Powerex, Inc., 173 Pavilion Lane, Youngwood, Pennsylvania 15697-1800 (724) 925-7272 Fast Recovery Diode Module
Revision Date: 03/23/2009
Absolute Maximum Ratings, TJ=25°C unless otherwise specified
Characteristics Conditions Symbol
QRF1220T30 Units
Repetitive Peak Reverse Blocking Voltage - VRRM 1200 Volts
Non-Repetitive Peak Reverse Blocking Voltage - VRSM V
RRM + 100 Volts
verage Forward Current 180° Conduction, Tc=80°C
180° Conduction, Tc=25°C IF(AV) 99
149 Amperes
Peak Half Cycle Non-Repetitive Surge Current t = 8.3mS, 100%VRRM Reapplied IFSM 1670 Amperes
I2t for Fusing for One Cycle t = 8.3mS, 100%VRRM Reapplied I2t 11620 A2sec
Operating Junction Temperature - TJ -40 to 150 °C
Storage Temperature - TSTG -40 to 150 °C
Maximum Mounting Torque, M6 Mounting Screw - - 26 In.-lb.
Maximum Terminal Torque, M6 Terminal Screw - - 26 In.-lb.
Module Weight (Typical) - - 220 Grams
V Isolation 60 Hz, circuit to base, all terminals
shorted, t = 1 sec VRMS 3000 Volts
Thermal Characteristics, TJ=25°C unless otherwise specified
Characteristics Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Units
Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case RΘJC Per Diode - - 0.18 °C/Watt
Thermal Resistance, Case to Sink Lubricated RΘCS Per Module - - 0.04 °C/Watt
Electrical Characteristics, TJ=25°C unless otherwise specified
Characteristics Symbol Test Conditions Min. Typ. Max Units
Peak Reverse Leakage Current IRRM Rated VRRM - - 1 mA
Peak On-State Voltage VFM I
F=200A - - 3.5 Volts
Reverse Recovery Time trr IF = 200A, di/dt = −400A/μs - - 250 ns
Reverse Recovery Charge Qrr IF =200A, di/dt = −400A/μs - 1.49 - μC