33
7.4.8 Interrupt Mask Register (IMASK, Offset 28h) (Slave Mode) . . . .7-34
7.4.9 Specific End-of-Interrupt Register (EOI, Offset 22h)
(Slave Mode). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-35
7.4.10 Interrupt Vector Register (INTVEC, Offset 20h) (Slave Mode) . .7-36
8.1 OVERVIEW. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-1
8.2 PROGRAMMABLE REGISTERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-1
8.2.1 Timer Operating Frequency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-2
8.2.2 Timer 0 and Timer 1 Mode and Control Registers
(T0CON, Offset 56h, T1CON, Offset 5Eh) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-3
8.2.3 Timer 2 Mode and Control Register (T2CON, Offset 66h) . . . . . .8-5
8.2.4 Timer Count Registers
(T0CNT, Offset 50h, T1CNT, Offset 58h, T2CNT, Offset 60h) . . .8-6
8.2.5 Timer Maxcount Compare Registers
(T0CMPA, Offset 52h, T0CMPB, Offset 54h, T1CMPA, Offset 5Ah,
T1CMPB, Offset 5Ch, T2CMPA, Offset 62h) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-7
9.1 OVERVIEW. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-1
9.2 DMA OPERATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-1
9.3 PROGRAMMABLE DMA REGISTERS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-2
9.3.1 DMA Control Registers (D0CON, Offset CAh, D1CON,
Offset DAh) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-3
9.3.2 DMA Transfer Count Registers (D0TC, Offset C8h, D1TC,
Offset D8h) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-5
9.3.3 DMA Destination Address High Register
(High Order Bits) (D0DSTH, Offset C6h, D1DSTH, Offset D6h). .9-6
9.3.4 DMA Destination Address Low Register (Low Order Bits)
(D0DSTL, Offset C4h, D1DSTL, Offset D4h) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-7
9.3.5 DMA Source Address High Register (High Order Bits)
(D0SRCH, Offset C2h, D1SRCH, Offset D2h) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-8
9.3.6 DMA Source Address Low Register (Low Order Bits)
(D0SRCL, Offset C0h, D1SRCL, Offset D0h) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-9
9.4 DMA REQUESTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-10
9.4.1 Synchronization Timing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-11
9.4.2 DMA Acknowledge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-12
9.4.3 DMA Priority . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-12
9.4.4 DMA Programming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-12
9.4.5 DMA Channels on Reset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-13
10.1 OVERVIEW. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10-1
10.2 PROGRAMMABLE REGISTERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10-1
10.2.1 Serial Port Control Register (SPCT, Offset 80h). . . . . . . . . . . . .10-2
10.2.2 Serial Port Status Register (SPSTS, Offset 82h) . . . . . . . . . . . .10-4
10.2.3 Serial Port Transmit Data Register (SPTD, Offset 84h) . . . . . . .10-5
10.2.4 Serial Port Receive Data Register (SPRD, Offset 86h). . . . . . . .10-6
10.2.5 Serial Port Baud Rate Divisor Register (SPBAUD, Offset 88h). .10-7
Table of Contents
11.1 OVERVIEW. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11-1
11.1.1 Four-Pin Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11-2
11.2 PROGRAMMABLE REGISTERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11-2
11.2.1 Synchronous Serial Status Register (SSS, Offset 10h). . . . . . . .11-3
11.2.2 Synchronous Serial Control Register (SSC, Offset 12h). . . . . . .11-4
11.2.3 Synchronous Serial Transmit 1 Register (SSD1, Offset 14h)
Synchronous Serial Transmit 0 Register (SSD0, Offset 16h) . . .11-5
11.2.4 Synchronous Serial Receive Register (SSR, Offset 18h) . . . . . .11-6
11.3 SSI PROGRAMMING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11-7
12.1 OVERVIEW. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12-1
12.2 PIO MODE REGISTERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12-3
12.2.1 PIO Mode 1 Register (PIOMODE1, Offset 76h) . . . . . . . . . . . . .12-3
12.2.2 PIO Mode 0 Register (PIOMODE0, Offset 70h) . . . . . . . . . . . . .12-3
12.3 PIO DIRECTION REGISTERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12-4
12.3.1 PIO Direction 1 Register (PDIR1, Offset 78h) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12-4
12.3.2 PIO Direction 0 Register (PDIR0, Offset 72h) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12-4
12.4 PIO DATA REGISTERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12-5
12.4.1 PIO Data Register 1 (PDATA1, Offset 7Ah) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12-5
12.4.2 PIO Data Register 0 (PDATA0, Offset 74h) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12-5
12.5 OPEN-DRAIN OUTPUTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12-5
Table of Contents ix
Figure 1-1 Am186ES Microcontroller Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-4
Figure 1-2 Am188ES Microcontroller Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-5
Figure 1-3 Basic Functional System Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-6
Figure 2-1 Register Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-2
Figure 2-2 Processor Status Flags Register (F) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-2
Figure 2-3 Physical Address Generation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-4
Figure 2-4 Memory and I/O Space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-4
Figure 2-5 Supported Data Types. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-9
Figure 3-1 Am186ES Microcontroller Address Bus—Normal Read and Write Operation.3-21
Figure 3-2 Am186ES Microcontroller—Read and Write with Address Bus
Disable In Effect. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-21
Figure 3-3 Am188ES Microcontroller Address Bus—Normal Read
and Write Operation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-22
Figure 3-4 Am188ES Microcontroller—Read and Write with Address
Bus Disable In Effect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-22
Figure 3-5 Oscillator Configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-26
Figure 3-6 Clock Organization. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-27
Figure 4-1 Peripheral Control Block Relocation Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-3
Figure 4-2 Reset Configuration Register. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-4
Figure 4-3 Processor Release Level Register. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-5
Figure 4-4 Auxiliary Configuration Register. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-6
Figure 4-5 System Configuration Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-7
Figure 5-1 Upper Memory Chip Select Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-4
Figure 5-2 Low Memory Chip Select Register. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-6
Figure 5-3 Midrange Memory Chip Select Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-8
Figure 5-4 PCS and MCS Auxiliary Register. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-10
Figure 5-5 Peripheral Chip Select Register. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-12
Figure 6-1 Memory Partition Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-1
Figure 6-2 Clock Prescaler Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-2
Figure 6-3 Enable RCU Register. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-2
Figure 6-4 Watchdog Timer Control Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-3
Figure 7-1 External Interrupt Acknowledge Bus Cycles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-8
Figure 7-2 Fully Nested (Direct) Mode Interrupt Controller Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-10
Figure 7-3 Cascade Mode Interrupt Controller Connections. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-11
Figure 7-4 INT0 and INT1 Control Registers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-14
Figure 7-5 INT2 and INT3 Control Registers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-15
Figure 7-6 INT4 Control Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-16
Figure 7-7 Timer/DMA Interrupt Control Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-17
Figure 7-8 Serial Port 0/1 Interrupt Control Register. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-18
Figure 7-9 Interrupt Status Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-19
Figure 7-10 Interrupt Request Register. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-20
Figure 7-11 Interrupt In-Service Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-22
Figure 7-12 Priority Mask Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-23
Figure 7-13 Interrupt Mask Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-24
Figure 7-14 Poll Status Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-25
Figure 7-15 Poll Register. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-26
Figure 7-16 Example EOI Assembly Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-27
Figure 7-17 End-of-Interrupt Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-27
Figure 7-18 Timer and DMA Interrupt Control Registers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-29
Figure 7-19 Interrupt Status Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-30
Figure 7-20 Interrupt Request Register. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-31
Figure 7-21 Interrupt In-Service Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-32
Figure 7-22 Priority Mask Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-33
Figure 7-23 Interrupt Mask Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-34
Figure 7-24 Specific End-of-Interrupt Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-35
Figure 7-25 Interrupt Vector Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-36
Figure 8-1 Typical Waveform Behavior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-1
Table of Contents
Figure 8-1 Timer 0 and Timer 1 Mode and Control Registers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-3
Figure 8-2 Timer 2 Mode and Control Register. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-5
Figure 8-3 Timer Count Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-6
Figure 8-4 Timer Maxcount Compare Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-7
Figure 9-1 DMA Unit Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-2
Figure 9-2 DMA Control Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-3
Figure 9-3 DMA Transfer Count Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-6
Figure 9-4 DMA Destination Address High Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-7
Figure 9-5 DMA Destination Address Low Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-8
Figure 9-6 DMA Source Address High Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-9
Figure 9-7 DMA Source Address Low Register. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-10
Figure 9-8 Source-Synchronized DMA Transfers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-12
Figure 9-9 Destination Synchronized DMA Transfers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-13
Figure 10-10 DCE/DTE Protocol. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10-2
Figure 10-11 CTS/RTR Protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10-3
Figure 10-1 Serial Port Control Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10-5
Figure 10-2 Serial Port 0/1 Status Register. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10-9
Figure 10-3 Serial Port 0/1 Transmit Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10-11
Figure 10-4 Serial Port Receive 0/1 Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10-12
Figure 10-5 Serial Port 0/1 Baud Rate Divisor Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10-14
Figure 11-1 Programmable I/O Pin Operation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11-1
Figure 11-3 PIO Mode 0 Register (PIOMODE0, offset 70h) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11-3
Figure 11-2 PIO Mode 1 Register (PIOMODE1, offset 76h) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11-3
Figure 11-4 PIO Direction 1 Register (PDIR1, offset 78h) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11-4
Figure 11-5 PIO Direction 0 Register (PDIR0, offset 72h) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11-4
Figure 11-6 PIO Data 1 Register (PDATA1, offset 7Ah) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11-5
Figure 11-7 PIO Data 0 Register (PDATA0, offset 74h). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11-5
Figure A-1 Internal Register Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A-4
Table of Contents xi
Table 2-1 Instruction Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-5
Table 2-2 Segment Register Selection Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-8
Table 2-3 Memory Addressing Mode Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-10
Table 3-1 Numeric PIO Pin Designations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-13
Table 3-2 Alphabetic PIO Pin Designations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-14
Table 3-3 Programming Am186ES Microcontroller Bus Width . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-24
Table 4-1 Peripheral Control Block Register Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-2
Table 4-2 Processor Release Level (PRL) Values. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-5
Table 4-3 Initial Register State After Reset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-9
Table 5-1 Chip Select Register Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-1
Table 5-2 UMCS Block Size Programming Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-4
Table 5-3 LMCS Block Size Programming Values. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-6
Table 5-4 MCS Block Size Programming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-10
Table 5-5 PCS Address Ranges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-13
Table 5-6 PCS3–PCS0 Wait-State Encoding. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-13
Table 6-7 Watchdog Timer COUNT Settings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-4
Table 6-8 Watchdog Timer Duration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-4
Table 7-1 Am186ES and Am188ES Microcontroller Interrupt Types. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-4
Table 7-2 Interrupt Controller Registers in Master Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-13
Table 7-3 Priority Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-18
Table 7-4 Priority Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-23
Table 7-5 Interrupt Controller Registers in Slave Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-28
Table 7-6 Priority Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-33
Table 8-1 Timer Control Unit Register Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-2
Table 9-1 DMA Controller Register Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-1
Table 9-2 Synchronization Type. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-4
Table 9-3 Maximum DMA Transfer Rates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-11
Table 10-4 Serial Port External Pins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10-2
Table 10-1 Asynchronous Serial Port Register Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10-4
Table 10-2 DMA Control Bits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10-5
Table 10-3 Serial Port MODE Settings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10-7
Table 10-4 Common Baud Rates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10-13
Table 11-1 PIO Pin Assignments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11-2
Table 11-2 PIO Mode and PIO Direction Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11-3
Table A-1 Internal Register Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A-1
Table of Contents
Introduction and Overview xiii
AMD’s Am186 and Am188 family of microcontrollers is based on the architecture of the
original 8086 and 8088 microcontrolle rs, and currently includes the 80C186, 80C188,
80L186, 80L188 , Am186EM, Am188EM, Am186EMLV, Am188EMLV, Am186ES,
Am188ES, Am186ESLV, Am188ESLV, Am186ER, and Am188ER microcontrollers. The
Am186EM and Am188EM microcontrollers provide a natural migration path for 80C186/
188 designs that need performance and cost enhancements.
The Am186EM and Am188EM microcontrollers provide a low-cost, high-performance solution
for e mbedde d syst em des igne rs who wan t to use the x 86 arc hitec ture. By int egra ting mu ltip le
funct ional block s with th e CPU, t he Am18 6EM and Am188 EM microc ontr oller s elimi nate t he
need for off-chip system-interface logic. It is possible to implement a fully functional system with
ROM and RAM, serial interfaces, and custom I/O capability without additional system-interface
The Am186EM and Am188EM microcontroll ers can operate at frequencies up t o 40 MHz.
The microcontrollers include an on-board PLL so that the input clock can be on e-to-one
with the internal processor cloc k. The Am186 EM and Am188EM microcontroller s are
availabl e in versions operating a t 20, 25, 33, and 40 MHz.
This manual describes the technical features and programming interface of the Am186EM
and Am188EM microcontrollers. The complete instruction set is documented in the
and Am188 Family Instr uction Set Manual,
order #21267.
This manual is intended f o r computer hardware and software engi neers and system
architects who are designing or are considering designing systems based on the Am186EM
and Am188EM microcontrollers.
This manual contains information on the Am186EM and Am188EM microcontrollers and
is essential for sy stem architects and design engi neers. Additional inf ormation is availabl e
in the form of data sheets, application notes, and other documentation that is provided with
software products and hardware-development tools.
The information in this manual is organized into 12 chapters and 1 appendix.
nChapter 1 introduces the features and performance aspects of the Am186EM and
Am188EM microcontrollers.
nChapter 2 describes the programmer’s model of the Am186 and Am188 family
microcontrollers, including an instruction set overview and register model.
nChapter 3 provides an overview of the system interfaces, along with cl ocking
Introduction and Overview
nChapter 4 provides a description of the peripheral control block along with power
management and reset configuration.
nChapter 5 provides a description of the chip select unit.
nChapter 6 provides a description of the refresh control unit.
nChapter 7 provides a description of the on-chip interrupt controller.
nChapter 8 describes the timer control uni t.
nChapter 9 describes the DMA controller.
nChapter 10 describes the asynchronous serial port.
nChapter 11 describes the synchronous serial i nterface.
nChapter 12 describes the programmable I/O pins.
nAppendix A includes a complete summary of peripheral registers and fields.
For complete information on the Am186EM and Am188EM microcontroller pin lists, timing,
thermal characteristics, and physical dimensions, please refer to the
Am186EM/EMLV and
Am188EM/EMLV Microcontrollers Data Sheet
(orde r# 19168 ).
E86 Family
19168 Am186EM/EMLV and Am1 88EM/ EMLV Microc ontrol lers Data Sh eet
Hardwa re doc ument atio n: pin d escr ipti ons, f uncti onal de scri pti ons, abs olu te
maximum ratings, operating ranges, switching characteristics and waveforms,
connec tion d iagra ms and pin outs , and pac kage phy sical dimensio ns.
21267 Am186 and Am188 Family Inst ruct ion Set Ma nual
Provides a detailed description and examples for each instruction included in the
Am186 and Am188 Fa mily Instru ction Set.
19255 FusionE86SM Catalo g
Provi des in for matio n on too ls tha t spe ed an E86 famil y embed ded pr oduct t o
market. Includes pro ducts from exp ert supplie rs of embedded development so-
2007 1 E86 Fa mily Sup port Tools Brief
Lists available E86 family software and hardware development tools, as well as
contact information for suppliers.
21058 FusionE86 Dev elop ment Tool s Refe rence CD
Provi des a si ngle-so urce multi media to ol for cus tomer eva luatio n of AMD pr od-
ucts, as well as Fusion partner tools and technologies that support the E86 family
of mi crocontr ollers an d microp rocess ors. Techn ical do cumentati on for the E86
family is included on the CD in PDF format.
To order literatur e, contact the nearest AMD sales o ffi c e o r c a l l 8 0 0 -222 - 9 3 2 3 ( i n t h e U . S .
and Ca nada) or dire ct dia l from a ny lo catio n 512- 602-56 51.
Literature is also available in postscript and PDF formats on the AMD web site. To access the
AMD home page, go to To download documents and software, ftp to and log on as anonymous using your E-mail address as a password. Or via
your web browser, go to
Features and Performance 1-1
Compared to the 80C186/188 microcontrollers, the Am186EM and Am188EM
microcontrollers enable desi gners to increase performance and functionality, while
reducing the cost, size, and pow er consumption of embedded systems. The Am186EM
and Am188EM microcontrollers are cost-effective, enhanced versions of the AMD 80C186/
188 devices.
The Am186EM and Am188EM microcontrollers are the ideal upgrade for 80C186/188
design s requi ring 80C186/188-compatibilit y, increased performance, serial
communications, and a glueless bus inte rface. Developed exclusively for the embedded
marketplace, t he Am186EM and Am188EM microcontrollers increase the perfor mance of
existing 80C186/188 syste ms while decr easing their cost.
Because the Am186EM and Am188EM microcontrollers integrate on-chip peripherals and
offer up to twice the performance of an 80C186/188, they are ideal upgrade solutions for
customers requiring more integration and performance than their present x86 solution
The Am186EM and Am188EM microcontrollers extend the AMD family of microcontrollers
based on the industry-standard x86 architecture. The Am186EM and Am188EM
microcontrollers deliver higher performance and more integration than the 80C186/188
core microcontrollers. Upgrading to the Am186EM or Am188EM microcontrollers is
attractive for the following reasons:
nMinimized total system costThe new periph erals and on-c hip syst em-inter face l ogic
reduc e the cost of exis ting 80C186 designs .
nx86 software compatibility—80C186/188-compatible and upward-compatible with the
AMD E86 family.
nEnhanced performance—The Am186EM and Am188EM microcontrollers can provide
increased performance over 80C186/188 systems, and the nonmultiplexed address bus
offers faster, unbuffered access to memory.
nNo wait-state operation—At 40 MHz with 70-ns memories.
nEnhanced functionality—The new and enhanced on-chip peripherals of the Am186EM
and Am188EM microcontrollers include an asynchronous serial port, a watchdog timer
interrupt, an additional interrupt pin, a high-speed synchronous serial interface, a PSRAM
controller, a 16-bit Reset Configuration register, enhanced chip-select functionality, 32
programmable I/Os, and additional interrupt signals.
The Am 186EM and Am18 8EM micr ocontr olle rs are p art of the AMD E86 f amily of embedd ed
microcontrollers and microprocessors based on the x86 architecture. The 16-bit members of the
E86 fami ly, re ferr ed to thr oughou t this manual a s the A m186 and Am188 fami ly, in clude t he
80C186, 80C18 8, 80L186 , 80L188, Am186EMLV, Am188EMLV, Am186ES, Am188ES,
Am186ESLV, Am188ESL V, Am186ER, and Am188ER microcontrollers.
Features and Performance
The Am186EM and Am188EM microcontrollers are designed to meet the most common
requirement s of embedded products developed for the office automation, mass storage,
communicatio ns, and genera l embedded markets. Appl ica tions inc lude disk drives, hand-
held term inals, fax machines, terminals, printers, photocopi ers, feature phones, cellula r
phones, PBXs, multiplexer s, modems, and i ndustrial contr ols .
A block diagram of each micr ocontroller is shown in Figure 1-1 and Figure 1-2. The
Am186EM microcontroll er uses a 16-bit ext ernal bus, while the Am188EM microcontroller
has an 8-bit external bus.
The Am186EM and Am188EM microcontrollers provide the following features:
nHigh performance:
20-, 25-, 33-, and 40-MHz operating frequencies
Support for zero wait-state operation at 40 MHz with 70-ns memory
1-Mbyte memory address space and 64-Kbyte I/O space
nNew features remove the r equirement fo r a 2x c lock input and provide faster acces s to
Phase-locked loop (PLL) all o ws processor to op erate at the clock input frequency
Nonmultipl exed address bus
nNew integrated peripherals increase functionalit y wh ile reducing system cost:
32 programmable I/O (PIO ) pins
Asynchronous serial port allows full-duplex, 7-bit or 8-bit data tr ansfers
Pseudo-static RAM (PSRAM) controller includes auto refresh capability
Reset Configuration register
Synchronous serial interface allows high-speed, half-dupl ex, bidirectional data
transfer to and from application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs)
Addition al external interrupts
nFamiliar 80C 186 peripherals:
Two independent DMA channels
Programmable interrupt controller with five external interrupts
Three programmable 16-bit timers
Timer 1 can be configured to provide a watchdog timer interrupt
Programmable memory and peripheral chip-s elect logic
Programmable wa it-state generator
Power-save mode
nSoftware-compatible with the 80C186/188 microcontroller
nWidely available native development tools, applications, and system software
nAvailable in the following packages :
100-pin, thin quad flat pack (TQFP)
100-pin, plastic quad flat pack (PQFP)
Features and Performance 1-3
Figu r e 1-1 Am1 86 EM Micr ocontroller Blo ck Diagram
* All PIO signals are shared with other physical pins. See the pin descriptions in Chapter 3 and Table
3-1 on page 3-9 for information on shared functions.
Control Unit
Timer Control
Unit DMA
Unit Chip-Select
Clock and
Managem ent
16-Bit Count
Max Count A
Registers 16-Bit Count
20-Bit Destination
20-Bit Source
01 (WDT)2 0 1
Max Count B
Registers Control
Registers Control
Serial Port
Synchronous Serial
Unit PIO31–
Features and Performance
Figu r e 1-2 Am1 88 EM Micr ocontroller Blo ck Diagram
* All PIO signals are shared with other physical pins. See the pin descriptions in Chapter 3 and Table
3-1 on page 3-9 for information on shared functions.
Control Unit
Timer Control
Unit DMA
Unit Chip-Select
Clock and
16-Bit Coun t
Max Count A
Registers 16-Bit Count
20-Bit Destination
20-Bit Source
01 (WDT)2 0 1
Max Count B
Registers Control
Registers Control
Serial Port
Synchronous Serial
Unit PIO31–
Features and Performance 1-5
The integration enhancements of the Am186EM and Am188EM microcontrollers provide
a high-performance, low-system-cost solution for 16-bit embedded microcontroller designs.
The nonmultiplexed address bus (A19–A0) eliminates system-interface logic for memory
device s, while the multipl exed address/dat a bus maintains the val ue of existing customer-
specific peripherals and circ uits within the upgraded design.
The nonmultiplexed address bus is available in addition to th e 80C186 and 80C188
microcont rolle rs’ multipl exed address/d ata bus (AD15–AD0). The two buses can operate
simultaneously or the AD15–AD0 bus can be configured to operate only during the data
phase of a bus cycle. See the BHE/ADEN and RFSH2/ ADEN pin desc ription s in Chapt er 3,
and see secti on 5.5. 1 and se ction 5. 5.2 fo r addit ional info rmati on regar ding t he AD15–AD 0
addre ss enabl ing and disa bling.
Figure 1- 3 illust rate s a fun cti onal sy stem de sig n tha t uses t he integ rated per ipheral se t to
achieve high per formance with reduced system cost.
Figure 1-3 Basic Functional System Design
1.3.1 Clo ck Generation
The integrated PLL clock-generation circuitry of the Am186EM and Am188EM
microcontrollers allows the use of a
crysta l freq uency. The desi gn in Fi gure 1- 3
achi eves 40- MHz CPU op erati on with a 40 -MHz c rystal .
The integrated PLL lowers system cost by reducing the cost of the crystal and reduces
electromechanical interference (EMI) in the system.
RS-232 Level
Flash PROM
Static RAM
Serial Port
Features and Performance
1.3.2 Memory Interface
The integrated memory controller logic of the Am186EM and Am188EM microcontrollers
provides a direct address bus interface to memory devices. The use of an external address
latch controlled by the address latch enable (ALE) signal is not required.
Individual byte write-enable signals are provided to eliminate the need for external high/
low-byte, write-enable circuitry. The maximum bank size programmable for the memory
chip-sel ect signals i s inc reased to 512 Kby tes to facilitat e the use of high-densit y memory
Improved memory timing specifications enabl es the use of no-wait-stat e memories with
70-ns acce ss ti mes at 40-MHz CPU operation. This reduces overall system cost
significantly by allowing the use of commonly available memory devices.
Figure 1-3 illust rates an Am186EM microcontroller- based SRAM configuration. The
memory interf ace requires the foll owing:
nThe processor A19–A0 bus connects to the memory address inputs .
nThe AD bus connects directly to the data inputs/outputs.
nThe chip selects connect to the memory chip-select inputs.
Read operations require th at the RD output connects to the SRAM Output Enable (OE) inpu t
pins . Write op erati ons req uire t hat th e byte wri te enabl es conn ect to the SRA M Write Enabl e
(WE) input pin s.
The design uses 2-Mbit (256-Kbyte) memory technology to full y populate the available
address space. Two Flash PROM devices provide 512 Kbytes of nonvolatile program
storage, and two static RAM devices provide 512 Kbytes of variable storage area.
1.3.3 Serial Communi cations Port
The integrated universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter (UART) controller in the
Am186EM and Am188EM microcontrollers eliminates the need for external logic to
implement a communications interface. The integrated UART generates the serial clock
from the CPU clock so that no external time-base oscillator is requir ed.
Figure 1-3 shows a minimal implementation of an RS-232 console or modem
communications port. The RS-232 to CMOS voltage-level converter is required for the
proper electri cal interface with the exter nal device.
The Am186EM and Am188EM microcontrollers also include a synchronous serial interface.
For more information, see Chapte r 11.
The FusionE86 Progra m of Par tners hips for Applica tion Solut ions p rovid es the custo mer w ith
an arr ay of produc ts de signed to meet criti cal t ime-t o-marke t nee ds. P roduct s and s oluti ons
avai lable from the AMD Fu sio nE86 part ners i nclud e emulat ors, hardwar e and sof tware
debugg ers, bo ard-l evel p rodu cts, and s oftwar e devel opment t ools, among o thers.
In additi on, mature development tools and applications for the x86 platform are widely
availabl e in the general marketplace.
Programming 2-1
All members of the Am186 and Am188 family of microco ntrollers, including the Am186EM
and Am188EM, contain the same basic set of regi sters, instructions, and addressing
modes, and are compatibl e with the original indust ry-standard 186/188 parts.
The base ar chitect ure of the Am186EM a nd Am188EM micro control lers has 14 regi sters,
as shown in Figure 2-1. These registers are grouped into the following categories:
nGeneral Registe rs—Eight 16-bit gener al purpose regi sters can be used f or arithmeti c
and logical operands. Four of these (AX, BX, CX, and DX) can be used as 16-bit registers
or split i nto pairs of separat e 8-bit registers ( AH, AL, BH, BL, CH, CL, DH, and DL). The
Destination Index (DI) and Source Index (SI) general-purpose registers are used for
data movement and string i nstruc tions. The Base Point er (BP) and St ack Pointer (SP)
general-purpose registers are used for the stack segment and point to the bottom and
top of the stack, respectively.
Base and Index Registers—Four of the general-purpose registers (BP, BX, DI, and
SI) can also be used to determine offset addres ses of operands in memory. These
registers can contain base addresses or indexes to particular locations within a
segment. The addressing mode selects the specific registers for operand and address
Stack Pointer Register—All stack operations (POP, POPA, POPF, PUSH, PUSHA,
PUSHF) utilize the stack pointer. The Stack Pointer register is always offset from the
Stack Segment (SS) register, and no segment override is allo wed.
nSegment Registers—Four 16-bit specia l-purpose regist ers (CS, DS, ES, and SS)
select, at any given time, the segments of memory that are immediat ely addressable
for code (CS), dat a (DS and ES), and stack (SS) memory. (For usage, refe r to sect io n
nStatus and Control Registers—Two 16-bit special-purpose registers record or alter certain
as pect s of th e pro cessor state —the Instr ucti on Poin ter ( IP) r egist er cont ains t he of fset
addre ss of the ne xt sequ entia l inst ruct ion to b e exec uted and th e Proces sor S tatus Flags
(FLA GS) reg ister contai ns s tatus and con trol flag bits (see Fi gure 2-1 and Fi gur e 2-2).
Note that the Am186EM and Am188EM microcontrollers have additional on-chip peripheral
registe rs, which are exter nal to the processor. These e xternal register s are not accessi ble
by the instruction set. However, because the processor treats these peri pheral registers
like memory, instructions that have operands that access memory can also access
peripheral registers. The above processor registers, as well as the additional on-chip
peripheral registers, are described in the chapte rs that follow.
Figu r e 2-1 Regi st er Se t
2.1.1 Processor Status Fl ags Register
The 16-b it processor Status Flags register (Figure 2-2) r ecords specific characteristics of
the result of logical and arithmetic instructions (bits 0, 2, 4, 6, 7, and 11) and cont rols the
operation of the microcontroller within a given operating mode (bits 8, 9, and 10).
After an i nstruction i s executed, t he value o f the flags may be s et (to 1), cleared /reset (se t
to 0), unchanged, or undefined. The term
means that t he flag value p rio r to th e
execution of the instruction is not preserved, and the value of the flag after the instruction is
execut ed cann ot be p redic ted.
Figure 2-2 Processor Status Flags Register (F)
Bits 15–12Reserved
Bit 11: Overflow Flag (OF)—Set if the signed result cannot be expressed within the number
of bits in the destination operand, cleared other wise.
Bit 10: Direction Flag (DF)—Causes string instructions to auto-decrement the appropriate
index regis ters when set. Clearing DF causes auto-increment.
Name s
Base Registe rs
Code Segment
Data Segment
Stack Segmen t
Extra Segment
Processor Status Flags
Instruction Pointer
Registers Status and Control
Segment Registers
15 0
15 0
7 0 7 0
15 0
Register Name Special Register
Index Registers
Stack Pointer
I/O Instructions
Base Pointer
Source Index
Destin ati on Ind ex
Register Na me
15 70
Programming 2-3
Bit 9: Interrupt-Enable Flag (IF)—When set, enables maskable interrupts to cause the
CPU to transfer cont rol to a loc ation specified by an interrupt vector.
Bit 8: Trace Flag (TF)—When set , a trace interrupt occurs after instructions execute. TF
is cl eared by th e trace interr upt after t he processor st atus flags are pushed onto t he stack.
The trace serv ice routine ca n continue t racing by poppi ng the fl ags back with an interr upt
retu rn (IRET) instruction.
Bit 7: Si gn Flag (SF)—Set equal to h igh-order bit of result (0 if 0 or positive, 1 if negative).
Bit 6: Zero Flag (ZF) —Set if result is 0; cleared otherwise.
Bit 5: Reserved
Bit 4: Auxil iary Carry (AF) —Set on carry from or borr ow to the low-order 4 bits of the AL
general-purpose register; cleared otherwise.
Bit 3: Reserved
Bit 2: Parity Flag (PF)—Set if lo w-order 8 bits of resul t cont ain an even number of 1 bit s;
cleared otherwi se.
Bit 1: Reserved
Bit 0: Carry Flag (CF)—Set on high-order bit carry or borrow; cleared otherwise.
Memory is organized in sets of segments. Each segment is a linear contiguous sequence
of 64K (216) 8-bit bytes. Memory is addressed using a two-component address that consists
of a 16-bit segment value and a 16-bit offset. The offset is the number of bytes from the
beginning of the segment (the segment address), to the data or instruction that is being
The processor forms the physical address of the target location by taking the segment
address, shi fting it to the left 4 bits (multiplying by 16), and adding this to the 16-bit offs et.
The result is the 20-bit address of the target data or instruction. This allows for a 1-Mbyte
physi cal address size.
For example, if the segment register is loaded with 12A4h and the offset is 0022h, the
resulta n t address is 12A62h (see Figure 2-3). To find the result:
1. The segment register contains 12A4h.
2. The segment register is shifted 4 places and is now 12A40h.
3. The offset is 0022h.
4. The shifted segment address (12A40h) is added to the offset (00022h) to get 12A62h.
5. This address is placed on the pins of th e con tr o ller.
All instructions that address operands in memory mu st specify (implicitly or explicitly) a 16-
bit segment value and a 16-bit offset value. The 16-bit segment values are contained in one
of f our internal segment reg isters (CS, DS, ES, and SS). See “Addr essing Modes” on page
2-10 for more infor mation on calculat ing the o ffset val ue. See “Segments” on page 2-8 for
more information on CS, DS, ES, and SS.
In addi tion to memory space, all Am1 86 and Am188 fami ly processor s provide 64K of I/O space
(see Figure 2-4).
Figure 2-3 Physical Address Generation
The I/O space consists of 64K 8-bit or 32K 16-bit ports. The IN and OUT instructions address
the I/O space wit h either a n 8-bit port address spec ified in the instruction, or a 16-bit port
address in the DX register. Eight-bit port addresses are zero-extended so that A15–A8 are
Low. I/O port addresses 00F8h through 00FFh are reserved. The Am186EM and Am188EM
microcontrollers provide specific instructions for addressing I/O space.
Figu r e 2-4 Memor y an d I/ O Space
Each member of the Am186 and Am188 family of microcontrollers, including the Am186EM
and Am188EM, share the standard 186 in str uction set. An instr uction can re fer ence from
zero to several operands. An operand can reside in a regist er, in the instruction itsel f, or in
memory. Specific operand addressing modes are discussed on page 2-10.
Table 2-1 lis ts t he instructions for the Am1 86EM and Am188EM microcontrollers in
alphabetical order. The Am186 and Am188 Family Instruction Set Manual, PID #21076,
provides det ailed informa ti on on the for mat and function of the following instructions.
1 2 A 4 0
0 0 0 2 2
1 2 A 6 2
1 2 A 4
0 0 2 2
Base Logical
4 Bits
Physical Address
To Memor
15 0
19 0
19 0
15 0
15 0
Programming 2-5
Table 2-1 Instruction Set
Mnemonic Instruction Name
AAA ASCII adjust for addition
AAD ASCII adjust for division
AAM ASCII adjust for multiplication
AAS ASCII adjust for subtraction
ADC Add byte or word with carry
ADD Add byte or word
AND Logical AND byte or word
BOUND Detects values outside prescribed range
CALL Call procedure
CBW Convert byte to word
CLC Clear carry flag
CLD Clear direction flag
CLI Clear interrupt-enable flag
CMC Complement carry flag
CMP Compare byte or word
CMPS Compare byte or word string
CWD Convert word to doubleword
DAA Decimal adjust for addition
DAS Decimal adjust for subtraction
DEC Decrement byte or word by 1
DIV Divide byte or word unsigned
ENTER Format stack for procedure entry
ESC Escape to extension processor
HLT Halt until interrupt or reset
IDIV Integer divide byte or word
IMUL Integer multiply byte or word
IN Input byte or word
INC Increment byte or word by 1
INS Input bytes or word string
INT Interrupt
INTO Interrupt if overflow
IRET Interrupt return
JA/JNBE Jump if above/not below or equal
JAE/JNB Jump if above or equal/not bel ow
JB/JNAE Jump if below/not above or equal
JBE/JNA Jump if below or equal/not above
JC Jump if carry
JCXZ Jump if register CX = 0
JE/JZ Jump if equal/zero
JG/JNLE Jump if greater/not less or equal
JGE/JNL Jump if greater or equal/not les s
JL/JNGE Jump if less/not greater or equal
JLE/JNG Jump if less or equal/not greater
JMP Jump
JNC Jump if not carry
JNE/JNZ Jump if not equal/not zero
JNO Jump if not overflow
JNP/JPO Jump if not parity/parity odd
JNS Jump if not sign
JO Jump if overflow
JP/JPE Jump if parity/parity even
JS Jump if sign
LAHF Load AH register from flags
LDS Load pointer using DS
LEA Load effective address
LEAVE Restore stack for procedure exit
LES Load pointer using ES
LOCK Lock bus during next instruction
LODS Load byte or word string
LOOPZ Loop if equal/zero
LOOPNZ Loop if not equal/not zero
MOV Move byte or word
MOVS Move byte or word string
MUL Multiply byte or word unsigned
NEG Negate byte or word
NOP No operation
NOT Logical NOT byte or word
Mnemonic Instruction Name
Programming 2-7
OR Logical Inclusive OR byte or word
OUT Output byte or word
POP Pop word off stack
POPA Pop all general register off stack
POPF Pop flags off stack
PUSH Push word onto stack
PUSHA Push all general registers onto stack
PUSHF Push flags onto stack
RCL Rotate left through carry byte or word
RCR Rotate right through carry byte or word
REP Repeat
REPE/REPZ Repeat while equal/zer o
REPNZ Repeat while not equal/not zero
RET0 Return from procedure
ROL Rotate left byte or word
ROR Rotate right byte or word
SAHF Store AH register in flags SF, ZF, AF, PF, and CF
SAL Shift left arithmetic byte or word
SAR Shift right arithmetic byte or word
SBB Subtract byte or word with borrow
SCAS Scan byte or word string
SHL Shift left logical byte or word
SHR Shift right logical byte or word
STC Set carry flag
STD Set direction flag
STI Set interrupt-enable flag
STOS Store byte or word string
SUB Subtract byte or word
TEST Test (Logical AND, flags only set) byte or word
XCHG Exchange byte or word
XLAT Translate byte
XOR Logical exclusive OR byte or word
Mnemonic Instruction Name
The Am186EM and Am188EM use four segment registers:
1. Data Segment (DS): The processor assumes that all accesses to the program’s
variables are from the 64K space pointed to by the DS register. The data segment holds
data, operands, etc.
2. Code Segment (CS): This 64K space is the default location for all instructions. All code
must be executed from the code segment.
3. Stack Segment (SS): The processor uses the SS register to perform operations that
involve the st ack, such as pushes a nd pops. The stack seg ment i s used for t emporary
4. Extra Segment (ES): Usually this segmen t is used for large string operations and for
large data str u ctures. Certain string instructions assume the extra segment as the
segment port ion of the address. The extra segment is also used (by using segment
override) as a spare data segment.
When a segment i s not defined for a data movement instruc tion, it’s assumed t o be a data
segment. An instr u ction prefix can be used to over ride the segment register. For speed
and compact instruction encoding, the segment registe r used for physical address
generation is implied by the addressing mode used (see Table 2-1).
Table 2-1 Segme nt Register Selectio n Rules
The Am186EM and Am188EM microcontroll ers directly support the following data types:
nInteger—A signed binary numeric value cont ained in an 8-bit byte or a 16-bit word. All
operations assume a two’s complement representation.
nOrdinal—An unsig ned binary numeric va lue contained in an 8-bit byt e or a 16-bit word .
nDouble Word—A signed binary numeri c value contained in two sequential 16-bit
addresses, or in a DX::AX register pair.
nQuad Word—A signed binary numeri c value contained in four sequential 1 6-bit
nBCD—An unpacked byte repres entation of the decimal digits 0–9.
nASCII—A byte repr esentati on of alp hanumeric and c ontro l char acters using the ASCII
standard of char acter representat ion.
nPacked BCD—A packed byte representation of two decimal digits (0–9). One digit is
stored in each nibble (4 bits) of the byte.
Memory Reference
Needed Segment Register
Used Implicit Segment Selection Rule
Local Data Data (DS) All data references
Instructions C ode (CS) Instructions (in cluding i mmediat e data)
Stack Stack (SS) All stack pushes a nd pops
Any memory refere nces that use the BP register
External Data (Glob al) Extra (ES) All string instruction references that use the DI register
as an index
Programming 2-9
nString—A c ontiguous sequ ence of bytes or words. A stri ng can contain from 1 b yte up
to 64 K b y t e .
nPointer—A 16-bit or 32-bi t quantity, compos ed of a 16-bit offset component or a 16-bit
segment base component plus a 16-bi t offset component.
In general, indi vidual data elements must fi t within defined segment limits. Figure 2-5
graphically represents the data types supported by the Am186EM and Am188EM
Figure 2-5 Supported Data Types
7 0
7 0
+1 0
+3 +2 +1 0
63 48 47 32 31 1615 0
+1 0
7 0 7 0 7 0
+N +1 0
. . .
7 0 7 0 7 0
+N +1 0
. . .
7 0 7 0 7 0
+N +1 0
. . .
Digit N BCD
Digit 1 BCD
Digit 0
Most Significant
Digit Least
Significant Digit
7 0 7 0
+N +1 0
. . .
Byte/WordN Byte/Word1 Byte/Word0
+3 +2 +1 0
Segment Base Offset
31 1615 0
+3 +2 +1+6 +5 +4 +0+7
1514 8 7 0
Sign Bit
Sign Bit
Sign Bit
Sign Bit
The Am186EM and Am188EM microcontrollers use eight categories of addressing modes
to specify operands. Two addressing modes are pro vid ed for inst ruct ions that operate on
register or immediate operands; six modes are provi ded to specify the location of an
operand in a memory segment.
Register an d Immedia te Operands
nRegister Operand Mode—The operand is located in one of the 8- or 16-bit registers.
nImmediate Operand Mode—The operand is included in the instruction.
Memory Operands
A memory-operand address consists of two 16-bit components: a segment value and an
offset. The s egment value is supplied by a 16-bit segment register either i mplicitly chosen
by the add ressing mode or explicitly chosen by a segment override prefix. The offset, als o
called the effective address, is calculated by summing any combi nation of the following
three address elements:
1. Displacement—an 8-bit or 16-b it imme diate value co ntai ned in the i nstru ctio n
2. Base—conte nts o f eit her the BX or BP ba se re giste rs
3. Index—cont ents of eith er the SI or DI ind ex regi sters
Any carry from the 16-bit addition is ign ored. Eight-bit displace ments ar e sign-ext ended to
16-bit val ues.
Combinations of the above thr ee address elements define the following six memory
addressing modes (see Table 2-2):
1. Direct Mode—Th e operan d offs et is co ntained in th e instr uctio n as an 8 - or 16-bi t
displacement element.
2. Register Indirect Mode—Th e oper and off set is i n one o f the re gister s BP, BX , DI, or SI .
3. Based Mode—The operand offset is the sum of an 8- or 16-bit displacement and the contents
of a bas e reg ister (BX or BP ).
4. Indexed Mode—The ope rand offset i s the su m of an 8- o r 16-bit displ acement and the
contents of an index register (DI or SI).
5. Based Indexed Mode—The o perand o ffset is the sum of th e conten ts of a b ase regis ter
(BP or BX) and an index register (DI or SI).
6. Based Indexed Mode with Displacement—The op erand of fset i s the sum of a base
regi ste r’s co ntents , an in dex r egist er’s c ontent s, and an 8-bi t or 16 -bit disp lacemen t.
Table 2-2 Memory Addressing Mode Examples
Addressing Mode Example
Direct mov ax, ds:4
Register Indirect mov ax, [si]
Based mov ax, [bx]4
Indexed mov ax, [si]4
Based Indexed mov ax, [si][bx]
Based Indexed with Displacement mov ax, [si][bx]4
System Ov erv iew 3-1
This chapter contains descriptions of the Am186EM and Am188EM microcontroller pins,
the bus interf ace unit, the clock and power management unit, and power-save operation.
Pin Terminology
The followi ng terms are used to describe the pins:
Input—An input-only pin.
Output—An output-only pin.
Input/Output—A pin that can be either input or output.
Synchronous—Synchronous inputs must meet setup and hold times in relation to
CLKOUTA. Synchronous outputs are synchronous to CLKOUTA.
Asynchronous—Inputs or outputs that are asynchronous to CLKOUTA.
A19–A0 Address Bus (output, three-state, synchr onous)
The A19–A0 pins supply nonm ultiplexed memory or I/O addresses to
the syst em one-half of a CLKOUTA period e arlier than the mult iplexed
address and data bus (AD15–AD0 on the Am186EM or AO15–AO8 and
AD7–AD0 on the Am188EM). During a bus hold or reset condition, the
address bus is in a high- impedance state.
AD7–AD0 Address and Data Bus
(input/ output, three-state, synchronous, level-sensitive)
These time-multiplexed pins supply partial memory or I/O addresses,
as well as data, to the syst em. This b us supplies the l ow-order 8 bits of
an addre ss to the system du ring the first period of a bus c ycle (t1), and
it supplies data to the system during the remaining periods of that cycle
(t2, t3, and t4).
The address phase of these pins can be disabled. See the ADEN
descript ion with the BHE/ADEN pin. When WLB is not asser ted, these
pins are three-stated during t2, t3, and t4.
During a bus hold or reset condition, the address and data bus is in a
high-impedance state.
During a power-on res et, the addre ss and da ta bus pins (AD15–AD0
for the Am186EM, AO15–AO8 and AD7–AD0 for the Am188EM) can
also be us ed to load sy ste m configur at ion in for mation i nto the i nternal
Reset Configuration register.
System Ov erv iew
AD15–AD8 Address and Data Bus, Am186EM Microcontroller Only
(input/ output, three-state, synchronous, level-sensitive)
AD15–AD8—These time-multiplexed pins supply partial memory or
I/O addresses, as well as data, to the system. This bus supplies an
address to the syst em during the first period of a bus cycle (t1), and it
supplies dat a to the syst em duri ng the remaini ng perio ds of t hat cycle
(t2, t3, and t4).
The address phase of these pins can be disabled. See the ADEN
descript io n with the BHE/ADEN pin. When WHB is not asserted, these
pins are three-stated during t2, t3, and t4.
During a bus hold or reset condition, the address and data bus is in a
high-impeda nce state. Dur ing a power-on re set, th e address and data
bus pins (AD15–AD0 for the Am186EM, AO15–AO8 and AD7–AD0 for
the Am188EM) can also be used to lo ad system configuration
informat ion into the internal Reset Configur ation register .
AO15–AO8 Address-Only Bus, Am188EM Microcontroller Only
(output, three-stat e, synchronous, level-sensitive)
AO15–AO8—The address-only bus (AO15–AO8) contains valid high-
order address bits from bus cycles t1–t4. These outputs are floa ted
during a bus hold or reset.
On the Am188EM microcontroller, AO15–AO8 combine with AD7–AD0
to form a complete multiplexed address bus while AD7–AD0 is the 8-bit
data bus.
The address phase of these pins can be disabled during t1. See the
ADEN description with the BHE/ADEN pin.
During a power-on res et on the Am188EM microcon trol ler, th e AO15–
AO8 and AD7–AD0 pins can also be used to load system configuration
informat ion into an internal register for l ater use.
ALE Address Latch Enable (output, synchronous)
ALE—This pin indicates to the system th at an address appears on the
address and data bus (AD15–AD0 for the Am186EM or AO15–AO8
and AD7–AD0 for t he Am188EM). The address is guar anteed valid on
the trailing edge of ALE.
ARDY Asynchronous Ready (input, asynchronous, lev e l-sensitive)
This pin indicat e s to the microco n troller that the addressed memory
space or I/O device will complete a data transfer. The ARDY pin accepts
a rising edge that is asynchronous to CLKOUTA and is active High. The
falling edge of ARDY must be synchronized to CLKOUTA. To always
assert t he ready conditi on to the micr ocontroll er, tie ARDY High. I f the
system does not use ARDY, tie the pin Low to yield control to SRDY.
System Ov erv iew 3-3
BHE/ADEN Bus High Enable, Am186EM Microcontroller Only
(three-state, output, synchronous)
Address Enable, Am186EM Microcontroller Only
(input, internal pullup)
BHE—During a memory access, this pin and the least signifi cant
address bit (AD0 and A0) indicate to the system which bytes of the data
bus (upper, lower, or both) participate in a bus cycle. The BHE/ADEN
and AD0 pins are encoded as shown in the following table.
BHE is asserted during t1 and remains asserted through t3 and tW. BHE
does not need to be latched. BHE fl oats during bus hold and reset.
On the Am186EM microcontroller, WLB and WHB implement the
functionality of BHE and AD 0 for high and l ow byte wr ite enab les.
BHE/ADEN also signals DRAM refresh cycles when using the
multiplexed address and data (AD) bus. A refresh cyc le is indicat ed
when both BHE/ADEN and AD0 are High. During r efresh cycles, the A
bus and the AD bus are not guaranteed to provide the same address
during the addr ess phase of the AD bus cycle. For this reason, the A0
signal cann ot be used in pl ace of the AD0 signal to determine refresh
cycles. PSRAM refreshes also provide an additional RFSH s ignal (see
the MCS3/RFSH pin descripti on).
ADEN—If BHE/ADEN is held High or left floating during power-on reset,
the address po rtion of the AD bus (AD15–AD0) is enab led or di sabled
during LCS and UCS bus cycles based on the DA bit in the Upper
Memory Chip Select (UMCS) and Low Memory Chip Select (LMCS)
registers. If the DA bit is set, the memory address i s accessed on the
A19–A0 pins. This mode of operation reduces power consumption.
If BHE/ADEN is held Low on power-on reset, the AD bus always drives
both addresses and data. The pin is sa mpled one crystal clock cycle
after the rising edge of RES.
See section 5.5.1 and se ction 5.5.2 for addit ional information on
enabling and disabling th e AD bus during the address phase of a bus
CLKOUTA Clock Output A (output, synchronous)
This pin supplies the internal clock to the system. Depending on the
value of the Power-Save Control (PDCON) register, CLKOUTA
operates at either the crystal input frequency (X1), the power-save
frequency, or is three-stated. CLKOUTA remains active during reset
and bus hold conditions.
BHE AD0 Type of Bus Cycle
0 0 Word Transfer
0 1 High Byte Transfer (Bits 15–8)
1 0 Low Byte Transfer (Bits 7–0)
1 1 Refresh
System Ov erv iew
CLKOUTB Clock Output B (output, synchronous)
This pin supplies an additional clock t o the system. Depending on the
value of the Power-Save Control (PDCON) register, CLKOUTB
operates at either the crystal input frequency (X1), the power-save
frequency, or is three-stated. CLKOUTB remains active during reset
and bus hold conditions.
DEN Data Enable (output, three-state, synchronous)
This pin supplies an output enable to an external data-bus transceiver.
DEN is asserted during memory, I/O, and interrupt acknowledge cycles.
DEN is deasserted when DT/R changes state. DEN floats during a bus
hold or reset condition.
DRQ1–DRQ0 DMA Requests (i nput, synchronous, level-sensitive)
These pins indicate to the m icrocontroller that an external device is
ready for DMA channel 1 or 0 t o perfor m a transf er. DRQ1–DRQ0 ar e
level tr iggered and internally synchroni zed.
The DRQ signals are not latched and must remain active until serviced.
DT/R Data Transmit or Receive (output, three-state, synchronous)
This pi n indicates which direction data should f low through an external
data-bus transceiver. When DT/R is asserted High, the microcontroller
transmit s da ta. When this pin is deasserted Low, the micr ocontroller
receives dat a. DT/R floats during a bus hold or re set condition.
GND Ground
These pins connect the system ground to the micr ocontroller.
HLDA Bus Hold Acknowledge (output, synchronous)
This pin is asserted High to ind icate to an external bus master that the
microcontroller has relinquished control of the local bus. When an
external bus master requests control of the local bus (by asserting
HOLD), the microcont roller completes the bus cycle in progress an d
then relinquishes control of the bus to the external bus master by
asserti ng HLDA and floating DEN, RD, WR, S2–S0, AD15–AD 0, S6,
A19–A0, BHE, WHB, WLB, and DT/R, and then driving the chip selects
UCS, LCS, MC S3–MCS0, PCS6–PCS5, and PCS3–PCS0 High.
When the external bus master has finished using the local bus, it
indicate s this to the microcontr oller by deasserting HOLD. The
microcontroller resp onds by deasserting HLDA.
If the microcont roller requires access t o the bus ( i.e., for refresh), it wil l
deassert HLDA bef ore the external bus master deasserts HOLD. The
external bus master must be abl e to deassert HOLD and allow the
microcontroller access to the bus.
HOLD Bus Hold Request (input, synchronous, level-sensitive)
This pin indicat e s to the microco n troller that an external bus master
needs contr ol of the lo cal bus. For more information, see the HLDA pin
The Am186EM and Am188EM microcontrollers’ HOLD latency time,
that is , the t ime between HOLD request and HOLD acknowl edge, is a
function of the activity occurring in the processor when the HOLD
System Ov erv iew 3-5
request is r eceived. A HOLD reques t is second onl y to DRAM ref resh
requests in pri ority of activit y requests received by the process or. This
implies that if a HOLD request is received just as a DMA transfer begins,
the HOLD latency can be as great as 4 bus cycles. This occurs if a DMA
word transfer operation is taking place (Am186EM microcontroller only)
from an odd address to an odd address. This is a total of 16 clock cycles
or more if wait states are required. In addition, if locked transfers are
performed, the HOLD latency time is increased by the length of the
locked transfer.
INT0 Maskable Interrupt Request 0 (input, asynchronous)
This pin indicat e s to the microco n troller that an interrupt reque st has
occurred. If the INT0 pin is not masked, the microcontroller transfers
program execution to the location specified by the INT0 vector in the
microcontroller interrupt vector table. Interrupt requests are
synchronized internally, and can be edge-triggered or level-triggered.
To guarantee the interrupt is recognized, the device issuing the request
must continue asserting INT0 until the request is acknowledged.
INT1/SELECT Maskable Int errupt Request 1 (input, asynchronous)
Slave Select (input, asynchronous)
INT1This pin indicates to the microcontroller that an interrupt request
has occurred. If the INT1 pin is not masked, the microcontroller transfers
program execution to the location specified by the INT1 vector in the
microcontroller interrupt vector table. Interrupt requests are synchro-
nized int ernally, and can b e edge-tri ggered or lev el-tr iggered. T o guar-
antee the inter rupt is recognized, the device issui ng the request must
continue asser ting INT1 until the re quest is acknowledged.
SELECT—When the microcontroll er inter rupt cont rol unit is operat ing
as a slave to an external master interrupt controller, this pin indicates
to the microcontroller that an interrupt type appears on the address and
data bus. The INT0 pin must ind icate to the microcontroller that an
interr upt has occurred before the SELECT pin indicates to the
microcontroller that the int errupt type appear s on the bus.
INT2/INTA0 Maskable Interrupt Request 2 (input, asynchronous)
Interrupt Acknow ledge 0 (output, synchronous)
INT2This pin indicates to the microcontroller that an interrupt request
has occurred. If the INT2 pin is not masked, the microcontroller transfers
program execution to the location specified by the INT2 vector in the
microcontroller interrupt vector table. Interrupt requests are
synchronized internally, and can be edge-triggered or level-triggered.
To guarantee the interrupt is recognized, the device issuing the request
must conti nue asserting INT2 unt il the requ est is acknowl edged. INT2
becomes INTA0 when INT0 is configured in cascade mode.
INTA0When the mic rocontr oller inte rrupt cont rol uni t is operati ng in
cascade mode, this pin indicates to the system that the microcontroller
needs an inte rrupt type to process the interrupt reques t on INT0. The
peripheral issuing the interrupt request must provide the microcontroller
with the corr esponding interrupt type.
System Ov erv iew
INT3/INTA1/IRQ Maskable Interrupt Request 3 (input, asynchronous)
Interrupt Acknow ledge 1 (output, synchronous)
Slave Interrupt Request (output, synchronous)
INT3This pin indicates to the microcontroller that an interrupt request
has occurred. If the INT3 pin is not masked, the microcontroller then
transfers program execution to the location specified by the INT3 vector
in the microcontroller interrupt vector table. Inter rupt requests are
synchronized internally, and they can be edge-triggered or level-
triggered. To guarantee the inte rrupt is recogni zed, the device issuin g
the request must continue asserting INT3 until the request is
acknowledged. INT3 becomes INTA1 when INT1 is configured in
cascade mode.
INTA1When the mic rocontr oller inte rrupt cont rol uni t is operati ng in
cascade mode, this pin indicates to the system that the microcontroller
needs an inte rrupt type to process the interrupt reques t on INT1. The
peripheral issuing the interrupt request must provide the microcontroller
with the corr esponding interrupt type.
IRQ—When the microcont roll er inter rupt contr ol unit is operat ing as a
slave to an external master interrupt contr oller, this pin lets the
microcontroller issue an interrupt request to the external master
interrupt controller.
INT4 Maskable Interrupt Request 4 (input, asynchronous)
This pin indicat e s to the microco n troller that an interrupt reque st has
occurred. If the INT4 pin is not masked, the microcontroller then
transfers program execution to the location specified by the INT4 vector
in the microcontroller interrupt vector table. Inter rupt requests are
synchronized internally, and they can be edge-triggered or level-
triggered. To guarantee the inte rrupt is recogni zed, the device issuin g
the request must continue asserting INT4 until the request is
LCS/ONCE0 Lower Memory Chip Select (output, synchronous, inte rnal pull up)
ONCE Mode Request 0 (input)
LCS—This pin indicates to the system that a memory access is in
progress to the lower memory bl ock. The base address and si ze of the
lower memory bl ock are pr ogrammable up to 512 Kby tes. LCS is hel d
High during a bus hold condition.
ONCE0—During reset this pin and UCS/ONCE1 indicate to the
microcontroller the mode in which it shou ld operate. ONCE0 and
ONCE1 are sampled on the rising edge of RES. If both pins are asserted
Low, the microcontroller enters ONCE mode; otherwise, it operates
In ONCE mode, all pins assume a high-impedance state and remain in
that state until a subsequent reset occurs. To guarantee that the
microcontrol le r does not inadvertently ent er ONCE mode, ONCE0 has
a weak internal pullup resistor that is active only during a reset.
System Ov erv iew 3-7
MCS3/RFSH Midrange Memory Chip Select 3
(output, synchronous, internal pullup)
Automatic Refresh (output, synchronous)
MCS3—This pin indicates to the system that a memory access is in
progress t o the fourth region of the midran ge memory block. The base
address and size of the midrange memory block are programmable.
MCS3 is held High during a bus hold condition. In addition, this pin has
a weak internal pullup resistor that is active during reset.
RFSH—This pin provides a signal timed for auto refresh to PSRAM
devices. It is only enabled to function as a refresh pulse when the
PSRAM mode bit is set in the LMCS register. An active Low pulse is
generated f or 1.5 clock cycles wit h an adequate dea sser tion peri od t o
ensure overall auto refresh cycle time is met.
MCS2–MCS0 Midrange Memory Chip Selects
(output, synchronous, internal pullup)
These pins indi cate to the system that a memory access is in progr ess
to the corresponding region of the midr ange memory block. The base
address and size of the midrange memory block are programmable.
MCS2–MCS0 are held High during a bus hold condition. In addition,
they have weak inter nal pullup resistors that are active during a reset.
NMI Nonmaskable Interrupt (input, synchronous, edge-sensitive)
This pin indicat e s to the microco n troller that an interrupt reque st has
occurred. The NMI signal is the highest priority hardware interrupt and,
unlike the INT4 –INT0 pins, cannot be masked. The microcontroller
always transfers program execution to the location specified by the
nonmaskable interrupt vector in the microcontroller interrupt vector
table when NMI is asserted.
Although NMI is the highest priority interrupt source, it does not
participate in the priority resolution process of the maskable interrupts.
There is no bit associated with NMI in the interrupt in-service or interrupt
request r egisters. This means that a new NMI request can int errupt an
executing NMI interrupt service routine. As with all hardware interrupts,
the IF (interrupt flag) is cleared when the processor takes the interrupt,
disabling the maskable interrupt sources. However, if maskable
interrupts are re-enabled by software in the NMI interrupt service
routine, via t he STI inst ruction for example, the fact tha t an NMI is
currentl y in service will not have any effect on the priority reso lution of
maskable interrupt requests. For this reason, it is strongly advised that
the interr upt servi ce routine for NMI does not enable the maskable
An NMI transition from Low to High is latched and synchronized
internal ly, and it initi ates the interrupt at the nex t instruct ion boundary.
To guarantee that the interrupt is recognized, the NMI pin must be
asserted for at least one CLKOUTA period.
PCS3–PCS0 Peripheral Chip Selects (output, synchronous)
These pins indi cate to the system that a memory access is in progr ess
to the corres ponding region of the peripheral memory block (either I/O
or memory address space). The base address of the peripheral memory
block is programmable. PCS3–PCS0 are held High during a bus hold
System Ov erv iew
or reset condition. Unlike the UCS and LCS chip selects, the PCS
outputs assert with the multiplexed AD address bus.
Note: PCS4 is not available on the Am186EM and Am188EM micro-
controllers. Note also that each peripheral chip select asserts over a
256-byte address range, which is twice the address range covered by
peripheral chip selects in the 80C186 and 80C188 microcontrollers.
PCS5/A1 Peripheral Chip Select 5 (output, synchronous)
Latched Address Bit 1 (output, synchr onous)
PCS5—This pin indicates to the system that a memory access is in
progress to th e sixth region of th e peripheral memory block (ei ther I/O
or memory address space). The base address of the peripheral memory
block is programmable. PCS5 is held Hig h during a bus hold or reset
conditi on. It is also hel d High duri ng reset.
Note: Unlike the UCS and LCS chip selects, the PC S outputs assert
with the multiplexed AD address bus. Note also that each peripheral
chip select asserts over a 256-byte address range, which is twice the
address range covered by peripheral chip selects in the 80C186 and
80C188 microcontrollers.
A1—When the EX bit i n the MCS and PCS Auxiliary regi ster is 0, thi s
pin suppli es an intern ally latched address bi t 1 to the system. During a
bus hold condition, A1 retains its prev iously latched value.
PCS6/A2 Peripheral Chip Select 6 (output, synchronous)
Latched Address Bit 2 (output, synchr onous)
PCS6—This pin indicates to the system that a memory access is in
progress to the sevent h region of the peripher al memory block (ei ther
I/O or memory address space) . The base address of the peripheral
memory block is programmable. PCS6 is held High duri ng a bus hold
or reset condition.
Note: Unlike the UCS and LCS chip selects, the PC S outputs assert
with the multiplexed AD address bus. Note also that each peripheral
chip select asserts over a 256-byte address range, which is twice the
address range covered by peripheral chip selects in the original 80C186
and 80C188 microcontrollers.
A2—When the EX bit i n the MCS and PCS Auxiliary regi ster is 0, thi s
pin suppli es an intern ally latched address bi t 2 to the system. During a
bus hold condition, A2 retains its prev iously latched value.
PIO31–PIO0 (Shared)
Programmable I/ O Pins (in put/output , asynchr onous, open- drain)
The Am186EM and Am188EM microcontrollers provide 32 individually
programmable I/O pins. The pins that are multiplexed with PIO31–PIO0
are listed in Table 3-1 and Table 3- 2. Each PIO can be programmed
with the following attribut es: PIO function (enabl ed/disabled), directi on
(input/output), and weak pullup or pulldown. See Chapter 12 for the PIO
control registers.
After power-on reset, the PIO pins default to various configurations. The
column titled
Power-On Reset State
in Table 3-1 and Table 3-2 lists the
defaults for the PIOs. The syst em initializati on code mus t reconfigure
any PIOs as required.
System Ov erv iew 3-9
The A19–A17 address pins default to normal operation on power-on
reset, allowi ng the processor to correct ly begin fetching instructi ons at
the boot address FFFF0h. The DT/R, DEN, and SRDY pins also default
to normal operation on power-on reset.
Table 3-1 PIO Pin Assignments—Numeric Listing
1. These pins are used by emulators. (Emulators also use
ALE, AD15–AD0, and A16–A0.
2. These pins revert to normal operation if
(Am186EM) or
(Am188E M)
is held Low during power-on reset.
3. When used as a PIO, input with pullup option available.
4. When used as a PIO, input with pulldown option available.
PIO No. Associated Pin Power-On Reset Status
0 TMRIN1 Input with pullup
1 TMROUT1 Input with pulldown
6/A2 Input with pullup
5/A1 Input with pullup
4DT/R Normal opera tio n(3)
5DEN Normal opera tio n(3)
6 SRDY Normal operatio n(4)
7(1) A17 Normal operatio n(3)
8(1) A18 Normal operatio n(3)
9(1) A19 Normal operatio n(3)
10 TMROUT0 Input with pulldown
11 TMRIN0 Input with pullup
12 DRQ0 Input with pullup
13 DRQ1 Input with pullup
14 MCS0 Input with pullup
15 MCS1 Input with pullup
16 PCS0 Input with pullup
17 PCS1 Input with pullup
18 PCS2 Input with pullup
19 PCS3 Input with pullup
20 SCLK Input with pullup
21 SDATA Input with pullup
22 SDEN0 Input with pulldown
23 SDEN1 Input with pulldown
24 MCS2 Input with pullup
25 MCS3/RFSH Input with pullup
26(1,2) UZI Input with pullup
27 TXD Input with pullup
28 RXD Input with pullup
29(1,2) S6/CLKDIV2 Input with pullup
30 INT4 Input with pullup
31 INT2 Input with pullup
System Ov erv iew
Table 3-2 PIO Pin Assignments—Alphabetic Listing
1. These pins are used by emulators. (Emulators also use
ALE, AD15–AD0, and A16–A0.
2. These pins revert to normal operation if
(Am186EM) or
(Am188E M)
is held Low during power-on reset.
3. When used as a PIO, input with pullup option available.
4. When used as a PIO, input with pulldown option available.
Associated Pin PIO No. Power-On Reset Status
A17(1) 7Normal operation(3)
A18(1) 8Normal operation(3)
A19(1) 9Normal operation(3)
DEN 5Normal operation(3)
DRQ0 12 Input with pullup
DRQ1 13 Input with pullup
DT/R 4Normal operation(3)
INT2 31 Input with pullup
INT4 30 Input with pullup
MCS0 14 Input with pullup
MCS1 15 Input with pullup
MCS2 24 Input with pullup
MCS3/RFSH 25 Input with pullup
PCS0 16 Input with pullup
PCS1 17 Input with pullup
PCS2 18 Input with pullup
PCS3 19 Input with pullup
PCS5/A1 3 Input with pullup
PCS6/A2 2 Input with pullup
RXD 28 Input with pullup
S6/CLKDIV2(1,2) 29 Input with pullup
SCLK 20 Input with pullup
SDATA 21 Input with pullup
SDEN0 22 Input with pulldown
SDEN1 23 Input with pulldown
SRDY 6Normal operation(4)
TMRIN0 11 Input with pullup
TMRIN1 0 Input with pullup
TMROUT0 10 Input with pulldown
TMROUT1 1 Input with pulldown
TXD 27 Input with pullup
UZI(1,2) 26 Input with pullup
System Ov erv iew 3-11
RD Read Strobe (output, s ynchronous, three-state)
RD—This pin indicates to the system that the microcontroller is
performi ng a memory or I/O read cycl e. RD is guaranteed not to be
asserted before the address and data bus is floated during the address-
to-data transition. RD floats during a bus hold condition.
RES Reset (input, asynchronous, level-sensitive)
This pin causes the microcontroller to perform a reset. When RES is
asserted, the microcontroller immediately terminates its present
activi ty, cle ars its internal logic, and CPU control is tr ansferred to the
reset address FFFF0h. RES must be held Low for at least 1 ms. The
asserti on of RES can be asynchronou s to CLKOUTA because RES is
synchronized internally. For proper initialization, VCC must be within
specifications, and CLKOUTA must be stable f or mor e than four
CLKOUTA periods during which RES is asser ted. The micr ocontroll er
begins fetching instructions approximately 6.5 CLKOUTA periods after
RES is deasserted. This input is provided with a Schmitt tr igger to
facili tate power-on RES generation via an RC network.
RFSH2/ADEN Refresh 2 (three-state, output, synchronous)
Address Enable (input, internal pull up)
RFSH2—Available on the Am188EM microcontroller only, RFSH2/
ADEN is asserted Low to signify a DRAM refresh bus cycle. The use
of RFSH2/ADEN to signal a refresh is not valid when PSRAM mode is
selected. Instead, the MCS3/RFSH signal is prov ided to the PSRAM.
ADEN—If RFSH2/ADEN is held High or left floating on power-on reset,
the AD bus ( AO15–AO8 and AD7–AD0) is e nabled or disabl ed duri ng
the address portion of LCS and UCS bus c ycles based on the DA bit in
the LMCS and UMCS registers. If the DA bit is set, the memory address
is accessed on the A19–A0 pins. This mode of operation reduces power
consumption. There is a weak internal pullup resistor on RFSH2/ADEN,
so no external pul lup is required.
If RFSH2/ADEN is held Low on po wer-on rese t, the AD bus dr ives both
addre sses and dat a. The pi n i s sample d one cr ystal cloc k cycle after the
rising edge of RES. RFSH2/ADEN is t hree-stated dur ing bus holds a nd
ONCE mode.
See section 5.5.1 and se ction 5.5.2 for addit ional information on
enabling and disabling th e AD bus during the address phase of a bus
RXD Receive Data (input, asynchronous)
This pin supplies asynchronous serial receive data to the
microcontroller UART.
S2–S0 Bus Cycle Status (output , three-state, synchronous)
These pins i ndicate to the sys tem the type of bus cycle i n progress. S2
can be used as a logical memory or I/O indicator, and S1 can be used
as a data transmit or receive indicator. S2–S0 float during bus hold and
hold acknowledge condi tions. The S2–S0 pins are encoded as shown
in the following table.
System Ov erv iew
S6/CLKDIV2 Bus Cycle Status Bit 6 (output, synchronous)
Clock Divide by 2 (input, internal pullup)
S6—During the second and remaining periods of a cycle (t2, t3, and t4),
this pin is asserted High to indicate a DMA-initiated bus cycle. Duri ng
a bus hold or reset condition, S6 floats.
CLKDIV2—If S6/CLKDIV2 is held Low during power-on reset, the chip
enters clock divide-by- 2 mode where the processor clock i s derived by
dividing t he ex ternal clock inpu t b y 2. I f thi s mode is sel ected, the PLL
is disabl ed. The pin is sampled on the rising edge of RES .
If S6 is to be used as PIO29 in input mode, the device driving PIO29
must not drive the pin Low during power-on reset. S6/PIO29 defaults
to a PIO input with pullup, so the pin does not need to be driven High
SCLK Serial Clock (out put, synchronous, three-state)
This pin supplies the synchronous serial interface (SSI) clock to a slave
device, allowing transmit and receive operations to be synchronized
between the microcontroller and the slav e. SCLK is derived from the
microcontroller internal clock and then divided by 2 , 4, 8, or 16,
depending on register settings. An access to any of the SSR or SSD
registers activates SCLK for eight SCLK cycles (see Figure 11-5 and
Figure 11-6 on page 11-8). When SCLK is inactiv e, it is held High by
the microcont roller.
SDATA Serial Data (input/output, synchronous)
This pin transmits and receives synchronous serial interface (SSI) data
to and from a slave device. When SDATA is inactive, a weak keeper
holds the last value of SDATA on the pin.
SDEN1–SDEN0 Serial Data Enables (output, synchronous)
These pins enable data tr ansfers on ports 1 and 0 of the synchronous
serial interface (SSI). The microcontroller asserts either SDEN1 or
SDEN0 at the beginning of a transfer and deasserts it after the transfer
is complete. When SDEN1–SDEN0 are inactive, they are held Low by
the microcont roller.
S2 S1 S0 Bus Cycle
000Interrupt acknowledge
001Read data from I/O
0 1 0 Write data to I/O
0 1 1 Halt
1 0 0 Instruction fetch
1 0 1 Read data from memory
110Write data to memory
111None (passive)
System Ov erv iew 3-13
SRDY Synchronous Ready (input, synchronous, level-sensitive)
This pin indicat e s to the microco n troller that the addressed memory
space or I/O device will complete a data transfer. The SRDY pin accepts
an active -High input sync hronized to CLKOUTA. Using SRDY instead
of ARDY allows a relax ed system t iming because of th e elimination of
the one-half clock period requi red to inter nally sync hronize ARDY. To
always assert the ready condition to the microcontroller, tie SRDY High.
If the system does not use SRDY, tie the pin Low to yield control to
TMRIN0 Timer Input 0 (input, synchronous, edge-sensitive)
This pin supplies a clock or control signal to the internal microcontroller
timer 0. After internally synchronizi ng a L ow-to-High transition on
TMRIN0, the microcontroller increments the timer. TMRIN0 must be
tied High if not being used.
TMRIN1 Timer Input 1 (input, synchronous, edge-sensitive)
This pin supplies a clock or control signal to the internal microcontroller
timer 1. After internally synchronizi ng a L ow-to-High transition on
TMRIN1, the microcontroller increments the timer. TMRIN1 must be
tied High if not being used.
TMROUT0 Timer Output 0 (output, synchronous)
This pin supplies to the system either a single pulse or a continuous
waveform with a programmable duty cycle. TMROUT0 is floated during
a bus hold or reset.
TMROUT1 Timer Output 1 (output, synchronous)
This pin supplies to the system either a single pulse or a continuous
waveform with a programmable duty cycle. It can also be programmed
as a watchdog timer. TMROUT1 is floated during a bus hold or reset.
TXD Transmit Data (output, asynchronous)
This pin supplies asynchronous serial transmit d ata from the
microcontroller UART to the system.
UCS/ONCE1 Upper Memory Chip Select (output , synchronous)
ONCE Mode Request 1 (input, internal pullup)
UCS—This pin indicates to the system that a memory access is in
progress to the upper memory block. The base address and size of the
upper memory bl ock are programmable up to 512 Kbytes. UCS is held
High during a bus hold condition.
After power-on reset, UCS is asserted because the processor b egins
executing at FFFF0h and the default configuration for the UCS chip
select is 64 Kbytes from F0000h to FFFFFh. See section 5.5.1.
ONCE1—During reset this pin and ONCE0 indicate to the
microcontroller the mode in which it shou ld operate. ONCE0 and
ONCE1 are sampled on the rising edge of RES. If both pins are asserted
Low, the microcontroller enters ONCE mode; otherwise, it operates
normally. In ONCE mode, all pins assume a high-impedance state and
remain in that state until a subsequent re set occurs. To guarantee that
the microcontr oller doe s not inadverten tly enter ONCE mode, ONCE1
has a weak internal pullup resistor that is active only during a reset.
System Ov erv iew
UZI Upper Zero Indicate (output, synchronous)
This pi n lets the designer determine whether an access to the i nterrupt
vector table is in progress by ORing it wit h bits 15–10 of the address
and data bus (AD15–AD10 on the Am186EM and AO15–AO10 on the
Am188EM). UZI is the logical OR o f t he inverted A19–A16 bits, and it
asserts in the first period of a bus cycle and is held throughout the cycle.
This pin should be allowed to float or should be pull ed High at reset. If
this pin is Low at the negation of reset, the Am186EM and Am188EM
microcontrollers will enter a reserved clock test mode.
VCC Power Supply (input)
These pins supply power (+5 V) to the microcontroller.
WHB Write High Byte, Am186EM Micro controller Only
(output, three-stat e, synchronous)
This pin and WLB indicate to the system which bytes of the data bus
(upper, l ower, or both) parti cip ate in a wri te cycl e. In 80C186 desi gns,
this information is provided by BHE, the least-significant address bit
(AD0), and by WR. However, by using WHB and WLB, the standard
system-interface logic and external address latch that were required
are eliminated.
WHB is asserted with AD15–AD8. WHB is the logical OR of BHE and
WR. This pi n floats during reset.
WLB/WB Write Low Byte, Am186EM Microcontroll er Only
(output, three-stat e, synchronous)
Write Byte, Am188EM Microcontroller Only
(output, three-stat e, synchronous)
WLB—This pin and WHB indicate to the system which bytes of the data
bus (upper, lower, or both) participate in a write cycle. In 80C186
design s, this information is provided by BHE, the least-significant
address bit (AD0), and by WR. However, by using WHB and WLB, the
standard syst em interface logic and external address latch that were
required are eliminat ed.
WLB is asserted with AD7–AD0. WLB is the logical OR of AD0 and WR.
This pin floats during reset.
WB—On the Am188EM microcontroller, this pin indicates a write to the
bus. WB uses the same early timing as the nonmultiplexed address
bus. WB is assoc iated wit h AD7–AD0. This pin floats dur ing reset. WB
is the logical OR of WHB and WLB, which are not present on the
Am188EM microcontroller.
WR Write Strobe (output, synchronous)
WR—This pin indic ates to th e system that the data on t he bus is to be
writte n to a memory or I/O device. WR floats during a bus hold or reset
System Ov erv iew 3-15
X1 Crystal Input (input)
This pin and the X2 pin provide connections for a fundamental mode
or third-overtone parallel-resonant crystal used by the internal oscillator
circuit. To provide the microcontroller with an external clock source,
connect the source to the X1 pin and leave the X2 pin unconnected.
X2 Crystal Output (output)
This pin and the X1 pin provide connections for a fundamental mode
or third-overtone parallel-resonant crystal used by the internal oscillator
circuit. To provide the microcontroller with an external clock source,
leave the X2 pin unconnected and connect the source to the X1 pin.
3.1.1 Pins That Are Used by Emulators
The following pins are used by emulators: A19–A0, AO15–AO8, AD7–AD0, ALE, BHE/
ADEN (on the Am186EM), CLKOUTA, RFSH2/ADEN (on the Am188EM), RD, S2–S0, S6/
Emulators require that S6/CLKDIV2 and UZI be configured in their normal functionality,
that is, as S6 and UZI.
If BHE/ADEN (on the Am186EM) or RFSH2/ADEN (on the Am188EM) is held Low during
the ri sing edge of RES, S6 and UZI ar e confi gured in th eir normal func tional it y, i nstead of
as PIOs, at reset.
System Ov erv iew
The industry-standard 80C 186 and 80C188 microcontrollers use a multiplexed address
and data (AD) bus. The address is present on the AD bus only during the t1 clo ck pha se.
The Am186EM and Am188EM microcontrollers continue to provide the multiplexed AD bus and,
in add ition, provi de a no nmultipl exed ad dress ( A) bus. The A bu s provide s an ad dress t o the
system for the complete bus cycle (t1–t4).
For systems wher e power consumption is a concern, it is possible to disable the address
from being driven on the AD bus on t he Am186EM microcontroller and on the AD and AO
buses on the Am188EM microcontroller during the normal address portion of the bus cycle
for accesse s to UCS and/or LCS address sp aces. In this mode, t he affected bus is placed
in a high impedance state during the address portion of the bus cycle. This feature is enabled
through the DA bits in the UMCS and LMCS registers. When address disable is in effect,
the number of signals that assert on the bus during all normal bu s cycles to the associated
address space is reduced, thus decreasing power consumption, reducing processor
switching noise, and preventing bus contention with memory devices and peripherals when
operating at high clock rates. On the Am188EM microcontroller, the address is driven on
A015–A08 during the data portion of the bus cycle, regardless of the setting of the DA bits.
If the ADEN pin is pulled Low during processor reset, the value of the DA bits in the UMCS and
LMCS reg ister s is igno red a nd the add ress i s driven on the AD bu s for al l acce sses, thus
preserving the industry-standard 80C186 and 80C188 microcontrollers’ multiplexed address bus
and p rovid ing sup port f or ex isting emula tion t ool s.
Figure 3-1 on page 3-17 shows the affected signals during a normal read or write operation
for an Am186EM microcontroller. The address and data will be multiplexed onto the AD bus.
Figure 3-2 on page 3-17 shows an Am186EM microcontroller bus cycle when address bus
disable is in effect. This results in the AD bus operating in a nonmultiplexed data-only mode.
The A bus will provide the address during a read or write operation.
Figure 3-3 on page 3-18 shows the affected signals during a normal read or write operation
for an Am188EM microcon troller. The multiplexed address/ data mode is compatible with
80C188 microc ontrollers and might be used to take advant age of existing logic or
Figure 3-4 on page 3-18 shows an Am188EM microcontroller bus cycle when address bus
disable is in effect. The address and data are not multiplexed. The AD7–AD0 signals will
have only data on the bus, while the A bus will have the address during a read or write
operation. The AO bus will also have the address during t2–t4.
System Ov erv iew 3-17
Figur e 3-1 Am186EM Microcontroller Address Bus—Normal Read and Write Operation
Figur e 3-2 Am1 86 EM Mi crocontroller— Read and Write with Add r ess Bus Disa ble In Ef fe ct
(Read) Data
Phase Data
A19–A0 Address
(Write) Data
A19–A0 Address
System Ov erv iew
Figur e 3-3 Am188EM Microcontroller Address Bus—Normal Read and Write Operation
Figure 3-4 Am188EM Microcontroller—Read and Write with Address Bus Disable In Effect
(Read) Data
(Rea d or Write)
Phase Data
A19–A0 Address
(Read) Data
(Write) Data
Phase Data
A19–A0 Address
System Ov erv iew 3-19
The bus interf ace unit controls all access es to external peri pherals and memory devices.
External accesses include those to memory d evices, as well as those to memory- mapped
and I/O-mapped peripherals and the peripheral control block. The Am186EM and
Am188EM microcontrollers provide an enhanced bus interface unit with the following
nA nonmultiplexed address bus
nSeparate byte write enables for high and low bytes in the Am186EM microcontroller
nPseudo-Static RAM (PSRAM) support
The standard 80C186 multip lexed address and data bus requires system-int erface logic
and an external address latch. On the Am186EM and Am188EM microcontrollers, new
byte write enables, PSRAM control logic, and a new nonmultiplexed address bus can reduce
design costs by eliminating external logic.
Timing diagrams for the operations described in this chapter appear in the
and Am188EM/EMLV Microcontrollers Data Sheet
, order# 19168.
3.3.1 Nonmultiple xed Addr ess Bus
The nonmultiplexed address bus (A19–A0) is valid one-half CLKOUTA cycle in advance
of the addres s on th e AD bus. When used i n conjunct ion wit h th e modified UCS and LCS
outputs and the byt e write enable si gnals, the A19–A0 bu s pr ovides a seamles s inter fa ce
to SRAM, PSRAM, and Flash/EPROM memory systems.
3.3.2 Byte Write Enables
The Am186EM microcontr oller provides two si gnals that act as byt e write enables—WHB
(Write High Byte, AD15–AD8) and WLB (Write Low Byte, AD7–AD0). WHB is th e logical
OR of BHE and WR (WHB is Low when both BHE and WR are Low). WLB is the logical
OR of AD0 and WR (WLB is Low when both AD0 and WR are both Low).
The Am188EM microcontroller provides one signal for byte write enables—WB (Write Byte).
WB is the lo gic a l OR o f WH B and WLB, which are not present on the Am188EM
The byte write enables are driven in conjunction with the demultiplexed address bus as
required f or the write timing requirements of common SRAMs.
3.3.3 Pseudo Static RAM (PSRAM) Support
The Am186EM and Am188EM microcontroll ers support the use of PSRAM devices in low
memory chip select (LCS) space only. When PSRAM mode is enabled, the timing for the
LCS signal is modified by the chip select control unit to provide a CS precharge per iod
during PSRAM accesses. The 40-MHz timing of the Am186EM microcontro ll er is
appropria te to allow 70-ns PSRAM to run with one wait state. PSRAM mode is enabled
through a b it in t he Low Memory Chip Sel ect (LMCS) reg ister. ( See section 5 .5.2 on page
5-6.) The PSRAM feature is disab led on CPU reset.
In additi on to the LCS ti ming changes for PSRAM precharge, the PSRAM devices also
require per iodic refresh of all i nte rnal row addr esses to r etai n th eir data. Although r efresh
of PSRAM can be accomplished several ways, the Am186EM and Am188EM
microcontrollers implement auto refresh only. The microcontroller generates a refresh
signal, RFSH, to the PSRAM devices when PSRAM mode is enabled. No refresh address
is required by the PSRAM when using the auto refresh mechanism . The RFSH signal is
multiplexed with the MCS3 signal pin. When PSRAM mode is enabl ed, MCS3 is not
available for use as a chip select signal.
System Ov erv iew
The refresh control unit must be programmed before accessing PSRAM in LCS space. The
refresh counter in the Clock Prescaler (CDRAM) register must be configured with the
required r efresh inter val value. The ending address of LCS space and the ready and wait-
state generation in the LMCS register must also be programmed.
The refresh count er reload value in the CDRAM register should not be set to less than 18
(12h) in order to provi de time for processor cycles within refresh . In PSRAM mode, th e
refresh address counter must be set to 0000h to prevent another chip select from asserting.
LCS is held High during a refresh cycle. The A19–A0 bus is not used during refresh cycles.
The LMCS register must be configured to external Ready ignored (R2=1) with one wait
state (R1–R0=01 b), and the PSRAM mod e enable bit (PSE) must b e set to 1. See section
5.5.2 on page 5-6.
The clock and power management unit of the Am186EM and Am188EM microcontrollers
includes a phase- locked loop (PLL) and a second programmable system clock output
3.4.1 Phase-Locked Loop (PLL)
In a traditional 80C186/188 design, the crystal frequency is twice that of the desired internal
clock. Because of the inter nal PLL on the Am186EM and Am188EM microcontrol lers, the
internal clock genera ted by the microcon tr oller (CLKOUTA) is the same frequency as the
crystal. The PLL takes the crystal inputs (X1 and X2) and generates a 45/55% (worst case)
duty cycle intermediate system clock of the same frequency. This feature removes the need
for an ex ternal 2x os cillat or, thereby reducing sy stem cost. The PLL is r eset duri ng power-
on reset by an on-chip power-on reset (POR) circuit.
3.4. 2 Cryst a l-Drive n Clock Sour ce
The inte rnal oscillator ci rcuit of the microcontroller is desi gned to function with a parallel
resonant fundamental or third overtone crystal. Because of the PLL, t he crysta l fr equency
is equal to the processor fr equency. Replacement of a cryst al with an LC or RC equiv alent
is not recommended.
The X1 and X2 signals are connected to an internal inverting amplif ier (oscillator) which
provides, along with the external feedback loading, the necessary phase shift (Figure 3-5).
In such a positi ve feedback circuit, the inverti ng ampli fier has an output signal (X2) 180
degrees out of phase of t he input s ignal (X1) . The exter nal f eedbac k network provi des an
additio nal 180-degree phase shift. In an ideal system, the input to X1 wil l have 360 or z ero
degrees of phase shift.
The external feedback network is designed to be as close as possible to ideal. If the
feedback network is not providing necessary phase shift, negative feedback will dampen
the output of the amplifier and negatively affect the operation of the clock generator. Values
for the loading on X1 and X2 must be chosen to provide the necessar y phase shift and
crystal operation.
System Ov erv iew 3-21
3.4.2 .1 Sele ct ing a Crystal
When selecti ng a crystal, the load capac itance should always be specified (CL). This value
can cause variance in the oscillation frequency from the desired specified value (resonance).
The lo ad cap acitanc e and t he loadin g of the feedb ack net work hav e the fo llowi ng rel ation ship:
where CS is the str ay capacit ance of the circuit. Pla cing the crys tal and CL in series across the
inverting amplifier and tuning these values (C1, C2) allows the crystal to oscillate at resonance.
This relati onship is true f or bot h fundame ntal an d thir d-ove rtone o perati on. Fina lly, there is a
relationship between C1 and C2. To enhance the oscillation of the inverting amplifier, these values
need to be offset with the larger load on the output (X2). Equal values of these loads tend to
balance the poles of the inverting amplifier.
The characteristics of the inverting amplifier set limits on the following parameter s for
ESR (Equivalent Series Resistance)....................80 ohm Max
D rive Level ........ ...... ......................... ...... ..................1 mW Max
The recommended range of values for C1 and C2 are as fol lows:
C1...............................................................................15 pF ± 20%
C2...............................................................................22 pF ± 20%
The specif ic values f or C1 and C2 must be determine d by the designer and are depe ndent on
the ch arac teri stic s of the chose n cryst al and b oard desi gn.
Figure 3-5 Oscillator Configurations
(C1 C2)
CL = (C1 + C2)+ CS
200 pF
Note 1
b. Crystal Configuration
a. Inverting Amplifier Configuration
Note 1: Use for Third Overtone Mode
XTAL Frequency L1 Value (Max
20 MHz 12
25 MHz 8.2
33 MHz 4.7
40 MHz 3.0
System Ov erv iew
3.4.3 External Source Cl ock
Alternat ely, the inter nal oscillator can be dr iven from an exter nal clock source. This source
should be connected to the input of the i nverting amplifier (X1) with the output (X2) not
3.4.4 System Clocks
Figure 3-6 shows the organization of the clocks. The 80C186 microcontroller system clock
has been renamed CLKOUTA. CLKOUTB is provided as an additional output.
Figure 3-6 Clock Organization
CLKOUTA and CLKOUTB operate at either the processor frequency or the PLL frequency.
The output drivers for both clocks are individually programmable for drive enable or disable.
The second c lock output (CLKOUTB) l ets one clock ru n at the PLL f requency and another
clock run at the power-save frequency. Individual drive enable bits allow selective enabling
of just one or both of these clock outputs.
3.4.5 Power-Save Operation
The power-save mode reduces power consumption and heat dissipation, which can reduce
power supply costs and size in all systems and extend battery life in portable systems. In
power-save mo de, operation of the CPU and internal peripherals continues at a slower
clock fr equency. When an inter rupt occurs, the mi crocontrol ler automati cally returns t o its
normal operating frequency on the inte rnal clock’s next ris ing edge of t3.
Note: Power-save operation requires that clock-dependent devices be reprogrammed for
clock frequency changes. Software drivers must be aware of clock frequency.
(/2 to /128)
X1, X2
Processor In ternal Clock
6 ± 2.5ns
Peripheral Control Block 4-1
The Am186EM and Am188EM microcontroller integrated peripherals are controlled by
16-bit read/write registers. The peripheral registers are contained within an internal 256-
byte control block—the peripheral control block. Registers are physically located in the
periphera l devices th ey control, but they a re addressed as a singl e 256-byte block. Figu re
4-1 shows a map of the peripheral control block registers.
Code that is intended to execute on the Am188EM microcontroller should perform all writes
to the PCB registers as byte wri tes. These writes will transfer 16 bits of data to the PCB
register even if an 8-bit regist er is named in the instruction. For exampl e, out dx, al
results in the value of ax bein g writ ten to the port addr ess in dx. Reads to the PCB should be
done as word reads. Code written in this manner will run correctly on the Am188EM
microc on tr olle r a nd o n the A m1 86 EM micr oc on tr oller. Unaligned reads and writes to the PCB
result in unpredictable behavior on both the Am186EM and Am188EM microcontrollers.
The peripheral control block can be mapped into either memory or I/O space. The base
address of the control block must be on an even 256-byte boundary (i.e., the lower eight
bits of the base address are 00h). Internal logic recognizes control block addresses and
responds to bus cycles. During bus cycles to internal registers, the bus controller signals
the operati on external ly (i.e., t he RD, WR, st atus, addres s, and data l ines are dri ven as in
a normal bus cycle), but t he data bus, SRDY, and ARDY are ignored.
At reset, the Peripher al Control Block Relocat ion register i s set to 20FFh, which maps the
control block to start at FF00h in I/O space. An offset map of the 256-byte peripheral control
register block is shown in Figure 4-1. See section 4.1.1 on page 4-4 for a comp lete
description of the Peripheral Control Block Relocation (RELREG) register.
Peripheral Control Block
Figure 4-1 Peripheral Control Block Register Map
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 9
Chapter 5
Chapter 10
PCS and MCS Auxiliary Register
Memory Partition Register
PDCON Register
Reset Configuration Register
Peripheral Control Block Relocation RegisterFE Register Name
Changed from 80C186
Note: Gaps in offs et address es
indicate reserved registers.
Clock Presca ler Regi ste r
Enable RCU Regi ster
DMA 1 Control Register
DMA 1 Transfer Count Register
DMA 1 Destination Address Low Register
DMA 1 Source Address High Register
DMA 1 Source Address Low Register
DMA 0 Control Register
DMA 0 Transfer Count Register
DMA 0 Destination Address High Register
DMA 0 Destination Address Low Register
DMA 0 Source Address Low Register
DMA 0 Source Address High Register
Midrange Memory Chip Select Register
Peripheral Chip Select Register
Low Me mo ry Ch ip Select Register
Upper Memory Chip Select Register
80 Serial Port Status Register
84 Serial Port Receive Register
Processor Release Level Register
DMA 1 Destination Address High Register
Serial Port Baud Rate Divisor Register
Serial Port Transmit Register
Serial Port Control Register
Peripheral Control Block 4-3
Chapter 12
Chapter 8
Chapter 7
Chapter 11
INT2 Control Register
INT1 Control Regi ster
INT0 Control Register
DMA 1 Interrupt Control Register
DMA 0 Interrupt Contro l Regis ter
Timer Interrupt Control Register
Interrupt Status Register
Interrupt Request Register
In-service Register
Priority Mask Register
Interrupt Mask Register
Poll Status Register
Poll Regi ste r
End-of-Interrupt Register
Interrupt Vector Register
12 Synchronous Serial Transmit 1 Register
PIO Mode 0 Register
Register Name
Changed from 80C186
Note: Gaps in offs et addresses
indicate reserved registers.
Timer 2 Mode/Control Register
Timer 2 Maxcount Compare A Register
Timer 2 Count Register
Timer 1 Mode/Control Register
Timer 1 Maxcount Compare B Register
Timer 1 Maxcount Compare A Register
Timer 1 Count Register
Timer 0 Mode/Control Register
Timer 0 Maxcount Compare B Register
Timer 0 Maxcount Compare A Register
Timer 0 Count Register
INT3 Control Register
PIO Data 1 Register
PIO Direction 1 Register
PIO Mode 1 Register
PIO Data 0 Register
PIO Direction 0 Register
Serial Port Interrupt Control Register
Watchdog Timer Control Register
INT4 Control Register
Synchronous Serial Receive Register
Synchronous Serial Transmit 0 Register
Synchronous Serial Enable Register
Synchronous Serial Status Register
Peripheral Control Block
4.1.1 Peripheral Control Block Relocation Register (RELREG, Offset FEh)
The peripheral control block is mapped int o eit her memory or I/O space by programming
the Peri pheral Control Block Relocation (RELREG) register (see Figure 4-2). This register
is a 16-bit register at offset FEh from the control block base address. The RELREG register
provides the upper 12 bits of the base address of the control block. The control block is
effectively an internal chip select range.
Other chip selects can overlap the control block only if they are programmed to zero wait
states and ignore external re ady. If the control register bl ock is mapped into I/ O space, the
upper fo ur bits of the base address must be programmed as 0000b (since I/O addresses
are only 16 bits wide).
In additi on to providing relocation information for the control block, the RELREG register
contains a bit that places the interrupt controller into either slave m ode or master mode.
At reset, the RELREG register is set to 20FFh, which m aps the control block to start at
FF00h in I/O space. An offset map of the 256-byte peripheral control register block is shown
in Figure 4-1.
Figure 4-2 Peripheral Control Block Relocation Register (RELREG, offset FEh)
The value of the RELREG register is 20FFh at reset.
Bit 15: Reserved
Bit 14: Slave/Master (S/M)—Configures the interrupt contr o ller for slave mod e when set
to 1 and for master mode when set to 0.
Bit 13: Reserved
Bit 12: Memory/IO Space (M/IO)—When set to 1, the peripheral control block (PCB) is
located in memory space. When set to 0, the PCB is located in I/O space.
Bits 11–0: Relocation Address Bits (R19–R8)R19–R8 define the upper address bits
of the PCB base address. The lower eight bits (R7–R0) default to 00h. R19–R16 are ignored
when the PCB is mapped to I/O space.
15 70
Peripheral Control Block 4-5
4.1.2 Reset Configuration Register (RESC ON, Offset F6h)
The Reset Configuration (RESCON) register (see Figure 4-3) in the peripheral control block
latches system-configuration information that is presented to the processor on the address/
data bus (AD15–AD0 for the Am186EM or AO15–AO8 and AD7–AD1 for t he Am188EM)
during the rising edge of reset. The interpretation of this information is system-specific. The
processor does not impose any predetermined interpretation, but simply provides a means
for communicating this information to software.
When the RES input is ass erted Low, the contents of the address/data bus are writ ten into
the RESCON register. The system can place configuration information on the address/data
bus using weak external pullup or pulldown resi stors, or using an external driver tha t is
enabled during reset. The processor does not drive the address/data bus during reset.
For example, the RESCON register could be used to provide the software with the position
of a conf iguratio n switch in the sy stem. Using we ak external pullu p and pulldown resistors
on the address and data bus, the system could provide the microcontroller with a value
corresponding to the positi on of a jumper dur ing a reset.
Figur e 4-3 Rese t Configuration Regist er (R ES CO N , off set F6 h)
On reset, the RESCON register is set to the value fou nd on AD15–AD0.
Bits 15–0: Reset Configuration (RC)—There is a one-to-one correspond ence between
address/data bus signals during the reset and th e Reset Configuration registe r’ s bits. On
the Am186EM microcontroller, AD15 corresponds to bit 15 of the Reset Configuration
register, and so on. On the Am188EM microcontroller, AO15 corresponds to register bit
15, and AD7 corresponds to bi t 7. Once RES is deasserted, the RESCON register holds
its value. This value can be read by softwar e to determine the configuration informati on.
The contents of the RESCON register are read-only and remain valid until the next
processor reset.
15 70
Peripheral Control Block
4.1.3 Processor Release Level Register (PRL, Offset F4h)
The Processor Release Level (PRL) register (Figure 4-4) is a read-only register that
specifi e s the processor version.
Figure 4-4 Processor Re lease Level Register (PRL, offset F4h)
The values of the PRL register are listed in Table 4-1.
Bits 15–8: Processor Release Level (PRL)—This field is an 8-bit, read-only identification
number that speci fi es the processor release level. The values of the PRL field for the
Am186EM and Am188EM microcontr ollers are shown in Tabl e 4-1. Each rel ease level is
numbered one highe r than the previous level.
Bits 7–0: Reserved
Table 4- 1 Processor Re lease Lev el (PRL) Val ues
PRL Value Processor Relea se Level
01h C
02h D
03h E
04h F
15 70
Peripheral Control Block 4-7
4.1.4 Power-Save Control Regi ster (PDCON, Offset F0h)
Figure 4-5 Power-Save Control Register (PDCON, offset F0h)
The value of the PDCON register is 0000h at reset.
Bit 15: Enable Power-Save Mode (PSEN)—When set to 1, enables Power-Save mode
and divides the internal operating clock by the value in F2–F0. PSEN is automatically
cleared when an external interrupt, including those generated by on-chip peripheral
devices, occurs. T he value of the PSEN bit is not restored by the execution of an IRET
instruction. Soft ware interrupts (INT instruction) and exceptions do not clear the PSEN bit,
and interrupt service routines for these conditions should do so if desired. This bit is 0 after
processor reset.
Bits 14–12: Reserved—Read back as 0.
Bit 11: CLKOUTB Output Frequency (CBF)—When set to 1, CLKOUTB follows the crystal
input (PLL) frequenc y. When set to 0, CLKOUTB follows the internal processor frequency
(after the clock divisor). Set to 0 on reset.
CLKOUTB can be used as a full-speed clock source in power-save mode.
Bit 10: CLKOUTB Drive Disable (CBD)—When set to 1, CBD three-states the clock output
driver fo r CLKOUTB. When set to 0, CLKOUTB is driven as an output. Set to 0 on reset.
Bit 9: CLKOUTA Output Frequency (CAF)—When set to 1, CLKOUTA follows the crystal
input (PLL) frequenc y. When set to 0, CLKOUTA follows the internal processor frequency
(after the clock divisor). Set to 0 on reset.
CLKOUTA can be used as a full-speed clock source in power-save mode.
Bit 8: CLKOUTA Drive Disable (CAD)—When set to 1, CAD three-states the clock output
driver fo r CLKOUTA. When set to 0, CLKOUTA is driven as an output. Set to 0 on reset.
Bits 7–3: Reserved—Read back as 0.
Bits 2–0: Clock Divisor Select (F2–F0)—Controls the division factor when Power-Save
mode is enabled. Allowable values are as follows:
F2 F1 F0 Divider Factor
000 Divide by 1 (20)
001 Divide by 2 (21)
010 Divide by 4 (22)
011 Divide by 8 (23)
100 Divide by 16 (24)
101 Divide by 32 (25)
110 Divide by 64 (26)
111 Divide by 128 (27)
15 70
000 00000
F1 F0
Peripheral Control Block
Processor ini tial izat ion or start up is acco mplished by drivi ng the RES input pin Low. RES
must be Low during power-up to ensure proper device initialization. RES forces the
Am186EM and Am188EM microcontrollers to terminate all execution and local bus activity.
No instruction or bus activity occurs as long as RES is active.
After RES is dea sserted and an internal processing interval elapses, the microcontroller
begins execution with the instruction at physical location FFFF0h. RES also sets some
registers to predefined values as shown in Tabl e 4-2.
Peripheral Control Block 4-9
Table 4-2 Initial Register State After Reset
Registers not listed in this table are undefined at reset.
Register Name Mnemonic Value at
Reset Comments
Processor Status Flags F F002h Interrupts disabled
Instruction Pointer IP 0000h
Code Segment CS FFFFh Boot address is FFFF0h
Data Segment DS 0000h DS = ES = SS = 0000h
Extra Segmen t ES 0000h
Stack Segm ent SS 0000h
Processor Release Level PRL XXxxh PRL XX = Revision (lower half-word is undefined)
Peripheral Control Block
Relocation RELREG 20FFh Peripheral control block located at FF00h in I/O space and
interrupt controller in master mode
Memory Partition MDRAM 0000h Ref r esh base ad dres s is 000 00h
Enable RCU EDRAM 0000h Refresh disabled, counter = 0
Upper Memory Chip Select UMCS F03Bh UCS active for 64K from F0000h to FFFFFh, 3 wait states,
external Ready signal required
Low Memory Chip Select LMCS Undefined
Serial Port Control SPCT 0000h
Serial port interrupts disabled, no loopback, no break,
BRKVAL low, no parity, word length = 7, 1 stop bit,
transmitter and receiver disabled
PIO Direction 1 PIODIR1 FFFFh
PIO Mode 1 PIOMODE1 0000h
PIO Direction 0 PIODIR0 FC0Fh
PIO Mode 0 PIOMODE0 0000h
Serial Port Interrupt Control SPICON 001Fh Serial port interrupt masked, priority 7
Watchdog Timer Interrupt Control WDCON 000Fh Watchdog timer interrupt masked, priority 7
INT4 Control I4CON 000Fh Int4 interrupt masked, edge-triggered, priority 7
INT3 Control I3CON 000Fh Int3 interrupt masked, edge-triggered, priority 7
INT2 Control I2CON 000Fh Int2 interrupt masked, edge-triggered, priority 7
INT1 Control I1CON 000Fh Int1 interrupt masked, edge-triggered, priority 7
INT0 Control I0CON 000Fh Int0 interrupt masked, edge-triggered, priority 7
DMA1 Interrupt Control DMA1CON 000Fh DMA1 interrupts masked, edge-triggered, priority 7
DMA0 Interrupt Control DMA0CON 000Fh DMA0 interrupts masked, edge-triggered, priority 7
Timer Interrupt Control TCUCON 000Fh Timer interrupts masked, edge-triggered, priority 7
In-Service INSERV 0000h No interrup ts are in-s erv ic e
Priority Mask PRIMSK 0007h Allow all interrupts based on priority
Interrupt Mask IMASK 07FDh All interrupts masked (off)
Synchronous Serial Control SSC 0000h SCLK = 1/2 CLKOUTA, no data enabled
Synchronous Serial Status SSS 0000h Synchronous serial port not busy, no errors, no transmit or
receive completed.
DMA 1 Control D1CON FFF9h
DMA 0 Control D0CON FFF9h
Peripheral Control Block
Chip Select Unit 5-1
The Am186EM and Am188EM micr ocontrollers cont ain logic that provides programmabl e
chip select generation for both memories and peripherals. In addition, the logic can be
programmed to provide ready or wait-state generation and latched address bits A1 and A2.
The chip select lines are active for al l memory and I/O cycles in their programmed areas,
whether they are generated by the CPU or by the integrated DMA unit.
The Am186EM and Am188EM microcontrollers provide six chip select outputs for use with
memory devices and six more for use with peripherals in either memory space or I/O space.
The six memory chip selects can be used to address three memory ranges. Each peripheral
chip select addresses a 256-byte block offset from a programmable base address (see
section 4.1.1 on page 4-4).
The chip selects are programmed through the use of five 16-bit peripheral registers (Table
5-1). The UMCS register, offset A0h, is used to program the Upper Memory Chip Select
(UCS). The LMCS register , offset A2h, is used to progr am the Lower Memory Chip Select
(LCS). The Midrange Memory Chip Selects (MCS3–MCS0) are programmed thr ough the
use of two r egisters—the Midran ge Memory Chip Select (MMCS) r egister, o ffset A6h and
the PCS and MCS Auxiliary (MPCS) register, offset A8h. In addition to its use in configuring
the MCS chip selects , the MPCS register and t he PACS reg ister are us ed to pr ogram the
Peripheral Chip Selects (PCS6–PCS5 and PCS3–PCS0).
Note: The PCS4 chip select is not implemented on the Am186EM and Am188EM
Table 5-1 Chip Select Register Summar y
A read or write will enable a chip select register .
Offset Register
Mnemonic Regi ster Na me Affected Pins Comments
A0h UMCS Upper Memory Chip Select UCS Ending address is fixed at FFFFFh
A2h LMCS Lower Memory Chip Select LCS Starting address is fixed at 00000h
A4h PACS Peripheral Chip Select PCS6–PCS5
PCS3–PCS0 Block size is fixed at 256 bytes
A6h MMCS Midrange Chip Sele ct MCS3–MCS0 Starting address and block size are
A8h MPCS PCS and MCS Auxiliary PCS6–PCS5
Affects both PCS and MCS
chip selects
Chip Select Unit
Except for the UCS chip select, which is active on reset as discussed in section 5.5.1, chip
selects ar e not activated until the assoc iated registers have been accessed. (An access is
any read or write operation.) For this reason, the chip select registers should not be read
by the processor ini ti a lization code until after they have been written with valid data. The
LCS chip select is activated when the LMCS register is accessed, the MCS chip selects
are activated after both the MMCS and MPCS registers have been accessed, and the PCS
chip select s are activated after both the PACS and MPCS registers have been accessed.
The timing for the UCS and LCS outputs has been modified from the 80C186 and 80C188
microcont rollers. These ou tputs now assert in conj unction with th e demultiplexed addr ess
bus (A19–A0) for normal memory timing. To make these outputs available earlier in the
bus cycle, the number of programmable memory si ze selections has been reduced.
The MCS3–MCS0 and PCS ch ip selects assert with the AD bus.
The Am186EM and Am188EM microcontrollers can be programmed to sense a ready signal
for each of the peripher al or memory chip select lines. The ready signal can be either the
ARDY or SRDY signal. Each chip select cont rol register (UMCS, LMCS, MMCS, PACS,
and MPCS) contains a single-bit field, R2, that determines whether the external ready signal
is required or ignored. When R2 is set to 1, external r eady is ignored. When R2 is set to 0,
external ready is required.
The number of wait states to be inserted for each access to a periphe ral or memory region
is programmable. Zero wait st ates to 15 wait states can be inserted for the PCS3–PCS0
peripheral chip selects. Zero wait states to three wait st ates can be inserted for all other
chip sele cts.
Each of the chip select control registers, other than the PACS register (UMCS, LMCS,
MMCS, and MPCS), contain s a two-bit f ield, R1–R0, whose value det ermines the number
of wait states from none to three to be inserted. A value of 00b in this field specifies no
inserted wait states. A value of 11b specifies three inserted wait states.
The PCS3–PCS0 peri pheral chip selec ts can be programmed for up to 15 wait sta tes. The
PACS register uses bits R3 and R1–R0 for the addit ional wait stat es.
When external ready is required (R2 is set to 0), internally programmed wait states will
always complet e before external ready can terminat e or extend a bus cycle. For example,
if the internal wait states are set to insert two wait states (R1–R0 = 10b), the processor
samples the external ready pin during the fi rst wait cycle. If external ready is asserted at
that time, the access completes after six cycles (four cycles plus two wait states). If external
ready is not asserted during the first wait state, the access is extended until ready is
asserted, which is followed by one more wait state followed by t4.
Although progr amming the vari ous chip selects on the Am186EM microcontroller so that
multiple chip select signals are asserted for the same physical address is not recommended,
it may be unavoidable in some systems. In such systems, the chip selects whose assertions
overlap must have the same configuration for ready (external ready required or not required)
and the number of wait states to be inserted into the cycle by the pr ocessor.
The peripheral control block (PCB) is accessed using internal signals. These internal signals
functio n as chip selects con figured wit h zero wait states and n o external r eady. Therefor e,
the PCB can be programmed to addresses that overlap external chip select signals if those
external chip selects are programmed to zero wait stat es with no external ready require d.
Chip Select Unit 5-3
When overlapping an additional chip select with either the LCS or UCS chip selects, it must
be noted that setting the Disable Address (DA) bit in the LMCS or UMCS register will disable
the address from being driven on the AD bus for all accesses for which the associated chip
select is asserted, including any accesses for which multiple chip selects assert.
The MCS and PCS chip select pins can be configured as either chip selects (norma l
functio n) or as PIO i nputs or output s. It shou ld be note d; howe ver, that the r eady and wai t
state generation logic for these chip selects is in effect, regardless of their configurations
as chip selects or PIOs. This means that if these chip selects are enabled (by a read or
write to the MMCS and MPCS registers for the MCS chip selects, or by a read or write to
the PACS and MPCS registers for the PCS chip selects), the ready and wait stat e
programming for these signals must agree with the programming for any other chip selects
with which their assertion would overlap if they were configured as chip selects.
Although the PCS4 signal is not available on an external pin, the ready and wait state logic
for this signal still exists internal to the part. For this reason, the PCS 4 address space must
follow the rules for overlapping chip selects. The ready and wait-state logic for PCS6–PCS5
is disabled when these signals are configured as address bits A2–A1.
Failure to configure overlapping chip selects with the same ready and wait state
requirements may cause the processor to hang with the appear ance of waiting for a ready
signal. This behavior may occur even in a system in which ready is always asserted (ARDY
or SRDY tied High).
Configuring PCS in I/O space with LCS or any other chip select configured for memory
address 0 is not considered overlapping of the chip selects. Overlapping chip selects refers
to confi gurations where more than one chip select asserts for the same physical address.
The following sections describe the chip select registers.
Chip Select Unit
5.5.1 Upper Memory Chip Select Register (UMCS, Offset A0h)
The Am186EM and Am188EM microcontrollers provide the UCS chip select pin for the top
of memory. On reset, the microcontroller begins fetching and executing instructions starting
at memory locat ion FFFF0h, so upper memory i s usually used as i nstr ucti on memory. To
facilitate this usage, UCS defaults to active on reset with a default memory range of 64
Kbytes from F0000h to FFFFFh, external ready required, and three wait states automatically
The UCS memory range always ends at FFFFFh. The lower boundar y is programmable.
The Upper Memory Chip Select is conf igured through the UMCS register (Figure 5-1).
Figure 5-1 Upper Memory Chip Select Register (UMCS, offset A0h)
The value of the UMCS register at reset is F03Bh.
Bit 15: Reserved—Set to 1.
Bits 14–12: Lower Boundary (LB2–L B0)—The LB2–LB0 bits define the lower bound of
the memory accessed through the UCS chip selects. The number of programmable bits
has been reduced from eight bi ts in the 80C186 and 80C188 microcontrol lers to three bit s
in the Am186EM and Am188EM microcontrollers.
The Am186EM and Am188EM microcontro llers provide an additional block size of 512K,
which i s not avai lable on the 8 0C186 and 8 0C188 microcont rollers. Table 5- 2 outli nes the
possible configurations and differences with the 80C186 and 80C188 microcontrollers.
Table 5-2 UMCS Bloc k Size Programming Values
Size Starting
Address LB2–LB0 Comments
64K F0000h 111b Default
128K E0000h 110b
256K C0000h 100b
512K 80000h 000b Not available on the 80C186 or 80C188 microcontroller
15 70
Chip Select Unit 5-5
Bits 11–8: Reserved
Bit 7: Disable Addre ss (DA)—The DA bit enables or disables th e AD15–AD0 bus during
the address phase of a bus cycle when UCS is asserted. If DA is set to 1, AD15–AD0 is
not driven during the address phase of a bus cycle when UCS is asserted. If DA is set to
0, AD15–AD0 is driven duri ng the address phase of a bus cycle. Disabling AD15–AD0
reduces power consumption. DA defaults to 0 at power-on reset.
Note: On the Am188EM microcontroller, the AO15–AO8 address pins are driven during
the data phase of the bus cycles, even when the DA bit is set to 1 in either the UMCS or
LMCS register.
If BHE/ADEN (on the Am186EM) or RFSH2/ADEN (on the Am188EM) is held Low on the
rising edge of RES, then AD15 A D0 is always driven regardless of the DA setting. This
configures AD15–AD0 to be enabled regardless of the setting of DA.
If BHE/ADEN (on the Am186EM) or RFSH2/ADEN (on the Am188EM) is High on the rising
edge of RES, then DA in the Upper Memory Chip Select (UMCS) regi ster and DA in the
Lower Memory Chip Select (LMCS) regi ster control the AD15–AD0 disabl ing.
See the description s of the BHE/ADEN and RFSH2/ADEN pins in Chapter 3.
Bits 6: Reserved—Set to 0.
Bits 5–3: Reserved—Set to 1.
Bit 2: Ready Mode (R2)—The R2 bit is used to configure the ready mode for the UCS chip
select. If R2 is set to 0, external ready is required. If R2 is set to 1, external ready is ignored.
In each case, the processor also uses the value of the R1–R0 bits to determine the number
of wait states to insert. R2 defaults to 0 at reset.
Bits 1–0: Wait-State Value (R1–R0)—The value of R1–R0 determines the number of wait
states inserted into an access to the UCS memory area. From zero to three wait states can
be inserted (R1–R0 = 00b to 11b). R1–R0 default to 11b at reset.
Chip Select Unit
5.5.2 Low Memory Chip Select Register (LMCS, Offset A2h)
The Am186EM and Am188EM microcontrollers provide the LCS chip select pi n for the
bottom of memory. Since the interrupt vector table is located at 00000h at the bottom of
memory, the LCS pin has been provided to facil itate this usage. The LCS pin is not acti ve
on reset, but any read or write access to the LMCS register activates this pin.
The Low Memory Chip Select is confi gured through the LMCS register (see Fi gure 5-2).
Figure 5-2 Low Memory Chip Select Register (LMCS, offset A2h)
The value of the LMCS register at reset is undefined.
Bit 15: Reserved—Set to 0.
Bits 14–12: Upper Boundary (UB2–UB0)—The UB2–UB0 bits define the upper bound of
the memory access ed through the LCS chip select. Because of the timing requir ements of
the LCS output and the nonmultiplexed address bus, the number of programmable memory
sizes for t he LMCS register is reduced compar ed to the 80C186 and 80C188
microcontrol le rs. Consequen tly, the number of programmable bits has been reduced from
eight bits in the 80C186 and 80C188 microcontrollers to three bits in the Am186EM and
Am188EM microcontrollers.
The Am186EM and Am188EM mi croc ontroller s have a b lock si ze of 512 Kbytes, which is
not availa ble on the 80C186 and 80C188 microcontroll ers. Table 5-3 outlines the possi ble
configur ations and the differences between the 80C186 and 80C188 microcontrollers and
the Am186EM and Am188EM microcontrollers.
Table 5-3 LMCS Block Size Programming Values
Size Ending
Address UB2–UB0 Comments
64K 0FFFFh 000b
128K 1FFFFh 001b
256K 3FFFFh 011b
512K 7FFFFh 111b Not available on the 80C186 and 80C188 microcontrollers
15 70
11 1
Chip Select Unit 5-7
Bits 11–8: Reserved—Set to 1.
Bit 7: Disable Addre ss (DA)—The DA bit enables or disables th e AD15–AD0 bus during
the address phase of a bus cycle when LCS is asserted. If DA is set to 1, AD15–AD0 is
not driven during the address phase of a bus cycle when LCS is asserted. If DA is set to
0, AD15–AD0 is driven duri ng the address phase of a bus cycle. Disabling AD15–AD0
reduces power consumption.
Note: On the Am188EM microcontroller, the AO15–AO8 address pins are driven during
the data phase of the bus cycles, even when the DA bit is set to 1 in either the Upper
Memory Chip S elect register (UMCS) or the Low Memory Chip Select register (LMCS).
If BHE/ADEN (on the Am186EM) or RFSH2/ADEN (on the Am188EM) is held Low on the
rising edge of RES, then AD15 A D0 is always driven regardless of the DA setting. This
configures AD15–AD0 to be enabled regardless of the setting of DA.
If BHE/ADEN (on the Am186EM) or RFSH2/ADEN (on the Am188EM) is High on the rising
edge of RES, then the DA bit in the UMCS register and the DA bit in the LMCS register
control the AD15–AD0 disabling.
See the description s of the BHE/ADEN and RFSH2/ADEN pins in Chapter 3.
Bit 6: PSRAM Mode Enable (PSE)—The PSE bit is used to enable PSRAM support for
the LCS chip select memory space. Wh en PSE is set to 1, PSRAM support is enabl ed.
When PSE is set to 0, PSRAM support is disabled. The refresh control unit registers
EDRAM, MDRAM, and CDRAM, must be confi gured for auto refresh before PSRAM
support is enabl ed.
Bits 5–3: Reserved—Set to 1.
Bit 2: Ready Mode (R2)—The R2 bit is used to configure the ready mode for the LCS chip
select. If R2 is set to 0, external ready is required. If R2 is set to 1, external ready is ignored.
In each case, the processor also uses the value of the R1–R0 bits to determine the number
of wait states to insert.
Bits 1–0: Wait-State Value (R1–R0)—The value of R1–R0 determines the number of wait
states inserted into an access to the LCS memory area. From zero to three wait states can
be inserted (R1–R0 =00b to 11b).
Chip Select Unit
5.5.3 Midrange Memory Chip Select Regi ster ( MMCS, Offset A6h)
The Am186EM and Am188EM microcontrollers provide four chip select pins, MCS3–MCS0,
for use withi n a user-locatable memory block. The base address of the memory block can
be located anywhere within the 1-Mbyte memory address space, ex clusive of the areas
associated with the UCS and LCS chip selects (and, if they are m apped to memory, the
address range of the Periphera l Chip Sele cts, PCS6–PCS5 and PCS3–PCS0). The MCS
address ra nge can over lap the PCS address range if the PCS chip sele cts are mapped to
I/O space.
The Midrange Memory Chip Selects are programmed through two registers. The Midrange
Memory Chip Select (MMCS) register (see Figure 5-3) determines the base address and
the ready condi tion and wait states of the memory bloc k accessed through th e MCS pins.
The PCS and MCS Auxiliary (MPCS) register is used to configure the block size. The
MCS3–MCS0 pins are not active on reset. Both the MMCS and MPCS registers must be
accessed with a read or wri te to activate these chip selects.
Unlike the UCS and LCS chip selects, the MCS3–MCS0 outputs assert with the multiplexed
AD address bus (AD15–AD0 or AO1 5–AO8 and AD7–AD0) rather than the earlier timing
of the A19– A0 bus. The A19–A0 bus can still be used f or address selec tion, but the t iming
is delayed for a half cycle later than tha t for UCS and L CS.
The Midrange Memory Chip Selects are configured by the MMCS register (Fig ure 5-3).
Figure 5-3 Midrange Memory Chip Select Register (MMCS, offset A6h)
The value of the MMCS register at reset is undefined.
Bits 15–9: Base Addre ss (BA19–BA13)—The base address of the memory block t hat is
addressed by the MCS chip select pins i s determined by the value of BA19–BA13. These
bits correspond to bits A19–A13 of the 20-bit memory address. Bits A12–A0 of the base
address are always 0.
The base address can be set to any integer multiple of t he size of the memory block size
selected in the MPCS register. For example, if the midrange block is 32 Kbytes, the block
could be located at 10000h or 18000h but not at 14000h.
The base address of the midrange chi p selects can be set t o 00000h only if the LCS chi p
select is not active. This is due to the fact that the LCS base address is defined to be
address 00000h and chip select address ranges are not allowed to overlap. Because of
the additional restriction that the base address must be a multiple of the block size, a 512K
MMCS block size can only be used when located at address 00000h, and the LCS chip
selects must not be active in this case. Use of the MCS chip selects to access low memory
allows the timing of these accesses to follow the AD address bus rather than the A address
bus. Locati ng a 512K MMCS block at 80000h always confli cts with the range of the UCS
chip select and is not allowed.
15 70
BA19–BA13 1 1 1111
Chip Select Unit 5-9
Bits 8–3: Reserved—Set to 1.
Bit 2: Ready Mode (R2)—The R2 bit is used to configure the ready mode for the MCS
chip selects . I f R2 is set to 0, ext er nal ready is req uir ed. If R2 is set t o 1, exte rnal r eady is
ignored. In each case, t he processor also uses the value of the R1–R0 bits to determine
the number of wait sta tes to insert.
Bits 1–0: Wait-State Value (R1–R0)—The value of R1–R0 determines the number of wait
states inserted into an access to the MCS memory area. From zero to three wait st ates
can be inserted (R1–R0 = 00b to 11b).
Chip Select Unit
5.5.4 PCS and MCS Auxiliary Register (MPCS, Offset A8h)
The PCS and MCS Auxiliary (MPCS) register (see Figure 5-4) differs from the other chip
select control registers in that it contains fields that pertain to more than one type of chip
select. The MPCS r egister fields prov ide program informati on for MCS3–MCS0 as well as
PCS6–PCS5 and PCS3–PCS0.
In additi on to its function as a chip select control register, the MPCS register contains a
field that configures the PCS6–PCS5 pins as either chip selects or as alternate sources for
the A2 and A1 address bits . When programmed to provide addr ess bits A1 and A2, PCS6–
PCS5 cannot be used as peripheral chip selects. These outputs can be used to provide
latched address bits for A2 and A1.
On reset, PCS 6–PCS5 are not active. If PCS 6–PCS5 are configured as address pins, an
access to th e MPCS re gister cau ses the pin s to ac tivat e. No corre sponding a ccess to the
PACS register is requi red to acti vate the PCS6–PCS5 pins as addresses.
Figur e 5-4 PCS and MCS Auxiliary Register (MPCS, off set A8h )
The value of the MPCS register at reset is undefined.
Bit 15: Reserved—Set to 1.
Bits 14–8: MCS Block Size (M6–M0)—This field deter m ines the total block size for the
MCS3–MCS0 chip selec ts. Each individua l chip select is act ive for one quarter of the total
block size. The size of the m emory block defined is shown in Table 5-4.
Only one of the M6–M0 bits can be set at any time. If more t han one of the M6–M0 bi ts is
set, unpredictable operation of the MCS lines occu rs.
Table 5-4 MCS Block Size Programming
Total Block
Size Individual
Select Size M6–M0
8K 2K 0000001b
16K 4K 0000010b
32K 8K 0000100b
64K 16K 0001000b
128K 32K 0010000b
256K 64K 0100000b
512K 128K 1000000b
15 70
Chip Select Unit 5-11
Bit 7: Pin Selector (EX)This bit determines whether the PCS6–PCS5 pins are configured
as chip selects or as alternate outputs for A2–A1. When this bit is set to 1, PCS6–PCS5
are configured as peripheral chip select pins. When EX is set to 0, PCS5 becomes address
bit A1 and PCS6 becomes address bit A2.
Bit 6: Memory/ I/O Space Selector (MS)—This bi t dete rmines whether the PCS pins are
active du ring memory bus c ycles or I /O bus cycles . When MS is set to 1, t he PCS out puts
are acti ve for memory bus cycl es. When MS is set to 0, the PCS outputs ar e active f or I/O
bus cycles.
Bits 5–3: Reserved—Set to 1.
Bit 2: Ready Mode (R2)—This bit applies only to the PCS6–PCS5 chip selects. If R2 is
set to 0, external ready is required. If R2 is set to 1, external ready is ignored. In each case,
the processor also uses the value of the R1–R0 bits to determine the number of wait states
to insert.
Bits 1–0: Wait-State Value (R1–R0)These bits apply only to the PCS6–PCS5 chip
selects. The value of R1–R0 determines the number of wait states i nserted into an access
to the PCS memory or I/O area. From zero to three wait states can be inserted
(R1–R0 = 00b to 11b).
Chip Select Unit
5.5.5 Periphe ral Chip Select Regi ster (PACS, Offset A4h)
Unlike the UCS and LCS chip sele cts, the PCS output s assert with the same t iming as the
multiplexed AD address bus. Also, each peripheral chip select asserts over a 256-byte
address range, which is twi ce the address range covered by peripheral chi p selects in the
80C186 and 80C188 microcontrollers.
The Am186EM and Am188EM microcontrollers provide six chip selects, PCS6–PCS5 and
PCS3–PCS0, for use within a user-locatable memory or I/O block. (PCS4 is not
implemented on the Am186EM and Am 188EM microcontrollers.) The base address of the
memory block can be located anywhere within the 1-Mbyte memory address space,
exclusi ve of the areas ass o ciated with the UCS, LCS, and MCS chip selects, or they can
be configured to access the 64-Kbyte I/O space.
The Periph eral Chip Sel ects ar e programmed t hro ugh two regi sters —the Per iphera l Chip
Select (PACS) register and the PCS and MCS Auxiliary (MPCS) register. The Peripheral
Chip Select (PACS) register (Figure 5-5) determines the base address, the ready condition,
and the wait states for the PCS3–PCS0 outputs.
The PCS and MCS Auxiliary (MPCS) register ( see Figure 5-4) contains bits that conf igure
the PCS6–PCS5 pins as either chip sel ect s or address pi ns A1 and A2. When the PCS 6–
PCS5 pins are chip selects, the MPCS register also determines whet her PCS chip selects
are active duri ng memory or I/O bus cycles and specif ies the ready and wait states for the
PCS6–PCS5 outputs.
The PCS pins are not active on reset. Both the PACS and MPCS registers must be accessed
with a read or write to activa te the PCS pins as chip selects.
PCS6–PCS5 can be configured and activated as address pins by writing only the MPCS
register. No corresponding access to the PACS register i s required in this case.
PCS3–PCS0 can be configured for zero wait states t o 15 wait states. PCS6–PCS5 ca n be
configur ed for zero wait states to three wait states.
Figur e 5-5 Peripheral Chip Select Register (PACS, offset A4 h)
The value of the PACS register at reset is undefined.
Bits 15–7: Base Address (BA19–BA11)—The base address of the peripheral chip select
block is defined by BA19–BA11 of the PACS register. BA19–BA11 correspond to bits
19–11 of the 20-bit programmable base address of the peripheral chip se lect block. Bit 6
of the PACS register corresponds to bit 10 of the base address in the 80C186 and 80C188
microcontrollers, and is not implemented. Thus, code previously written for the 80C186
microcontroller in which bit 6 was set with a meaningful value would not produce the address
expected on the Am186EM.
When the PCS chip selects are mapped to I/ O space, BA19–16 must be programmed to
0000b because the I/O address bus is only 16-bits wide.
15 70
BA19–BA11 1 11
Chip Select Unit 5-13
Table 5-5 PCS Address Ranges
Bits 6–4: Reserved—Set to 1.
Bit 3: Wait -State Valu e (R3)—If thi s bit i s set to 0, the number of wait st ates from zero t o
three is enc oded in the R1–R0 bits. In this case, R1–R0 encodes from zero (00b) to three
(11b) wait states.
When R3 is set to 1, the four possible values of R1–R0 encode four additi onal wait-state
values as follows: 00b = 5 wait states, 01b = 7 wait states, 10b = 9 wait states, and
11b = 15 wait states. Table 5-6 shows the wait-state encoding.
Table 5-6 PCS3–PCS0 Wait- Stat e E nco di ng
Bit 2: Ready Mode (R2)—The R2 bit is used to configure the ready mode for the PCS3–
PCS0 chip selects. If R2 is set to 0, external ready is required. External ready is ignored
when R2 is set t o 1. In each case, the processor a lso uses the value of the R3 and R1–R0
bits to determine the number of wait stat es to insert. The ready mode for PCS6–PCS5 is
configured through the MPCS register.
Bits 1–0: Wait-State Value (R1–R0)—The value of R3 and R1–R0 determines the number
of wait states inserted into a PCS3–PCS0 access. Up to 15 wait states can be inserted.
See the discussi on of bit 3 (R3) for the wait-state encodi ng o f R1–R0.
From zero to three wait states for the PCS6–PCS5 outputs are programmed through the
R1–R0 bits in the MPCS register.
PCS Line Range
Low High
PCS0 Base Address Base Address+255
PCS1 Base Address+256 Base Address+511
PCS2 Base Address+512 Base Address+767
PCS3 Base Address+768 Base Address+1023
Reserved N/A N/A
PCS5 Base Address+1280 Base Address+1535
PCS6 Base Address+1536 Base Address+1791
R3 R1 R0 Wait States
0 0 0 0
0 0 1 1
0 1 0 2
0 1 1 3
1 0 0 5
1 0 1 7
1 1 0 9
111 15
Chip Select Unit
Refresh Control Unit 6-1
The Refresh Control Un it (RCU) automatically generates refresh bus cycles. After a
programmable period of t ime, the RCU generates a memory read request to the bus
interf ace unit. The RCU is fixed to three wait states for the PSRAM auto ref resh mode.
The Refresh Control Unit operates off the processor internal clock. If the power-save mode
is in effec t, the Refresh Control Uni t must be reprogrammed to reflect the new clock rate.
If the HLDA pin is active when a refresh request is generated (indicating a bus hold
conditi on), then the microcontroller deactivates t he HLDA pin in order to perf orm a refresh
cycle. The c ircuit external bu s master must remove the HOLD signal for at least one cl ock
to allow the refresh cycle to execute.
6.1.1 Memory Partitio n Register (MDRAM, Offset E0h)
Figure 6-1 Memory Partition Register (MDRAM, offset E0h)
The MDRAM register is set to 0000h on reset.
Bits 15–9: Refresh Base (M6–M0)—Upper bits corr esponding to address bits A19–A13
of the 20-bit memory refr esh address. Since these bit s are available only on the AD bus,
the AD bit must not be set in the LMCS register if the refresh control unit is used. When
using PSRAM mode, M6–M0 must be programmed to 0000000b.
These bits are cl eared to 0 at reset.
Bits 8–0: Reserved—Read back as 0.
15 70
RA19 RA13
Refresh Control Unit
6.1.2 Clock Pres caler Register (CDRAM, Offset E2h)
Figure 6-2 Clock Prescaler Register (CDRAM, offset E2h)
The CDRAM register is undefined on reset.
Bits 15–9: Reserved—Read back as 0.
Bits 8–0: Refresh Counter Reload Value (RC8–RC0)—Contains the value of the desired
clock count in terval between refre sh cycles. The counter value should not be set to less
than 18 (12h), oth e rwise there would never be sufficient bus cycles available fo r the
processor to execute code.
In powe r-save mode, the ref resh counter value must be adjusted to take into account the
reduced processor clock rate.
6.1.3 Enable RCU Register (EDRAM, Offset E4h)
Figure 6-3 Enable RCU Register (EDRAM, offset E4h)
The EDRAM register is set to 0000h on reset.
Bit 15: Enable RCU (E)—Enables the refr esh counter unit when set to 1. Clearing the E
bit at any time clears t he ref resh count er an d stops ref resh reques ts, but it does not res et
the refres h address. Set to 0 on reset .
Bits 14–9: Reserved—Read back as 0.
Bits 8–0: Refre sh Count (T8–T0)—This r ead-only fi eld contai ns the pr esent val ue o f the
down counter which tr iggers refresh requests.
15 70
000000 RC8–RC0
15 70
00000 T8–T0
Interrupt Control Unit 7-1
The Am186EM and Am188EM microcontroll ers can receive interrupt requests from a
variety of sources, both internal and external. The internal interrupt controller arranges
these requests by priority and presents them one at a time to the CPU.
There are six external interrupt sources on the Am186EM and Am188EM microcontrollers—
five mask able interrupt p ins (I NT4–INT0) and the non-mask able interrupt ( NMI) pin. There
are six internal interrupt sources that are not connected to external pins—three timers, two
DMA channels, and the asynchronous serial port.
The Am186EM and Am188EM microcontrollers provide three interrupts that are not present
on the 80C 186 and 80C188 microcontrollers:
nINT4, an additi onal external interrupt pin that operates like the INT3–INT0 pins
nAn internal watchdog ti mer interrupt
nAn internal interrupt from the serial port
The INT4–INT0 interrupt request pins can be used as direct interrupt requests. If more
inputs are needed, INT3–INT0 can also be cascaded with an 82C59A-compatible external
interr upt control device. An external inter rupt controll er can be used as the sys tem master
by program ming the internal interrupt controller to operate in slave mode. In all cases,
nesting can be enabled that allows high priority interrupts to interrupt lower-priority interrupt
service routines.
7.1.1 Definitions of Interrupt Terms
The following definitions cover some of the terminology that is used in describing the
functio nality of the interrupt controller. Table 7-1 contai ns information regarding the
reserved interrupts. Interrupt Type
An 8-bit interrupt type identifies each of the 256 possible interrupts.
Software exceptions, internal peripherals, and non-cascaded external interrupts supply the
interrupt type through the internal interrupt controller.
Cascaded external interrupts and slave-mode external interrupts get the interrupt type from
the external interrupt controller by means of interrupt acknowledge cycles on the bus.
Interrupt Control Unit
7-2 Interrupt Vector Table
The interrupt vector table is a memory area of 1 Kbyte beginning at address 00000h that
holds up to 256 four-byte a ddress pointers con taining the addre ss for the inter rupt service
routine f or each possible interrupt type. For each interru pt, an 8-bit inte rrupt type identifi es
the appropriate interrupt vector table entry.
Interrupts 00h to 1Fh are reserved. See Table 7-1.
The processor calculates the index to the interrupt vector table by shifting the interrupt type
left 2 bits (mult iplying by 4). Maskable and Non-Maskable Interrupts
Interrupt types 08h through 1Fh are maskable. Of these, only 08h through 14h are actually
in use (se e Table 7-1 ). The maskable int errupts ar e enabled and d isabled by t he interrup t
enable flag (IF) in the processor status flags, but the INT command can execute any interrupt
regardless of the setting of IF.
Interrupt types 00h through 07h and all software interrupt s (the INT ins truction) are non-
maskable. The non-maskable interr upts are not affected by the setting of the IF flag.
The Am186EM and Am188EM microcontrollers provide two methods for masking and
unmaskin g the maskable i nterr upt source s. Each interr upt sourc e has an interru pt contr ol
register that contains a mask bit speci fic to that inter rupt . In addit ion, the Interrupt Mask
register is provided as a single source to access all of the mask bits.
If the Inte rrupt Mask register is written while interr upts are enabled, it is possible that an
interr upt could occur while the register is in an undefined state. This can cause interrupts
to be accepted even though they were masked both before and after the write to the Interrupt
Mask register. Therefore, the Interrupt Mask register should only be written when interrupts
are disabled. Mask bits in the individual interr upt control registers can be written while
interr upts are enabl ed, and there will be no erroneous interrupt operation. Interrupt Enabl e Flag (IF)
The interrupt enable flag (IF) is part of the processor status flags (see section 2.1.1 on page
2-2). I f IF is set to 1, maskable i nterrupts are enabl ed and can cause processor i nterrupts.
(Individual maskable interrupts can still be disabled by means of the mask bit in each control
If IF is set to 0, all maskable interrupts are disabled.
The IF flag doe s not affect the NMI or software exception interrupts (int errupt types 00h to
07h), and it does not affect the execution of any interrupt through the INT instruction. Interrupt Mask Bit
Each of the interrupt control registers for the maskable interrupts contains a mask bit (MSK).
If MSK is set to 1 for a particular interrupt, that interrupt is disabled regardless of the IF
setting. Interrupt Priority
The column titled
Overall Priority
in Table 7-1 shows the fundamental priority breakdown
for the interrupts at power-on reset. The non-maskable interrupts 00h through 07h are
always prioritized ahead of the maskable interrupts.
The maskable interrupts can be reprioritized by reconfiguring the PR2–PR0 bits in the
interrupt control registers. The PR2–PR0 bits in all the maskable interrupts are set to priority
level 7 at power-on reset.
Interrupt Control Unit 7-3 Software Interrupts
Software interrupts can be initiated by the INT instruction. Any of the 256 possible interrupts
can be ini tiated by t he INT instruct ion. INT 21h causes an inter rupt to the vec tor located at
00084h in the inter rupt vector table. INT FFh causes an interrupt to the vector located at
003FCh in the interrupt vector table. Software interrupts are not maskab le and are not
affected by the setting of the IF flag. Software Exceptions
A software exception interrupt occurs when an instruction causes an interrupt due to some
conditi on in the process or. Interrupt types 00h, 01h, 03h, 04h, 05h, 06h, and 07h are
software exc eption interrup ts. Software exceptions ar e not maskable and are not affec ted
by the setting of the IF flag.
Table 7-1 Am186EM and Am188EM Microcontroller Interrupt Types
1. Interrupts generated as a result of an instruction execution.
2. Trace is performed in the same manner as 80C186 and 80C188.
3. An ESC opcode causes a trap. This is part of the 80C186 and 80C188 co-processor interface, which is not
supported on the Am186EM.
4. All three timers constitute one source of request to the interrupt controller. As such, they share the same priority
level with respect to other interrupt sources. However, the timers have a defined priority order among themselves
5. The interrupt types of these sources are programmable in slave mode.
6. Not available in slave mode.
Interrupt Name Interrupt
Type Vector Table
Address EOI
Type Overall
Priority Related
Instructions Notes
Divide Error Exception 00h 00h N/A 1 DIV, IDIV 1
Trace Inter rupt 01h 04h N/A 1A All 2
Non-Maskable Interrupt (NMI) 02h 08h N/A 1B
Breakpoint Interrupt 03h 0Ch N/A 1 INT 3 1
INTO Detected Overflow Exception 04h 10h N/A 1 INTO 1
Array Bounds Exception 05h 14h N/A 1 BOUND 1
Unused Opcode Exception 06h 18h N/A 1 Undefined
Opcodes 1
ESC Opcode Exception 07h 1Ch N/A 1 ESC Opcodes 1, 3
Timer 0 Interrupt 08h 20h 08 2A 4, 5
Timer 1 Interrupt 12h 48h 08 2B 4, 5
Timer 2 Interrupt 13h 4Ch 08 2C 4, 5
Reserved for AMD Use 09h
DMA 0 Interrupt 0Ah 28h 0A 3 5
DMA 1 Interrupt 0Bh 2Ch 0B 4 5
INT0 Interrupt 0Ch 30h 0C 5
INT1 Interrupt 0Dh 34h 0D 6
INT2 Interrupt 0Eh 38h 0E 7
INT3 Interrupt 0Fh 3Ch 0F 8
INT4 Interrupt 10h 40h 10 9 6
Watchdog Timer Interrupt 11h 44h 11 9 6
Asynchronous Serial Port Interrupt 14h 50h 14 9 6
Reserved for AMD Use 15h–1Fh
Interrupt Control Unit
7.1.2 Interrupt Conditions and Sequence
Interrupts are generally serviced as follows. Non-Maskable Interrupts
Non-maskable int errupts—the trace interrupt, the NMI interrupt, and soft ware interrupts
[both user -defined (INT) and software exc eptions]—are se rviced regardless of t he setting
of the interrupt enable flag (IF) in the pr ocessor status flags.
7.1. 2.2 Maskable Ha r dwa r e Interrupts
In order for maskabl e hardware interrupt requests to be serviced, the IF flag must be set
by the STI instruction, and the mask bit associated with each interrupt must be reset. The Interrupt Request
When an interrupt is r equested, the interna l interrupt controll er verifies that the in terrupt is
enabled and that t here are no higher priori ty interrupt request s being serviced or pending.
If the interrupt request is granted, the interrupt controller uses the interrupt type (see Table
7-1) to access a vector from the interrupt vector table.
Each interrupt type has a four-byte vector available in the interrupt vector table. The interrupt
vector table is located in the 1024 bytes from 00000h to 003FFh. Each four-byte vector
consists of a 16-bit offset (IP) value and a 16-bit segment (CS) value. The 8-bit interrupt
type is shifted left 2 bit positions (multiplied by 4) to generate the index into the interrupt
vector table. Interrupt Servic ing
A vali d interrupt trans fers execution to a new program location based on the vector in the
interr upt vector t able. The next instruct ion address ( CS:IP) and the processor status fl ags
are pushed onto the stack.
The inter rupt enable flag (IF) is clea red after the proce ssor status flags are pushed on t he
stack, dis abling maskable interrupts during the interrupt service routine (ISR).
The segment:offset values from the interrupt vector table are loaded into the code segment
(CS) and the instruction pointer (IP), and execution of the ISR begins. Returning from the Interrupt
The interrupt return (IRET) instruction pops the processor status flags and the return
address off the stack. Program execution resumes at the point where the interrupt occurred.
The interrupt enable flag (IF) is rest ored by the IRET instruction along with the rest of the
processor status flags. If the IF flag was set before the interrupt was serviced, inte rrupts
are re-enabl ed when the IRET is executed. If there are valid interrupts pending when the
IRET is executed, the instruction at the retu rn address is not executed. Instead, the new
interrupt is serviced immediately.
If an ISR intends t o permanently modify the v alue of any of the saved flags, it must modify
the copy of the Process or Status Flags register that was pushed onto th e stack.
Interrupt Control Unit 7-5
7.1.3 Interrupt Priority
Table 7-1 shows t he predefi ned typ es and overa ll pr ior ity stru cture for t he Am186EM and
Am188EM microcontrollers. Non-maskable interrupts (interrupt types 0–7) are always
higher priority than maskable interrupts. Maskable interrupts have a programmable priority
that can override the default priorities relative to one another.
The levels of interrupt priorit y a re as follows:
nInte rrupt priority for non-mask able interrupts and software interrupts
nInterrupt priority for maskable hardware interrupts Non-Maskable Interrupts and Software Interrupt Priority
The non-maskable int errupts from 00h to 07h and software int errupts (INT instruction )
always take pr iority over the maskable har dware interr upts. Withi n the non-maskable and
software interrupts, the trace interrupt has the highest priority, followed by the NMI interrupt,
followed by th e remaining non-maskable and soft ware interrupts.
After the trace interrupt and the NMI interrupt, the remaining software exceptions are
mutually exc lusive and can only occur one at a time, so there is no furt her priority
breakdown. Maskable Hardware Interrupt Priority
Beginning with interrupt type 8 (the Timer 0 interrupt), the maskable hardware interrupts
have both an overall priority (see Table 7-1) and a programmable priori ty. The
programmable priority is the primary priority for maskable hardware interrupts. The overall
priority is the secondary prior ity for maskable hardware interrupts.
Since all maskable interrupts are set to a programmable priorit y of seven on reset , the
overall priority of the interrupts determines the priority in which each interrupt is granted by
the interrupt controller until programmable priorities are changed by reconfiguring the
control registers.
The overall priority levels shown in Table 7-1 are not the same as the programmable priority
level that is associated with each maskable hardware interrupt. Each of the maskable
hardware interrupts has a programmable priority from zero to seven, with zero being the
highest pri ority (see Table 7-3 on page 7-14).
For example, if the INT4–INT0 inter rupts are all ch anged to programmable pri ority six and
no other programmable priorities are changed from the reset value of seven, then the INT4–
INT0 interrupts take precedence over all other maskable interrupts. (Within INT4–INT0,
INT0 takes precedence over INT1, and INT1 takes precedence over INT2, etc., because
of the underlying hierarchy of the overall priority.)
Interrupt Control Unit
7.1.4 Software Exceptions, Traps, and NMI
The following predefined interrupts cannot be masked by programming. Divide Error Exception (Interrupt Type 00h)
Generated when a DIV or I DIV inst ructi on qu otient cannot be ex pressed i n th e number of
destination bits. Trace Interrupt (Interrupt Type 01h)
If the trac e flag (TF) in the Processor Status flags register is set, the trace interrupt is
generated aft er most instructions. This inter rupt allows programs to execute i n single-step
mode. The interr upt is not generated after pref ix instructions like REP, instr uctions that
modify segment registers like POP DS, or the WAIT instruction.
Taking the trace interrupt clears the TF bit after the processor status flags are pushed onto
the stack. The IRET instruction at the end of the single step interrupt service routine restores
the processor status flags (and the TF bit) and trans fers control to the next instruction to
be traced.
Trace mode is initiated by pushing the processor status flags onto the stack, setting the TF
flag on the stack, and then popping the flags . Non-Maskable Interrupt—NMI (Interrupt Type 02h)
The NMI pin provides an external interrupt source that is serviced regardless of the state
of the IF (int errupt enable flag) bit . No external interrupt acknowledge sequence is
performed for an NMI interrupt (see section 7.1.5). A typical use of NMI is to activate a
power failure routine. Breakpoint Interrupt (Interrupt Type 03h)
An interrupt caused by the 1-byte version of the INT instruction (INT3). INTO Detected Overflow Exception (Interrupt Type 04h)
Generated by an INTO instruction if the OF bit is set in the Processor Status Flags (FLAGS)
7.1.4 .6 Array BOUNDS Exceptio n (Interrupt Type 05h)
Generated by a BOUND instruction if the array index is outside the array bounds. The array
bounds are located in memory at a location indicated by one of the instruction operands.
The other operand indicates the value of the index to be checked. Unused Opcode Exception (Interrupt Type 06h)
Generated if execution is attempted on undefined opcodes.
7.1. 4.8 ESC Opcode Ex ception (Inte r r up t Type 07h)
Generated i f execution of ESC opcodes ( D8h–DFh) is attempte d. The microcontrol lers do
not check the escape opcode trap bit. The return address of this exception points to the
ESC instruct ion that caused the exception . If a segment override prefix preceded the ESC
instruction, the return address points to the segment override prefix.
Note: All numeric coprocessor opcodes cause a trap. The Am186EM and Am188EM
microcontrollers do not support the num eric coprocessor interface.
Interrupt Control Unit 7-7
7.1.5 Interrupt Acknowledge
Interrupts can be acknowledged in two different ways—the internal interrupt controller can
provide t he int errupt type or an extern al i nterr upt control ler can pr ovide t he inte rr upt type.
The processor requires the interrupt type as an ind ex into the interrupt vector table.
When the internal interrupt controller is supplying the interrupt type, no bus cycles are
generated. The only external i ndication that an i nterrupt is bei ng serviced is t he processor
reading the interrupt vector table.
When an external interrupt controller is supplying the interrupt type, the processor
generates two interrupt acknowledge bus cycles (see Figure 7 -1) . The interrupt type is
written to the AD7–AD0 lines by the external interrupt controller during the second bus cycle.
Interrupt acknowledge bus cycles have the following characteristics:
nThe two interr upt acknowledge cycles are internal ly locked. (There is no LOCK pin on
the Am186EM and Am188EM microcontrollers.)
nTwo idle states are always inserted between the two cycles.
nWait states are inser ted if READY is not retur ned to the processor.
Figure 7-1 External Interrupt Acknowledge Bus Cycles
1. ALE is active for each INTA cycle.
2. RD is inactive.
T1 T2 T3 T4 T1 T2 T3 T4
Internal lock
Ti Ti
Acknowledge Interrupt
AD7–AD0 Interrupt
Interrupt Control Unit
7.1.6 Interrupt Controller Reset Conditions
On reset, the interrupt controller performs the following nine actions:
1. All special fully neste d mode (SFNM) bits are reset, implying full y ne sted mode.
2. All priori ty (PR) bits in the various control registers are set to 1. This places all sources
at the lowe st priority (level 7).
3. All level-t ri ggered mode (LTM) bits are reset to 0, result ing in edge-t riggered mode.
4. All interrupt in-service bit s are reset to 0.
5. All interrupt request bits are reset to 0.
6. All mask (MSK) bits are set to 1. All interrupts are masked.
7. All cascade (C) bit s are reset to 0 (non-cascade).
8. The interrupt priority mask is set to 7, allowing interrupts of all prio rities.
9. The interrupt controller is initialized to master mode.
Interrupt Control Unit 7-9
This section describes master mode operation of the internal interrupt controller. See
section 7.4 on page 7-28 for a descr iption of slave mode operation.
Six pins are provided for external interrupt sources. One of these pins is NMI, the non-
maskable in terrupt. NMI is g enerally used f or unusual events li ke power failure. The other
five pins can be configured in any of the following ways:
nFully nested mode—five interrupt lines with inter nally-generated interrupt types
nCascade mode one—an interrupt line and interrupt acknowledge line pair with externally-
generated interrupt types, plus three interrupt input lines with internally-generated types
nCascade mode two—two pairs of interrupt and interrupt acknowledge lines with
externally-generated int errupt types, and one interrupt input line (INT4) with in ternally-
generated type
The basic modes of operation of the interrupt controller in master mode ar e similar to the
82C59A. The interrupt cont roller responds identically to internal interrupts in all three
modes, the difference is only in the interpretation of function o f the five external interrupt
pins. The interrupt controller is set into one of these modes by programming the correct
bits in the INT0 and INT1 control register s. The modes of interrupt controller operat ion are
fully nested mo de, cascade mode, special fully nest ed mod e , and polled mode.
7.2.1 Fully Nested Mode
In fully nested mode, five pins are used as direct interrupt requests as in Figure 7-2. The
interrupt types for these five inputs are generated internally. An in-service bit is provided
for every interrupt source. If a lower-priority device requests an interrupt while the in-service
bit (IS) is set for a higher priority interrupt, no interrupt is generated by the interrupt controller.
In additi on, if another inter rupt request occur s from the same interr upt source while the in -
service b it is set, no inte rrupt is generated by th e int errupt cont ro ller. This al lo ws inter rup t
service routines operating with interrupts enabled to be suspended only by interrupts of
equal or higher priority than the in-service interrupt.
When an interr upt service routine is completed, the proper IS bit must be reset by writing
the interrupt type t o the EOI register. This is required to allow subs equent interrupts from
this interrupt source and to allow servicing of lower-priority interrupts. A write to the EOI
register should be executed at the end of the interrupt service routine just before the return
from interrupt instruction.
Figur e 7-2 Ful ly Nested (Direct) Mode Int er rupt Con troller C onnections
or Am188EM
Interrupt Source
Interrupt Source
Interrupt Source
Interrupt Source
INT4 Interrupt Source
Interrupt Control Unit
7.2.2 Cascade M ode
The Am186EM and Am188EM microcontrollers have five interrupt pins, two of which (INT2
and INT3) have dual functions. In fully nested mode, the five pins are used as direct interrupt
inputs and the cor responding interrupt types are generated internally. In cascade mode,
four of the five pins can be configured into interrupt input and dedicated acknowledge signal
pairs. INT0 can be configured with interrupt acknowledge INTA0 (INT2). INT1 can be
configured with interrupt acknowledge INTA1 (INT3).
External sour ces in cascade mode use exter nally gen erated interrupt types. When an
interrupt is acknowledged, two INTA cycles are initiated and the type is read into the
microcontroller on the second cycle (see section 7.1.5 on page 7-7). The capability to interface
to on e or t wo ex terna l 82C59 A progr ammable in terru pt con trol lers i s prov ided w hen t he in puts
are co nfigu red in c ascade mo de.
Figure 7-3 shows the interconnection for cascade mode. INT0 is an interrupt input interfaced
to one 82C59A, and INT2/INTA0 serves as the dedicated interrupt acknowledge signal to that
peripheral. INT1 and INT3/INTA1 are als o inte rface d to an 82C59A . Each inter rup t and
acknowledge pair can be selectively placed in the cascade or non-cascade mode by
programming the proper value into the INT0 and INT1 control registers. The dedicated
acknow ledge s igna ls elimin ate the need f or ext ernal lo gic to generat e INTA and device select
Cascade mode provides the capability to serve up to 128 external interrupt sources through
the use of external master and slave 82C59As. Three levels of priority are created, requiring
priori ty resolution in the microcontrol ler interrupt controller, the master 82C59As, and the
slave 82C59As. If an external interrupt is ser viced, one IS bit is set at each of these levels.
When the interr upt service routine is completed, up to three end-of-i nterrupt (EOI) register
writes must be issued by the program.
Figure 7-3 Cascade Mode Interrupt Controller Connections
or Am188EM
Interrupt Sources
Interrupt Sources
Interrupt Control Unit 7-11
7.2.3 Special Fully Nested Mode
Speciall y fully ne sted mode is entered by setting the SFNM bit in the INT0 o r INT1 cont rol
registers. (See section 7.3.1 on page 7-13. ) It enables complete nesting with external
82C59A masters or multiple interrupts from the same ext ernal interrupt pin when not in
cascade mode. In this case, the ISRs must be re-entrant.
In full y nested mode, an interru pt request from an inter rupt source is not recogni zed when
the in-service bit for t hat source is set. In this case, if more tha n one interrupt source is
connected to an exter nal interrupt controller, all of the interrupts go through the same
Am186EM or Am188EM microcontroller interrupt request pin. As a result, if the external
interr upt controlle r receives a higher -priority i nterrupt, i ts interrupt i s not recognized by the
microcontroller until the in-service bit is reset.
In special full y nested mode, the microcontroller’s int errupt controller al lows the processor
to take inter rupts from an external pin regardless of the state of the in-service bit for an
interr upt source in order to allow multiple interr upts from a single pin . An in- service bit
continues t o be set, however, to inhibit interrupts from other lower-priority Am186EM or
Am188EM microcontroller interrupt sources.
In specia l fully nested mode with cascade mode, when a write is issued to th e EOI r egister
at the end of the inter rupt service rout ine, software polli ng of the IS register in the ext ernal
master 82C59A must determine if there is more than one IS bit set. If so , the IS bit in the
microcontroller remains acti ve and the next ISR is entered.
7.2.4 Opera tion in a Polled Envi ronment
To allow reading of t he Poll register informati on without setting the indicated in-servi ce bit,
the Am186EM and Am188EM microcontrollers provide a Poll Status register (Figure 7-15)
in addition to the Poll re gister. Poll register information is duplicat ed in the Poll Status
register, but the Poll Status register can be read without setting the associated in-service
bit. These regis ters are located in two adjacent memory locations in the peripher al control
The interrupt controller can be used in polled mode if int e rrupts are not desir ed. Wh en
polli ng, int err upts are di sabled and s oft ware poll s the int err upt cont roll er as requi red . The
interr upt controller is polled by reading the Poll Status register (Figure 7-15). Bi t 15 in the
Poll Status regi ster indicates to the processor th at an int e rrupt of high enough priori ty is
requesting service. Bits 4–0 indicate to the processor the interrupt type of the highest priority
source requesting service. After determining that an interrupt is pending, software reads
the Poll register (rather than the Poll Status register), which causes the in-service bit of the
highest priority source to be set.
7.2.5 End-of-Interrupt Write to the EOI Register
A program must write to the EOI register to reset the in-service (IS) bit when an interrupt
service routine is completed. There are two types of writes to the EOI register—specific
EOI and non-specific EOI (see secti on 7.3.14 on page 7-27).
Non-specific EOI does not specify which IS bit is to be reset. Instead, the interrupt controller
automatically resets the IS bit of the highest priority source with an active servi ce routine.
Specific EOI require s the progr am to se nd the int errupt t ype to th e inte rrupt con trolle r to indic ate
the source IS bit that is to be reset. Specific reset is applicable when interrupt nesting is possible
or when t he highest pr iority IS bit that was set does not be long to t he service rou tine in pr ogress.
Interrupt Control Unit
The inter rupt controller registers for master mode are shown in Ta ble 7-2. All the registers
can be read and written unless otherwise specified.
Registers can be redefined in slave mode. See section 7.4 on page 7-28 for detailed
information regarding slave mode register usage. On reset, the microcontroller is in master
mode. Bit 14 of the relocation register (see Figure 4-2) must be set to initiate slave mode
Table 7- 2 Interrupt Con troller R egisters in Master Mode
Offset Register
Mnemonic Register Name Associated
Pins Comments
3Ah I1CON INT1 Control INT1
38h I0CON INT0 Control INT0
3Eh I3CON INT3 Control INT3
3Ch I2CON INT2 Control INT2
40h I4CON INT4 Control INT4
36h DMA1CON DMA1 Interrupt Control DRQ1
34h DMA0CON DMA0 Interrupt Control DRQ0
32h TCUCON Timer Interrupt Control TMRIN1
42h WDCON Watchdog Timer Interrupt Control
44h SPICON Serial Port Interrupt Control TXD, R X D
30h INTSTS Interrupt Status
2Eh REQST Interrupt Request INT4–INT0
DRQ1–DRQ0 Read-only register
2Ch INSERV In-Service INT4–INT0
2Ah PRIMSK Priority Mask
28h IMASK Interrupt Mask INT4–INT0
26h POLLST Poll Status Read-only register
24h POLL Poll Read-only register
22h EOI End of Interrupt Write-only register
Interrupt Control Unit 7-13
7.3.1 INT0 and INT1 Contr ol Register s
(I0CON, Offset 38h, I1CON, Offset 3Ah)
(Master Mode)
The INT0 interrupt is assigned to interrupt type 0Ch. The INT1 interrupt is assigned to
interr upt type 0Dh.
When cascade mode is enabled for INT0 by setting the C bit of I0CON to 1, the INT2 pin
becomes INTA0, t he interrupt acknowledge for INT0 .
When cascade mode is enabled for INT1 by setting the C bit of I1CON to 1, the INT3 pin
becomes INTA1, t he interrupt acknowledge for INT1 .
Figure 7-4 INT0 and INT1 Control Registers (I0CON, I1CON, offsets 38h and 3Ah)
The value of I0CON and I1CON at reset is 000Fh.
Bits 15–7: Reserved—Set to 0.
Bit 6: Speci al Fully Nested Mode (SFNM)—When set to 1, enables special fully nested
Bit 5: Cascade Mode (C)—When set to 1, this bit enables cascade mode.
Bit 4: Level-Tr iggered Mode (LTM)—T his bit determines whether the microcont roller
interprets an INT0 or INT1 interrupt request as edge- or level-sensitive. A 1 in this bit
configures INT0 or INT1 as an active High, level-sensitive interrupt. A 0 in this bit configures
INT0 or INT1 as a Low-to-High, edge-triggered interrupt. In either case, INT0 or INT1 must
remain High unti l they are acknowledged.
Bit 3: Mask (MSK)—This bit determines whether the INT0 or INT1 signal can cause an
interr upt. A 1 in thi s bit masks this i nterr upt source, pr eventing INT0 or I NT1 from causing
an interrupt. A 0 in this bit enables INT0 or INT1 interrupts.
This bit is duplicated in the Interrupt Mask register. See the Interrupt Mask register in section
7.3.11 on page 7-24.
Bits 2–0: Priority Level (PR2–PR0) This field determines the priority of INT0 or INT1
relati ve to the other interrupt signals, as shown in Table 7-3 on page 7-14.
15 70
Interrupt Control Unit
Table 7-3 Priority Level
Priority PR2–PR0
(High) 0 0 0 0b
1 0 0 1b
2 0 1 0b
3 0 1 1b
4 1 0 0b
5 1 0 1b
6 1 1 0b
(Low) 7 1 1 1b
Interrupt Control Unit 7-15
7.3.2 INT2 and INT3 Contr ol Register s
(I2CON, Offset 3Ch, I3CON, Offset 3Eh)
(Master Mode)
The INT2 interr upt is assigned to interrupt type OEh. The INT3 interrupt is assi gned to
interr upt type 0Fh.
The INT2 and INT3 pins can be configured as interrupt acknowledge pins INTA0 and INTA1
when cascade mode is implemented.
Figur e 7-5 INT2 and INT3 Control Registers (I2CON, I3CON, off sets 3Ch and 3Eh)
The value of I2CON and I3CON at reset is 000Fh.
Bits 15–5: Reserved—Set to 0.
Bit 4: Level-Tr iggered Mode (LTM)—T his bit determines whether the microcont roller
interprets an INT2 or INT3 interrupt request as edge- or level-sensitive. A 1 in this bit
configures INT2 or INT3 as an active High, level-sensitive interrupt. A 0 in this bit configures
INT2 or INT3 as a Low-to-High, edge-triggered interrupt. In either case, INT2 or INT3 must
remain High unti l they are acknowledged.
Bit 3: Mask (MSK)—This bit determines whether the INT2 or INT3 signal can cause an
interr upt. A 1 in thi s bit masks this i nterr upt source, pr eventing INT2 or I NT3 from causing
an interrupt. A 0 in this bit enables INT2 or INT3 interrupts.
This bit is duplicated in the Interrupt Mask register. See the Interrupt Mask register in section
7.3.11 on page 7-24.
Bits 2–0: Priority Level (PR2–PR0) This field determines the priority of INT2 or INT3
relati ve to the other interrupt signals, as shown in Table 7-3 on page 7-14.
15 70
Interrupt Control Unit
7.3.3 INT4 Control Register (I4CON, Offset 40h)
(Master Mode)
The Am186EM and Am188EM microcontrollers provide INT4, an additional external
interr upt pin. This input behaves like INT3–INT0 on the 80C186/188 microcontroller with
the exception that INT4 is only intended for use as a nested-mode interrupt source.
This interrupt is assigned to interrupt type 10h. The Interrupt 4 Control register (see Figure
7-6) controls the operation of the INT4 signal.
Figure 7-6 INT4 Control Register (I4CON, offset 40h)
The value of I4CON at reset is 000Fh.
Bits 15–5: Reserved—Set to 0.
Bit 4: Level-Tr iggered Mode (LTM)—T his bit determines whether the microcont roller
interprets an INT4 interrupt request as edge- or level-sensitive. A 1 in this bit configures
INT4 as an active High, level-sensitive interrupt. A 0 in this bit configures INT4 as a Low-
to-High, edge-triggered interrupt. In either case, INT4 must remain High until it is
Bit 3: Mask (MSK)—This bit determ ines whether the INT4 signal can cause an interrupt.
A 1 in this bit masks this interrupt source, prevent ing INT4 from causing an int e rrupt. A 0
in this bit enables INT4 inte rrupts.
This bit is duplicated in the Interrupt Mask register. See the Interrupt Mask register in section
7.3.11 on page 7-24.
Bits 2–0: Priority (PR)—This field det ermines the priority of INT4 r e lative to the other
interr upt signals, as shown in Table 7-3 on page 7-14.
15 70
Interrupt Control Unit 7-17
7.3.4 Timer and DMA In terrupt Control Register s
(TCUCON, Offset 32h, DMA0CON, Offset 34h, DMA1CON,
Offset 36h)
(Master Mode)
The three t imer int errupts ar e assigned to inter rupt type 08 h, 12h, and 13h. All three timer
interr upts are configured through TCUCON, offset 32h. The DMA0 interrupt is assigned t o
interr upt type 0Ah. The DMA1 interrupt is assigned to int errupt type 0 Bh .
Figure 7-7 Timer/DMA Interrupt Control Registers (TCUCON, DMA0CON, DMA1CON,
offsets 32h, 34h, and 36h)
The value of TCUCON, DMA0CON, and DMA1CON a t reset is 000Fh.
Bits 15–4: Reserved—Set to 0.
Bit 3: Inter rupt Mask (MSK)—This bit determines whether t he corresponding signal can
generate an interrupt. A 1 masks this interrupt source. A 0 enables the corresponding
This bit is duplicated in the Interrupt Mask register. See the Interrupt Mask register in section
7.3.11 on page 7-24.
Bits 2–0: Pri ority Leve l (PR2–PR0)—Sets the pri ority le vel for its corresp onding sourc e.
See Table 7-3 on page 7-14.
15 70
000 000 000000
Interrupt Control Unit
7.3.5 Watchdog Timer Interrupt Control Regi ster (W DCON, Offset 42h)
(Master Mode)
The Am186EM and Am188EM microcontroll ers provide an additional on-chip interrupt
source, the watchdog timer. This timer is constructed from existing 80C186 microcontroller
pins. It is implemented by connecting the TMROUT1 output to an additional internal interrupt
to creat e the watchdog t imer interrupt. This i nterrupt is assigned to i nterrupt ty pe 11h. The
control register format is shown in Figur e 7-8.
The systems programmer should program the timer (s ee section 8.2.2 on page 8-3) and
then program the interrupt pin.
Figure 7-8 Watchdog Timer Interrupt Control Register (WDCON, offset 42h)
The value of WDCON at reset is 000Fh.
Bits 15–5: Reserved—Set to 0.
Bit 4: Reserved
be set to 0 to ensure proper operation of the Am186EM and
Am188EM microcontrollers.
Bit 3: Mask (MSK)—This bit determines whether the watchdog timer can cause an interrupt.
A 1 in this bit masks t hi s inter rupt sour ce, prev enting t he watchdog t imer fr om causing an
interr upt. A 0 in this bit enabl es watchdog timer interrupts.
This bit is duplicated in the Interrupt Mask register. See the Interrupt Mask register in section
7.3.11 on page 7-24.
Bits 2–0: Priority (PR)—This field det ermines the priority of the watchdog timer relative
to the other interrupt signals, as shown in Table 7-3 on page 7-14.
15 70
Interrupt Control Unit 7-19
7.3.6 Serial Port Interrupt Control Register (SPICON, Offset 44h)
(Master Mode)
The Serial Port Int errupt Control regist er controls the operation of the asynchronous serial
port interrupt source (SPI, bit 10 in the Interrupt Request register). This interrupt is assigned
to interrupt type 14h. The control register format is shown in Figure 7-9.
Figure 7-9 Serial Port Interrupt Control Register (SPICON, of fset 44h)
The value of SPICON at reset is 001Fh.
Bits 15–5: Reserved—Set to 0.
Bit 4: Reserved—Set to 1.
Bit 3: Mask (MSK)—This bi t determin es whether the ser ial p ort can cause an i nterrupt . A
1 in this bit masks this interrupt source, preventing the serial port from causing an interrupt.
A 0 in this bit enabl es serial port interrupts.
This bit is duplicated in the Interrupt Mask register. See the Interrupt Mask register in section
7.3.11 on page 7-24.
Bits 2–0: Pri ority (PR2–PR0) T h is f ie l d d et e r mi n e s the priority of the serial port relative to
the other interrupt signals. After a reset, the priority is 7. See Table 7-3 on page 7-14.
15 70
Reserved 1
Interrupt Control Unit
7.3.7 Interrupt Status Register (INTSTS, Offset 30h)
(Master Mode)
The Interrupt Status (INTSTS) regi ster indicates the interrupt request stat us of the three
Figure 7-10 Interrupt Stat us Register (INTSTS, offset 30h)
Bit 15: DMA Halt (DHLT)—When set to 1, halts any DMA activity. This pin is automatically
set to 1 when non-maskable interrupts occur and is reset when an IRET instruction is
executed. Ti me-c riti cal sof twar e, su ch as inter ru pt handler s, can modif y th is b it dir ectly to
inhibit DMA transfers. Because of the function of this register as an interrupt request register
for the ti mers, the DHLT bit should not be modified by software wh en ti mer interrupts are
Bits 14–3: Reserved
Bits 2–0: Timer Int errupt Request (TMR2–TMR0)—When set to 1, these bits indi cate
that the corresponding timer has an inter rupt request pending. (Note that the timer TMR
bit in the REQST register is the OR of these timer interr upt requests.)
15 70
Interrupt Control Unit 7-21
7.3.8 Interrupt Request Register (REQST, Offset 2Eh)
(Master Mode)
The hardware inter rupt sources have interrupt request bits inside the interrupt controll er.
A read from thi s register yields the status o f these bits. The Inter rupt Request regi ster is a
read-only register. The format of the REQST register is shown in Figure 7-11.
The Am186EM and Am188EM microcontroll ers define th ree new bits to report t he state of
INT4, the Watchdog Timer , and the asynchronous serial port.
For int ernal interrupts (SPI, WD, D1, D0, and TMR), the c orresponding bit i s set to 1 when
the device reques ts an interrupt. The bit is reset durin g the int ernally generated interrupt
For INT4–INT0 ex ter nal int errupt s, the c orr esponding bi t (I 4–I0) r eflect s the cur rent val ue
of the exter nal signal. The device must hold this signal High unti l the interrupt is serviced.
Generally the interrupt service routine signals the exte rnal device to remove the interrupt
Figur e 7-1 1 Inter r up t Requ est R egister (REQST, offs et 2Eh)
The REQST register is undefined on reset.
Bits 15–11: Reserved
Bit 10: Serial Port Int errupt Request (SPI)—This bit indicates the inter rupt state of the
serial port. If enabled, the SPI bit is the logical OR of all possible serial port interrupt sources
(THRE, RDR, BRKI, FER, PER, and OER status bits ).
Bit 9: Watchdog Timer Interrupt Request (WD)—When this bit is set to 1, the Watchdog
Timer has an inter rupt pending.
Bits 8–4: Interrupt Requests (I4–I0)—When set to 1, the corresponding INT pin has an
interr upt pending (i.e., when INT0 is pending, I0 is set). These bit s reflect the status of the
external pin.
Bits 3–2: DMA Channel Interr upt Request (D1– D0)—When set to 1, the corr esponding
DMA channel has an interrupt pending.
Bit 1: Reserved
Bit 0: Timer Interrupt Request (TMR)—This bit indicates the state of the timer interrupts.
This bit is the l ogical OR of the t imer int errupt req uests. When se t to a 1, thi s bit i ndicat es
that the timer control unit has an interrupt pending.
The Interrupt Status register indicates the specific timer that is requesting an interrupt. See
section 7.3.7.
15 70
Interrupt Control Unit
7.3.9 In-Service Register (INSERV, Offset 2Ch)
(Master Mode)
The Am186EM and Am188EM microcontrollers define three new bits to report the in-service
state of INT4, the Vir tual Wat chdog Timer, and the asynchronous serial port. The form at
of the modifi ed In-Service register is shown in Figure 7-12.
The bits in the INSERV register are set by the i nterrupt controller when the interrupt is
taken. Each bit in the register is cleared by wri ting the correspondi ng interrupt type to the
End-of-I nterrupt (EOI) register. See Table 7-1 on page 7-3.
When an in-servi ce bit i s set, the mi croc ontrol ler will not generate an i nterru pt re quest for
the associat ed source, preventing an interrupt from interrupting itself if interr upts are
enabled in the ISR. Special fully nested mode allows the INT1–INT0 requests to circumvent
this restriction for the INT0 and INT1 sources.
Figure 7-12 In-Service Register (INSERV, offset 2Ch)
The INSERV register is set to 0000h on reset.
Bits 15–11: Reserved
Bit 10: Serial Port Interrupt In-Service (SPI)—This bit indicates the in-service state of
the asynchronous serial port.
Bit 9: Watchdog Timer Interrupt In-Service (WD)—This bit indicates the in-service state
of the Watchdog Timer.
Bits 8–4: Interrupt In-Service (I 4–I0)—These bits indicat e the in-service state of the
corresponding INT pin.
Bits 3–2: DMA Channel Interrupt In-Service (D1–D0)—These bits indicate the in-service
stat e of the corre spondi ng DMA cha nnel.
Bit 1: Reserved
Bit 0: Timer Interrupt In-Service (TMR)—This bit indicates the state of the in-service timer
interrupts. This bit is the logical OR of all the timer interrupt status bits. When set to a 1,
this bit indicates that the corresponding timer interrupt status bit is in-service.
15 70
Interrupt Control Unit 7-23
7.3.10 Priority Mask Register (PRIMSK, Offset 2Ah)
(Master Mode)
The Priori ty Mask (PRIMSK) register provides the value that determines the minimum
priori ty level at which maskable in terru pts can generate an interrupt.
Figure 7-13 Priority Mask Register (PRIMSK, offset 2Ah)
The value of PRIMSK at reset is 0007h.
Bits 15–3: Reserved—Set to 0.
Bits 2–0: Priority Field Mask (PRM2–PRM0)—This field determines the minimum priority
that is required i n order for a mask able interrupt source to generate an interrupt. Mas kable
interr upts with programmable pri ority values th at are numeric ally higher than thi s field are
masked. The possible values are zero (000b) to seven (111b).
A value of seven (111b) allows all interrupt sources that are not maske d to generate
interrupts. A value of five (101b) allows only unmasked interrupt sources with a
programmable prio rity of zero to five (000b to 101b) to generate interrupts.
Table 7-4 Priority Level
Priority PR2–PR0
(High) 0 0 0 0b
1 0 0 1b
2 0 1 0b
3 0 1 1b
4 1 0 0b
5 1 0 1b
6 1 1 0b
(Low) 7 1 1 1b
15 70
000 000 000
Interrupt Control Unit
7.3.1 1 Interrupt Mask Register (IMASK, Offset 28h)
(Master Mode)
The Am186EM and Am188EM microcontroll ers define three new bits to report the mask
state of the INT4 Control, Watchdog Timer Interrupt Control, and Serial Port Interrupt
Control registers.
The Interrupt Mask (IMASK) register is a read/write register. Programming a bit in the IMASK
registe r has the e ff ect of pr ogramming t he MSK bit i n th e assoc iated con trol r egist er. The
format of the IMASK register is shown in Figure 7-14.
Do not write to the interrupt mask register while interrupts are enabled. To modify mask
bits while interrupts are enabled, use the individual interrupt control registers.
Figur e 7-14 Interrupt Mask Register (IMASK, offset 28h)
The IMASK register i s set to 07FDh on reset.
Bits 15–11: Reserved
Bit 10: Serial Port Int errupt Mask (SPI) When set to 1, this bit indicates that the
asynchronous serial port interrupt is masked.
Bit 9: Virtual Wat chdog Timer Interrupt Mask (WD)—When set to 1, this bit indica tes
that the Watchdog Timer interrupt is masked.
Bits 8–4: Interrupt Mask (I4–I0)—When set to 1, an I4–I0 bit indicates that the
corresponding interrupt is masked.
Bits 3–2: DMA Channel Interrupt Masks (D1–D0)—When set to 1, a D1–D0 bit indicates
that the corresponding DMA channel interrupt is masked.
Bit 1: Reserved
Bit 0: Timer Interrupt Mask (TMR)—When set to 1, this bit indicates that interrupt requests
from the timer contr ol unit are masked.
15 70
Interrupt Control Unit 7-25
7.3.12 Poll Status Registe r (POLLST, Offset 26h)
(Master Mode)
The Poll Status (POLLST) register mirrors the current state of the Poll register. The POLLST
register can be read without affecting the current interrupt request. But when the Poll register
is read, the current interrupt is acknowledged and the next interrupt takes its place in the
Poll register.
Figure 7-15 Poll Status Register (POLLST, o ffset 26h)
Bit 15: Inter rupt Request (IREQ)—Set t o 1 if an inter ru pt is pendi ng. When thi s bit is set
to 1, the S4–S0 fiel d contains valid data.
Bits 14–5: Reserved—Set to 0.
Bits 4–0: Poll Status (S4–S0)—Indic ates the inte rrupt type of t he highest priority p ending
15 70
Interrupt Control Unit
7.3.13 Poll Register (POLL, Offset 24h)
(Master Mode)
When the Poll regi ster is read, t he current interrupt is acknowledged and the next interrupt
takes its place in the Poll register.
The Poll Status register mirrors the current state of the Poll register, but the Poll Status
register can be read without affecting the current interrupt request.
Figure 7-16 Poll Register (POLL, offset 24h)
Bit 15: Inter rupt Request (IREQ)—Set t o 1 if an inter ru pt is pendi ng. When thi s bit is set
to 1, the S4–S0 fiel d contains valid data.
Bits 14–5: Reserved—Set to 0.
Bits 4–0: Poll Status (S4–S0)—Indic ates the inte rrupt type of t he highest priority p ending
interrupt. Reading the Poll register acknowledges the highest priority pending interrupt and
enables the next interrupt to advance into the register.
Although the IS bit is set, the interrupt service routine does not begin execution
automatically. The applicati on software must execute the appropriate ISR.
15 70
Interrupt Control Unit 7-27
7.3.14 End-of- Interrupt Register (EOI, Offse t 22h)
(Master Mode)
The End-of-Interrupt (EOI) register is a write-only register. Th e in-service flags in the In-
Service register (see section 7. 3.9 on page 7 -22) are reset by writing to the EOI register.
Before execut ing the IRET instr uction that ends an int errupt service ro utine (ISR), t he ISR
should write to the EOI register to reset the IS bit for the interrupt.
The specifi c EOI reset is th e most secure met hod to use for resetting IS bits. Figure 7-17
shows example code for a speci fic EOI res et. See Table 7-1 on page 7-3 for specif ic EOI
Figure 7-17 Example EOI Assembly Code
Figur e 7-1 8 End-o f- Interrupt Regi ster (E O I, offset 22h)
Bit 15: Non-Specific EOI (NSPEC)—The NSPEC bit determines the type of EOI command.
When written as a 1, NSPEC indicates non-specific EOI. When written as a 0, NSPEC
indicates the specific EOI interrupt type in S4–S0.
Bits 14–5: Reserved
Bits 4–0: Source EOI Type (S4–S0)—Specifies the EOI type of the interrupt that is
currently being processed. See Table 7-1 on page 7-3.
... ;ISR code
mov dx, EOI_ADDR
exit: mov ax,int_type ;load the interrupt type in ax
out dx,ax ;write the interrupt type to EOI
iret ;return from interrupt
15 70
Interrupt Control Unit
When slave mode is used, the microcont roller’s inte rnal interru p t controller is used as a
slave controller to an external master interrupt controller. The internal interrupts are
monitored by t he internal i nterrupt cont roller, wh ile the exter nal controll er functions as the
system master interrupt controller.
On reset, the microcontroller is in master mode. To activate slave mode operation, bit 14
of the relocat ion register must be set ( see Figur e 4-2 on page 4 -4) .
Because of pin l imitations caused by the need to interf ace to an external 82C59A master,
the internal interrupt controller does not accept external inputs. However, there are enough
interrupt controller inputs (internally) to dedicate one to each timer. In slave mode, each
timer interrupt sou rce has its own mask bit, IS bit, and control word.
The INT4, watchdog ti mer, and serial port int errupts are not availabl e in sl ave mode . In
slave mode, each peripheral must be assigned a unique priorit y to ensure pro per inter rupt
control ler operation. The prog rammer must assign correc t priorit ies and initial ize interrupt
control registers before enabl ing inter rupts.
7.4.1 Slave Mode Interrupt Nesting
Slave mode operati on all ows ne sting of interrupt requests. When an interrupt is
acknowledged, the priority logic masks off all priority levels except those with equal or higher
7.4.2 Slave Mode Interrupt Contro ller Registers
The Interr upt Controller Regist ers for slave mode are sh own in Table 7-5. All registers can
be read and written, unless specified otherwise.
Table 7-5 Interrupt Controller Registers in Slave Mode
Offset Register
Mnemonic Register Name Affect ed Pin s Comments
3Ah T2INTCON Timer 2 Interrupt Control Interrupt Type XXXXX101
38h T1INTCON Timer 1 Interrupt Control TMRIN1
TMROUT1 Interrupt Type XXXXX100
36h DMA1CON DMA 1 Interrupt Control Interrupt Type XXXXX011
34h DMA0CON DMA 0 Interrupt Control Interrupt Type XXXXX010
32h T0INTCON Timer 0 Interrupt Control TMRIN0
TMROUT0 Interrupt Type XXXXX000
30h INTSTS Interrupt Status
2Eh REQST Interrupt Request Read Only
2Ch INSERV In-Service Read Only
2Ah PRIMSK Priority Mask
28h IMASK Interrupt Mask
22h EOI Specific EOI Write Only
20h INTVEC Interrupt Vector
Interrupt Control Unit 7-29
7.4.3 Timer and DMA In terrupt Control Register s
(T0INTCON, Offset 32h, T1INTCON, Offset 38h, T2INTCON, Offset
3Ah, DMA0CON, Offset 34h, DMA1CON, Offset 36h)
(Slave Mode)
In slave mode, there ar e thr ee sepa rate regis ters f or the thr ee t imers. I n master mode, a ll
three timers are masked and prioritized in one register, TCUCON.
In slave mode, the two DMA control registers retain their functionality and addressing from
master mode.
Figure 7-19 Timer and DMA Interrupt Control Registers
offsets 32h, 38h, 3Ah, 34h, and 36h)
These regist ers are set to 000Fh on reset .
Bits 15–4: Reserved—Set to 0.
Bit 3: Mask (MSK)—This bit determines whether the interrupt source can cause an
interr upt. A 1 in t his bit masks the interrupt source , prev enting the source from causi ng an
interrupt. A 0 in t his bit enabl es interrupts from the source.
This bit is duplicated in the Interrupt Mask register. See the Interrupt Mask register in section
7.4.8 on page 7-34.
Bits 2–0: Priority Level (PR2–PR0) This field determines the priority of the interrupt
source relative to the other in terrupt signals, as shown in Table 7-3 on page 7-14.
15 70
Interrupt Control Unit
7.4.4 Interrupt Status Register (INTSTS, Offset 30h)
(Slave Mode)
The Interrupt Status regist er controls DMA activi ty when non-maskable interrupts occur
and indicates the current interrupt status of the three timers.
Figure 7-20 Interrupt Stat us Register (INTSTS, offset 30h)
The INTSTS register is set to 0000h on reset.
Bit 15: DMA Halt (DHLT)—When set to 1, halts an y DMA activity. Automat ically set to 1
when non-maskable int errupts occur and reset when an IRET instr u ction is executed.
Bits 14–3: Reserved
Bits 2–0: Timer Int errupt Request (TMR2–TMR0)—When set to 1, indicates the
corr espondi ng ti mer has an interr upt req uest pen ding.
15 70
Interrupt Control Unit 7-31
7.4.5 Interrupt Request Register (REQST, Offset 2Eh)
(Slave Mode)
The internal interrupt sources have interrupt request bits inside the interrupt controller. A
read from this regi ster yields the status of these bits. The Int errupt Request register is a
read-only register. The format of the Interrupt Request register is shown in Figure 7-21.
For internal interrupts (D1, D0, TMR2, TMR1, and TMR0), the corresponding bit is set to
1 when the device requests an interrupt. The bit i s reset d uring the internal ly generated
interr upt acknowledge.
Figur e 7-2 1 Inter r up t Requ est R egister (REQST, offs et 2Eh)
The REQST register is set to 0000h on reset .
Bits 15–6: Reserved
Bits 5–4: Timer 2/Timer 1 Interrupt Request (TMR2–TMR1)—When set to 1, these bit s
indicate the state of any interrupt requests from the associated timer.
Bits 3–2: DMA Channel Interrupt Request (D1–D0)—When set to 1, D1–D0 indicate that
the corresponding DMA channel has an interrupt p ending.
Bit 1: Reserved
Bit 0: Timer 0 Interrupt Request (TMR0)—When set to 1, this bit indicates the state of
an interrupt request from Timer 0.
15 70
TMR2 Res
Interrupt Control Unit
7.4.6 In-Service Register (INSERV, Offset 2Ch)
(Slave Mode)
The format of the In-Service register is shown in Figure 7-22. The bits in the In-Service
register are set by the interrupt controller when the interrupt is taken. The in-service bits
are cleared by writing to the End-of-I nterrupt (EOI) register.
Figure 7-22 In-Service Register (INSERV, offset 2Ch)
The INSERV register is set to 0000h on reset.
Bits 15–6: Reserved
Bits 5–4: Timer 2/Timer 1 Interrupt In-Service (TMR2–TMR1)—When set to 1, these bits
indicate that the corresponding timer interrupt is currently being serviced.
Bits 3–2: DMA Channel Interrupt In-Service (D1–D0)—When set to 1, the corresponding
DMA channel is currently being serviced.
Bit 1: Reserved
Bit 0: Timer 0 Interrupt In-Service (TMR0)—When set to 1, this bit indicates Timer 0 is
currently being serviced.
15 70
TMR2 Res
Interrupt Control Unit 7-33
7.4.7 Priority Mask Register (PRIMSK, Offset 2Ah)
(Slave Mode)
The format of the Prior ity Mask register is shown i n Figure 7-23. The Priority Mask r egister
provides the value that determines the minimum priority level at which maskable interrupts
can generate an interrupt.
Figure 7-23 Priority Mask Register (PRIMSK, offset 2Ah)
The value of the PRIMSK register at reset is 0007h.
Bits 15–3: Reserved
Bits 2–0: Priority Field Mask (PRM2–PRM0)—This field determines the minimum priority
which is required i n order for a maskable interrupt source to generate an interrupt.
A value of seven (111b) allows all interrupt sources that are not maske d to generate
interrupts. A value of five (101b) allows only unmasked interrupt sources with a
programmable prio rity of zero to five (000b to 101b) to generate interrupts.
Table 7-6 Priority Level
Priority PR2–PR0
(High) 0 0 0 0b
1 0 0 1b
2 0 1 0b
3 0 1 1b
4 1 0 0b
5 1 0 1b
6 1 1 0b
(Low) 7 1 1 1b
15 70
Interrupt Control Unit
7.4.8 Interrupt Mask Register (IMASK, Offset 28h)
(Slave Mode)
The format of the Interrupt Mask register is shown in Figure 7-24. The Interrupt Mask register
is a read/write r egister. Programming a bit in the Inter rupt Mask regi ster has the effect of
programming the MSK bit in the associated control regi ster.
Figur e 7-24 Interrupt Mask Register (IMASK, offset 28h)
The IMASK register i s set to 003Dh on reset.
Bits 15–6: Reserved
Bits 5–4: Timer 2/Timer 1 Interr upt Mask (TMR2–TMR1)—These bits indi cate the s tate
of the mask bit of the Timer Interrupt Control register and when set to a 1, indicate which
source has its interrupt requests masked.
Bits 3–2: DMA Channel Interr upt Mask (D1–D0)—These bits indicate the state of the
mask bits of the corresponding DMA control register.
Bit 1: Reserved
Bit 0: Timer 0 I nterrupt Mask (TMR0)—Thi s bit i ndica tes the st ate of t he mask bi t of the
Timer Interrupt Co ntrol register and when set to a 1, indicates Timer 0 has its interrupt
request masked.
15 70
TMR2 Res
Interrupt Control Unit 7-35
7.4.9 Specific End-of- I nterr upt Register (EOI, Offset 22h)
(Slave Mode)
In slave mode, a write to the EOI reg ister reset s an in-serv ice bit of a specific prio rity. The
user suppli es a three-bit priori ty-level value that poi nts to an in-service bit to be res et. The
command is executed by writing the cor re ct value in the Specific EOI register at offs et 22h.
Figur e 7-2 5 Spec ific End-of-Interru pt R egi st er (EOI, offset 22h)
The EOI register is undefined on reset.
Bits 15–3: Reserved—Write as 0.
Bits 2–0: Interrupt Type (L2–L0)—Encoded value indicating the priority of the IS (interrupt
service) bit to be reset. Writes to these bits cause an EOI to be issued for the interrupt type
in slave mode. Write-only register.
15 70
000 000 0000 L2–L0
Interrupt Control Unit
7.4.1 0 Interrupt Vector Re gister (INTVEC, Offset 20h)
(Slave Mode)
Vector generation in slave mode is exactly like that of an 8259A or 82C59A slave. The
interr upt controller generates an 8-bit interrupt type that the CPU shifts left two bits
(multiplies by four) to generate an offset into the interrupt vector table.
Figure 7-26 Interrupt Vector Register (INTVEC, offset 20h)
The INTVEC register is undefined on reset.
Bits 15–8: Reserved—Read as 0.
Bits 7–3: Interrupt Type (T4–T0)—Sets the five most significant bits of the interrupt types
for th e i nternal int err upt ty pe. The int err upt cont ro ller itsel f pr ovides the lower t hr ee bits of
the int errupt type, as dete rmined by the pr io rity level of t he i nterr upt request . See Table 7-
5 on page 7-15.
Bits 2–0: Reserved—Read as 0.
15 70
000 000 000
Timer Control Unit 8-1
There are three 16-bit p rogrammable timers in the Am186EM and Am188EM
microcontrollers. Timers 0 and 1 are highly versatile and are each connected to two external
pins (each one has an input and an output). These two timers can be used to count or time
external events, or they can be used to generate nonrepetitive or variable-duty-cycle
waveforms. Timer 1 can also be configured as a watchdog timer.
The watch dog timer provides a mechanism for detect ing software crashes or hangs. The
TMROUT1 output is internally connected to the watchdog timer interrupt. Software
developers must first program the TIMER1 Mode/Control, Count, and Max Count registers,
and then program t he Watchdog Timer I nterru pt Cont rol regi ster ( see Figur e 7-8 on page
7-18). The TIMER1 Count register must be reloaded at intervals less than the TIMER1 max
count to assure the watchdog interrupt is not taken. If the code crashes or hangs, the
TIMER1 countdown can cause a watchdog interrupt.
Timer 2 i s not connected to any external p ins. It can b e used for real-t ime coding and ti me-
delay applications. It can also be used as a prescale to timer 0 and timer 1 or as a DMA
request source.
The timers ar e controll ed by eleven 16-bi t registe rs (see Table 8-1) t hat are locat ed in the
peripheral control block.
Table 8-1 Timer C ontrol Unit Register Summary
The timer-coun t registers contain the current value of a timer. The timer-count registers
can be read or written at any time, regardless of whether the corresponding timer is running.
The microcont roller increments the value of a t imer-count register each time a timer eve nt
Offset from
PCB Register
Mnemonic Register Name
56h T0CON Timer 0 Mode/Control
5Eh T1CON Timer 1 Mode/Control
66h T2CON Timer 2 Mode/Control
50h T0CNT Timer 0 Count
58h T1CNT Timer 1 Count
60h T2CNT Timer 2 Count
52h T0CMPA Timer 0 Maxcount Compare A
54h T0CMPB Timer 0 Maxcount Compare B
5Ah T1CMPA Timer 1 Maxcount Compare A
5Ch T0CMPB Timer 1 Maxcount Compare B
62h T2CMPA Timer 2 Maxcount Compare A
Timer Control Unit
Each timer also has a corresponding maximum-count regi ster that defines the maximum
value for the timer. When the timer reaches the maximum valu e, it resets to 0 during the
same clock cycl e. (The value in the ti mer-count registe r never equals the maximum-count
register.) In addition, timers 0 and 1 have a secondary maximum-count register. Using both
the pri mary and secondary maximum-count registers l ets the t imer alte rnate between t wo
maximum values.
If the timer is programmed to use only the primary maximum-count register, the timer output
pin swit ches Low fo r one clock cycle, the clock c ycle after t he maximum value i s reached.
If the timer is programmed to use both of its maximum-count registers, the output pin creates
a waveform by indicat ing which maximum-count register is currently in control. The duty
cycle and freque ncy of the wavefor m depend on the values in the alternating maximum-
count re gisters.
8.2.1 Timer Operating Frequenc y
Each timer is servic ed on every fourth c lock cycle. Therefore, a timer can operate at a
maximum speed of one-quarter of the internal clock frequency. A timer can be clocked
external ly at the same maximum frequency of one-fourth of the internal clock frequency.
However, because of internal synchronization and pipelining of the timer circuitry, the timer
output takes up to six clock cycles to respond to the clock or gate input.
The timers are run by the processor’s internal clock. If power-save mode is in effect, the
timers operate at the reduced power-sav e cloc k rate.
Timer Control Unit 8-3
8.2.2 Timer 0 and Timer 1 Mode and Control Registers
(T0CON, Offset 56h, T1CON, Offset 5Eh)
These regist ers control the functionality of timer 0 and timer 1. See Figure 8- 1.
Figure 8-1 Timer 0 and Timer 1 Mode and Control Registers (T0CON, T1CON,
offset s 56h and 5Eh)
The value of T0CON and T1CON at reset is 0000h.
Bit 15: Enable Bit (EN)—When set to 1, the timer i s enabled. When set to 0 , the timer is
inhibited from counting. This bit can only be written with the INH bit set at the same time.
Bit 14: Inhibit Bit (INH)—Allows selective updating of enable (EN) bit. When set to 1 during
a write, EN can also be modified. When set to 0 duri ng a writ e, writes to EN are ignored.
This bit is not stored and is al ways read as 0.
Bit 13: Interrupt Bit (INT)—When set to 1, an interrupt request is generated when the
count regi ster equals a maximum count. If th e timer is configured in dua l maxcount mode,
an interrupt is generated each t ime t he count reaches maxcount A or max count B. When
INT is set to 0, the ti mer will n o t issue interrupt requests. If the enable bit is cleared aft e r
an interrupt request has been generated but befor e the pending interrupt is serv iced, the
interr upt request will still be present.
Bit 12: Register in Use Bit (RIU)—When the Maxcount Compare A register is being used
for comparison to the timer count value, this bit is set to 0. When the Maxcount Compa re
B register is being used, this bit is set to 1.
Bits 11–6: Reserved—Set to 0.
Bit 5: Maximum Count Bit (MC)—The MC bit is set to 1 when the timer reaches a maximum
count. In dual maxcount mode, the bit is set each t ime eit her Maxcount Compare A or B
register is reached. This bi t is set regardless of the timer interrupt-enable bit. The MC bit
can be used to monit or ti mer st atus thr ough sof tware pol ling inst ead of through i nterr upts .
Bit 4: Retrigger Bit (RTG) —Det ermines the control function prov ided by the timer input
pin. When set to 1, a 0 to 1 edge trans ition on TMRIN0 or TMRIN1 resets the count. When
set to 0, a High input enables counting a nd a Low input holds the timer val ue. This bit is
ignored when external clocking (EXT=1) is selected.
Bit 3: Pr escaler Bi t (P)—When se t t o 1, t he timer is pr esca led by t imer 2. When set t o 0,
the timer counts up every fourth CLKOUT period. This bit is ignored when external clocking
is enabled (EXT=1).
15 70
Timer Control Unit
Bit 2: External Clock Bit (EXT) When set to 1, an external clock is used. When set to
0, the internal clock is used.
Bit 1: Alternate Compare Bit (ALT)—When set to 1, the timer counts to maxcount compare
A, then resets the count register to 0. Then the timer counts to maxcount compare B, resets
the count register to zero, and starts over with maxc ount compare A.
If ALT is clear, the timer c ounts to maxcount compare A and then resets the count register
to zero and start s counting again against maxcount compare A. In this case, maxcount
compare B is not used.
Bit 0: Continuous Mode Bit (CONT)—When set to 1, CONT causes the associated timer
to run in the normal cont inuous mode.
When CONT is set to 0, EN is cleared after each timer count sequence and the timer clears
and then halts on reaching the maximum count. If CONT=0 and ALT=1, the timer counts
to the maxcount compare A register value and resets, then it counts to the B register value
and resets and halts.
Timer Control Unit 8-5
8.2.3 Timer 2 Mode and Control Regist er
(T2CON, Offset 66h)
This register controls the functionalit y of timer 2. See Figure 8-2.
Figure 8-2 Timer 2 Mode and Control Register (T2CON, offset 66h)
The value of T2CON at reset is 0000h.
Bit 15: Enable Bit (EN)—When EN is set to 1, the timer is enabled. When set to 0, the
timer is i nhibited from count ing. Do not write to this bit unl ess the INH bit is set to 1 dur ing
the same write.
Bit 14: Inhibi t Bit (INH)—Allows selecti ve updating of enable (EN) bi t. When INH is set to
1 during a write, EN can be modified on the same write. When INH is set to 0 during a write,
writes to EN are igno red. This bi t is not stored and is al ways read as 0.
Bit 13: Interr upt Bit (INT)—When INT is set to 1, an interr upt request is generated when
the count register equals a maximum count. When INT is set to 0 , t he timer will not issue
interr upt requests. If the EN enable bit is cleared after an int e rrupt request has been
generated, but before the pending interrupt is serviced, the interrupt request remains active.
Bits 12–6: Reserved—Set to 0.
Bit 5: Maximum Count Bit (MC)—The MC bit is set to 1 when the time r reaches its
maximum count. This bi t is set regardless of the timer interrupt -enable bit. The MC bit can
be used to monitor timer status through software polling instead of through interrupts.
Bits 4–1: Reserved—Set to 0.
Bit 0: Continuous Mode Bit (CONT)—When CONT is set to 1, it causes the associated
timer to run continuously. When se t to 0, EN is cleared aft er each timer count sequence
and the timer halts on reachi ng the maximum count.
15 70
Timer Control Unit
8.2.4 Timer Count Registers
(T0CNT, Offset 50h, T1CNT, Offset 58 h, T2CNT, Offset 60h)
These registe rs can be incremented by one every four inter nal processo r cloc ks. Timer 0
and timer 1 can also be configured to increment based on the TMRIN0 and TMRIN1 external
signals, or they can be prescaled by timer 2. See Figure 8-3.
The count registers are compared to maximum count registers and various actions are
triggered based on reaching a maximum count.
Figure 8-3 Timer Count Registers (T0CNT, T1CNT, T2CNT, offsets 50h, 58h, and 60h)
The value of these registers at reset is undefined.
Bits 15–0: Timer Count Value (TC15–TC0)—This register contains the current count of
the associat ed timer. The count is incr emen ted every fourth processor clock in internal
clocked mode, or each time the timer 2 maxcount is reached if prescaled by t imer 2. Timer
0 and timer 1 can be configured for ext ernal cl ocking based on the TMRIN0 and TMRIN1
15 70
Timer Control Unit 8-7
8.2.5 Timer Maxcount Compare Registers
(T0CMPA , O ffset 52h, T0CMPB, Offset 54h, T1CM PA, Offset 5Ah,
T1CMPB, Offset 5Ch, T2CMPA, Offset 62h)
These regist ers serve as comparators for t heir associ ated count registers. Time r 0 and
timer 1 each have two maximum count compare registers. See Figure 8-4.
Timer 0 and timer 1 can be config ured to count and compar e to r egiste r A and t hen count
and compare to register B. Using this method, the TMROUT0 or TMROUT1 signals can
be used to generate waveforms of various duty cycles.
Timer 2 has one compare register, T2CMPA.
If a maximum count compare register is set to 0000h, the timer associated with that compare
register will count from 0000h to FFFFh before requesting an interrupt. With a 40-MHz
clock, a time r configured this way interrupts every 6.5536 ms.
Figure 8-4 Timer Maxcount Compare Registers
offsets 52h, 54h, 5Ah, 5Ch, and 62h)
The value of these registers at reset is undefined.
Bits 15–0: Timer Compare Value (TC15–TC0)—This register contains the maximum
value a timer wil l count to bef ore resetting its count register to 0.
15 70
Timer Control Unit
DMA Controller 9-1
Direct memory access (DMA) permits transfer of data between memory and peripherals
without CPU involvement. The DMA unit in the Am186EM and Am188EM microcontrollers
provides two high-s peed DMA channels. Da ta t ra ns fe rs c an oc cu r be tw ee n m em o ry an d I / O
spaces (e.g., memory to I/O) or within the same space (e.g., memory-to-memory or I/O-to-I/O).
Either bytes or words can be transferred to or from even or odd addresses on the Am186EM.
(The Am188E M micr ocontrol ler does not suppor t wor d tr ansfer s.) Two bus cy cles (a mi nimum
of eight clocks) are necessary for each data transfer.
Each channel accepts a DM A request from one of two sources: the channel request pin
(DRQ1–DRQ0) or Timer 2. The two DMA channels can be programmed with different
priorities to resolve simultaneous DMA requests, and transfers on one channel can interrupt
the other channel.
The format of the DMA control block is shown in Table 9-1. Six regi sters in the peripheral
control block define the operation of each channel. The DMA regist ers consi st of a 20-bi t
source address (2 registers), a 20 -bit destination address (2 regi sters), a 16-bit transfer
count register, and a 16-bit control register.
Table 9-1 DMA Controller Register Summary
The DMA transfer count register (DTC) specifies the number of DM A transfers to be
performed. Up to 64 Kbytes or 64 Kwords can be transferred with automatic termination.
The DMA control registers define the channel operations (see Figure 9-1). All registers
can be modified or altered during any DMA activity. Any changes made to these registers
are r eflected immediat ely in DMA operati on.
Offset from
PCB Register
Mnemonic Register Name
CAh D0CON DMA 0 Control
DAh D1CON DMA 1 Control
C8h D0TC DMA 0 Transfer Count
D8h D1TC DMA 1 Transfer Count
C6h D0DSTH DMA 0 Destination Address High
D6h D1DSTH DMA 1 Destination Address High
C4h D0DSTL DMA 0 Destination Address Low
D4h D1DSTL DMA 1 Destination Address Low
C2h D0SRCH DMA 0 Source Ad dr es s High
D2h D1SRCH DMA 1 Source Ad dr es s High
C0h D0SRCL DMA 0 Sour ce Ad dres s Low
D0h D1SRCL DMA 1 Sour ce Ad dres s Low
DMA Controller
Figure 9-1 DM A Unit Block Diagram
The sections on the following pages describe the control registers that are used to configure
and operate the two DMA channels.
Source Address Ch. 1
Source Address Ch. 0
20-bit Adder/Subtractor
Adder Control
Channel Control Register 1
Channel Control Register 0
Internal Address/Data Bus
Timer Request
Transfer Counter Ch. 1
Destination Address Ch. 1
Destination Address Ch. 0
Transfer Counter Ch. 0
DMA Controller 9-3
9.3.1 DMA Control Registers (D0CON, Offset CAh, D1CON, Offset DAh)
The DMA control regi sters (s ee Figur e 9-2) determi ne the mode of operati on for the DMA
channels. These registers specify the foll owing options:
nWhether the destination address is memory or I/O space
nWhether the d estination address i s incremented, decremented, or maintained constant
after each transfer
nWhether the source address is memory or I/O space
nWhether the source address is incremented, decremented, or maintained constant after
each transfer
nIf DMA activity ceases after a programmed number of DMA cycles
nIf an interrupt is generated after the last transfer
nThe mode of synchronization
nThe relative priority of one DMA channel with respect to the other DMA channel
nWhether timer 2 DMA requests are enabled or disabled
nWhether bytes or words are transferre d
The DMA channel control registers can be changed while the channel is operating. Any
changes made during DMA operations affect the current DMA tr ansfer.
Figure 9-2 DMA Control Registers (D0CON, D1CON, offsets CAh and DAh)
The value of D0CON and D1CON at reset is FFF9h.
Bit 15: Destination Address Space Select (DM/IO)—Selects memory or I/O space for
the destination address. When DM/IO is set to 1, the destination address is in memory
space. When set to 0, the destination address is in I/O space.
Bit 14: Destination Decrement (DDEC)—When DDEC is set to 1, the destination address
is autom atically decremented after each transfer. The address decrements by 1 or 2,
depending on the byte/word bit (B/W, bit 0). The address remains constant if the increment
and decrement bits are set to the same value (00b or 11b).
Bit 13: Destination Increment (DINC)—When DINC is set to 1, the destination address
is automati cally incremented after each transfer. The address increments by 1 or 2,
depending on the byte/word bit (B/W, bit 0). The address remains constant if the increment
and decrement bits are set to the same value (00b or 11b).
Bit 12: Source Address Space Select (SM/IO)When SM/IO is set to 1, the source
address is in memory space. When set to 0, the source address is in I/O space.
15 70
DMA Controller
Bit 11: Source Decrement (SDEC)—When SDEC is set to 1, the source address is
automatically decremented after each transfer. The addr ess decrements by 1 or 2
depending on the byte/word bit (B/W, bit 0). The address remains constant if the increment
and decrement bits are set to the same value (00b or 11b).
Bit 10: Source Increment (SINC)—When SINC is set to 1, the source address is
automatically incremented after each transfer. The address increments by 1 or 2 depending
on the byte/word bit (B/W, bit 0). The address remai ns constant if the increment and
decrement bits are set to the same value (00b or 11b).
Bit 9: Terminal Count (TC)—The DMA decrements the transfer count for each DMA
transfer. When TC is set to 1, source or destination synchronized DMA transfers terminate
when the count r eaches 0. When TC is set to 0, sour ce or dest ina tion syn chron ized DMA
transfer s do n ot terminate when the count reaches 0. Unsynchronized DMA transfers
always terminate when the count reaches 0, regardless of the setting of this bit.
Bit 8: Interrupt (INT)—When INT is set to 1, the DMA channel generates an interrupt
request on completion of the transfer count . The TC bit must also be set to generate an
Bits 7–6: Synchronizati on Type (SYN1–SYN0)—The SYN1–SYN0 bits select channel
synchronization as shown in Table 9-2. For more information on DMA synchronization, see
section 9.4 on page 9-10.
Table 9-2 Synchronization Type
Bit 5: Relati ve Priority (P)—When P is set to 1, i t selects high priorit y for this channel
relative to the other channel during simultaneous transfers.
Bit 4: Timer Enable/ Disable Request (TDRQ)—When TDRQ is set to 1, it enables DMA
requests fr om timer 2. When set to 0, TDRQ disables DMA reque sts from timer 2.
Bit 3: Reserved
Bit 2: Change Start Bit (CHG)—This bit must be set to 1 during a write to allow modification
of the ST bit. When CHG is set to 0 during a write, ST is not altered when writing the control
Bit 1: Start/Stop DMA Channel (ST)—The DMA channel is started when the start bit is
set to 1. This bit can be modifi ed only when the CHG bit is set to a 1 during the same
register write.
Bit 0: Byte/Word Select (B/W)—On the Am186EM microcont roller, when B/W is set to 1,
word transfers are selected. When B/W is set to 0, byte transfers are selected. Word
transfer s are not support ed on the Am18 8EM microcontroller.
SYN1 SYN0 Sync Type
0 0 Unsynchronized
0 1 Source Synch
1 0 Destination Synch
1 1 Reserved
DMA Controller 9-5
9.3.2 DMA Transfer Count Register s (D0TC, Offse t C8 h, D1TC,
Offset D8h)
Each DMA channel maintains a 16-bit DMA Transfer Count register (DTC). This register
is decremented af ter every DMA cycle, regardless of the state of the TC bit in the DMA
Control regi ster. However, if the TC bit in the DMA control word is set or i f unsync hronized
transfer s are programmed, DMA activity terminates when the Transfer Count register
reaches 0.
Figur e 9-3 DMA Tra nsf er Count R egi st er s (D0 T C, D1T C, offsets C 8h an d D8h)
The value of D0TC and D1TC at reset is undefined.
Bits 15–0: DMA Transfer Count (TC15–TC0)—Contains the transfer count for a DMA
channel. Value is decreme nted by 1 aft e r each transfer.
15 70
DMA Controller
9.3.3 DMA Destination Address High Register
(High Order Bits) (D0DSTH, Offset C6h, D1DSTH, Offset D6h)
Each DMA channel maintains a 20-bit destination and a 20-bit source register. Each register
takes up two full 16-bit registers (the high register and the low register) in the per ipheral
control block. For each DMA channel to be used, all four registers must be initialized. These
registers can be individuall y incr emented or decremented after each transf er. If word
transfers are performed, the address is incremented or decremented by 2 after each
transfer . If byte transfers are performed, the address is i ncremented or decremented by 1.
Each register can point into either memory or I/O space. The user must program the upper
four bits to 0000 b in order to address the nor mal 64K I/O space. Since the DMA channels
can perform transfer s to or from odd addresses, there is no restriction on values for the
destination and source address regi sters. Higher transfer rates can be achi eved on the
Am186EM microcontroller if all word transfers are performed to or from even addresses so
that accesses occur in singl e, 16-bit bus cycles.
Figure 9-4 DMA Destination Address High Register (D0DSTH, D1DSTH, offsets C6h and D6h)
The value of D0DSTH and D1DSTH at reset is undefined.
Bits 15–4: Reserved
Bits 3–0: DMA Destination Address High (DDA19–DDA16)—These bits are driven onto
A19–A16 during the write phase of a DMA transfer.
15 70
DMA Controller 9-7
9.3.4 DMA Destination Address Low Register
(Low Order Bits) (D0DSTL, Offset C4h, D1DSTL, Offset D4h)
Figure 9-5 shows the DMA Destination Address Low register. The sixteen bits of this register
are combined wit h the four bits of the DMA Destination Address High register ( see Figure
9-4) to produce a 20-bit destination address.
Figur e 9-5 DMA Destin ation Addre ss Low Regi ster (D0 DSTL, D1DST L, offse ts C4h and D 4h)
The value of D0DSTL and D1DSTL at reset is undefined.
Bits 15–0: DMA Destination Address Low (DDA15–DDA0)—These bits are dr iven onto
A15–A0 during the write phase of a DMA transfer.
15 70
DMA Controller
9.3.5 DMA Source Address High Register
(High Order Bits) (D0SRCH, Offset C2h, D1SRCH, Offset D2h )
Each DMA channel maintains a 20-bit destination and a 20-bit source register. Each register
takes up two full 16-bit registers (the high register and the low register) in the per ipheral
control block. For each DMA channel to be used, all four registers must be initialized. These
registers can be individuall y incr emented or decremented after each transf er. If word
transfers are performed, the address is incremented or decremented by 2 after each
transfer . If byte transfers are performed, the address is i ncremented or decremented by 1.
Each register can point into either memory or I/O space. The user must program the upper
four bits to 0000 b in order to address the nor mal 64K I/O space. Since the DMA channels
can perform transfer s to or from odd addresses, there is no restriction on values for the
destination and source address regi sters. Higher transfer rates can be achi eved on the
Am186EM microcontroller if all word transfers are performed to or from even addresses so
that accesses occur in singl e, 16-bit bus cycles.
Figure 9-6 DMA Source Address High Register (D0SRCH, D1SRCH, offsets C2h and D2h)
The value of D0SRCH and D1SRCH at reset is undefined.
Bits 15–4: Reserved
Bits 3–0: DMA Source Address High (DSA19–DSA16)—These bits ar e driven onto
A19–A16 during the read phase of a DMA transfer.
15 70
DMA Controller 9-9
9.3.6 DMA Source Address Low Register
(Low Order Bits) (D0SRCL, O ffset C0h, D1SRCL, Offset D0h)
Figure 9-7 shows t he DMA Source Address Low register. The sixteen bits of this register
are combined wit h the four bits of the DMA Sourc e Address High register (see Figure 9-6)
to produce a 20-bit source address.
Figur e 9-7 DMA Source Address Low Regist er (D0SRCL , D1SRCL, offsets C 0h and D0h )
The value of D0SRCL and D1SRCL at reset is undefi ned.
Bits 15–0: DMA Source Address Low (DSA15–DSA0)—These bits are driven onto
A15–A0 during the read phase of a DMA transfer.
15 70
DMA Controller
Data tran sfers c an be either sour ce or desti nati on synchro niz ed—eith er the source of the
data or the destination of the data can request the data transfer. DMA transfers can also
be unsynchronized (i.e., th e trans fer takes place cont inually until the correct number of
transfer s has occurred ).
During source synchronized or unsynchronized transfers, the DMA channel can begin a
transfer immediately after the end of the previous DMA transfer, and a complete transfer
can occur every two bus cycles or eight clock cycles (assuming no wait states).
When destination synchronization is performed, data is not fetched from the source address
until the desti nation device signals that it is ready to receive i t. When destinat ion
synchronized transfers are requested, the DMA controller relinquishes control of the bus
after ever y transfer . If no other bus activity is initiat ed, another DMA cyc le begins after two
processor clocks. This allows the de stination device time to remove i ts request if another
transfer is not desired.
When the DMA controller relinquishes the bus during destination synchronized transfers,
the CPU can initiate a bus cycle. As a result, a complete bus cycle is often inserted between
destination-synchronized transfers. Table 9-3 shows the maximum DMA transfer rates
based on the different synchronization strategies.
Table 9-3 Maximum DMA Transfer Rates
Maximum DMA
Transfer Rate (Mbyte s/se c)
Synchronization Type 40 MHz 33 MHz 25 MHz 20 MHz
Unsynchronized 10 8.25 6.25 5
Source Synch 10 8.25 6.25 5
Destination Synchronized
(CPU needs bus ) 6.6 5.5 4.16 3.3
Destination Synchronized
(CPU does not need bus) 8 6.6 5 4
DMA Controller 9-11
9.4.1 Synchronization Timing
DRQ1 or DRQ0 must be deasserted before the end of the DMA transfer to prevent another
DMA cycle from occurring. The timing for the required deassertion depends on whether
the transfer is source-synchroni zed or destination-synchronized.
9.4.1. 1 Source Synchroniz at i on Timing
Figure 9-8 shows a typical source-synchronized DMA transfer. The DRQ signal must be
deasserted at least four cl ocks before th e end of the tr ansfer (at T1 of the deposit phase).
If more transfers are not required, a source-synchronized transfer allows the source device
at least three clock cycles fr om the ti me it is acknowledged to deassert its DRQ line.
Figure 9-8 Source-Synchronized DMA Transfers
1. This source-synchronized transfer is not followed immediately by another DMA transfer.
2. This source-synchronized transfer is immediately followed by another DMA transfer because
DRQ is not deasserted soon enough.
9.4. 1.2 Destination Sy nc hr on iz at ion Timing
Figure 9-9 shows a typical destination-synchronized DMA transfer. A destination-
synchronized transfer differs from a source-synchronized transfer in that two idle states are
added to the end of the deposit cycle. The two idle states allow the destination device to
deassert its DRQ signal four clocks before the end of the cycle. Without the two idle states,
the destination device would not have time to deassert its DRQ signal.
Because of the two extra idle states, a destination-synchronized DMA channel allows other
bus masters to take the bus during the idle stat es. The CPU, the refresh control unit, and
another DMA channel can all access the bus during the idle states.
T1 T2 T3 T4 T1 T2 T3 T4
DRQ (First case)
DRQ (Second case)
Fetch Cycle Fetch Cycle
DMA Controller
Figure 9-9 Destination Synchronized DMA Transfers
1. This destination-synchronized transfer is not followed immediately by another DMA transfer.
2. This destination-synchronized transfer is immediately followed by another DMA transfer because
DRQ is not deasserted soon enough.
9.4.2 DMA Acknowledge
No explicit DMA acknowledge si gnal is provided. Since both source and destination
registers are maintained, a read from a requesting source or a write to a requesting
destination should be used as the DMA acknowledge signal. Since the chip-select l ines
can be programmed to be active for a given block of memory or I/O space, and the DMA
source and destination address registers can be programmed to poin t to the same given
block, a chip-select line could be used to indicate a DMA acknowledge.
9.4.3 DMA Priority
The DMA channels can be programmed so tha t one channe l is alway s given pri orit y over
the other, or they can be programmed to alternate cycles when both have DMA requests
pending (see sectio n 9. 3.1, bi t 5, t he P bit) . DMA cycle s al ways hav e pr iori ty ov er in ternal
CPU cycles except bet ween internall y locked memory accesses or word accesses to odd
memory locations. However, an external bus hold takes priority over an internal DMA cycle.
Because an interrupt request cannot suspend a DMA operation and the CPU cannot access
memory during a DMA cycle, interrupt latency time suffers during sequences of continuous
DMA cycles. An NMI request, however, causes all internal DMA activity to halt. This allows
the CPU to respond quickl y to the NMI request.
9.4.4 DMA Programming
DMA cycles occur whenever the ST bit of the control register is set. If synchronized transfers
are programmed, a DRQ must also be generated. Therefore, the source and destination
transfer address registers and the transfer count register (if used) must be programmed
before the ST bit is set.
T1 T2 T3 T4 T1 T2 T3 T4
(First case)
(Second case)
Fetch Cycle Deposit Cycle
DMA Controller 9-13
Each DMA register can be modified whil e the channel is operating. I f the CHG bit i s set to
0 when the control regist er is writ ten , th e ST bit of the contr ol register wi ll not be modified
by the write. If multiple channel registers are modified, an internally LOCKed string transfer
should be used to prevent a DMA t ransfer from occu rring between updat es to the channel
9.4.5 DMA Channels on Reset
On reset, the stat e of the DMA channels is as foll o ws:
nThe ST bit for each channel is reset.
nAny transfer in progress is aborted.
nThe values of the transfer count registers, source address regist ers, and destination
address registers are undefined.
DMA Controller
Asynchronous Serial Port 10-1
The Am186EM and Am188EM micr ocontroll ers provide an as ynchronous ser ial port. The
asynchronous serial port is a two-pin interface that pe rmits full-duplex bidirect ional data
transfer. The asynchronous serial port supports the following features:
nFull-duplex operation
n7-bit or 8-bit data transfers
nOdd parity, even parity, or no parity
n1 or 2 stop bits
If additional RS-232 sig nals are required, they can be created with available PIO pins (see
section 12.1 on page 12-1). The asynchronous serial port transmit and receive sections
are double-buf fered. Break characte r recognition, framing, parity, and overrun error
detection are provided. Exception inter rupt generation is programmed by the user.
The transmit/receive clock is based on the internal processor clock internally divided down
to the serial port operating frequency. If power-save mode is in effect, the divide factor must
be reprogrammed. The seri al port permits 7-bit and 8-bit data transfers. DMA transfers
through the serial port are not supported.
The serial por t generates one interrup t for all serial port events (transmit c omplete, data
received, or error). The Serial Port Stat us register contains the reason for the serial port
interrupt. The in terrupt type assigned to the serial port is 14h.
The serial port can be used in power -save mode, but the tr ansfer rate must be adjusted to
correctly reflect the new internal operating frequency and t he seria l por t must not receive
any information until the frequency is change d.
The asynchronous serial port is programmed thr ough the use of fi ve, 16-bit peripheral
registers. See Table 10-1.
Table 10 -1 Asynchronous Ser ial Port Re gister Summary
Offset from
PCB Register
Mnemonic Register Name
80h SPCT Serial Port Control
82h SPSTS Serial Port Status
84h SPTD Serial Port Transmit Data
86h SPRD Serial Port Receive Data
88h SPBAUD Serial Port Baud Rate Divisor
Asynchronous Serial Port
10.2.1 Serial Port Control Register (SPCT, Offset 80h)
The Serial Port Control register controls both the transmit and receive sections of the serial
port. The format of the Serial Port Control register is shown in Figure 10-1.
Figure 10-1 Serial Port Control Re gister (SPC T, offset 80h)
The value of SPCT at reset is 0000h .
Bits 15–12: Reserved—Set to 0.
Bit 11: Transmit Holding Register Empty Interrupt Enable (TXIE)—This bit enables the
serial port to generate an interrupt for the transmit holding register empty condition,
indicating that the serial port is r eady to accept a new character for tr ansmission. If th is bit
is 1 and the Serial Port Transmit Holding register does not contain valid data, the serial
port generat es an interrupt request. The value of TXIE after power-on reset is 0.
Bit 10: Receive Data Ready Interr upt Enable (RXIE)This bi t enables the serial port to
generate an int errupt for the receive data ready conditi on. If this bit is 1 and the Serial Port
Receive Buffer register contains data that has been received on the serial port, t he serial
port generat es an interrupt request. The value of RXIE after power-on reset is 0.
Bit 9: Loopback (LOOP)—Setting this bit to 1 places the serial port in the loopback mode.
In this mode, the TXD output i s set High and the t ransmit shi ft regist er is connected to the
receive s h ift register. Data transmitted by the transmit section is immediately received by
the receive section. The l oopback mode is provided for testing t he serial port. The val ue of
LOOP after power-on reset is 0.
Bit 8: Send Break (BRK)—Setting this bit to 1 causes the seri al port to send a cont inuous
level on the TXD output. A break is a continuous Low on t he TXD output for a duration of
more than one f rame transmission time. The level d riven on the TXD ou tput is determined
by the BRKVAL bit.
To use the transmitter to time the fram e, set the BRK bit when the transmitter i s empty
(indic ated by the TEMT bit o f the Seri al Port Status r egister ), writ e the seri al port tr ansmit
holding register, then wait until the TEMT bit is again set before resetting the BRK bit. Since
the TXD output is held constant while BRK is set, the data written to the transmit holding
register will not appear on the pin. The value of BRK after power-on reset is 0.
Bit 7: Break Value (BRKVAL)—This bit determi nes the output value transmitted on the
TXD pin during a send break operation. If BRKVAL is 1, a continuous High level is driven
on the TXD output. If BRKVAL is 0, a continuous Low level is driven on the TXD output.
Only a continuous Low value (BRKVAL=0) will result in a break being detected by the
receiver. The val ue of BRKVAL after power-on reset is 0.
15 70
Asynchronous Serial Port 10-3
Bits 6–5: Parity Mode (PMODE)—This field specifies how parity generation and checking
are performed dur ing transmission and reception, as shown in Table 10-2 .
Table 10-2 Parity Mode Bit Settings
If parity checking and generation is selected, a parity bit is received or sent in additi on to
the specified number of data bits.
The value of PMODE after power-on reset is 00b.
Bit 4: Word Length (WLGN)—This bit determ ines the number of bits transmitted or
received in a frame. If WLGN is 0, the serial port sends and receives 7 bits of data per
frame. If WLGN is 1, the serial port sends and rec eives 8 bits of data per frame. Th e value
of WLGN after power-on reset is 0.
Bit 3: Stop Bit s (STP)—A 0 in the STP bit specif ies that one stop bit is used to s ignify the
end of a frame. A 1 in this bit specifies that two stop bits are used to signify the end of a
frame. The value of STP after power-on reset is 0.
Bit 2: Transmit Mode (TMODE)—The TMODE bit enables data transmission and controls
the operati onal mode of the serial port for the transmission of data. If TMODE is 0, the
transmit section and transmit interrupts of the serial port are disabled. If TMODE is 1, the
transmit section of the serial port is enabled. The value of TMODE after power-on reset is 0.
Bit 1: Receive Status Interrupt Enable (RSIE)—This bit enables the serial port to generate
an interrupt because of an exception during reception. If this bit is 1 and the serial port
receives a break , or experiences a framing error, parity error, or overrun error, the serial
port generat es a serial port interrupt. The value of RSIE after power-on reset is 0.
Bit 0: Receive Mode (RMODE)—This field enables data reception and controls the
operational mode of the ser ial port for the reception of data . If RMODE is 0, the receive
section and receive interrupts of the serial port are disabled. If RMODE is 1, the receive
section of the serial port is enabled. The value of RMODE after power-on reset is 0.
Parity PMODE
None (No parity bit in frame) 0 X
Odd (Odd number of 1s in frame) 1 0
Even (Even number of 1s in frame) 1 1
Asynchronous Serial Port
10.2.2 Serial Port Status Register (SPSTS, Offset 82h)
The Serial Port Status regi ster indic ates the st atus of t he tr ansmit a nd r eceive sect ions of
the serial p ort. The format of the Serial Port Status register is shown in Figure 10-2.
Figure 10-2 Serial Port Status Register (SPSTS, offset 82h)
Bits 15–7: Reserved—Set to 0.
Bit 6: Transmitter Empty (TEMT)—The TEMT bit is 1 when the transmitter has no data
to tran smit and the transmit shift r egister i s empty. Thi s ind icates to software t hat it is safe
to disa ble the tran smi t secti on. This bi t is read- only.
Bit 5: Transmit Hold ing Register Empty (THRE)—When the THRE bit is 1, the transmit
holding r egister contains inval id data and can be writt en with data to be tran smitted. When
the THRE bit i s 0, the transmit holding regi ster cannot be written bec ause it contai ns valid
data that has not yet been copied to the transmit shift register for transmission.
If transmit i nterrup ts are enabled by the TMODE and TXIE fields, a serial port interrupt
request is generated when the THRE bit is 1. The THRE bit is reset automatically by writing
the transmit holding register. This bit is read-only, allowing other bi ts of the Serial Por t
Status regi ster to be written (i.e., reset ting t he BRKI bit) without inter fering with the curr ent
data reque st.
Bit 4: Receive Data Ready (RDR)—When the RDR bit is 1, the receive buffer register
contains dat a that can be read. When the RDR bit is 0, the receive buffer registe r does not
contain val id dat a. This bit is read-only.
If receive interrupts are enabled by the RMODE and RXIE fields, a serial port interrupt
request is generated when the THRE bit is 1. Reading the receive buffer register resets
the RDR bit.
Bit 3: Break Interrupt (BRKI)—The BRKI bit is set to indicate that a break has been
received. If the RSIE b it is 1, the BRKI bi t be ing set causes a ser ial port int errupt req uest.
The BRKI bit should be reset by software.
Bit 2: Frami ng Error (FER)—The FER bit is set to indicate that a framing error occurred
during recept ion of data. If the RSIE bit is 1, the FER bit being set causes a serial po rt
interr upt request. The FER bit should be reset by software.
Bit 1: Parity Error (PER)—The PER bit is set to indicate that a parity error occurred during
reception of data. If the RSIE bit is 1, the PER bit being set causes a serial port interrupt
request. The PER bit should be reset by software.
Bit 0: Overrun Error (OER)—The OER bit is set when an overrun error occur s during
reception of data. If the RSIE bit is 1, the OER bit being set causes a serial port interrupt
request. The OER bit should be reset by software.
15 70
Asynchronous Serial Port 10-5
10.2.3 Serial Port Transmit Data Register (SPTD, Offset 84h)
Software writes this register (Fi gure 10-4) with data to be transmitted on the serial port.
The transmit ter is double- buffered, and t he transmit sect ion copie s data from the transmit
data register to the transmit shift register (whi ch is not accessible to software) before
transmit ting the data.
Figure 10-3 Serial Port Transmit Data Register (SPTD, of fset 84h)
The value of SPTD at reset is undef ined.
Bits 15–8: Reserved
Bit 7–0: Transmit Data (TDATA)—This field is written with dat a to be transmitted on t he
serial port. The T HRE bit i n t he Seria l Port Stat us regi ster ind ica tes whether t here i s vali d
data in the SPTD register. To avoid overwriting dat a in the SPTD register, the THRE bit
should be r ead as a 1 before writing t his register. Writing this register causes the THRE bit
to be reset.
15 70
Reserved TDATA
Asynchronous Serial Port
10.2.4 Serial Port Receive Data Register (SPRD, Offset 86h)
This register ( Figure 10-4) contains data received over the serial port. The receiver is
double-buffered, and the receive sect ion can be receiving a subsequent frame of data in
the receive shift register (which is not accessible to software) while the receive data register
is being read by software.
Figur e 10-4 Serial Po r t Receiv e Data Register (SPRD, offse t 86h)
The value of SPRD at reset is undefined.
Bits 15–8: Reserved
Bits 7–0: Receive Data (RDATA)—This fiel d contains data received on the serial port.
The RDR bit of the Serial Port St atus register indicates valid data in the SPRD register . To
avoid read ing invalid data, the RDR bit shoul d be read as a 1 before the SPRD register is
read. Reading this register causes the RDR bit to be reset.
15 70
Reserved RDATA
Asynchronous Serial Port 10-7
10.2.5 Serial Port Baud Rate Divisor Re gister (SPBAUD, Offset 88h)
This register ( Figure 10-5) specifies a clock divisor for the generation of the serial clock
that cont rols the seri al port . The serial clock rat e is 16 times the baud rate of transmissi on
or reception of data. The SPBAUD register specifies the number of internal processor cycles
in one
(half period) of the 16x serial clock.
If power-save mode i s in effect, th e baud rate divisor must be rep rogrammed to refl ect the
new processor clock frequency.
A general formul a for the baud rate divisor is:
BAUDDIV=(Processor Frequency÷(32 Baud Rate))–1
The maximum baud rate is 1/32 of the int ernal processo r clock and is achieved by setting
BAUDDIV=0000h. For a 40-MHz cl ock, a baud rate of 9600 can be achi eved with
BAUDDIV=129 (81h). A 1% error applies.
Figure 10-5 Serial Port Baud Rate Diviso r Register (SPBAUD, offset 88h)
The value of SPBAUD at reset is undefined.
Bits 15–0: Baud Rate Divisor (BAUDDIV)—This field specifies the divisor for the internal
processor cl ock that g enerates one phase (half period) of the ser ial clock. The serial clock
operates at 16 times the data transmission or reception baud rate.
Table 10-3 shows baud rate divisors for a range of common baud rates and processor clock
Table 10-3 Serial Port Baud Rate Table
Baud Rate Divisor Based on CPU Clock Rate
20 MHz 25 MHz 33 MHz 40 MHz
300 2082 2603 3471 4165
600 1040 1301 1735 2082
1200 519 650 867 1040
2400 259 324 433 519
4800 129 161 216 259
9600 64 80 107 129
14,400 42 53 71 85
19,200 31 39 53 64
625 Kbaud 0 N/A N/A 1
781.25 Kbaud N/A 0 N/A N/A
1.041 Mbaud N/A N/A 0 N/A
1.25 Mbaud N/A N/A N/A 0
15 70
Asynchronous Serial Port
Synchronous Serial Interface 11-1
The synchronous serial interface lets the Am186EM and Am188EM microcontrollers
communicate with application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs) that require
programmability but are short on pins. The four- pin interface permits half-duplex,
bidirectional data transfer at speeds of up to 20 Mbit/s with a 40-MH z CPU clock.
Unlike the asynchronous serial port, the SSI oper ates in a master/sl ave configuration. The
Am186EM and Am188EM microcontrollers operate as the master port.
The SSI interface pr ovides four pins for communicati ng with system com ponents: two
enables (SDEN0 and SDEN1), a clock (SCLK), and a data pin (SDATA). Fi ve registers
(see Table 11-1) are used to control and monitor the interface.
nThe Synchronous Serial Status register (SSS) reports the current port status.
nThe Synchronous Serial Control register (SSC) sets the port clock rate and controls the
enable signals.
nThere are two data transmit registers—the Synchronous Serial Transmit 0 register
(SSD0) and the Synchronous Serial Transmit 1 register (SSD1)—but data is transmitted
and received over a single pin (SDATA).
nThe Synchronous Serial Receive Register (SSR) holds data received over the SSI.
Table 11 -1 Synchronous Serial Interf ace Register Summa ry
from PCB Register
Mnemonic Register Name
10h SSS Synchronous Serial Status
12h SSC Synchronous Serial Control
14h SSD1 Synchronous Serial Transmit 1
16h SSD0 Synchronous Serial Transmit 0
18h SSR Synchronous Serial Receive
Synchronous Serial Interface
11.1.1 Fou r-Pin Interf ac e
The SDEN1–SDEN0 enable pins can be enabled for up to two peripheral devices.
Transmit and receive operations are synchronized between the master (Am186EM or
Am188EM microcontrol ler) and slav e (p eripheral) by means of t he SCLK output . SCLK i s
derived fr om the proc essor int ernal clock divided by 2, 4, 8, or 16, as spec ifi ed by the SSC
registe r. SCLK is only driven during dat a transmit or receive op erations. The inacti ve state
of SCLK is High.
If power- save mode is in e ffect, t he SCLK frequency i s affected b y the reduc ed processor
clock frequency.
Data is transferred across the SDATA input /output pin. Data is driven on the falling edge
of SCLK and latched on the ris ing edge of SCLK. The least-significant bit of the data is
shifted first for both transmit and receive operations. During write operations, the processor
holds data for one-half of an SCLK period following the transfer of the last data bit. SDATA
has a weak keeper that holds the last value of SDATA on the pin.
The registers documented on the following pages are accessible to the system programmer.
Synchronous Serial Interface 11-3
11.2.1 Synchronous Serial Status Register (SSS, Offset 10h)
This read-o nly register in dic ates t he sta te of the SSI port. The forma t of the Synchr onous
Serial Stat us register is shown in Figure 11-1.
Figure 11-1 Synchronous Serial Status Register (SSS, offset 1 0h )
The value of the SSS register at reset is 0000h.
Bits 15–3: Reserved—Set to 0.
Bit 2: Receive/Transmit Error Detect (RE/TE)This bit is set when the SSI detects either
a read of the Synchronous Serial Receive register or a write to one of the transmit registers
while the SSI is busy ( PB=1). This bit is reset when the SDEN output is inact ive (bits DE1–
DE0 in the SSC register are both 0).
Bit 1: Data Receive/Transmit Complete (DR/DT)—The DR/DT bit is set at the end of the
transfer of data bit 7 (SCLK rising edge) durin g a transmit or receive opera tion. This bit is
reset when the SSR register is read, when one of the SSD0 or SSD1 registers is written,
when the SSS register is read (unless the SSI comple tes an operation and sets the bit in
the same cycle), or when both SDEN0 and SDEN1 become inactive.
Bit 0: SSI Port Busy (PB)—When the PB bit is set , a tra nsmit or receive oper ation is in
progress. When PB is reset, the port is ready to transmit or receive data.
15 70
Synchronous Serial Interface
11.2.2 Synchronous Serial Control Regi ster (SSC, Offset 12h)
This read/write register controls the operation of the SDEN0–SDEN1 outputs and the
transfer rate of the SSI port. The SDEN0 and SDEN1 outputs are asserted when a 1 is
written to the corresponding bit. However, in the case when both DE0 and DE1 are set,
only SDEN0 will be asserted. The format of the Synchronous Serial Control register is
shown in Figure 11-2.
Figure 11-2 Synchronous Serial Control Register (SSC, offset 12h)
The value of the SSC register at reset is 0000h.
Bits 15–6: Reserved—Set to 1.
Bits 5–4: SCLK Di vide (SCLKDIV)—These bits deter mine the SCLK fr equency. SCLK is
derived from the internal processor clock by dividing by 2, 4, 8, or 16. Table 11-2 shows
the processor clock frequency divider values for the possible SCLKDIV settings.
If power- save mode is in e ffect, t he SCLK frequency i s affected b y the reduc ed processor
clock frequency.
Table 11-2 SCLK Divider Values
Bits 3–2: Reserved—Set to 0.
Bit 1: SDEN1 Enable (DE1) —When this bit is set to 1, t he SDEN1 pin is held High. When
DE1 is set to 0, the SDEN1 pin is Low.
Bit 0: SDEN0 Enable (DE0) —When this bit is set to 1, t he SDEN0 pin is held High. When
DE0 is set to 0, the SDEN0 pin is Low.
SCLKDIV SCLK Frequency Divider
00b Processor clock / 2
01b Processor clock / 4
10b Processor clock / 8
11b Processor clock / 16
15 70
Synchronous Serial Interface 11-5
11.2.3 Synchronous Serial Transmit 1 Registe r (SSD1, Offset 14h)
Synchronous Serial Transmit 0 Register (SSD0, Offset 16h)
The Synchronous Serial Transmit 1 and 0 re gisters contain data to be transf erred from the
processor to the peripheral on a write operation. Only the least-signif icant 8 bits of the
registe r are used. The format of SSD1 and SSD0 is shown in Figure 11-3.
Writes to SSD1 or SSD0 cause the PB bit in the SSS regis ter to be set and a transmission
sequence to begin as shown in Figure 11-5 on page 11-8. A write to e ither SSD1 or SSD0
while the po rt is busy set s the RE/TE (Receiv e/Transmit Err or) bit i n the SSS registe r and
does not generate additional data transfers.
Figure 11-3 Synchronous Serial Transmit Register (SSD1, SSD0, offs ets 14h an d 16h)
The value of these registers at reset is undefined.
Bits 15–8: Reserved—Set to 0.
Bits 7–0: Send Data (SD)—Data to transmit over the SDATA pin. Bit 0 is transmitted first,
bit 7 is transmitted last.
15 70
Reserved SD
Synchronous Serial Interface
11.2.4 Synchronous Serial Receive Register (SSR, Offset 18h)
The Synchronou s Seri al Recei ve (SSR) register contains the data transferred from the
peripheral to the processor on a read operation. Only the least-significant 8 bits of the
register are used. The format of the SSR register is shown in Figure 11-4.
A receive data transmission is init iated by reading the SSR register while the port is not
busy (PB bit in SSS register is 0) and one or both of the enable bits (DE1–DE0 i n the SSC
register) is set. A receive transmis sion is not initiated by reading the SSR register when
neither of the enable bits is set (DE1–DE0 = 00b). This allows the software to read the
received data without initiating another receive transmission.
A read of the Synchronous Serial Receive register while the port is busy (PB bit is set in
the SSS register) sets the RE/TE (Receive/Transmit Error) bit in the SSS regist er and
returns an indeterminate value. Such a read does not generate additional data transfers.
Figure 11-4 Synchronous Serial Receive Register (SSR, offset 18h)
The value of this register at reset is undefined.
Bits 15–8: Reserved—Set to 0.
Bits 7–0: Receive Data (SR)—Data received over the SDATA pin. Bit 0 is transmitted first,
bit 7 is transmitted last.
15 70
Reserved SR
Synchronous Serial Interface 11-7
The SSI interface al lows for a variety of software and hardware protocols.
nSignaling a read/wri te—In general, softwa re uses the first wri te to the SSI to t ransmit
an address or count to the peripheral. This value can include a read/write flag in the
case where the device supports both reads and writes.
nUsing SSD1 as an address registe r—The SSD1 register can be an address regi st er
that holds the value of the last address accessed, and the SSD0 register can be the
data transmit registe r. In th is case, the current value in the SSD1 regist er can be used
by software to gener ate the next addr ess or to determi ne if the last transaction was a
read or a write.
nUsing SSD1 and SSD0 as t rans mit regi ster s for t wo peri phera l devices —In some
systems, it may clarify the code and aid in debuggi ng to view the two data tr ansmit
registers as unique to different peripheral devices. This allows the last value transmitted
to each device to be examined by debug code.
Synchronous Serial Interface
Figure 11-5 Synchronous Serial Interface Multiple Write
Figure 11-6 Synchronous Serial Interface Multiple Read
Write to SSC
bit DE=1
Write to SSD
Poll SSS for
Write to SSD
Poll SSS for
Write to SSD Write to SSC bit
Poll SSS for
DR/DT=0 PB=1
DR/DT=0 PB=0
DR/DT=1 PB=1
DR/DT=0 PB=0
DR/DT=1 PB=1
DR/DT=0 PB=0
DR/DT=1 PB=0
Write to SSC
bit DE=1
Write to SSD
Poll SSS for
Read from SSR
Poll SSS for
Read from
SSR Write to SSC
bit DE=0
Poll SSS for
DR/DT=0 PB=1
DR/DT=0 PB=0
DR/DT=1 PB=1
DR/DT=0 PB=0
DR/DT=1 PB=1
DR/DT=0 PB=0
DR/DT=1 PB=0
Read from SSR
Programmable I/O Pins 12-1
Thirty-two pins on the Am186EM and Am188EM microcontrollers are available as user-
programmable I/ O signals (PIOs). Each of these pins can be used as a PIO if the normal
functio n of the pin is not needed. If a pin is enabled t o function as a PIO si gnal, the normal
functio n is disabled and does not affect the pi n. A PIO signal can be c onfigured to operate
as an input or output with or without internal pullup or pulldown resist ors, or as an open-
drain output.
After power-on reset, the PIO pins default to various configurations. The column titled
Power-On Reset State
in Table 12-1 lists the defaults for the PIOs. T he s ys tem i nit ia li z at io n
code mus t reco nfigur e PIOs as requi red.
The A19–A17 address pins defaul t to normal operation on power-on reset, allowing the
processor to correctly begin fetchi ng instructions at t he boot address FFFF0h. The DT/R,
DEN, and SRDY pins al so defa ult to nor mal ope ration o n power- on reset .
Figure 12-1 Programm able I/O Pin Op eration
40 MHz
Mode PIO
Bus Q
Data In
Data In
Programmable I/O Pins
Table 12 - 1 PIO Pin Assign ments
1. These pins are used by emulators. (Emulators also use
ALE, AD15–AD0, and A16–A0.)
2. These pins revert to normal operation if
(Am186EM) or
(Am188E M)
is held Low during power-on reset.
3. When used as a PIO, input with pullup option available.
4. When used as a PIO, input with pulldown option available.
PIO No. Associated Pin Power-On Reset Status
0TMRIN1 Input with pullup
1TMROUT1 Input with pulldown
2PCS6/A2 Input with pullup
3PCS5/A1 Input with pullup
4DT/R Normal operation(3)
5DEN Normal operation(3)
6SRDY Normal operation(4)
7(1) A17 Normal operation(3)
8(1) A18 Normal operation(3)
9(1) A19 Normal operation(3)
10 TMROUT0 Input with pulldown
11 TMRIN0 Input with pullup
12 DRQ0 Input with pullup
13 DRQ1 Input with pullup
14 MCS0 Input with pullup
15 MCS1 Input with pullup
16 PCS0 Input with pullup
17 PCS1 Input with pullup
18 PCS2 Input with pullup
19 PCS3 Input with pullup
20 SCLK Input with pullup
21 SDATA Input with pullup
22 SDEN0 Input with pulldown
23 SDEN1 Input with pulldown
24 MCS2 Input with pullup
25 MCS3/RFSH Input with pullup
26(1,2) UZI Input with pullup
27 TXD Input with pullup
28 RXD Input with pullup
29(1,2) S6/CLKDIV2 Input with pullup
30 INT4 Input with pullup
31 INT2 Input with pullup
Programmable I/O Pins 12-3
Table 12-2 shows the possible settings for the PIO Mode and PIO Direction bits. The
Am186EM and Am188EM microcontrollers defaul t the 32 PIO pins to either 00b (normal
operation) or 01b (PIO input with weak internal pullup or pulldown enabled).
Pins that default to active High outputs at reset are pulled down. All other pins are pulled
up or are normal operation. See Table 12-2. The column titled
Power- On Rese t State
Table 12-1 lists the defaults for the PIOs.
The internal pullup resis tor ha s a value of approxi m ately 10 Kohms. The in ter nal p ulldo wn
resistor has a value of approximately 10 Kohms.
Table 12-2 PIO Mode and PIO Direction Settings
12.2.1 PIO Mode 1 Register (PIOMODE1, Offset 76h )
The value of PIOMODE1 at reset is 0000h.
Bits 15–0: PIO Mode Bits (PM ODE31–PMODE16) —This field with the PIO direction
registers determines whether each PIO pin performs its pre-assigned function or is enabled
as a custom PIO signal. The most significant bit of the PMODE field determines whether
PIO31 is enabled, the next bit determines whether PIO30 is enabled, and so on.
Table 12- 2 shows the values that the PIO mode bits and the PIO d irect ion bits can encod e.
12.2.2 PIO Mode 0 Register (PIOMODE0, Offset 70h )
The value of PIOMODE0 at reset is 0000h.
Bits 15–0: PIO Mode Bits (PM ODE15–PMODE0) —This field is a continuation of the
PMODE field in the PIO Mode 1 register.
Mode PIO
Direction Pin Function
0 0 Normal operation
0 1 PIO input with pullup/pulldown
1 0 PI O output
1 1 PIO input without pullup/pulldown
15 7 0
PMODE (31–16)
15 7 0
PMODE (15–0)
Figure 12-3 PIO Mode 0 Register
(PIOMO DE 0, of fset 70h)
Figur e 12-2 PIO Mode 1 Register
(PIOMODE1, offset 76h)
Programmable I/O Pins
Each PIO is individually programmed as an input or output by a bit in one of the PIO Direction
registers (see Figure 12-4 and Figure 12-5). Table 12-2 on page 12-3 shows the values
that the PI O mode bits and the PIO directio n bits can encode. The column titled
Reset S tat e
in Table 12-1 lists the reset default values for the PIOs. Bits in the PIO Direction
registers have the same correspondence to pins as bits in the PIO Mode registers.
12.3.1 PIO Dire ction 1 Register (PDIR1, Offset 78h)
The value of PDIR1 at reset is FFFFh.
Bits 15–0: PIO Direction Bits (PDIR31–PDIR16)—This field determines whether each
PIO pin act s as an input or an output. The most signif icant bit of the PDIR field determines
the direction of PIO31, the next bit determines the direction of PIO30, and so on. A 1 in the
bit configur es the PIO signal as an input, and a 0 in the bit co nfigures it as an output or as
normal pin function.
12.3.2 PIO Dire ction 0 Register (PDIR0, Offset 72h)
The value of PDIR0 at reset is FC0Fh.
Bits 15–0: PI O Direction Bits ( PDIR15–PDIR0)—This field is a continuati on of the PDIR
field in the PIO Dire ction 1 register.
15 7 0
PDIR (31–16)
Figure 12-4 PIO Direction 1 Register
(PDIR1, offset 78h)
15 7 0
PDIR (15–0)
Figure 12-5 PIO Direction 0 Register
(PDIR0, offset 72h)
Programmable I/O Pins 12-5
If a PIO pin is enabled as an output, the value in the corr esponding bit in one of the PIO
Data registers (see Figure 12-6 and Figure 12-7) is driven on the pin with no inversion
(Low=0, Hi gh=1 ). If a PIO pin i s enabled as an input, the val ue on the PI O pin is r efl ected
in the val ue of the corr esponding bit in the PIO Data regist er, with no i nversion. Bi ts in the
PIO Data registers have the same correspondence to pins as bits in the PIO Mode registers
and PIO Direction registers.
12.4.1 PIO Data Register 1 (PDATA1, Offset 7Ah)
Bits 7–0: PIO Data Bits (PDATA31–PDATA16)—This field determines the level driven on
each PIO pin or reflects the external level of the pin, depending upon whether the pin is
configur ed as an ou tput or an inpu t in the PIO Dir ectio n regi sters . The most si gnifi cant bi t
of the PDATA field indicates the level of PIO31, the next bit indicates the level of PIO30,
and so on.
The value of PDATA1 at reset is undefi ned.
12.4.2 PIO Data Re gister 0 (PDATA0, Offset 74h)
Bits 15–0: PIO Data Bits (PDATA15–PDATA0)T his field i s a continua tion of the P DATA
field i n the PIO Data 1 regi ster.
The value of PDATA0 at reset is undefi ned.
The PIO Data regi sters per mit the PIO si gnals to be oper ated as open -drain outpu ts. Thi s
is accompl ished by keepi ng the appropr iate PDATA bits const ant in the PIO Data r egister
and writing the data value into its associated bit position in the PIO Direction register, so
the output is eithe r dri ving Low or is disabled, depending on the data.
PDATA (15–0)
15 7 0
Figure 12-6 PIO Dat a 1 Regist er
(PDATA1, offset 7Ah)
15 7 0
PDATA (31–16)
Figure 12-7 PIO Data 0 Register
(PDATA0, offset 74h)
Programmable I/O Pins
Register Summary A-1
This appendix summarizes the peripheral control block registers. Table A-1 lists all the
registers. Figure A-1 shows the layout of each of the internal registers.
The column titled
in Table A-1 is used to identify the specific use of interrupt
registers when there is a mix of master mode and slave mode usage. The registers that
are marked as
Slave &
can have different configurations for the different m odes.
Register Summary
Table A-1 Internal Register Summary
Hex Offset Mnemonic Register Description Comment
FE RELREG Peripheral control block relocation register
F6 RESCON Reset confi gur ati on regis te r
F4 PRL Processor release level register
F0 PDCON Power-save control register
E4 EDRAM Enable RCU register
E2 CDRAM Clock prescaler register
E0 MDRAM Memory partition register
D8 D1TC DMA 1 transfer count register
D6 D1DSTH DMA 1 destination address high register
D4 D1DSTL DMA 1 destination address low register
D2 D1SRCH DMA 1 source address high register
D0 D1SRCL DMA 1 source address low register
CA D0CON DMA 0 control register
C8 D0TC DMA 0 transfer count register
C6 D0DSTH DMA 0 destination address high register
C4 D0DSTL DMA 0 destination address low register
C2 D0SRCH DMA 0 source address high register
C0 D0SRCL DMA 0 source address low register
A8 MPCS PCS and MCS aux il ia ry reg is ter
A6 MMCS Midrange memory chip select register
A4 PACS Peripheral ch ip select regist er
A2 LMCS Low memory chip select register
A0 UMCS Upper memory chip select register
88 SPBAUD Serial port baud rate divisor register
86 SPRD Serial port receive data register
84 SPTD Serial port transmit data register
82 SPSTS Serial port status register
80 SPCT Serial port control register
7A PDATA1 PIO data 1 register
78 PDIR1 PIO direction 1 register
76 PIOMODE1 PIO mod e 1 regis ter
74 PDATA0 PIO data 0 register
72 PDIR0 PIO direction 0 register
70 PIOMODE0 PIO mod e 0 regis ter
66 T2CON Timer 2 mode/control register
62 T2CMPA Timer 2 maxcount compare A register
60 T2CNT Timer 2 count register
5E T1CON Timer 1 mode/control register
Register Summary A-3
Table A -1 Internal Register Summary (continued )
Hex Offset Mnemonic Register Description Comment
5C T1CMPB Timer 1 maxcount compare B register
5A T1CMPA Timer 1 maxcount compare A register
58 T1CNT Timer 1 count register
56 T0CON Timer 0 mode/control register
54 T0CMPB Timer 0 maxcount compare B register
52 T0CMPA Timer 0 maxcount compare A register
50 T0CNT Timer 0 count register
44 SPICON Serial port interrupt control register Master mode
42 WDCON Watchdog timer interrupt control register Master mode
40 I4CON INT4 control register Master mode
3E I3CON INT3 control register Master mode
3C I2CON INT2 control register Master mode
3A I1CON INT1 control register Master mode
T2INTCON Timer 2 interrupt control register Slave mode
38 I0CON INT0 control register Master mode
T1INTCON Timer 1 interrupt control register Slave mode
36 DMA1CON DMA 1 interrupt control register Slave & master
34 DMA0CON DMA 0 interrupt control register Slave & master
32 TCUCON Timer interrupt control register Master mode
T0INTCON Timer 0 interrupt control register Slave mode
30 INTSTS Interrupt status register Slave & master
2E REQST Interrupt request register Slave & master
2C INSERV In-service register Slave & master
2A PRIMSK Priority mask register Slave & master
28 IMASK Interrupt mask register Slave & master
26 POLLST Poll status register Master mode
24 POLL Poll register Master mode
22 EOI End-of-interrupt register Master mode
EOI Specific end-of-interrupt register Slave mode
20 INTVEC Interrupt vector register Slave mode
18 SSR Synchronous serial receive register
16 SSD0 Synchronous serial transmit 0 register
14 SSD1 Synchronous serial transmit 1 register
12 SSC Synchronous serial control register
10 SSS Synchronous serial status register
Register Summary
Figure A-1 Internal Register Summary
15 7 0
Res S/M
Res M/IO
Peripheral Control Block Relocation Register (RELREG)
Page 4-4
Reset Configuration Register (RESCON)
Page 4-5
15 7 0
Processor Release Level Register (PRL)
Page 4-6
15 7 0
PRL Reserved
15 7 0
Power-Save Control Register (PDCON)
Page 4-7
F0 000 00000
15 70
00000 T8–T0
Enable RCU Register (EDRAM)
Page 6-2
15 70
000000 RC8–RC0
Clock Prescaler Register (CDRAM)
Page 6-2
Register Summary A-5
Figur e A-1 Internal Registe r Summary (c ontinued)
15 7 0
RA19 RA130
Memory Partition Register (MDRAM)
Page 6-1
15 7 0
DMA 1 Transfer Count Register (D1TC)
Page 9-5
15 7 0
DMA 1 Destination Address Low Register (D1DSTL)
Page 9-7
15 70
Reserved DSA19–DSA16
DMA 1 Source Address High Register (D1SRCH)
Page 9-8
15 70
DMA 1 Source Address Low Register (D1SRCL)
Page 9-9
15 7 0
Reserved DDA19–DDA16
DMA 1 Destination Address High Register (D1DSTH)
Page 9-6
15 7 0
DMA 1 Control Register (D1CON)
Page 9-3
Register Summary
Figur e A-1 Internal Registe r Summary (c ontinued)
15 7 0
DMA 0 Control Register (D0CON)
Page 9-3
15 7 0
DMA 0 Transfer Count Register (D0TC)
Page 9-5
15 7 0
Reserved DDA19–DDA16
DMA 0 Destination Address High Register (D0DSTH)
Page 9-6
15 7 0
DMA 0 Destination Address Low Register (D0DSTL)
Page 9-7
15 70
Reserved DSA19–DSA16
DMA 0 Source Address High Register (D0SRCH)
Page 9-8
15 70
DMA 0 Source Address Low Register (D0SRCL)
Page 9-9
Register Summary A-7
Figur e A-1 Internal Registe r Summary (c ontinued)
15 7 0
PCS and MCS Auxiliary Register (MPCS)
Page 5-10
A8 R2
15 7 0
BA19–BA13 1 1 1 R1–R0111
Midrange Memory Chip Select Register (MMCS)
Page 5-8
15 70
BA19–BA11 1 1 R3 R1–R01
Peripheral Chip Select Register (PACS)
Page 5-12
A4 R2
15 7 0
R1–R00 UB2–UB0 1 1 1 1 R7 PSE 1 1 1
Low Memory Chip Select Register (LMCS)
Page 5-6
A2 R2
15 7 0
10000R7 R1–R0
Upper Memory Chip Select Register (UMCS)
Page 5-4
Serial Port Baud Rate Divisor Register (SPBAUD)
Page 10-7
15 7 0
Register Summary
Figur e A-1 Internal Registe r Summary (c ontinued)
Serial Port Receive Data Register (SPRD)
Page 10-6
15 7 0
Reserved RDATA
Serial Port Transmit Data Register (SPTD)
Page 10-5
15 70
Reserved TDATA
Serial Port Status Register (SPSTS)
Page 10-4
15 7 0
Serial Port Control Register (SPCT)
Page 10-2
15 7 0
PIO Data 1 Register (PDATA1)
Page 12-5
15 7 0
PIO Direction 1 Register (PDIR1)
Page 12-4
15 7 0
Register Summary A-9
Figur e A-1 Internal Registe r Summary (c ontinued)
PIO Mode 1 Registe r (PIOMODE1)
Page 12-3
15 7 0
PIO Data 0 Register (PDATA0)
Page 12-5
15 7 0
PIO Direction 0 Register (PDIR0)
Page 12-4
15 7 0
PIO Mode 0 Register (PIOMODE0)
Page 12-3
15 7 0
15 70
Timer 2 Mode/Control Register (T2CON)
Page 8-5
15 70
Timer 2 Maxcount Compare A Register (T2CMPA)
Page 8-7
Register Summary
Figur e A-1 Internal Registe r Summary (c ontinued)
15 70
Timer 2 Count Register (T2CNT)
Page 8-6
15 7 0
Timer 1 Mode/Control Register (T1CON)
Page 8-3
15 7 0
Timer 1 Maxcount Compare B Register (T1CMPB)
Page 8-7
15 70
Timer 1 Maxcount Compare A Register (T1CMPA)
Page 8-7
15 70
Timer 1 Count Register (T1CNT)
Page 8-6
15 70
Timer 0 Mode/Control Register (T0CON)
Page 8-3
15 70
Timer 0 Maxcount Compare B Register (T0CMPB)
Page 8-7
Register Summary A-11
Figur e A-1 Internal Registe r Summary (c ontinued)
15 7 0
Timer 0 Maxcount Compare A Register (T0CMPA)
Page 8-7
15 70
Timer 0 Count Register (T0CNT)
Page 8-6
Serial Port Interrupt Control Register (SPICON)
Master Mode
Page 7-19
15 70
Reserved (1)
Watchdog Timer Interrupt Control Register (WDCON)
Master Mode
Page 7-18
15 70
Reserved MSK PR2–PR0
15 7 0
INT4 Control Register (I4CON)
Master Mode
Page 7-15
15 70
Reserved PR2–PR0
INT3 Control Register (I3CON)
Master Mode
Page 7-15
Register Summary
Figur e A-1 Internal Registe r Summary (c ontinued)
15 70
Reserved PR2–PR0MSKLTM
INT2 Control Register (I2CON)
Master Mode
Page 7-15
15 70
Reserved MSKLTMC
INT1 Control Register (I1CON)
Master Mode
Page 7-13
15 70
Timer 2 Interrupt Control Register (T2INTCON)
Slave Mode
Page 7-29
15 70
Reserved MSKLTMC
INT0 Control Register (I0CON)
Master Mode
Page 7-13
15 70
Timer 1 Interrupt Control Register (T1INTCON)
Slave Mode
Page 7-29
15 70
DMA 1 Interrupt Control Register (DMA1CON)
Master Mode—Page 7-17
Slave Mode—Page 7-29
Register Summary A-13
Figur e A-1 Internal Registe r Summary (c ontinued)
15 70
DMA 0 Interrupt Control Register (DMA0CON)
Master Mode—Page 7-17
Slave Mode—Page 7-29
15 70
Timer Interrupt Control Register (TCUCON)
Master Mode—Page 7-17
Timer 0 Interrupt Control Register (T0INTCON)
Slave Mode—Page 7-29
15 70
Reserved TMR2–TMR0
Interrupt Status Register (INTSTS)
Master Mode—Page 7-20
Slave Mode—Page 7-30
Interrupt Request Register (REQST)
15 70
Reserved Res TMRD0D1I0I1I2I3I4WDSPI
Master Mode
Page 7-21
15 70
Reserved D0
Interrupt Request Register (REQST)
Slave Mode
Page 7-31
Register Summary
Figur e A-1 Internal Registe r Summary (c ontinued)
In-Service Register (INSERV)
15 70
Reserved Res TMRD0D1I0I1I2I3I4WDSPI
Master Mode
Page 7-22
15 70
Reserved D0D1
In-Service Register (INSERV)
Slave Mode
Page 7-32
Master Mode—Page 7-23
Slave Mode—Page 7-33
15 70
Reserved PRM2–PRM0
Priority Mask Register (PRIMSK)
Interrupt Mask Register (IMASK)
15 70
Reserved Res TMRD0D1I0I1I2I3I4WDSPI
Master Mode
Page 7-24
15 70
Reserved D0
Interrupt Mask Register (IMASK)
Slave Mode
Page 7-34
Register Summary A-15
Figur e A-1 Internal Registe r Summary (c ontinued)
15 70
Poll Status Register (POLLST)
Master Mode
Page 7-25
15 70
Poll Register (POLL)
Master Mode
Page 7-26
15 70
End-of-Interrupt Register (EOI)
Master Mode
Page 7-27
15 70
Specific End-of-Interrupt Register (EOI)
Slave Mode
Page 7-35
15 70
Interrupt Vector Register (INTVEC)
Slave Mode
Page 7-36
Register Summary
Figur e A-1 Internal Registe r Summary (c ontinued)
Synchronous Serial Receive Register (SSR)
Page 11-6
15 70
Reserved SR
Synchronous Serial Transmit 0 Register (SSD0)
Page 11-5
15 70
Reserved SD
Synchronous Serial Transmit 1 Register (SSD1)
Page 11-5
15 7 0
Reserved SD
Synchronous Serial Control Register (SSC)
Page 11-4
15 70
Synchronous Serial Status Register (SSS)
Page 11-3
15 7 0
Index I-1
(IRET) interrupt return 7-4
A1 signal (Latched Address Bit 1)
definition 3-8
A19-A0 signals (Address Bus)
definition 3-1
A2 signal (Latched Address Bit 2)
definition 3-8
AD15-AD0 signals (Address and Data Bus)
definition 3-2
AD7-AD0 signals (Address and Data Bus)
definition 3-1
ALE signal (Address Latch Enable)
definition 3-2
ALT bit (Alternate Compare Bit)
Timer 0 Mode/Control Register 8-4
Timer 1 Mode/Control Register 8-4
Am186 EM micr oc ont ro ll er
design philosophy xiii
product su ppor t ii i
Am188 EM micr oc ont ro ll er
signal descriptions
AD7-AD0 (Address and Data Bus) 3-1
MA15-MA7 (Multiplexed Address Bus) 3-2
RFSH2/ADEN (Refresh 2/Addres s Enable)
WB (Write Byte) 3-14
ARDY signal (Asynchronous Ready)
definition 3-2
B/W bit (Byte/Word Select) 9-4
BA19-BA11 field (Base Address)
Peripheral Chip Select Register 5-12
BA19-BA13 field (Base Address)
Midrange Memory Chip Select Register 5-8
BAUDDIV field (Baud Rate Divisor) 10-7
BHE signal (Bus High Enable)
definition 3-3
bits ALT (Alternate Compare Bit) 8-4
B/W (Byte/Word Select) 9-4
BA19-BA11 (Base Address) 5-12
BA19-BA13 (Base Address) 5-8
BAUDDIV (Baud Rate Divisor) 10-7
BRK (Send Break) 10-2
BRKI (Break Interrupt) 10-4
BRKVAL (Break Value) 10-2
C (Cascade Mode) 7-13
CAD (CLKOUTA Drive Disable) 4-7
CAF (CLKOUTA Output Frequency) 4-7
CBD (CLKOUTB Drive Disable) 4-7
CBF (CLKOUTB Output Frequency) 4-7
CHG (Change Start Bit) 9-4
CONT (Continuous Mode Bit) 8-4, 8-5
D1-D0 (DM A Channel Inte rrupt InServic e) 7-22, 7-
32, 7-34
D1-D0 (DMA Channel Interrupt Masks) 7-24
D1-D0 (DMA Channel Interrupt Request) 7-21, 7-31
DDA15-DDA0 (DMA Destination Address Low) 9-7
DDA19-DDA16 (DMA Destination Address High) 9-
DDEC (Destination Decrement) 9-3
DE0 (SDEN0 Enable) 11-4
DE1 (SDEN1 Enable) 11-4
DHLT (DMA Halt) 7-20, 7-30
DINC (Destination Increment) 9-3
DM/IO (Destination Address Space Select) 9-3
DR/DT (Data Receive/Transmit Complete) 11-3
DSA15-DSA0 (DMA Source Address Low) 9-9
DSA19-DSA16 (DMA Source Address High) 9-8
E (Enable RCU) 6-2
EN (Enable Bit) 8-3, 8-5
EX (Pin Selector) 5-11
EXT (External Clock Bit) 8-4
F2-F0 (Clock Div iso r Select) 4-7
FER (Framing Error) 10-4
I4-I0 (Interrupt InService) 7-22
I4-I0 (Interrupt Mask) 7-24
I4-I0 (Interrupt Requests) 7-21
INH (Inhibit Bit) 8-3, 8-5
INT (Interrupt Bit) 8-3, 8-5
INT (Interrupt) 9-4
IREQ (Interrupt Request) 7-25, 7-26
L2-L0 (Interrupt Type) 7-35
LB2-LB0 (Lower Bou nda ry) 5-4
LOOP (Loopback) 10-2
LTM (LevelTriggered Mode) 7-13, 7-15, 7-16
M/IO (Memory/I/O Space) 4-4
M6-M0 (MCS Block Size) 5-10
M6-M0 (Refresh Base) 6-1
MC (Maximum Count Bit) 8-3, 8-5
MS (Memory/I/O Space Selector) 5-11
MSK (Interrupt Mask) 7-17
MSK (Mask) 7-13, 7-15, 7-16, 7-18, 7-19, 7-29
NSPEC (NonSpecific EOI) 7-27
OER (Overrun Error) 10-4
P (Prescaler Bit) 8-3
P (Relative Priority) 9-4
PB (SSI Port Busy) 11-3
PDATA15-PDATA0 (PIO Data BIts) 12-5
PDATA3 1- PDA TA1 6 (PI O Data BIt s) 12-5
PDIR15-PDIR0 (PIO Direction Bits) 12-4
PDIR31-PDIR16 (PIO Direction Bits) 12-4
PER (Parity E rror) 10-4
PMODE (Parity Mode) 10-3
PMODE15-PMODE0 (PIO Mode Bits) 12-3
PMODE31-PMODE16 (PIO Mode Bits) 12-3
PR2-PR0 (Pr iori ty Lev el ) 7-29
PR2-PR0 (Priority ) 7-13, 7 -15, 7-16, 7-17, 7-1 8, 7-
PRM2-PRM0 (Priority Field Mask) 7-23, 7-33
PSE (PSRAM Mode Enable) 5-7
PSEN (Enable PowerSave Mode) 4-7
R19-R8 (Relocation Address Bits) 4-4
R1-R0 (Wait State Value) 5-5, 5-7, 5-9, 5-11
R2 (Ready Mode) 5-5, 5-7, 5-9, 5-11
R7 (Address Disable) 5-5, 5-7
RC (Reset Configuration) 4-5
RC8-RC0 (Refresh Counter Reload Value) 6-2
RDATA (Receive Data) 10-6
RDR (Receive Data Ready) 10-4
RE/TE (Receive/Transmit Error Detect) 11-3
RIU (Register in Use) 8-3
RMODE (Receive Mode) 10-3
RSIE (Receive Status Interrupt Enable) 10-3
RTG (Retrigger Bit) 8-3
RXIE (Receive Data Ready Interrupt Enable) 10-2
S/M (Slave/Master) 4-4
S4-S0 (Poll Status) 7-25, 7-26
S4-S0 (Source Vector Type) 7-27
SD (Send Data) 11-5
SDEC (Source Decrement) 9-4
SFNM (Special Fully Nested Mode) 7-13
SINC (Source Increment) 9-4
SM/IO (Source Address Space Select) 9-3
SPI (Serial Port Interrupt InService) 7-22
SPI (Serial Port Interrupt Mask) 7-24
SPI (Serial Port Interrupt Request) 7-21
SR ( Receive Data) 11-6
ST (Start/Stop DMA Channel) 9-4
STP (Stop Bits) 10-3
SYN1-SYN0 (Synchronization Type) 9-4
T4-T0 (Interrupt Type) 7-36
T8-T0 (Refresh Count) 6-2
TC (Terminal Count) 9-4
TC15-TC0 (Timer Compare Value) 8-7
TC15-TC0 (Timer Count Register) 9-5
TC15-TC0 (Timer Count Value) 8-6
TDATA (Transmit Data) 10-5
TDRQ (Timer Enable/Disable Request) 9-4
TEMT (Transmitter Empty) 10-4
THRE (Transmit Holding Register Empty ) 10-4
TMODE (Transmit Mode) 10-3
TMR (Ti mer Interrupt InService) 7-22
TMR (Ti mer Interrupt Mask) 7-24
TMR (Ti mer Interrupt Reques t) 7-21
TMR0 (Timer 0 Interrupt InService) 7-32
TMR0 (Timer 0 Interrupt Mask) 7-34
TMR0 (Timer 0 Interrupt Request) 7-31
TMR2-TMR0 (Timer Interrupt Request) 7-20, 7-30
TMR2-TMR1 (Timer 2/Timer 1 Interrupt InService)
TMR2-TMR1 (Timer 2/Timer 1 Interrupt Mask) 7-34
TRM2-TMR1 (Timer2/ Timer1 I nterrupt Reque st) 7-
TXIE (Transmit Holding Register Empty Interrupt
Enable) 10-2
UB2-UB0 (Upper Boundary) 5-6
Index I-3
WD (Virtual Watchdog Timer Interrupt InService) 7-
WD (Virtual Watchdog Timer Interrupt Mask) 7-24
WD (Virtu al Watchdog Ti mer Interrupt Requ est) 7-
WLGN (Word Length) 10-3
BRK bit (Send Break) 10-2
BRKI bit (Break Interrupt) 10-4
BRKVAL bit (Break Value) 10-2
C bit (Cascade Mode) 7-13
CAD bit (CLKOUTA Drive Disable) 4-7
CAF bit (CLKOUTA Output Fre quency) 4-7
Cascade mode 7-10
CBD bit (CLKOUTB Drive Disable) 4-7
CBF bit (CLKOUTB Output Fre quency) 4-7
CHG bit (Change Start Bit) 9-4
CLKDIV2 signal (Clock Divide by 2)
definition 3-12
CLKOUTA signa l (Clock Output A)
definition 3-3
CLKOUTB signa l (Clock Output B)
definition 3-4
Clock Prescaler Register
descripti on 6-2
CONT bit (Continuous Mode Bit)
Timer 0 Mode/Control Register 8-4
Timer 1 Mode/Control Register 8-4
Timer 2 Mode/Control Register 8-5
D1-D0 field (DMA Channel Interrupt InService) 7-22, 7-
32, 7-34
D1-D0 field (DMA Channel Interrupt Masks) 7-24
D1-D0 field (DMA Channel Interrupt Request) 7-21, 7-
DDA15-DDA0 field (DMA Destination Address Low) 9-7
DDA19-DDA16 field (DMA Destination Address High)
DDEC bit (Destination Decrement) 9-3
DE0 bit (SDEN0 Enable) 11-4
DE1 bit (SDEN1 Enable) 11-4
DEN signal (Data Enable)
definition 3-4
development tools
thirdparty products xiv
DHLT bit (DMA Halt) 7-20, 7-30
DINC bit (Destination Increment) 9-3
DM/IO bit (Destination Address Space Select) 9-3
DMA 0 Control Register
descripti on 9-3
DMA 0 Destination Address High Register
descripti on 9-6
DMA 0 Destination Address Low Register
descripti on 9-7
DMA 0 Interrupt Control Register
Master mode 7-17
Slave mode 7-29
DMA 0 Source Address High Register
descripti on 9-8
DMA 0 Source Address Low Register
descripti on 9-9
DMA 0 Transfer Count Register
descripti on 9-5
DMA 1 Control Register
descripti on 9-3
DMA 1 Destination Address High Register
descripti on 9-6
DMA 1 Destination Address Low Register
descripti on 9-7
DMA 1 Interrupt Control Register
Master mode 7-17
Slave mode 7-29
DMA 1 Source Address High Register
descripti on 9-8
DMA 1 Source Address Low Register
descripti on 9-9
DMA 1 Transfer Count Register
descripti on 9-5
AMD E86 Family publications xiv
ordering documentation and literature iii
DR/DT bit (Data Receive/Transmit Complete) 11-3
DRQ1-DRQ0 signals (DMA Requests)
definition 3-4
DSA15-DSA0 field (DMA Source Address Low) 9-9
DSA19-DSA16 field (DMA Source Address High) 9-8
DT/R signal (Data Transmit or Receive)
definition 3-4
E bit (Enable RCU) 6-2
EN bit (Enable Bit)
Timer 0 Mode/Control Register 8-3
Timer 1 Mode/Control Register 8-3
Timer 2 Mode/Control Register 8-5
EN bit (Enable PowerSave Mode) 4-7
Enable RCU Register
descripti on 6-2
Endofinterrupt processing 7-11
EndofInter rupt Regi s ter
Master mode 7-27
EOI 7-11
EX bit (Pin Selector) 5-11
EXT bit (External Clock Bit)
Timer 0 Mode/Control Register 8-4
Timer 1 Mode/Control Register 8-4
External interrupt acknowledge bus cycles table 7-7
F2-F0 field (Clock Divisor Select) 4-7
FER bit (Framing Error) 10-4
external interrupt acknowledge bus cycles 7-7
Fully nested mode interrupt controller connections
Fully nested mode 7-9
Fully nested mode interrupt controller connections 7-9
HLDA signal (Bus Hold Acknowledge)
definition 3-4
HOLD signal (Bus Hold Request)
definition 3-4
I4-I0 field (Interrupt InService) 7-22
I4-I0 field (Interrupt Mask) 7-24
I4-I0 field (Interrupt Requests) 7-21
IF (the interrupt enable flag) 7-2
INH bit (Inhibit Bit)
Timer 0 Mode/Control Register 8-3
Timer 1 Mode/Control Register 8-3
Timer 2 Mode/Control Register 8-5
InService Register
Master mode 7-22
Slave mode 7-32
Instruction exceptions 7-3
INT bit (Interrupt Bit)
Timer 0 Mode/Control Register 8-3
Timer 1 Mode/Control Register 8-3
Timer 2 Mode/Control Register 8-5
INT0 Control Register
Master mode 7-13
INT0 signal (Maskable Interrupt Request 0)
definition 3-5
INT1 Control Register
Master mode 7-13
INT1 signal (Maskable Interrupt Request 1)
definition 3-5
INT2 Control Register
Master mode 7-15
INT2 signal (Maskable Interrupt Request 2)
definition 3-5
INT3 Control Register
Master mode 7-15
INT3 signal (Maskable Interrupt Request 3)
definition 3-6
INT4 Control Register
Master mode 7-16
INT4 signal (Maskable Interrupt Request 4)
definition 3-6
INTA0 signal (Interrupt Acknowledge 0)
definition 3-5
INTA1 signal (Interrupt Acknowledge 1)
definition 3-6
Interrupt acknowledge 7-7
Interrupt conditions and sequence 7-4
Interrupt control unit 7-1
Interrupt controller registers
master mode 7-12
slave mode 7-28
Interrupt controller reset conditions 7-8
Interrupt enable flag (IF) 7-2
Index I-5
Interrupt mask bit 7-2
Interrupt Mask Register
Master mode 7-24
Slave mode 7-34
Interrupt priority 7-2, 7-5
Interrupt Request Register
Master mode 7-21
Slave mode 7-31
Interrupt return (IRET) 7-4
Interrupt Status Register
Master mode 7-20
Slave mode 7-30
Interrupt type 7-1
Interrupt types 7-6
Interrupt types table 7-3
Interrupt Vector Register
Slave mode 7-36
Interrupt vector table 7-2
array BOUNDs exception 7-6
breakpoint 7-6
cascade mode 7-10
divide error exception 7-6
EOI 7-11
ESC opcode exception 7-6
fully nested mode 7-9
Instruction exceptions 7-3
INTO overflow detected 7-6
Maskable and nonmaskable 7-2
master mode operation 7-9
nonmaskable (NMI) 7-6
polled 7-11
slave mode 7-28
slave mode nesting 7-28
Special fully nested mode 7-11
trace 7-6
unused opcode 7-6
IREQ bit (Interrupt Request)
Poll Register 7-26
Pol l Status Register 7-25
IRQ signal (Slave Interrupt Request)
definition 3-6
L2-L0 field (Interrupt Type) 7-35
LB2-LB0 field (Lower Boundary) 5-4
LCS signal (Lower Memory Chip Select)
definition 3-6
LOOP bit (Loopback) 10-2
Low Memory Chip Select Register
descripti on 5-6
LTM bit (LevelTriggered Mode)
INT0 Control Register 7-13
INT1 Control Register 7-13
INT2 Control Register 7-15
INT3 Control Register 7-15
INT4 Control Register 7-16
M/IO bit (Memory/I/O Space) 4-4
M6-M0 field (MCS Block Size) 5-10
M6-M0 field (Refresh Base) 6-1
MA15-MA7 signals (Multiplexed Address Bus)
definition 3-2
Maskable interrupts 7-2
Master mode interrupt registers 7-12
Master mode operation 7-9
MC bit (Maximum Count Bit)
Timer 0 Mode/Control Register 8-3
Timer 1 Mode/Control Register 8-3
Timer 2 Mode/Control Register 8-5
MCS2-MCS0 signals (Midrange Memory Chip Selects
definition 3-7
MCS3 signal (Midrange Memory Chip Select 3)
definition 3-7
Memory Partition Register
descripti on 6-1
Midrange Memory Chip Select Register
descripti on 5-8
MS bit (Memory/I/O Space Selector) 5-11
MSK (interrupt mask bit) 7-2
MSK bit (Interrupt Mask)
DMA Interrupt Control Registers 7-17
Timer Interrupt Control Registers 7-17
MSK bit (Mask)
DMA Interrupt Control Registers 7-29
INT0 Control Register 7-13
INT1 Control Register 7-13
INT2 Control Register 7-15
INT3 Control Register 7-15
INT4 Control Register 7-16
Serial Port Interrupt Control Register 7-19
Timer Interrupt Control Registers 7-29
Virtual Watchdog Timer Interrupt Control Register
NMI signal (Nonmaskable Interrupt)
definition 3-7
Nonmaskable interrupts 7-2, 7-6
NSPEC bit (NonSpecific EOI) 7-27
OER bit (Overrun Error) 10-4
ONCE0 signal (ONCE Mode Request 0)
definition 3-6
ONCE1 signal (ONCE Mode Request 1)
definition 3-13
P bit (Prescaler Bit)
Timer 0 Mode/Control Register 8-3
Timer 1 Mode/Control Register 8-3
P bit (Relative Priority) 9-4
PB bit (SSI Port Busy) 11-3
PCS and MCS Auxiliary Register
descripti on 5-10
PCS3-PCS0 signals (Peripheral Chip Selects 3-0)
definition 3-7
PCS5 signal (Peripheral Chip Select 5)
definition 3-8
PCS6 signal (Peripheral Chip Select 6)
definition 3-8
PDATA15-PDATA0 field (PIO Data BIts) 12-5
PDATA31-PDATA16 field (PIO Data BIts) 12-5
PDIR15-PDIR0 field (PIO Direction Bits) 12-4
PDIR31-PDIR16 field (PIO Direction Bits) 12-4
PER bit (Parity Error) 10-4
Peripheral Chip Select Register
descripti on 5-12
Peripheral Control Block Relocation Register 4-4
physical dimensions xiv
pin description xiv
PIO Data 0 Register
descripti on 12-5
PIO Data 1 Register
descripti on 12-5
PIO Direction 0 Register
descripti on 12-4
PIO Direction 1 Register
descripti on 12-4
PIO Mode 0 Register
descripti on 12-3
PIO Mode 1 Register
descripti on 12-3
PIO31-PIO0 signals (Programmable I/O Pins 31-0)
definition 3-8
PLLBYPS signal (PLL Bypass)
definition 3-14
PMODE field (Parity Mode) 10-3
PMODE15-PMODE0 field (PIO Mode Bits) 12-3
PMODE31-PMODE16 field (PIO Mode Bits) 12-3
Poll Register
Master mode 7-26
Poll Status Register
Master mode 7-25
Polled interrupts 7-11
PowerSave Control Register
descripti on 4-7
PR2-PR0 fie ld (P rior i ty Lev el )
DMA Interrupt Control Register 7-29
Timer Interrupt Control Register 7-29
PR2-PR0 fie ld (P rior i ty)
DMA Interrupt Control Registers 7-17
INT0 Control Register 7-13
INT1 Control Register 7-13
INT2 Control Register 7-15
INT3 Control Register 7-15
INT4 Control Register 7-16
Serial Port Interrupt Control Register 7-19
Timer Interrupt Control Registers 7-17
Virtual Watchdog Timer Interrupt Control Register
Priority Mask Register
Master mode 7-23
Index I-7
Slave mode 7-33
PRM2-PRM0 field (Priority Field Mask) 7-23, 7-33
Processor Release Level Register
descripti on 4-6
product su ppor t
bulletin board service iii
documentation and literature iii
technical support hotline iii
PSE bit (PSRAM Mode Enable) 5-7
R19-R8 field (Relocation Address Bits) 4-4
R1-R0 field (Wait State Value)
Low Memory Chip Select Register 5-7
Midrange Memory Chip Select Register 5-9
PCS and MCS Auxiliary Register 5-1 1
Upper Memor y Chip Sele ct Regi st er 5-5
R2 bit (Ready Mode)
Low Memory Chip Select Register 5-7
Midrange Memory Chip Select Register 5-9
PCS and MCS Auxiliary Register 5-1 1
Upper Memor y Chip Sele ct Regi st er 5-5
R7 field (Address Disable)
Upper Memory Chip Select Register 5-5, 5-7
RC field (Reset Configuration) 4-5
RC8-RC0 field (Refresh Counter Reload Value) 6-2
RD signal (Read Strobe)
definition 3-11
RDATA field (Receive Data) 10-6
RDR bit (Receive Data Ready) 10-4
RE/TE bit (Receive/Transmit Error Detect) 11-3
Clock Prescaler (CDRAM, Offset E2h) 6-2
DMA 0 Control (D0CON, Offset CAh) 9-3
DMA 0 Interrupt Control (DMA0CON, Offset 34h) 7-
17, 7-29
DMA 0 Source Address High (D0SRCH, Offset
C2h) 9-8
DMA 0 Source Address Low (D0SRCL, Offset C0h)
DMA 0 Transfer Count (D0TC, Offse t C8h) 9-5
DMA 1 Control (D1CON, Offset DAh) 9-3
DMA 1 Desti nat ion Ad dr es s High ( D0 D STH, Off se t
C6h) 9-6
DMA 1 Desti nat ion Ad dr es s High ( D1 D STH, Off se t
D6h) 9-6
DMA 1 Destination Address Low (D0DSTL, Offset
C4h) 9-7
DMA 1 Destination Address Low (D1DSTL, Offset
D4h) 9-7
DMA 1 Interrupt Control (DMA1CON, Offset 36h) 7-
17, 7-29
DMA 1 Source Address High (D1SRCH, Offset
D2h) 9-8
DMA 1 Source Address Low (D1SRCL, Offset D0h)
DMA 1 Transfer Count (D1TC, Offset D8h) 9-5
Enable RCU (EDRAM, Offset E4h) 6-2
EndofInterrupt (EOI, Offset 22h) 7-27
InService (INSERV, Offset 2Ch) 7-22, 7-32
INT0 Control (INT0, Offset 38h)
Master mode 7-13
INT1 Control (INT1, Offset 3Ah)
Master mode 7-13
INT2 Control (INT2, Offset 3Ch)
Master mode 7-15
INT3 Control (INT3, Offset 3Eh)
Master mode 7-15
INT4 Control (INT4, Offset 40h)
Master mode 7-16
Interrupt Mask (IMASK, Offset 28h) 7-24, 7-34
Interrupt Request (REQST, Offset 2Eh) 7-21, 7-31
Interrupt Status (INSTS, Offset 30h) 7-20
Interrupt Status (INTSTS, Offset 30h) 7-30
Interrupt Vector (INTVEC, Offset 20h) 7-36
Low Memory Chip Select (LMCS, Offset A2h) 5-6
Memory Partition (MDRAM, Offset E0h) 6-1
Midrange Memory Chip Select (MMCS, Offset A6h)
PCS and MCS Auxiliary (MPCS, Offset A8h) 5-10
Peripheral Chip Select (PACS, Offset A4h) 5-12
Peripheral Control Block Relocation (RELREG, Off-
set FEh) 4-4
PIO Data 0 (PDATA0, Offset 74h) 12-5
PIO Data 1 (PDA TA1, Offset 7Ah) 12-5
PIO Direction 0 (PDIR0, Offset 72h) 12-4
PIO Direction 1 (PDIR1, Offset 78h) 12-4
PIO Mode 0 (PIOMODE0, Offset 70h) 12-3
PIO Mode 1 (PIOMODE1, Offset 76h) 12-3
Poll (POLL, Offset 24h) 7-26
Poll Status (POLLST, Offset 26h) 7-25
PowerSave Control (PDCON, Offset F0h) 4-7
Priority Mask (PRIMSK, Offset 2Ah) 7-23, 7-33
Processor Release Level (PRL, Offset F4) 4-6
Reset Configuration (RESCON, Offset F6h) 4-5
Serial Port Baud Rate Divisor (SPBAUD, Offset
88h) 10-7
Serial Port Control (SPCT, Offset 80h) 10-2
Serial Port Interrupt Control (SPICON, Offset 44h)
Master mode 7-19
Serial Port Receive Data (SPRD, Offset 86h) 10-6
Serial Port Status (SPSTS, Offset 82h) 10-4
Serial Port Transmit (SPTD, Offset 84h) 10-5
Specific EndofInterrupt (EOI, OFfset 22h) 7-35
Synchronous Serial Control (SSC, Offset 12h) 11-4
Synchronous Serial Rec eiv e ( S SR, Of fse t 18h ) 11 -
Synchronous Serial Status (SSS, Offset 10h) 11-3
Synchrono us Seri al Transmi t 0 (SSD 0, Offset 14 h)
Synchrono us Seri al Transmi t 1 (SSD 1, Offset 14 h)
Timer 0 Count (T0CNT, Offset 50h) 8-6
Timer 0 Interrupt Control (T0INTCON, Offset 32h)
Timer 0 Maxcount Compare A (T0CMPA, Offset
52h) 8-7
Timer 0 Maxcount Compare B (T0CMPB, Offset
54h) 8-7
Timer 0 Mode and Control (T0CON, Offset 56h) 8-3
Timer 1 Count (T1CNT, Offset 58h) 8-6
Timer 1 Interrupt Control (T1INTCON, Offset 38h)
Timer 1 Maxcount Compare A (T1CMPA, Offset
5Ah) 8-7
Timer 1 Maxcount Compare B (T1CMPB, Offset
5Ch) 8-7
Timer 1 Mode and Control (T1CON, Offset 5Eh) 8-3
Timer 2 Count (T2CNT, Offset 60h) 8-6
Timer 2 Interrupt Control (T2INTCON, Offset 3Ah)
Timer 2 Maxcount Compare A (T2CMPA, Offset
62h) 8-7
Timer 2 Mode and Control (T2CON, Offset 66h) 8-5
Timer Interrupt Control (TCUCON, Offset 32h) 7-17
Upper Memory Chip Select (UMCS, Offset A0h) 5-4
Watchdog Timer Interrupt Control (WDCON, Offset
Master mode 7-18
RES signal (Reset)
definition 3-11
interrupt controller conditions 7-8
Reset Configuration Register
descripti on 4-5
RFSH signal (Automatic Refresh)
definition 3-7
RFSH2/ADEN signal
definition 3-11
RIU bit (Register in Use)
Timer 0 Mode/Control Register 8-3
Timer 1 Mode/Control Register 8-3
RMODE bit (Receive Mode) 10-3
RSIE bit (Receive Status Interrupt Enable) 10-3
RTG bit (Retrigger Bit)
Timer 0 Mode/Control Register 8-3
Timer 1 Mode/Control Register 8-3
RXD signal (Receive Data)
definition 3-11
RXIE bit (Receive Data Ready Interrupt Enable) 10-2
S/M bit (Slave/Master) 4-4
S2-S0 signals (Bus Cycle Status 2-0)
definition 3-11
S4-S0 field (Poll Status)
Poll Register 7-26
Pol l Status Register 7-25
S4-S0 field (Source Vector Type) 7-27
S6 signal (Bus Cycle Status 6)
definition 3-12
SCLK signal (Serial Clock)
definition 3-12
SD field (Send Data) 11-5
SDATA signal (Serial Data)
definition 3-12
SDEC bit (Source Decrement) 9-4
SDEN1-SDEN0 signals (Serial Data Enables 1-0)
definition 3-12
SELECT signal (Slave Select)
definition 3-5
Serial Port Baud Rate Divisor Register
descripti on 10-7
Serial Port Control Register
descripti on 10-2
Serial Port Interrupt Control Register
Master mode 7-19
Serial Port Receive Data Register
descripti on 10-6
Index I-9
Serial Port Status Register
descripti on 10-4
Serial Port Transmit Data Register
descripti on 10-5
SFNM bit (Special Fully Nested Mode) 7-13
signal description
A1 (Latched Address Bit 1) 3-8
A19-A0 (Address Bus) 3-1
A2 (Latched Address Bit 2) 3-8
AD15-AD0 (Address and Data Bus) 3-2
AD7-AD0 (Addr e ss and Data Bus ) 3-1
ALE (Addr ess Latc h Ena b le ) 3-2
ARDY (Asynchronou s Ready) 3-2
BHE (Bus High Enable) 3-3
CLKDIV2 (Clock Divide by 2) 3-12
CLKOUTA (Clock Output A) 3-3
CLKOUTB (Clock Output B) 3-4
DEN (Data Enable ) 3-4
DRQ1-DRQ0 (DMA Requests) 3-4
DT/R (Data Transmit or Receive) 3-4
HLDA (Bus Hold Acknowledge) 3-4
HOLD (Bus Hold Request) 3-4
INT0 (Maskable Interrupt Request 0) 3-5
INT1 (Maskable Interrupt Request 1) 3-5
INT2 (Maskable Interrupt Request 2) 3-5
INT3 (Maskable Interrupt Request 3) 3-6
INT4 (Maskable Interrupt Request 4) 3-6
INTA0 (Interrupt Acknowledge 0) 3-5
INTA1 (Interrupt Acknowledge 1) 3-6
IRQ (Slave Interrupt Request) 3-6
LCS (Lower Memory Chip Select) 3-6
MA15-MA7 (Multiplexed Address Bus) 3-2
MCS2-MCS0 (Midrange Memory Chip Selects 2-0)
MCS3 (Midrange Memory Chip Select 3) 3-7
NMI (Nonmaskable Interrupt) 3-7
ONCE0 (ONCE Mode Request 0) 3-6
ONCE1 (ONCE Mode Request 1) 3-13
PCS30-PCS0 (Peripheral Chip Selects 3-0) 3-7
PCS5 (Peripheral Chip Select 5) 3-8
PCS6 (Peripheral Chip Select 6) 3-8
PIO31-PIO0 (Programmable I/O Pins 31-0) 3-8
PLLBYPS (PLL Bypass) 3-14
RD (Read Strobe) 3-11
RES (Reset) 3-11
RFSH (Automatic Refresh) 3-7
RFSH2/ADEN (Refresh 2/Addr ess Enable) 3-11
RXD (Receive Data) 3-11
S2-S0 (Bus Cycle Status 2-0) 3-11
S6 (Bus Cycle Status 6) 3-12
SCLK (Serial Clock) 3-12
SDATA (Serial Data) 3-12
SDEN1-SDEN0 (Serial Data Enables 1-0) 3-12
SELECT (Slave Select) 3-5
SRDY (Synchronous Ready) 3-13
TMRIN0 (Timer Input 0) 3-13
TMRIN1 (Timer Input 1) 3-13
TMROUT0 (Timer Output 0) 3-13
TMROUT1 (Timer Output 1) 3-13
TXD (Transmit Data) 3-13
UCS (Upper Memory Chip Select) 3-13
UZI (Upper Zero Indicate) 3-14
WB (Write Byte) 3-14
WHB (Write High Byte) 3-14
WLB (Write Low Byte) 3-14
WR (Write Strobe) 3-14
SINC bit (Source Increment) 9-4
Slave mode interrupts 7-28
Slave mode nesting 7-28
SM/IO bit (Source Address Space Select) 9-3
Software interrupt 7-3
Special fully nested mode 7-11
Specific EndofInterrupt Register
Slave mode 7-35
SPI bit (Serial Port Interrupt InService) 7-22
SPI bit (Serial Port Interrupt Mask) 7-24
SPI bit (Serial Port Interrupt Request) 7-21
SR field (Receive Data) 11-6
SRDY signal (Synchronous Ready)
definition 3-13
ST bit (Start/Stop DMA Channel) 9-4
STP bit (Stop Bits) 10-3
SYN1-SYN0 field (Synchr onization Type) 9-4
Synchronous Serial Control Register
descripti on 11-4
Synchronous Serial Receive Register
descripti on 11-6
Synchronous Serial Status Register
descripti on 11-3
Synchronous Serial Transmit 0 Register
descripti on 11-5
Synchronous Serial Transmit 1 Register
descripti on 11-5
T4-T0 field (Inter rupt Type) 7-36
T8-T0 field (Refresh Count) 6-2
interrupt controller registers in master mode 7-12
interrupt controller registers in slave mode 7-28
Interrupt types 7-3
TC bit (Terminal Count) 9-4
TC15-TC0 field (Timer Compare Value) 8-7
TC15-TC0 field (Timer Count Register) 9-5
TC15-TC0 field (Timer Count Value) 8-6
TDATA field (Transmit Data) 10-5
TDRQ bit (Timer Enable/Disable Request) 9-4
TEMT bit (Transmitter Empty) 10-4
thermal characteristics xiv
THRE bit (Transmit Holding Register Empty) 10-4
Timer 0 Count Register
descripti on 8-6
Timer 0 Interrupt Control Register
Slave mode 7-29
Timer 0 Maxcount Compare A Register
descripti on 8-7
Timer 0 Maxcount Compare B Register
descripti on 8-7
Timer 0 Mode and Control Regis te r
descripti on 8-3
Timer 1 Count Register
descripti on 8-6
Timer 1 Interrupt Control Register
Slave mode 7-29
Timer 1 Maxcount Compare A Register
descripti on 8-7
Timer 1 Maxcount Compare B Register
descripti on 8-7
Timer 1 Mode and Control Regis te r
descripti on 8-3
Timer 2 Count Register
descripti on 8-6
Timer 2 Interrupt Control Register
Slave mode 7-29
Timer 2 Maxcount Compare B Register
descripti on 8-7
Timer 2 Mode and Control Register
descripti on 8-5
TImer Interrupt Control Register
Master mode 7-17
timing characteristics xiv
TMODE bit (Transmit Mode) 10-3
TMR bit (Timer Interrupt InService) 7-22
TMR bit (Timer Interrupt Mask) 7-24
TMR bit (Timer Interrupt Request) 7-21
TMR0 bit (Timer 0 Interrupt InService) 7-32
TMR0 bit (Timer 0 Interrupt Mask) 7-34
TMR0 bit (Timer 0 Interrupt Request) 7-31
TMR2-TMR0 field (Timer Interrupt Request) 7-20, 7-30
TMR2-TMR1 field (Timer 2/Timer 1 Interrupt InService)
TMR2-TMR1 field (Timer 2/Timer 1 Interrupt Mask) 7-
TMRIN0 signal (Timer Input 0)
definition 3-13
TMRIN1 signal (Timer Input 1)
definition 3-13
TMROUT0 signal (Timer Output 0)
definition 3-13
TMROUT1 signal (Timer Output 1)
definition 3-13
trace interrupt 7-6
TRM2-TMR1 field (Timer2/Timer1 Interrupt Request) 7-
TXD signal (Transmit Data)
definition 3-13
TXIE bit (Transmit Holding Register Empty Interrupt En-
able) 10-2
UB2-UB0 field (Upper Boundary) 5-6
UCS signal (Upper Memory Chip Select)
definition 3-13
Upper Memory Chip Select Register
descripti on 5-4
UZI signal (Upper Zero Indicate)
definition 3-14
Index I-11
Watchdog Timer Interrupt Control Register
Master mode 7-18
WB signal (Write Byte)
definition 3-14
WD bit (Vir tual Watchdog Ti mer Interrupt InS ervice) 7-
WD bit (Virtual Watchdog Timer Interrupt Mask) 7-24
WD bit (Virtual Watchdog Timer Interrupt Request) 7-21
WHB signal (Write High Byte)
definition 3-14
WLB signal (Write Low Byte)
definition 3-14
WLGN bit (Word Length) 10-3
WR signal (W ri te Str ob e )
definition 3-14