National Semiconductor TBA530 RGB Matrix Preamplifier General Description The TBA530 is an integrated circuit for color TV receivers It has been designed to be driven from the TBA990 or incorporating a matrix preamplifier for R-G-B cathode or TBA520 synchronous demodulator circuits and exhibits grid drive of the picture tube without clamping circuits. excellent channel matching and stability. TV Circuits Connection Diagram Duai-In-Line Package oureut Loap _1 U 16. RESISTOR (BLUE SIGNAL} p BLUE SIGNAL OUTPUT 115. BLUE CHANNEL z ~(B~Y) INPUT SIGNAL J FEEDBACK 114 OUTPUT LOAD RESISTOR (GREEN SIGNAL) (G} INPUT SIGNAL 4 4 13 ~(R-Y} INPUT SIGNAL 4 P GREEN SIGNAL OUTPUT LUMINANCE _5 [12 GREEN CHANNEL SIGNAL INPUT FEEDBACK 6 1 cup 111 OUTPUT LOAD RESISTOR (RED SIGNAL) CURRENT FEED POINT 4 Lo RED SIGNAL OUTPUT 8 9 RED CHANNEL 12 POSITIVE SUPPLY J a FEEDBACK TOP VIEW Typical Application Quad-In-Line Package, Order Number TBA5300. Dual-in-Line Package, Order Number TBA530 See NS Package N16A See NS Package N16C ~R OUTPUT BV BW t0eF 30 0 wt u 798530 as by z 9 -1G-) Y SIGNAL Wwew Note 1: DC output voltages R, G and B are typically 140V in this circuit. Note 2: The voitage gain between pins 2, 3, 4 and collectors (BF 336) is typically 100. Note 3: The normal bias voltage on pins 1, 11, 14 is 8V. Nota 4: Pin 7 requires a 4.7 nF decoupling capacitor, riphts Le | arr To 10nnt wr Note 5: DC bias Jeve! shift, provided by internal zeners between pins 1-16, 14-13 and 11-10, requires 10 nF bypass capacitors for H.F. 11-49 oesval TBA530 Absolute Maximum Ratings V8-6 13.2V Va0late bia 10 mA No. l13. 6 50 mA Power Dissipation (Ta = 60C) 400 mw Operating Temperature Range 20C to +60C Storage Temperature Range -65C to +150C Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 seconds) 300C Electrical Characteristics Measuring Conditions: Black Level: VR.y = VG-yY = Vg-y = 7.5V, Vy = 1.5V, V86 = 12V, Ta = 25C PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN Type MAX UNITS Ratio of Gain of Luminance As Measured in Application 0.9 11 Amplifier to Color Amplifiers Circuit R2-6 Input Resistance of Color 1 kHz 60 kQ R3-6 Difference Amplifiers 60 kQ R4-6 60 kQ C2-6 Input Capacitance of Color + MHz 3 pF C3-6 Difference Amplifiers 3 pF C46 3 pF R5-6 Input Resistance of Luminance 1 kHz 20 kQ Amplifier C5-6 Input Capacitance of Luminance | 1 MHz 10 pF Amplifier B Bandwidth of ali Channels 3dB 6 MHz lg Total Current Drain 30 mA \7 Bias Current 2.5 mA Schematic Diagram -O Pin Function Description The function is quoted against the corresponding pin number. 1. Output load resistor, blue signal. (Also pins 11 and 14 for red and green signals respectively.) Resistors (47 kQ, 1W) connected to +200V provide the high value loads for the internal amplifying stages. The nominal operating potential on these pins is defined by the IC and dc feedback and is approximately +8V. The maxi- mum current which can be allowed at each of these pins is 10 mA. 2. -{B-Y) input signal. This signal is fed via a low-pass filter from the TBA520 demodulator IC (pin 7) having a de level of about +7.5V. The input resistance for this pin is typically 60 kQ with an input capacitance of less than 5 pF (similarly for pins 3 and 4). 3. -(G-Y) input signal. The de black level of this signal is about +7.5V. (See pin 2.) 4. -{R-Y) input signal. The de black level of this signal is about +7.5V. (See pin 2.) 5. Luminance signal input. The dc level on this pin for picture black is +1.6V. The required signa! amplitude is 1V black-to-white with negative-going syncs (or blanking) for cathode drive as shown. The input resistance at this pin is 20 kQ approximately with a capacitance of less than 15 pF. 6. Negative supply (earth). 7. Current feed point. A current of approximately 2.5 mA is required at this pin, fed via a 3.9 kQQ resistor from +12V, to bias the internal differential amplifiers. A de- coupling capacitor of 4.7 nF is necessary. 8. Positive 12V supply. Maximum supply voltage per- mitted, 13.2V. Current consumption approximately 30 mA. 9, Red channel feedback (green channel, pin 12; blue channel, pin 15). The dc working points and gains of both the output stages and the !C amplifier stages are stabilized by the feedback circuits. The black level po- tentials at the collectors of the output stages (tube cut-off) are adjusted by setting correctly the dc levels of the color difference signals produced by the TBA520 demodulator IC. The gains of the R-G-B output stages are adjusted to give the correct white points setting on the picture tube by adjusting the potentiometers in the feedback paths (VR1, VR2). (See notes on setting up decoder.) 10. Red signal output (green and blue signal outputs on 13 and 16). These pins are internally connected with pins 11, 14 and 1 respectively via zener type junctions to give a dc level shift appropriate for driving the output transistor bases directly. To bypass the zener junctions at h.f. three 10 nF capacitors are required. 11. Output load resistor, red channel (see pin 1). 12. Green channel feedback (see pin 9). 13. Green signal output (see pin 10). 14. Output load resistors, green channel (see pin 1). 15. Blue channel feedback (see pin 9). 16, Blue signal output (see pin 10). Note 1: Careful attention to earth paths should be given, avoid- ing common impedances between the input (decoder) side and the output stages. Also, to enable matched performance to be achieved, a symmetrical board and component tayout should be adopted for the three output stages. To compensate for the effect upon h.f. response of inevitable differences the compen- sating capacitors C1 and C2 and C3 may be appropriately selected for any given board layout. Note 2: The signal black fevel at the collectors of the R-G-B Output stages depends upon the +12V supply, the dc tevel of the color difference signals from the TBA520 demodulator IC and the black level potential of the luminance signal apptied to the TBAS30 matrix IC. The de levels of the signals produced and handied by the ICs are designed to have approximately propor- tional tracking with the 12V supply potential, AVide level, signal) n Vnom (de level, signal) AvVi12V 12 To ensure that changes in picture black fevel due to variations on the 12V supply to the ICs occur in a predictable way, all the IC's should be operated from a common supply line. This is specially important for the TBA520 and TBAS30. Furthermore, to limit the changes in picture black level during receiver opera- tion, the 12V supply should have a stability of not worse than +3% due to operational variations. Note 3: To reduce the possibility of patterning on the picture due to radiation of the harmonics of the products of the demod- ulation process, the leads carrying the drive signals to the picture tube should be as short as the receiver layout will allow. Resistors {typically 1k 59) connected in series with the leads and mounted close to the collectors of the output transistors provide useful additional filtering of harmonics. 11-51 = > gq 3