DIODE CIRCUIT OUTLINE DRAWING E PE1508N PF1508N 150A Avg 800 Volts Dimensionmm F 1 2 3 1 2 BASE BASE Maximum Ratings Parameter Parameter Unit VRRM 800 V VRSM 900 V Symbol 1 Average Rectified Output Current 1 Surge Forward Current 1 I Squared t Operating Junction Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range Mounting Mounting Torque Terminal Grade PE1508N/PF1508N Symbol 1 Repetitive Peak Reverse Voltage 1 Non Repetitive Peak Reverse Voltage 3 Conditions 180 Half Sine Wave Max. Rated Value Tc103 Unit 150 A 132 A 3200 A 51200 A2 s Tjw -40150 Tstg -40125 M6 2.53.5 Nm M8 9.010.0 Nm Maximum Value Unit I0AV 3-Phase IFSM I2t F 120 Tc 99 50Hz Half Sine Wave, 1Pulse, Non-Repetitive 10ms Greased Electrical Characteristics Parameter Peak Reverse Current Peak Forward Voltage Thermal Resistance Thermal Resistance Symbol 1 1 1 1 Conditions IRM Tj=150VRM=VRRM VFM Tj= 25IFM=450A Rth j-c Rth c-f 20 - Junction to Case - Case to Fin, Greased ...315g Approximate Weight 1.28 V 0.25 /W 0.1 /W 1 75 http://store.iiic.cc/ mA Value Per 1 Arm. 76 http://store.iiic.cc/