VTA2 Miniature TCXOs
Featuring l+3.0 or 5.0 Vdc Option
lClipped Sinewave
or HCMOS/TTL Options
lLow Profile Option
lVoltage Tuned Option
lLow Cost
Frequency Range 1 to 40 MHz
Package Options A2 = 18.5 mm x 12 mm x 5 mm Maximum
Stability Options 1 = ±1.0 PPM
2 = ±2.5 PPM
3 = ±3.5 PPM
4 = ±5.0 PPM
0°C to +50°C
-30°C to +70°C
-30°C to +70°C
-40°C to +85°C
Stability vs Supply <±0.3 PPM vs B+ ±5%
Aging (Typical) <1.0 PPM/year at +40°C dynamic
Input Voltage &
Current A = +5.0 Vdc ±5% <2.0 mA HCMOS/TTL
B = +3.0 Vdc ±5% <20 mA HCMOS/TTL
C = +5.0 Vdc ±5% <1.0 VP-P Clipped
D = +3.0 Vdc ±5% <0.8 VP-P Clipped
Frequency is 8.192 to 25 MHz for Clipped
Output Logic 1 = 90% of VCC Minimum
Logic 0 = 10% of VCC Maximum
Load 2 HCMOS or 2 TTL Minimum
Load 10 K-Ohm/10pF
Mechanical Trim ±3.0 PPM Minimum, located anywhere on
top surface.
Trim Options 0 = Mechanical Trim
1 = ±5.0 PPM Minimum Voltage Control
& Mechanical Trimmer
Typical P/N VTA2-2A0 10.0 MHz
A2 = 18.5 mm x 12 mm x 5 mm Maximum
2 = +2.5 PPM
A = + 5.0 Vdc
0 = Mechanical trim adjust
We welcome your custom requests and will issue a custom part
number for items that are not listed.