2009-2011 Microchip Technology Inc. DS80471B-page 1
The PIC24FJ128GA010 Family devices that you have
received conform functionally to the current Device Data
Sheet (DS39747E), except for the anomalies described
in this document.
The silicon issues discussed in the following pages are
for silicon revisions with the Device and Revision IDs
listed in Table 1. The silicon issues are summarized in
Table 2.
The errata described in this document will be addressed
in fut ure revisions of t he PIC24F128GA010 family silicon.
Data Sheet clarifications and corrections start on page 19,
following the discu ssion of silicon issues .
The silicon revision level can be identified using the
current version of MPLAB® IDE and Microchip’s
programmers, debuggers and emulation tools, which
are available at the Microchip corporate web site
For example, to identify the silicon revision level using
MPLAB IDE in conjunction with MPLAB ICD 2 or
PICkit™ 3:
1. Using the appropriate interface, connect the
device to the MPLAB ICD 2
programmer/debugger or PICkit™ 3.
2. From the main menu in MPLAB IDE, select
Configure>Select Device and then select the
target part number in the dialog box.
3. Select the MPLAB hardware tool
(Debugger>Select Tool).
4. Perform a “Connect” operation to the device
(Debugger>Connect). Depending on the devel-
opment tool used, the part number and Device
Revisio n ID valu e appear in th e Output window.
The DEVREV values for the various PIC24F128GA010
family silicon revisions are shown in Table 1.
Note: This document summarizes all silicon
errata issues from all revisions of silicon,
previous as well as current. Only the
issues indicated in the last column of
Table 2 appl y to the current silicon revi sion
(C2). Note: If you are unable to extract the silicon
revision level, please contact your local
Microchip sales office for assistance.
Part Number Device ID(1)Revision ID for Silicon Revision(2)
A2 A3 A4 C1 C2
PIC24FJ128GA010 040Dh
02h 03h 07h 43h 44h
PIC24FJ96GA010 040Ch
PIC24FJ64GA010 040Bh
PIC24FJ128GA008 040Ah
PIC24FJ96GA008 0409h
PIC24FJ64GA008 0408h
PIC24FJ128GA006 0407h
PIC24FJ96GA006 0406h
PIC24FJ64GA006 0405h
Note 1: The Device IDs (DEVID and DEVREV) are located at the last two implemented addresses in program
memory. They are shown in hexadecimal in the format “DEVID DEVREV”.
2: Refer to the “PIC24FJXXXGA0XX Flash Programming Specification” (DS39768) for detailed information
on Device and Revision IDs for your specific device.
PIC24FJ128GA010 Family
Silicon Errata and Data Sheet Clarification
DS80471B-page 2 2009-2011 Microchip Technology Inc.
Module Feature Item
Number Issue Summary Affected Revision s(1)
A2 A3 A4 C1 C2
Core 1. SFR write issu es in Doze mode. X X X
I2C™ 2. Failure to lock out writes to I2CxTRN. X
UART 3. Parity failure with odd values in BRG. X X X
Resets 4. FSCM clock switch issue. X
Timers 5. Sp ecial Event Trigger failure (Timer2/3). X
SPI Enhanced
mode 6. Enhanced Buffer modes are unavailable. X X X
JTAG Programming 7. JTAG device programming not compat ible
with third party solutions. XXX
A/D 8. High gain error. X X X
I2C—9. Failure to detect bus collision in Stop or
Restart sequences. X
UART 10. Erroneous FIFO buffer over flo w flag. X
SPI Master mode 11. Master mode reception errors at fast bit
rates. XXX
CPU 12. Skipped DISI instruction under certain
circumstances. X
PMP 13 PMRD sign al ab sent i n Mas ter mode under
certain condition s. XXX
PMP Master mod e 14. Address increment/decrement failure on
back-to-back reads in Master mode. X
RTCC 15. Missed increments on simultaneous
register update. X
RTCC 16. Calibration not applied at every interval. X
I2C Slave mode 17. Failure to Acknowledge write operation in
Slave mode. X
I2C—18. Receive mode can be enabled outside of
Idle state. X
UART 19. Change in Sync Break timing. X X X
UART 20. Reception failures in High-Speed mode. X X X
UART 21. UTXISEL0 bit always reads as ‘0’. X
UART 22. UTXSEL mode10’ behaves as mode ‘00’. X
Control 23. Hardware flow con trol unavail able for s ome
devices and some UARTs. XXX
UART 24. Erroneous baud rate calculations in
High-Speed mode. XXX
UART Auto-Baud 25. Insertion of spurious data with auto-baud
reception. XXX
Interrupts Traps 26. Failure to exit Doze mode on certain traps. X X X
Compare 27. Single glitch on initialization under certain
conditions. XXX
A/D INT0 Trigger 28. Device may not wake when convert on
INT0 trigger is selected. XXX
SPI Framed
modes 29. Frame Sync unavailable in Master mode
under certain conditions. XXX
Note 1: Only those issues indicated in the last column apply to the current silicon revision.
2009-2011 Microchip Technology Inc. DS80471B-page 3
SPI Slave mode 30. Module in Slave mode may ignore SSx pin
and receive data anyway. XXX
Oscillator Two-Speed
Start-up 31. Two-Speed Start-up failure when IESO is
enabled. XXX
Core Reset 32. Unimplemented CLKDIV bits reset to1. XXX
Core Traps 33. Clock failure trap does not vector as
expected. XXX
Core Resets 34. BOR and POR flags are both set on BOR. X X X
I/O Ports 35. OSCO/CLKO/RC15 driven immediately
following POR. XXX
I2C Slave mode 36. D/A bit fails to update in Slave mode
transmissions. XXX
UART Auto-Baud 37. Double receive interrupt with auto-baud
reception. XXX
UART Auto-Baud 38. Auto-baud calculation errors causing
transmit or receive failures. XXX
UART 39. Erroneous sampling and framing errors
when using two Stop bits. XXXXX
SPI 40. DISSCK does not disable the SPIx clock. X X X
Compare PWM mode 41. Single missed compare events under
certain condition s. XXX
CRC 42. Improper VWORD Reset on FIFO overflow. X X X
UART IrDA®43. IR baud cl ock onl y avail able during transm it. X X
I2C—44. Issues with write operations on I2CxSTAT. X
I2C—45. ACKSTAT prematurely cleared in Slave
mode. XXX
RTCC 46. Write errors to ALCFGRPT register. X X X
Core Instruction
Set 47. Loop count errors with REPEAT instruction
and R-A-W st al ls . XXX
Memory PSV 48. False address error traps at lower
boundary of PSV space. XXX
I/O PORTB 49. RB5 as an open-drain output stays in
high-im pedance state. XXX
RTCC Alarm 50. Decrement of alarm repeat counter under
certain condition s. XXXXX
Interrupt 51. No UERIF flag with multiple errors. X X X
Flags 52. PERR and FERR not correctly set for all
bytes in receive FIFO. XXX
UART 53. Does not transmit if TxREG is preloaded. X X X
I2CMaster mode54. Module may respond to its own master
transmission as a slave under certain
I2C Slave mode 55. Failure to respond correctly to some
reserved addresses in 10-bit mode. XXX
Module Feature Item
Number Issue Summary Affected Revision s(1)
A2 A3 A4 C1 C2
Note 1: Only those issues indicated in the last column apply to the current silicon revision.
DS80471B-page 4 2009-2011 Microchip Technology Inc.
I2C—56. TBF flag error with bus collisions. X X X
SPI Master mode 57. Inco rrec t st atu s bit timing . X X X
RTCC Alarm 58. Pin toggling error on alarm repeat. X X
I/O Pins 59. Sp ec change for VOL and VOH.X
SPI Framed
modes 60. Framed SPIx modes are not supported. X X
SPI Enhanced
mode 61. Interrupt flag set early in Enhanced Buffer
mode under certain conditions. XX
Core Code
Protection 62. General code protection disables
bootloader functi ona lit y. X
UART TX Interrupt 63. A TX interrupt may occur before the data
transmission is complete. XX
Module Feature Item
Number Issue Summary Affected Revision s(1)
A2 A3 A4 C1 C2
Note 1: Only those issues indicated in the last column apply to the current silicon revision.
2009-2011 Microchip Technology Inc. DS80471B-page 5
Silicon Errata Issues
1. Module: Core
With Doze mode enabled, DOZEN (CLKDIV<11>)
set and t he CPU Peripheral Clock Ratio Sel ect bit s
(CLKDIV<14:12>) configured to any value except
000’, writes to SFR locations can not be
Work around
Disable Doze mode or select 1:1 CPU peripheral
clock ratio before modifying stated SFR locations,
or avoid writing stated locations while Doze mode
is enabled and a CPU peripheral clock ratio other
than 1:1 is selected. Configure the device prior to
entering Doze mode and use the mode only to
monitor applications activity.
Affected Silicon Revisions
2. Module: I2C™
Writing to I2CxTRN during a Start bit transmission
generates a write collision, indicated by the
IWCOL (I2CxSTAT<7>) bit being set. In this state,
additional writes to the I2CxTRN register should
be blocked. However, in this condition, the
I2CxTRN register can be written, although
tran sm is si ons w i ll no t o c cur u nti l t he I WC OL b it is
cleared in software.
Work around
After each write to the I2CxTRN register, read the
IWCOL bit to ensure a collision has not occurred.
If the IWCOL bit is set, it must be cleared in
software and I2CxTRN must be rewritten.
Affected Silicon Revisions
3. Module: UART
With the parity option enabled, a parity error,
indicat ed with the PERR bit (UxSTA<3>) being set,
may occ ur if the Baud Rate Genera tor con tai ns an
odd value. This affects both even and odd parity
Work around
Load the Baud Rate Generator register, UxBRG,
with an even value or disable the peripheral’s par-
ity option by loading either ‘00’ or ‘11’ into the
Parity and Data Selection bits, PDSEL<1:0>
Affected Silicon Revisions
4. Module: Resets
After an oscillator has stopped, with the Fail-Safe
Clock Monitor enabled and the FCKSM<1:0> Con-
figuration bits (Flash Configuration Word 2<7:6>)
programmed to ‘00’, the system clock source is
forced to FRC. After which, the system clock source
may not be changed in software by modifying the
New Oscillator Selection bits, NOSC<2:0>
(OSCCO N<10:8>), unless a de vice R ese t o ccurs.
Work around
Upon de tecting an os cillator fa ilure, determin ed by
reading the Clock Fail Detect bit, CF
(OSCCON<3>), as set, execute a RESET instruc-
tion prior to selecting a new system clock source
using the NOSC bits.
Affected Silicon Revisions
Note: This document summarizes all silicon
errata issues from all revisions of silicon,
previous as well as current. Only the
issues indicated by the shaded column in
the following tables apply to the current
silicon revision (C2).
A2 A3 A4 C1 C2
A2 A3 A4 C1 C2
A2 A3 A4 C1 C2
A2 A3 A4 C1 C2
DS80471B-page 6 2009-2011 Microchip Technology Inc.
5. Module: Timers
With Timer2 and Tim er3 con figured in 32-b it mode
by setting T2CON<3>, a Special Event Trigger to
start an A/D conversion may not occur when the
most significant word of the Period register, PR3,
is ‘0’.
Work around
Either write PR3 to a non-zero value or configure
Timer3 for 16-bit operation when generating a
Special Event Trigger for periodic A/D
Affected Silicon Revisions
6. Module: SPI (Enhanced Mode)
The Enhanced SPIx modes, selected by setting
the Enhanced Buffer Enable bit, SPIBEN
(SPIxCON2<0>), are not avai lable.
Work around
Use Standard SPIx modes by clearing the SPIx
Enhanced Buffer Enable bit, SPIBEN.
Affected Silicon Revisions
7. Module: JTAG (Programming)
The curre nt J TAG progra mm in g im pl ementati on i s
not compatible with third party programmers using
SVF (Serial Vector Format) description language.
JTAG boundary scan is supported by third party
JTAG solutions and is not affected.
Work around
The user can program devices with In-Circuit
Serial Programming™. JT AG programming can be
accomplished using custom JTAG software. The
current implementation may not be supported in
future PIC24F revisions. JTAG boundary scan is
Affected Silicon Revisions
8. Module: A/D
Gain er ror may be as high as 5 LSbs for external
references (VREF+ and VREF-) and 6 LSbs for
internal reference (AVDD and AVSS).
Work around
Determine gain error from a known reference
voltage and compensate the A/D result in
Affected Silicon Revisions
9. Module: I2C
The I2C module may not detect a bus collision dur-
ing a R est art or Stop sequen ce. Whe n th is occurs ,
the Master Bus Collision Detect bit, BCL
(I2CxSTAT<10>), may not set. The BCL bit will
indicate a bus collision, if it occurs, during a Start
sequenc e. Thi s is sue on ly af fec t s I2C m ult i-mast er
Work around
To use the device in an I2C multi-ma ster netwo rk,
each master device must detect when Start and
Stop events occur on the I2C bus. A Start
sequenc e shoul d be initia ted only af t er a St art and
a Stop event have been detected to ensure a bus
collisio n can be detected.
Affected Silicon Revisions
A2 A3 A4 C1 C2
A2 A3 A4 C1 C2
A2 A3 A4 C1 C2
A2 A3 A4 C1 C2
A2 A3 A4 C1 C2
2009-2011 Microchip Technology Inc. DS80471B-page 7
10. Module: UART
The Receive Buffer Overrun Error Status bit,
OERR (UxSTA<1>), may set before the UART
FIFO has overflowed. After the fourth byte is
receive d by the UART, the FIFO is ful l. The OERR
bit should set after the fifth byte has been received
in the UART Shift register. Instead, the OERR bit
may set after the fourth received byte with the
UART Shift register empty.
Work around
After four bytes have been received by the UART,
the UART Receiver Interrupt Flag bit, U1RXIF
(IFS0<11>) or U2RXIF (IFS1<14>), will be set,
indicating the UART FIFO is full. The OERR bit
may also be set. After reading the UART Receive
Buffer, UxRXREG, four times to clear the FIFO,
clear both the OERR and UxRXIF bits in software.
Affected Silicon Revisions
11. Module: SPI (Master Mode)
Master mode receptions using the SPI1 and SPI2
modules may not function correctly for bit rates
above 8 Mbps if the master has the SMP bit
(SPIxCON1<9>) cleared (master samples data at
the middle of the serial clock period).
In this case, the data transmitted by the slave is
received, shifted right by one bit, by the master.
For example, if the data transmitted by the slave
was 0xAAAA, the data received by the master
would be 0x5555 (0xAAAA shif ted right by one bit).
Work around
Users may set up the SPIx module so that the bit
rate is 8 Mbps or lower.
Alternatively, the bit rate can be configured higher
than 8 Mbps, but the SMP bit (SPIxCON1<9>) of
the SPIx m aster must be set (master samp les data
at the end of the se rial clock period) .
Affected Silicon Revisions
12. Module: CPU
A DISI instruction may be ignored if the command
is executed in the same instruction cycle as when
the DISICNT register decrements to zero. For
example, if a DISI #5 ins truction is performed, the
DISICNT will decrement to zero in six instruction
cycles (5 instruction cycles for the DISI command
plus 1 for the instruction execution). If a second
DISI command executes in the same instruction
cycle that DISCNT reaches zero, the second DISI
instruction will be ignored. In any other instruction
cycle, the second DISI command will perform as
described in the product dat a sheet.
Work around
To disable interrupts using the DISI instruction,
execute the instruction twice. For example, to
disable interrupts for five instruction cycles, use
the following:
DISI #2 (can be any value except 0)
DISI #5 (number of instru cti on cy cl es DISI
will be active)
This w ork around en sures a DISI comman d is n ot
executed in the same instruction cycle as when th e
DISICNT register decrements to zero.
Affected Silicon Revisions
13 Module: PMP
In Master mode (MODE<1:0> = 11 or 10),
back-to-back operations may cause the PMRD
signal to not be generated. This limitation occurs
when the peripheral is configured for zero Wait
states (WAITM<3:0> = 0000).
Work around
The PMRD signal will be generated correctly if a
minimum of one instruction cycle delay is inserted
between the back-to-back operations. A NOP
instruction, or any other instruction, is adequate.
Selecting a delay other than zero will also permit
the PMRD signal to be generated.
Affected Silicon Revisions
A2 A3 A4 C1 C2
A2 A3 A4 C1 C2
A2 A3 A4 C1 C2
A2 A3 A4 C1 C2
DS80471B-page 8 2009-2011 Microchip Technology Inc.
14. Module: PMP (Master Mode)
With the PMP in Master mode (MODE<1:0> = 11
or 10) with the increment/decrement feature
enabled (INCM<1:0> = 01 or 10), the address
may not automatically change when the PMDINx
register is read. This issue may occur when
multiple back-to-back reads are performed.
Work around
The PMP address will be generated correctly if a
minimum of one instruction cycle delay is inserted
between the back-to-back read operations of the
PMDINx register. A NOP instruction, or any other
instruction, is adequate.
Affected Silicon Revisions
15. Module: RTCC
An RTCC increment may be missed if an RTCC
update and an RTCC increment occur at the same
time, and u pdates are disallowed (R TCWR EN = 0).
In this condition, the R TCC is not updated since the
RTCWREN bit is clear.
Work around
Prior to writing to the RTCVAL registers, veri fy that
the RTCSYNC bit is clear and the RTCWREN bit
is set. Thi s ensu res that th e RT CC will be update d
and the update will not occur during an RTCC
Affected Silicon Revisions
16. Module: RTCC
The RTCC automatic calibration, stored in the
CAL<7:0> bits, is intended to be applied every
minute on the minute boundary. The calibration is
applied after the first minute but may not occur on
subsequent minute intervals.
Work around
Read and rewrite the SECONDS
(RTCPTR<1:0> = 00) value after each minute.
This reinitializes the calibration circuit and allows
the calibration to be applied to the next minute
Affected Silicon Revisions
17. Module: I2C (Slave Mode)
In I2C Slave mode, the I2C peripheral may not
Acknowledge a write operation (R/W = 0) after a
Restart has been received. This sequence is
typically used to perform a slave transmit opera-
tion in 10-Bit Addressing mode (A10M = 1).
Attempting to perform a write operation after a
Restart may cause the peripheral to generate a
NACK and end the operation unexpectedly.
Work around
To perform an I2C slave transmit, refer to
Figure 24-27 from Section 24. “Inter-Integrated
Circuit™ (I2C™)” in the “PIC24F Family Reference
Manual” (DS39702).
Affected Silicon Revisions
18. Module: I2C
I2C Receive mode should be enabled (i.e., RCEN
bit shoul d be set) only when the system is Idle (i.e.,
when ACKEN, RCEN, PEN, RSEN and SEN all
equal zero). It should not be possible to set the
RCEN bit when the system is not Idle; however,
the RCEN bit can be set under this circumstance.
Work around
Wait for the system to become Idle before setting
the RCEN bit. Verify that the following bits are
Affected Silicon Revisions
A2 A3 A4 C1 C2
A2 A3 A4 C1 C2
A2 A3 A4 C1 C2
A2 A3 A4 C1 C2
A2 A3 A4 C1 C2
2009-2011 Microchip Technology Inc. DS80471B-page 9
19. Module: UART
The timing for transmitting a Sync Break has
changed for this revision of silicon. The Sync
Break is transmi tted as s oon as the UTXBRK bi t is
set. A dummy write to UxTXREG is still required
and must be perf ormed before the Syn c Break has
finishe d transmitt ing. Otherwi se, the UxTX may be
held in the active state until the write has occurred.
Work around
Set the UTXBRK bit when a Sync Break is
required a nd perform a dummy w rite to UxTXREG
immediately following. This sequence will avoid
holding t he UxTX pin in the active state.
Affected Silicon Revisions
20. Module: UART
When the UART is in High-Speed mode, BRGH
(UxMODE<3>) is set, some optimal UxBRG
values can cause reception to fail.
Work around
Test UxBRG values in the application to find a
UxBRG value that works consistently for more
high-speed applications. The user should verify
that the UxBRG baud rate error does not exceed
the application limits.
Affected Silicon Revisions
21. Module: UART
The UTXISEL0 bit (UxSTA<13>) always reads as
zero, regardless of the value written to it. The bit can
be written to either a ‘0’ or 1’, but will always read
zero. This will affect read-modify-write operations,
such as bit-wise or shift operations. Using a
read-modify-write instruction on the UxSTA register
will always write the UTXISEL0 bit to zero.
Work around
If a UTXISEL0 value of ‘1’ is needed, avoid using
read-modify-write instructions on the UxSTA
register. Copy the UxSTA register to a temporary
variable and set UxSTA<13> prior to performing
read-modify-write operations. Copy the new value
back to the UxSTA register.
Affected Silicon Revisions
22. Module: UART
When UTXISEL<1:0> = 10, a UART interrupt flag
should be set after one byte from the FIFO is
transferred to the Transmit Shift Register (TSR).
Inst ea d , th e in t err u pt f l ag ma y be set on l y a fte r a ll
bytes are transferred from the FIFO and the FIFO
is empty. This behavior is similar to the
UTXISEL<1:0> = 00 mode.
Work around
Affected Silicon Revisions
23. Module: UART (Hardware Flow Control)
UART1 and UART2 hardware flow control options
are not available for the 64-pin variants of the
PIC24F128GA010 product family. As a result, the
UxCTS and UxRTS pins are not available and the
UEN<1:0> control bits are read as ‘0’ (unimple-
mented). UART2 hardware flow control is not
available for the 80-pin PIC24F128GA010 family
variant s. Associated pins and bits are not available
for these devices.
Work around
Affected Silicon Revisions
24. Module: UART
When the UART is in High-Speed mode
(BRGH = 1), the auto-baud sequence can
calculate the baud rate as if it were in Low-Speed
Work around
The calculated baud rate can be modified by the
following equation:
The us er sh ould ve ri fy tha t the ba ud rat e e rror does
not exceed application limits.
Affected Silicon Revisions
A2 A3 A4 C1 C2
A2 A3 A4 C1 C2
A2 A3 A4 C1 C2
A2 A3 A4 C1 C2
A2 A3 A4 C1 C2
New BRG Value = (Aut o-Baud BRG + 1) * 4 • 1
A2 A3 A4 C1 C2
DS80471B-page 10 2009-2011 Microchip Technology Inc.
25. Module: UART (Auto-Baud)
With the auto-baud feature selected, the Sync
Break character (0x55) may be loaded into the
FIFO as data.
Work around
To prevent the Sync Break character from being
loaded into the FIFO, load the UxBRG register with
either 0x0000 or 0xFFFF prior to enabling the
auto-baud feature (ABAUD = 1).
Affected Silicon Revisions
26. Module: Interrupts (Traps)
The device may not exit Doze mode if certain trap
conditions occur. Address error, stack error and
math erro r traps are aff ected. Osc illator fai lure and
all interrupt sources are not affected and can
cause the device to correctly exit Doze mode.
Work around
Affected Silicon Revisions
27. Module: Output Compare
The output compare module may output a single
glitch for one TCY after the module is enabled
(OCM<2:0> = 000). This issue occurs when the
output state of the associated Data Latch register
(LATx) is in the opposite state of the Output Com-
pare mode when the peripheral is enabled. It can
also occur when switching between two Output
Compare modes with opposite output states.
Work around
If the output glitch must be avoided, verify that the
associate d data latch va lue of the OCx p in matches
the initial state of the desired Output Compare
mode. For example, if Output Compare 5 is
configured for mode, O CM<2:0> = 001, ens ure that
the LATD<4> bit is clear prior to writing the OCM
bits. The port latch output va lue will match the initial
output state of the OC5 pin and avoid the glitch
when the peripheral is enabl ed.
Affected Silicon Revisions
28. Module: A/D (INT0 Trigger)
With the External Interrupt 0 (INT0) selected to start
an A/D conversion (SSRC<2:0> = 001), the device
may not wake up from Sleep or Idle mode if more
than one conversion is selected per interrupt
(SMPI<3:0> <> 0000). Interrupts are generated
correctly if the device is not in Sleep or Idle m ode.
Work around
Configure the A/D to generate an interrupt after
every conversion (SMPI<3:0> = 0000). Use
another wake-up source, such as the WDT or
another interrupt source, to exit the Sleep or Idle
mode. Alternatively, perform A/D conversions in
Run mode.
Affected Silicon Revisions
29. Module: SPI (Framed Modes)
A frame synchronization pulse may not be output
in SPIx Master mode if the pulse is selected to
coincide with the first bit clock (SPIFE = 1). SCKx
and SDOx waveforms are not affected.
Work around
Select the frame synchronization pulses to
prec ede th e first bit cl ock (SPI FE = 0). The frame
pulses will output correctly as described in the
produ ct dat a shee t.
Affected Silicon Revisions
A2 A3 A4 C1 C2
A2 A3 A4 C1 C2
A2 A3 A4 C1 C2
A2 A3 A4 C1 C2
A2 A3 A4 C1 C2
2009-2011 Microchip Technology Inc. DS80471B-page 11
30. Module: SPI (Slave Mode)
In SPIx Slave mode (MSTEN = 0), with the slave
select option enabled (SSEN = 1), the peripheral
may accept transfers regardless of the SSx pin
state. The received data in SSPxBUF will be
accurate but not intended for the device.
Work around
If the Slave select option is required (e.g., the
device is one of multiple SPIx slave nodes on an
SPIx network), two potential work arounds exist:
1. Configure the port associated with SSx to an
input and periodical ly read the POR T register. If
the pin is read ‘0’, disable the SPIx peripheral
(SPIEN = 0). Enable the peripheral (SPIEN = 1)
if the pin is read as a logic 1’.
2. Read th e pin associ ated with SSx after a trans-
fer is complete, indicated by the SPIxF bit
being set. If the port pin is read as a digital ‘1’,
read SSPxBUF and discard the conten t s .
Affected Silicon Revisions
31. Module: Oscillator (Two-Speed Start-up)
The Two-Speed Start-up feature may not be
available on exit from Sleep mode with the IESO
bit (Internal External Switchover mode) enabled.
Upon wake-up, the device will wait for the clock
source used prior to entering Sleep mode to
bec ome re ady.
Work around
Affected Silicon Revisions
32. Module: Core (Reset)
The CLKDIV register Reset value is incorrect. The
register will re set with u nimplem ented bit s equ al to
1’ for all Resets.
Work around
Mask out u nimp lemen ted bit s to main tai n sof tware
compatibility with future device revisions.
Affected Silicon Revisions
33. Module: Core (Traps)
If a clock failure occurs when the device is in Idle
mode, the oscillator failure trap does not vector to
the Trap Service Routine (TSR). Instead, the
device will simply wake-up from Idle mode and
continue code execution if the Fail-Safe Clock
Monitor (FSCM) is enabled.
Work around
Whenever the device wakes up from Idle (assuming
the FSCM is enabled), the user software should
check the st atus of the OSCFAIL bit (INTCON1<1>)
to determine whether a clock failure occurred and
then perform an appro priate clock switch operation.
Affected Silicon Revisions
34. Module: Core (Reset s)
On a Brown-out Reset, both the BOR and POR
bits may be set. This may cause the Brown-out
Reset condition to be indistinguishable from the
Power-on Reset.
Work around
Affected Silicon Revisions
35. Module: I/O Ports
During Power-on Reset (POR), the device may
drive the OSCO/CLKO/RC15 pin as a clock out
output for approximately 20 s. During this time,
the pin will be driven high and low rather than
being set to high-impedance. This may cause
issues on designs that use the pin as a general
purpose I/O. Designs should be reviewed to
ensure that their intended operation will not be
disrupted if the pin is driven during POR.
Work around
Affected Silicon Revisions
A2 A3 A4 C1 C2
A2 A3 A4 C1 C2
A2 A3 A4 C1 C2
A2 A3 A4 C1 C2
A2 A3 A4 C1 C2
A2 A3 A4 C1 C2
DS80471B-page 12 2009-2011 Microchip Technology Inc.
36. Module: I2C (Slave Mode)
During I2C Slave mode transactions, the
Data/Address bit, D/A, may not update during
the data frame. This affects both 7 and 10-Bit
Addressi ng modes.
I2C slav e recep tions are no t af fected by this issu e.
Work around
Use the Read/Write bit, R/W, and the Transmit
Buffer Full Status Bit, TBF, to determine whether
address or data information is being received.
For more information, see Figure 24-30 and
Figure 24-31 in Section 24. “Inter-Integrated
Circuit™ (I2C™)” (DS39702).
Affected Silicon Revisions
37. Module: UART (Auto-Baud)
When an auto-baud is detected, the receive
interrupt may occur twice. The first interrupt occurs
at the beginning of the Start bit and the second
after reception of the Sync field character.
Work around
If a receive interrupt occurs, check the URXDA bit
(UxSTA<0>) to ensure that valid data is available.
On the first interrupt, no data will be present. The
second interrupt will have the Sync field character
(55h) in the receiv e FIFO .
Affected Silicon Revisions
38. Module: UART (Auto-Baud)
The auto-baud may miscalculate for certain baud
rates an d c loc k speed combina tions, res ul ting in a
BRG value that is 1 greater or less than the
expect ed value. When Ux BRG is les s than 50, this
can result in transmission and reception failures
due to introducing error greater than 1%.
Work around
Test auto- baud cal culation s at various clock s peed
and baud rate combinations that would be used in
applications. If an inaccurate UxBRG value is
generated, manually correct the baud rate in user
Affected Silicon Revisions
39. Module: UART
When the UART uses two Stop bits (STSEL = 1),
it may sample the first Stop bit instead of the
second one. If the device being communicated
with is using one Stop bit in its communications,
this may lead to framing errors.
Work around
Affected Silicon Revisions
40. Module: SPI
In SPIx Master mode, the Disable SCKx pin bit,
DISSCK, may not disable the SPIx clock. As a
result, the PIC® microcontroller must provide the
SPIx clock in Master mode.
Work around
Affected Silicon Revisions
41. Module: Output Compare (PWM Mode)
In PWM mode, the output compare module may
miss a com pa re even t when the curr ent duty cycl e
register (OCxRS) value is 0x0000 (0% duty cycle)
and the OCxR S r egi ste r i s u pd ated w it h a v alu e of
0x0001. The compare event is only missed the first
time a value of 0x0001 is written to OCxRS and the
PWM output remains low for one PWM period.
Subsequent PWM high and low times occur as
Work around
If the current OCxRS register value is 0x0000,
avoid writing a value of 0x0001 to OCxRS.
Instead, write a value of 0x 0002. In this ca se, how-
ever, the duty cycle will be slightly different from
the desired value.
Affected Silicon Revisions
A2 A3 A4 C1 C2
A2 A3 A4 C1 C2
A2 A3 A4 C1 C2
A2 A3 A4 C1 C2
A2 A3 A4 C1 C2
A2 A3 A4 C1 C2
2009-2011 Microchip Technology Inc. DS80471B-page 13
42. Module: CRC
If a CRC FIFO overflow occurs, the VWORD
indicator will reset to ‘1’ instead of ‘0’. Further
writes to the FIFO will cause the VWO RD indi cator
to reset to ‘0’ after seven writ es are perf orm ed.
Work around
Poll the CRCFUL bit (CRCCON<7>) to ensure that
no writes are performed on the FIFO when it is full.
Affected Silicon Revisions
43. Module: UART (IrDA®)
When the UART is configured for IrDA interface
operations (UxMODE<9:8> = 11), the 16x baud
clock signal on the BCLKx pin will only be present
when the module is transmitting. The pin will be
Idle at all other time s.
Work around
Configure one of the output compare modules to
gener at e th e requ ir ed ba ud c lock sign al w hen t he
UART is receiving data or in an Idle state.
Affected Silicon Revisions
44. Module: I2C
Bit and byte-based operations may not have the
intended affect on the I2CxSTAT register. It is
possible for bit and byte operations performed on
the lower byte of I2CxSTAT to clear the BCL bit
(I2CxSTAT<10>). Bit and byte operation performed
on the upper byte of I2CxSTAT, or on the BCL bit
directly, may not be able to clear the BCL bit.
Work around
Modifications to the I2CxSTAT register should be
done us ing wo rd writ es on ly. This can be done in
‘C’ by always writing to the register itself and not
the indivi du al bi ts. For exam ple, the code :
forces the co mpile r to use a w ord-ba sed o peratio n
to clear the BCL bit. In assembly, it is done by not
using BSET or BCLR instructions. or instructions
with the .b mo difi er.
Affected Silicon Revisions
45. Module: I2C
After the ACKSTAT bit is set, while receiving a
NACK from the master or a slave, it may be
cleared by the reception of a Start or Stop bit.
Work around
Store the value of the ACKSTAT bit immediately
after receiving a NACK.
Affected Silicon Revisions
46. Module: RTCC
When performing writes to the ALCFGRPT register ,
some bit s may become corrupted. The error occurs
because of desynchronization between the CPU
clock domain and the RTCC clock domain .
The error causes data from the instruction following
the ALCFGRPT instruction to overwrite the data in
Work around
Always follow writes to the ALCFGRPT register
with an additional write of the same data to a
dummy location. Th ese writes can be performed to
RAM locations, W registers or unimplemented
SFR space.
The optimal way to perform the work around:
1. Read ALCFGRPT into a RAM location.
2. Modify the ALCFGRPT data, as required, in
3. Move the RAM value into ALCFGRPT and a
dummy location in back-to-back instructions.
Affected Silicon Revisions
A2 A3 A4 C1 C2
A2 A3 A4 C1 C2
A2 A3 A4 C1 C2
A2 A3 A4 C1 C2
A2 A3 A4 C1 C2
DS80471B-page 14 2009-2011 Microchip Technology Inc.
47. Module: Core (Instruction Set)
If an instruction producing a read-after-write stall
condition is executed inside a REPEAT loop, the
instruction will be executed fewer times than was
intended. For example, this loop:
repeat #0xf
inc [w1],[++w1]
will execute less than 15 times.
Work around
Avoid using REPEAT to repetitively execute
instructions that create a stall condition. Instead,
use a software loop using conditional branches.
Affected Silicon Revisions
48. Module: Memory (Program Space
When accessing data in the PSV area of data
RAM, it is possible to generate a false address
error trap condition by reading data located
preci sely at the lo wer add ress boun dary (8 000h).
If data is read using an instruction with an
auto-decrement, the resulting RAM address will be
below the PSV boundary (i.e., at 7FFEh); this will
result in an address error trap.
This false address error can also occur if a 32-bit
MOV instruction is used to read the data at location
Work around
Do not use the first location of a PSV page
(address 8000h).
Affected Silicon Revisions
49. Module: I/O (PORTB)
When RB5 is configured as an open-drain output,
it remains in a high-impedance state. The settings
of LATB5 and TRISB5 have no effect on the pins
Work around
If open-drain operation is not required, configure
RB5 as a regular I/O (ODCB<5> = 0).
If open-drain operation is required, there are two
select a different I/O pin for the open-drain
function; or
place an external transistor on the pin and
con figure the pin as a regular I/O.
Affected Silicon Revisions
50. Module: RTCC (Alarm)
Under certain circumstances, the value of the
Alarm Repeat Counter (ALCFGRPT<7:0>) may be
unexpectedly decremented. This happens only
when a byte write to the upper byte of ALCFGRPT
is performed in the interval between a device
POR/BOR an d the firs t e dge fro m the RTCC cl oc k
Work around
Do not perform byte writes on ALCFGRPT,
particularly the upper byte.
Alternatively, wait until one period of the SOSC
has completed before performing byte writes to
Affected Silicon Revisions
A2 A3 A4 C1 C2
A2 A3 A4 C1 C2
A2 A3 A4 C1 C2
A2 A3 A4 C1 C2
2009-2011 Microchip Technology Inc. DS80471B-page 15
51. Module: UART (UERIF Interrupt)
The UART error interrupt may not occur, or occur
at an incorrect time, if multiple errors occur during
a sho rt period of time.
Work around
Read the error flags in the UxSTA register when-
ever a b yte is rec ei ved to ve rify the erro r s t atus. In
most cases, these bits will be correct, even if the
UART error interrupt fails to occur. For possible
exceptions, refer to Errata # 52.
Affected Silicon Revisions
52. Module: UART (FIFO Error Flags)
Under certain circumstances, the PERR and
FERR error bits may not be correct for all bytes in
the receive FIFO. This has only been observed
when both of the following conditions are met:
the UART receive interrupt is set to occur when
the FIFO is full or ¾ full (UxSTA<7:6> = 1x);
more than 2 bytes with an error are received.
In these ca ses, only the fir st two bytes with a parity
or framing error will have the corresponding bits
indica te correctly. The error bit s will not be set af ter
Work around
Affected Silicon Revisions
53. Module: UART
The UART may not transmit if data is written to
TXxREG before the module is enabled.
Work around
To ensure tr ans mi ss io n oc curs , al wa ys ena ble the
UART before the buffer is loaded. Use the proce-
dure in Section 16.2 “Transmitting in 8-Bit Dat a
Mode” or Section 16.3 “Transmitting in 9-Bit
Data Mode of the device data sheet (DS39747).
Affected Silicon Revisions
54. Module: I2C (Master Mode)
Unde r certain c ircumsta nces, a m odule op erating
in Master mode may Acknowledge its own com-
mand addressed to a slave device. This happens
when the following occurs:
10-Bit Addressing mode is used (A10M = 1);
•the I
2C master has the same tw o uppe r
address bits (I2CADD<9:8>) as the addressed
slave module.
In th ese cases, t he master also Ackn owledges the
address command and generates an erroneous
slave in ter r up t, a s w ell as the
master interrupt.
Work around
Several options are available:
When using 10-Bit Addressing mode, make
cert ain that the master and slave dev ices do no t
share the same 2 MSbs of their addresses.
If this cannot be avo id ed:
Clear the A10M bit (I2CxCON<10> = 0) prior to
performing a Master mode transmit.
Read the ADD10 bit (I2CxSTAT<8>) to check
for a full 10-bit match whenever a slave I2C
interrupt occurs on the master module.
Affected Silicon Revisions
55. Module: I2C (Slave Mode)
Unde r certain c ircumsta nces, a m odule op erating
in Slave mode may not respond correctly to some
of the special addresses reserved by the I2C
protocol . This ha ppe ns w he n th e foll ow in g o ccurs :
10-Bit Addressing mode is used (A10M = 1);
the A<7:1> bits of the slave address
(I2CADD<7:1>) fall into the range of the
reserved 7-bit address ranges: ‘1111xxx’ or
In these cases, the Slave module Acknowledges
the com mand and triggers an I 2C slave in terrupt; it
does not copy the data into the I2CxRCV register
or set the RBF bit.
Work around
Do not set bits, A<7:1>, of the module’s slave
address equal to 1111xxx’ or ‘0000xxx’.
Affected Silicon Revisions
A2 A3 A4 C1 C2
A2 A3 A4 C1 C2
A2 A3 A4 C1 C2
A2 A3 A4 C1 C2
A2 A3 A4 C1 C2
DS80471B-page 16 2009-2011 Microchip Technology Inc.
56. Module: I2C
The Transmit Buf fer Full (TBF) flag (I2CxSTAT<0>)
may not be cleared by hardware if a collision on the
I2C bus occurs before the first falling clock edge
during a transmission.
Work around
Affected Silicon Revisions
57. Module: SPI (Master Mode)
In Master mode, the SPIx Interrupt Flag (SPIxIF)
and the SPIRBF bit (SPIxSTAT<0>) may both
become set one-half clock cycle early, instead of
on the clock edge. This occurs only under the
following circumstances:
Enhanced Buffer mode is disabled
(SPIBEN = 0); and
the module is configured for serial data output
changes on transition from clock active to clock
Idle state (CKE = 1)
If the appli cation is usin g the interrupt flag to det er-
mine when data to be transmitted is written to the
transmi t buffer, the dat a current ly in the buf fer may
be overwritten.
Work around
Before writing to the SPIx buffer , check the SCKx pin
to determine if the last clock edge has passed.
Example 1 (below) demonstrates a method for
doing this. In this example, the RD1 pin functions as
the SPIx clock, SCKx, which is configured as Idle
Affected Silicon Revisions
A2 A3 A4 C1 C2
A2 A3 A4 C1 C2
while(IFS0bits.SPI1IF == 0){} //wait for the transmission to complete
while(PORTDbits.RD1 == 1){} //wait for the last clock to finish
SPI1BUF = 0xFF; //write new data to the buffer
2009-2011 Microchip Technology Inc. DS80471B-page 17
58. Module: RTCC (Alarm)
The RTCC alarm repeat will generate an incorrect
number of pin toggles. If the repeat count (x) is
even, it will toggle the alarm pin ‘x’ times. If the
repeat cou nt is odd, one les s than x toggle s will be
obs erved (x – 1).
Work around
None at this time.
Affected Silicon Revisions
59. Module: I/O Pins
The I/O pin output, V OL, meets the specificatio ns in
Table 3 below.
Work around
Affected Silicon Revisions
A2 A3 A4 C1 C2
A2 A3 A4 C1 C2
DC CHARACTERISTICS St andard Operating Conditions: 2.0V to 3.6V (unless otherwise st ated)
Operati ng tem pe ratur e -40°C TA +85°C for Industrial
No. Sym Characteristic Min Typ(1)Max Units Conditions
VOL O utput Low Voltage
DO10 All I/O Pins .55 V IOL = 8.5 mA, VDD = 3.6V
——.4VIOL = 7.8 mA, VDD = 3.6V
——.55VIOL = 6.0 mA, VDD = 2.0V
OL = 5.0 mA, VDD = 2.0V
Note 1: Data in “Typ” column is at 3.3V, 25°C unless otherwise stated. Parameters are for design guidance only
and are not tested.
DS80471B-page 18 2009-2011 Microchip Technology Inc.
60. Module: SPI (Framed SPIx Modes)
Framed SPIx modes, as described in the device
data sheet, are not supported. When using the
module, verify the FRMEN bit (SPIxCON2<15>) is
All other SPIx modes function as described.
Work around
Affected Silicon Revisions
61. Module: SPI (Enhanced Mode)
SPIx operating in Enhanced Buffer mode
(SPIBEN = 1) may set the interrupt flag, SPIxIF,
before the last bit has been transmitted from the
Shift register. This issue only affects one of the
eight interrupt modes, SISEL<2:0> = 101, which
generate s an interrupt when the las t bit has shifte d
out of the Shift register, indicating the transfer is
complete. All other interrupt modes in Enhanced
Buffer mode work as described in the device data
Work around
Multiple work arounds are available. Select
another Buffer Interrupt mode using the
SISEL<2:0> bits in the SPIxSTAT register. A com-
parab le m od e is to g ene rate an interrupt w h en th e
FIFO is empty (SISEL<2:0> = 110). Another
option i s to monitor th e SRMPT bit (SPIx ST AT<7>)
to determine when the Shift register is empty.
Affected Silicon Revisions
62. Module: Core (Code Protection)
When general segment code protection has been
enabled (GCP Configuration bit is programmed),
applications are unable to write to the first
512 bytes of the program memory space (0000h
through 0200h). In applications that may require
the interrupt vectors to be changed during run
time, such as bootloaders, modifications to the
interrup t vector tables will not be possible.
Work around
Create two new interrupt vector tables, one each
for the IVT and AIVT, in an area of program space
beyond the affected region. Map the addresses in
the old vec tor ta bles to th e new t able s. These new
tables can then be modified as needed to the
actual address es of the ISRs.
Affected Silicon Revisions
63. Module: UART (Transmit Interrupt)
When using UTXISEL<1:0> = 01 (interrupt when
the last character is shifted out of the Transmit
Shift register) and the final character is being
shifted out through the Transmit Shift Register
(TSR), the TX interrupt may occur before the final
bit is shifted out.
Work around
If it is critical that the interrupt processing occurs
only when all transmit operations are complete,
after which the following work around can be
Hold off the in terrupt routi ne p roc ess in g by ad din g
a loop at the beginning of the routin e that po lls th e
Transmit Shift register empty bit, as shown in
Example 2.
Affected Silicon Revisions
A2 A3 A4 C1 C2
A2 A3 A4 C1 C2
A2 A3 A4 C1 C2
A2 A3 A4 C1 C2
// in UART2 initialization code
U2STAbits.UTXISEL0 = 1; // Set to generate TX interrupt when all
U2STAbits.UTXISEL1 = 0; // transmit operations are complete.
while(U2STAbits.TRMT==0); // wait for the transmit buffer to be empty
... // process interrupt
2009-2011 Microchip Technology Inc. DS80471B-page 19
Data Sheet Clarifications
The foll owing ty pographic corrections and clar ification s
are to be note d fo r the latest ve rsi on of the devi ce data
sheet (DS39747E):
Note: Corrections are shown in bold. Where
possible, the original bold text formatting
has been removed for clarity.
DS80471B-page 20 2009-2011 Microchip Technology Inc.
Rev A Document (6/2009)
Initial release of this document; issued for revision C2.
Incorporates the following current and historical silicon
issues from revisions A2, A3, A4 and C1:
1 (Core)*
•2 (I
•3 (UART)
4 (Resets)
•5 (Timers)
6 (SPI – Enhanced Mode)*
7 (JTAG – Programming)*
•9 (I
•10 (UART)
11 (SP I – Mas ter Mode)*
12 (CPU)
13-14 (PMP – Master Mode)*
15-16 (RTCC)
2C– Slave Mode)*
19-22 (UART)*
23 (UART– Hardware Flow Control)*
25 (UART– Auto-Baud)*
26 (Interrupts – Traps)*
27 (Output Compare)
28 (A/D – INT0 Trigger)*
29 (SPI – Framed Modes)*
30 (SPI – Slave Mode)
31 (Osc illator – Two-Speed Start-up)*
32, 34 (Core – Reset)
33 (Core – Traps)*
35 (I/O Ports)
•36 (I
2C – Slave Mode)*
37-38 (UART– Auto-Baud)*
•39 (UART)
40 (SPI)
41 (Output Compare – PWM Mode)*
42 (CRC)
43 (UART– IrDA) *
44-45 (I2C)
•46 (RTCC)
47 (Core – Instruction Set)
48 (Memory – Program Space Visibility)
49 (I/O – PORTB)
•50 (RTCC Alarm)*
51 (UART – UERIF Interrupt)
52 (UART – FIFO Error Flags)
•53 (UART)
•54 (I
2C – Master Mode)
•55 (I
2C – Slave Mode)
•56 (I
57 (SPI – Master Mode)
58 (RTCC – Alarm)*
59 (I/O Pins)
60 (SPI – Framed SPIx Modes)
61 (SPI– Enhanced Mode)*
62 (Core – Code Protec tion).
Issues marked with * have had additional descriptive
text added to their titles, but are otherwise unchanged
from the origina l publ ic ati on.
Issues 39 (UART) and 45 (I2C) ha ve been re vised w i th
updated language that reflects a more complete
understanding of their scope and/or root causes.
A previous issue from revision A2 (I2C) has been
deleted as a duplicate of issue 45.
This document replaces these errata documents:
“PIC24FJ128GA010 Family Rev. A2 Silicon
Errata” (DS80275)
“PIC24FJ128GA010 Family Rev. A3 Silicon
Errata” (DS80295)
“PIC24FJ128GA010 Family Rev. A4 Silicon
Errata” (DS80330)
“PIC24FJ128GA010 Family Rev. C1 Silicon
Errata” (DS80422)
Rev B Document (11/2011)
Adds silicon issue 63 (UART – Transmit Interrupt) to
silicon revision C1 and C2.
2009-2011 Microchip Technology Inc. DS80471B-page 21
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ISBN: 978-1-61341-810-9
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DS80471B-page 22 2009-2011 Microchip Technology Inc.
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