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Absolute Maximum Ratings(Note 2) Recommended Operating
Conditions (Note 5)
Note 2: The “Absolute Maximum Ratings” are thos e values bey ond which
the saf ety of the device cannot be gu aranteed. Th e device shoul d not be
operated at these limits. The parametric values defined in the Electrical
Characteristics tables are not guaranteed at the absolute maximum rating.
The “R ecomm ended Oper ating Co ndition s” table will def ine the condit ions
for actu al device operation.
Note 3: VS is the voltage observed/applied at either the A or B Ports across
the switch.
Note 4: The inpu t and outpu t negati ve voltag e ratings m ay be ex ceede d if
the input and output diode current ratings are observed.
Note 5: Unused control inputs must be held HIGH or LOW. They may not
DC Electrical Characteristics
Note 6: Typ ical values ar e at VCC = 5.0V and TA = +25°C
Note 7: Measured by the v olt age drop between A and B pins at th e indica te d c urrent thro ugh the swit c h. On Res is t ance is de te rm ined by th e lower of the
voltages on the two (A or B) pi ns .
Supply Voltage (VCC)−0.5V to +7.0V
DC Switch Voltage (VS) (Note 3) −0.5V to +7.0V
DC Input Control Pin Voltag e
(VIN) (Note 4) −0.5V to +7.0V
DC Input Diode Current (lIK) VIN < 0V −50 mA
DC Output (IOUT) Current 128 mA
DC VCC/GND Current (ICC/IGND)+/− 100 mA
Storage Temperature Range (TSTG)−65°C to +150 °C
Power Supply Operating (VCC) 4.0V to 5.5V
Input Voltage (VIN)0V to 5.5V
Output Voltage (VOUT)0V to 5.5V
Free Air Operating Temperature (TA)-40 °C to +85 °C
Symbol Parameter VCC TA = −40 °C to +85 °CUnits Conditions
(V) Min Typ
(Note 6) Max
VIK Clamp Diode Voltage 4.5 −1.2 V IIN = −18 mA
VIH HIGH Level Input V oltag e 4.0-5.5 2.0 V IF S2 = HIGH 4.5V ≤ VCC ≤ 5.5V
VIL LOW Level Input Voltage 4.0-5.5 0.8 V IF S2 = HIGH 4.5V ≤ VCC ≤ 5.5V
VOH HIGH Level Output Voltage 4.5-5.5 See Figure 3 V S2 = VCC
IIInput Leakage Current 5.5 ±1.0 µA0 ≤ VIN ≤ 5.5V
IN = 5.5 V
IOZ OFF-STA T E Leakag e Current 5.5 ±1.0 µA0 ≤ A, B ≤ VCC
RON Switch On Resistance 4.5 4 7 ΩVIN = 0V, IIN = 64 mA, S2 = 0V or VCC
(Note 7) 4.5 4 7 ΩVIN = 0V, IIN = 30 mA, S2 = 0V or VCC
4.5 8 12 ΩVIN = 2.4V, IIN = 15 mA, S2 = 0V
4.0 11 20 ΩVIN = 2.4V, IIN = 15 mA, S2 = 0V
4.5 35 50 ΩVIN = 2.4V, IIN = 15 mA, S2 = VCC
ICC Quiescent Supply Current
2 = GND, VIN = VCC or GND, IOUT = 0
10 µAS
2 = VCC, OEx = VCC, VIN = VCC or GND, IOUT = 0
1.5 mA S2 = VCC, OEx = GND, VIN = VCC or GND, IOUT = 0
∆ ICC Increase in ICC per Input
5.5 2.5 mA One Input at 3.4V
Other Inputs at VCC or GND, S2 = 0V
4.0 mA One Input at 3.4V
Other Inputs at VCC or GND, S2 = VCC