Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc.- www.issi.com
Rev. C
Refer to Tables 3 and 4 for Status Register Format and
Status Register Bit Definitions.
The BP3, BP2, BP1, BP0, QE, and SRWD are non-
volatile memory cells that can be written by a Write
Status Register (WRSR) instruction. The default value
of the BP3, BP2, BP1, BP0, QE and SRWD bits are set
to “0” from the factory. The Status Register can be
read by the Read Status Register (RDSR). Refer to
Table 8 for the Instruction Set.
The function of Status Register bits are described as
WIP bit: The Write in Progress (WIP) bit is read-only,
and can be used to detect the progress or completion
of a program or erase operation. When the WIP bit is
“0”, the device is ready for a write status register,
program or erase operation. When the WIP bit is “1”,
the device is busy.
WEL bit: The Write Enab le Latch (W EL) bit in dicat es
the status of the internal write enable latch. When the
WEL is “0”, the write enable latch is disabled, and all
write operations, including write status register, page
program, sector erase, block and chip erase operations
are inhibited. When the WEL bit is “1”, write operations
are allowed. The WEL bit is set by a Write Enable
(WREN) instr ucti on. Each write register, program and
erase instruction must be preceded by a WREN
instruction. The WEL bit can be reset by a Write
Disable (WRDI) instruction. It will automatically reset
after the completion of a write instruction.
BP3, BP2, BP1, BP0 bits: The Block Protection (BP3,
BP2, BP1 and BP0) bits are used to define which
memory portion of the entire memory area should be
protected. Refer to Table 5 for the Block Write
Protection bit settings. When a defined combination of
BP3, BP2, BP1 and BP0 bits are set, the
corresponding memory area is protected. Any program
or erase operations to that area will be inhibited.
Note: Chip Erase (CHIP_ER) instruction can be
executed only if the Block Protection Bits are not set
and locked
SRWD bit: The Status Register Write Disable (SRWD)
bits oper ate in conjunc ti on with the Writ e Pr otec tion
(WP#) signal to provide a Hardware Protection Mode.
When the SRWD is set to “0”, the Status Register is
not write-protected. When the SRWD is set to “1” and
the WP# is pulled low (VIL), the bits of Status Register
(SRWD, BP3, BP2, BP1, BP0) become read-only, and
a WRSR instruction will be ignored. If the SRWD is set
to “1” and WP# is pulled high (VIH), the Status Register
can be changed by a WRSR instruction.
QE bit: The Quad Enable (QE) is a non-volatile bit in
the status register that allows Quad operation. When
the QE bit is set to “0”, the pin WP# and HOLD# are
enable. When the QE bit is set to “1”, the pin IO2 and
IO3 are enable.
WARNING: The QE bit should never be set to a 1
during standard SPI or Dual SPI operation if the WP#
or HOLD# pins are tied directly to the power supply or
Status Register Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Default values 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
* The default value of the SRWD, QE, BP3, BP2, BP1, and BP0 are set to “0” from the factory.
Table 3. Status Register Format