21, 32, 43, 65 and 87 Seconds Complicate Pure Speech
y Operating voltage: 2.4V~5.0V
y One single-key can implement play-all, play-next
and random function. Maximum play count is 32.
y 4-column inputs and 3-row outputs can
implement 4x4-matrix function.
y Each input can implement looping function.
y Single-key and 4-column inputs can be last-key
priority for stand-alone input or first-key priority.
y Each input trigger can select trigger mode: (For
OKY, TG0, TG1, TG2, TG3) Edge/Level,
Hold/Unhold, Retrigger/Irretrigger.
y Each input trigger can select its own debounce
Fast debounce: < 200us;
Slow debounce: ~16ms (S.R.=6.0kHz)
y Support bouncing trigger solution for retrigger
application. (Second trigger force to retrigger
and slow debounce.)
y Maximum table entries are 460*8.
y Word count is only limited by ROM capacity.
y 4 output ports for Status or Led application:
Ϋʳ OP_A Status:
Busy_high ,DC_low, Stop_high,DC_high
LED: +Fast,+Slow, Dyn(7/10), Off
Ϋʳ OP_B Status:
Busy_high, DC_low, Stop_high, DC_high
LED: -Fast, -Slow, Dyn(9/10), On
Ϋʳ OP_C Status: Busy_high, DC_low,
Busy_low, DC_high
LED: +Fast, +Slow, On, Off
Ϋʳ OP_D Status0: Busy_high, DC_low
Status1: Busy_low, DC_high
y Each output can specify its initial state (High or
y Outputs can be set as constant current
regardless of the supply voltage varied.
y Two PWM playing ports. Drive speaker or
buzzer directly (For tone only).
y One DAC playing port, together with external
bipolar to drive speaker. Ramp up/down is
y For DAC, AVXX32E-B series supports 8
levels of current control to offer flexible choises
of corresponding BJT.
y Four-level volume control is provided for DAC or
PWM output.
y Eight-pitch control is provided.
y Voice length: 21, 32, 43, 65 and 87 seconds.
(ROM capacity : 131072*5, 196608*5, 262144*5,
393216*5 and 524288*5 bits)
y Voice algorithm: 5-bits LOG_PCM
y External resister or built-in resister for system
frequency by bonding option on the same pad.
y Sixteen default sampling frequencies are
supported. The default frequencies can be
changed by an external applying resistor.
y Support single key play on/off. (For OKY, TG0,
y Programmable pull-high, pull-low or floating
input. (For OKY, TG0, TG1)
General Description
The AVXX32E-B is a series of single-chip
synthesizing CMOS VLSI which synthesizes voice
by LOG_PCM algorithm. Table programming and shared
multiple I/O pins make the applications flexible. Powerful
functions and pure speech architecture make the
AVXX32E-B series able to best fit most
speech applications and a best cost/performance ratio
as a result.
The programming of the AVXX32E-B
series is first to define words. Each word contains
voice data (or mute length), output method, pitch (if
pitch control enabled), and volume (if volume control
enabled). Assemble the words into sentences first,
and then the programmer can assign the sentences
to the keys corresponding to the user inputs.
The I/O pins of the AVXX32E-B series are
multiplexed. This means the users have flexible I/O
options for their applications in a minimum number of
pin counts, that is, lower cost. The users can use
maximum 4*4 matrix plus one single-key inputs, but
less outputs; or 4 maximum outputs, but less inputs.
The AVXX32E-B series support DAC or
PWM audio output, the users can select both if
The frequency stability in the AVXX32E-B
series is outstanding. The frequency variation by
voltage change is relatively small compared to the
competitor. Furthermore, volume option offers users
flexible selection for their applications. In addition, the
AVXX32E-B series support current control for
DAC output. Thus users can choose suitable current
output for their BJT component.
The programming and the approval can be done in
the EV chip of the AVXX32E-B series. It
makes the programming and verification easy.
Please contact APLUS sales for the EV chip if
10-1 Ver.1.0