Semiconductor Relays Page 1 of 2 GU (General Use) Type SOP Series [2-Channel (Form A) Type] Gg AL AQW21*S ae * at at FEATURES 1. 2 channels in super miniature design The device comes in a super-miniature SO package measuring (W) 4.4 x (L) 9.37 x (A) 2.1 mm (W) .173% (L) .369* (H) .083 inch approx. 38% of the volume and 66% of the footprint size of DIP type PhotoMOS Relays. (DIP) (SOP) Approx, 38% Volume SS = YP Approx. 66% Footprint SES => SS 2. Tape and reel The device comes standard in a tape and reel (1,000 pcs./reel) to facilitate automatic insertion machines. 3. Controls low-level analog signals PhotoMOS relays feature extremely low closed-circuit offset voltage to enable control of low- level analog signals without distortion. 4. Low-level off state leakage current;td=2;cs=dynaweb1.wv?DwebQuery=AQW2 22/08/2001Semiconductor Relays Page 2 of 2 In contrast to the SSR with an off state leakage current of several milliamps, the PhotoMOS relay features a very small off state leakage current of only 100 pA even with the rated load voltage of 400 V (AQW2148) TYPICAL APPLICATIONS Telephones Measuring instruments Computer Industrial robots High-speed inspection machines. TYPES Packing quantity in tape and reel 1,000 pes. Notes: (1) Tape package is the standard packing style. Also available in tube. (Part No. suffix "X" or "Z" is not needed when ordering; Tube: 50 pcs.; Case: 1,000 pcs.) (2) For space reasons, the package type indicator "X" and "Z" are omitted from the seal. *Indicate the peak AC and DC values. Output rating* Part No. Type Load Load Picked from the Picked from the voltage [current |1/2/3/4-pin side 5/6/7/8-pin side Load 350 V__ {100 mA JAQW2108X AQW210SZ voltage (400V |80mA |[AQW214SX AQW214SZ RATING ... DIMENSIONS ... SCHEMATIC AND WIRING DIAGRAMS ... CAUTIONS FOR USE ... REFERENCE DATA ...;td=2;cs=dynaweb1.wv?7DwebQuery=AQW2 22/08/2001Semiconductor Relays Page 1 of 5 REFERENCE DATA |. Load current vs. ambient temperature characteristics Allowable ambient temperature: 40 to +85C ~A0 to + 185F 200 AQW2ZI4EH (using only 1 channel) g ome Load current, mA & AQW210EH fusing 2 oi -200 20 4060S T00 ~~ Anbient tamparature, C 2. On resistance vs. ambient temperature characteristics Measured portion: between terminals 5 and 6, 7 and 8; LED current: 5 mA; Load voltage: Max. (DC); Continuous load current: Max. (DC) 50) cy 40 30 AQW214EH & 2 AQWZ2ZIGEH a a LE 10 0 40 -20 0 2 4 #80 BBS orn bien! temperatura, oC 3. Turn on time vs. ambient temperature characteristics Sample: All types LED current: 5 mA; Load voltage: Max. (DC); Continuous load current: Max. (DC);td=2;cs=dynaw.../5433 22/08/2001Semiconductor Relays Page 2 of 5 25 1.5 ano "TUE ON time. ms 05 4. Turn off time vs. ambient temperature characteristics Sample: All types LED current: 5 mA; Load voltage: Max. (DC); Continuous load current: Max. (DC) 03 o a = i a on Ss mh: ome Turn off time, ms 5 o 40 -20 0 20 40 8 8085 oon Amblant temperatura, C 5. LED operate current vs. ambient temperature characteristics Sample: All types; Load voltage: Max. (DC); Continuous load current: Max. (DC) 5 z, 5 32 , : Y g ? 7 | the pee a0 46 -20 0 40 BO B85 Aribient temperature, C 6. LED turn off current vs. ambient temperature characteristics Sample: All types; Load voltage: Max. (DC); Continuous load current: Max. (DC);td=2;cs=dynaw.../5433 22/08/2001Semiconductor Relays Page 3 of 5 ae LED turn off current, mA NN ee -40 -20 0 20 40 G 8085 ow Arent temperature, C 7, LED dropout voltage vs. ambient temperature characteristics Sample: All types; LED current: 5 to 50 mA 15 > 14 f 3 Pe B 12 2 tee 5omA g | | Te ken i romA | 0 7 ol 0 -20 0 8 ~~~ Anbient famperature, C 8. Voltage ys. current characteristics of output at MOS portion Measured portion: between terminals 5 and 6, 7 and 8; Ambient temperature: 25C 77F 1 120 100 80 60 40 Current, mA AQW214EH 1 4 ~20'~ Vortage, V -40 60 ~80 AQW?210EH4140 9. Off state leakage current Measured portion: between terminals 5 and 6, 7 and 8; Ambient temperature: 25C 77F;td=2;cs=dynaw.../5433 22/08/2001Semiconductor Relays Page 4 of 5 onl wk 2 % 8 ~-m Off state leakage current, A AQW210E ood S = 20 40 60 8D 100 ~~~ Load voltage, V 10. LED forward current vs. turn on time characteristics Sample: All types Measured portion: between terminals 5 and 6, 7 and 8; Load voltage: Max. (DC); Continuous load current: Max. (DC); Ambient temperature: 25C 77F 3 2.6 wh & a 2 S ge 18 = - _ 10 20 30 40 50 60 LED forward current. mA 11. LED forward current vs. turn off time characteristics Sample: All types Measured portion: between terminals 5 and 6, 7 and 8; Load voltage: Max. (DC); Continuous load current: Max. (DC); Ambient temperature: 25C 77F 0.2 oS ah an Tum off time, ms 2;td=2;cs=dynaw.../5433 22/08/2001Semiconductor Relays Page 5 of 5 A. Wes 0 10 20 3 400 50 6D -~ LEO fonvard current, mA 12. Applied voltage vs. output capacitance characteristics Sample: All types Measured portion: between terminals 5 and 6, 7 and 8; Frequency: 1 MHz; Ambient temperature: 25C 77F 30 Output capacitamce, pF 8 NA 0 - Applied voltage, V;td=2;cs=dynaw.../5433 22/08/2001Semiconductor Relays Page 1 of 10 PhotoMOS Relays excluding Power PhotoMOS Relays SAFETY WARNINGS Do not use the product under conditions that exceed the range of its specifications. It may cause overheating, smoke, or fire. Do not touch the recharging unit while the power is on. There is a danger of electrical shock. Be sure to turn off the power when performing mounting, maintenance, or repair operations on the relay (including connecting parts such as the terminal board and socket). Check the connection diagrams in the catalog and be sure to connect the terminals correctly. Erroneous connections could lead to unexpected operating errors, overheating, or fire. 1. Unused terminals The No. 3 terminal is used with the circuit inside the relay. Therefore, do not connect it to the external circuitry with either connection method A, B or C. (1a type) 2. Short across terminals Do not short circuit between terminals when relay is energized. There is possibility of breaking the internal IC. 3. Surge voltages at the input If reverse surge voltages are present at the input terminals, connect a diode in reverse parallel across the input terminals and keep the reverse voltages below the reverse breakdown voltage. OV 14 |B 8 A: | 5, os 46 4. Recommended LED forward current (1,) It is recommended that the LED forward current (I,) of each PhotoMOS Relay should be set according to the following table. DIP SMD type Standard I/O isolation type (1,500 V AC) Recommended LED forward current (ip) Type |Product name;td=2;cs=dynaw.../5433 22/08/2001Semiconductor Relays Page 2 of 10 AQV10,20 Series 10mA AQY21, 41 Series (SOP) AQV21, 41 Series (including SOP) AQV?22 Series (including SOP) AQY22 Series (SSOP, SOP) AQV25, 45 Series AQW2 1* Series (including SOP) AQW41*, 61* Series Gncluding [5mA SOP) AQW22 Series AQW25, 45, 65 Series AQS210PS Series DIP _ |AQS210TS Series (SMD)14.98210T2S Series SOP 14Q8225S Series AQS610TS Series AQY21*H, 41*H Series AQY210HL Series AQY27 Series AQW27 Series AQV21*H Series AQV210HL Series 5 to 10mA AQV25*H, 45*H Series AQW 21 *h, 41*H, 61*H Series AQW210HL Series AQV23 Series 2mA AQX?1 Series 5mA SIL |AQZ10, 20, 40 Series AQZ26 Series 5 to10mA 5. Ripple in the input power supply If ripple is present in the input power supply, observe the following: 1) For LED operate current at Emin, maintain the value mentioned in the table of "4. Recommended LED forward current (I,)." 2) Keep the LED operate current at 50 mA (25 mA for PhotoMOS HE Relay with LED display type) or less at Emax. Emin Emax. 6. Output spike voltages 1) If an inductive load generates spike voltages which exceed the absolute maximum rating, the spike voltage must be limited. Typical circuits are shown below.;td=2;cs=dynaw.../5433 22/08/2001Semiconductor Relays Page 3 of 10 o oO 6 o-= | By __ Lead Tees Add a clamp dicde 4 to the load o+ 0 p21 | 85 = 3 Gar or we as I Add a CR snubber circut to the load 2) If spike voltages generated at the load are limited with a clamp diode and the circuit wires are long, spike voltages will occur by inductance. Keep wires as short as possible to minimize inductance. 7. Cleaning solvents compatibility Dip cleaning with an organic solvent is recommended for removal of solder flux, dust, etc. Select a cleaning solvent from the following table. If ultrasonic cleaning is used, the severity of factors such as frequency, output power and cleaning solvent selected may cause loose wires and other defects. Make sure these conditions are correct before use. For details, please consult us. . Compatibility Cleaning solvent (Y: Yes N: No) Chlorine Trichlene Y base Chloroethlene Indusco Adueous Hollis Y Lonco Terg Alcohol IPA Y base Ethanol Others Thinne T IN Gasoline 8. Input wiring pattern With AQY or AQW types , AQS210PS, AQS225S series avoid installing the input (LED side) wiring pattern to the bottom side of the package if you require the specified I/O isolation voltage (V,,) after mounting the PC board. Since part of the frame on the output side is exposed, it may cause fluctuations in the I/O isolation voltage.;td=2;cs=dynaw.../5433 22/08/2001Semiconductor Relays Portion of output side frarne {Output ~ - terminal side) ___/ i 1 en \ i 4 fnpat ting (input terminal / ' en "ney, - a? a side) __~ 1 ~. 1 ee oe \ May not allow the prescribed 1/O withstand voltage (Viso) to be achieved except for GU-E (Reinforced 5,000V)type 9. Soldering Page 4 of 10 1) When soldering PC board terminals, keep soldering time to within 10 s at 260C 500F . 2) When soldering surface-mount terminals, the following conditions are recommended. (1) IR Unfrared reflow) soldering method Ts Ta T1 ft = 1205 of lass t2= 30s or less (2) Vapor phase soldering method Te 7 rh te Tt = 180 10 200C see to 292 F Te = 215C 419) of less ti=40s t2 = 905 or less(40 5 or jess for SOP type} (3) Double wave soldering method Te ATI Tt = 156 to 165C 37 i to Soar T2 = 260C So or less;td=2;cs=dynaw.../5433 22/08/2001Semiconductor Relays Page 5 of 10 = 608 or less f2+t3 = 55 of lass (4) Soldering iron method Tip temperature: 280 to 300C 536 to 572F Wattage: 30 to 60 W Soldering time: within 5 s (5) Others Check mounting conditions before using other soldering methods (hot-air, hot plate, pulse heater, etc.) The temperature profile indicates the temperature of the soldered terminal on the surface of the PC board. The ambient temperature may increase excessively. Check the temperature under mounting conditions. The conditions for the infrared reflow soldering apply when preheating using the VPS method. 10. The following shows the packaging format 1) Tape and reel mm inch Type Tape dimensions Dimensions of p Tractor feed holes ' 0% aa. Direction of picking AOt0) 1.7540.1 Duet UME pyr Frag f ba SSOP 4- fechcochahchrhch pe pin type 4 Devi CA (1} When picked from 1/4-pin side: Part Na. AQY. >. SY (Shown above) (2) When picked from 2/3-pin side: Part No. AQY 2OOSW Direction of picking Tract feed boles > 55005 dia. ZBtO) 1.75401 0.30.05 eens dis. Set Ed rere Td OS OE Vb hh ghd ty ct t TT T rt \ sand s oF AOI as package 4- Be To | T free ed . i 740.1 mn type pin YP . 4401.1 TES Shit Old P1280 St te 22011 AFSL OVS Ia 0nd (1) When pie ked from 1/2-pin side: Part No. AQYOCOSX (Shown above) () When pic kad from 3/4-pin side: Part No. AQYOOOSZ;td=2;cs=dynaw.../5433 22/08/2001Semiconductor Relays Page 6 of 10 Derection of picking Tract eee see $60.1 F2r04 2.340.06 Rega, a4 ET Bos L7S8 | aT a4 008 , ir SO package 6- pin type (1) When picked from 1/2/3-pin side: Part No. AQVQOOSX (Reel color: blue) (Shown above) (2) When picked from 4/5/6-pin side: Part No. AQVOXx*)SZ (Reel color: orange) Direction of picking octet SO . package 8- ? | | word #205 (1) When picked from 1/2/2/4-pin side: Part No. AQWOQOSX (Shown above) (2) When picked from 5/6/7/8-pin side: Part No. AQWOD0SZ Direction of picking SO LER BR package 1 12-pin Jes0 2 type 20.1 \ lost. THe a0. mol * wis : (1) When pic hed from 1/2844/'56 pins ide: Part No. AQWOOOT2SX (Shown above) ) Whenpicked from 7/aQA ov11/12-pin side: Part No. AQWOOOT2SZ;td=2;cs=dynaw ../5433 22/08/2001Page 7 of 10 Semiconductor Relays Direction of picking Tractor feed holes 76404 1,5520,06 dia. eer 1.7510.1 a 0.920.05 0 da Gea Oia Gre DEVS - a SO Onfo to S a package P il 16-pin Her type ; =~ F2H).1 472" G88 (1) When picked from 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8-pin side: Part No. AQS2102(2}5X (Shown above) {2) When picked from 9/1 0/1 1/12/13/14/15/16-pin side: Part No. AQS210:D(2)SZ Direction of picking 126401 8040.1 = T7520 .1 SOLE FSF Ad oe Ha Ooh PD 4-pin ri SMD type Device mounted wees on ape SOE CM 4540.3 Boot 2 es dis 15620.1dia WFEME mee) eae CET OM (1) When picked from 1/2-pin side: Part No. AQYOOOAX (Shown above) (2) When picked from 3/4- pin side: Part No. AQYOOOAZ Tractor leed holes Cireatian of picking Leeda 40304 Weroy Tee 0340.05 it . 9,920.2 PD 8-pin ae S20 SMD type 142202 Qevice ne S on edie 16.020 ore 2.0101 inside (1} When picked from 1/2/3/4-pin side: Part No. AQW:> > DAX (Shown above} (2) When picked from 5/6/7/8-pin side: Part No. AQW: DAZ;td=2;cs=dynaw.../5433 22/08/2001Semiconductor Relays Page 8 of 10 Tractor Jaad holes O320.05., 187 dit 4-pin 1708 SMD type OY oom 201 1,550.) a, {1} Whee picked trom 1.2-pin side: Part No. AQYOOOEHAX, AQY210HLAX (Shown above) {2} When picked fron 34-pin side: Part No, AQY XQOEMAZ, AQYZ1GHLAZ 8-pin SMD type 1240.1 204 Sie) 1 ia. 4209 Pere ees Po OM Eas he LARS Sn (4) When picked from 1/2/3/4-pin aide: Part No. AGW MEHAX, AQW210HLAX {Shown above) {2} When picked from 546/7/8-pin side: Part No. AQ} DEHAZ, AQW210HKLAZ 6-pin SMD type (1) When picked from 1/2/2-pin side: Part No. AQVOOOS AX (Shown above} {2} When picked trom 4/5/6-pin side: Part No. AQVCKD.DAZ t feed hole Direction of picking " a ray Sal $ 8-pin > at . SMD Device mounted \ i | P type ../3433 22/08/2001Semiconductor Relays Page 9 of 10 (1) When picked from 1/2/3/4-pin side: Part No. AQWOCXOAX NL {Shown above) (2) When picked from 5/6/7/8-pin side: Part No. AQWOOQOAZ 2) Tube (1) Devices are packaged in a tube so pin No. | is on the stopper B side. Observe correct orientation when mounting them on PC boards. (SO package type, PD type, GU-E type [AQYI DEH, AQWOEH], GU Current Limit Function type [AQVYOHL, AQWOHL)) ft ~~ :% oS ys ~ B \ StopperB igreen} StopperA eon {GU-E type: blue) 2) Storage PhotoMOS relays implemented in SSO, SO packages are sensitive to moisture and come in sealed moisture-proof packages. Observe the following cautions on storage. After the moisture-proof package is unsealed, take the devices out of storage as soon as possible (within 1 month at the most). If the devices are to be left in storage for a considerable period after the moisture-proof package has been unsealed, it is recommended to keep them in another moisture-proof bag containing silica gel (within 3 months at the most). 11. Transportation and storage 1) Extreme vibration during transport will warp the lead or damage the relay. Handle the outer and inner boxes with care. 2) Storage under extreme conditions will cause soldering degradation, external appearance defects, and deterioration of the characteristics. The following storage conditions are recommended: Temperature: 0 to 45C 32 to 113F Humidity: Less than 70% R.H. Atomosphere: No harmful gasses such as sulfurous acid gas, minimal dust. 12. Current limit function (output current control) 1) Current limit function aims to increase resistance to surges when the switch is turned on. Before using this function, connect the varistor to the output as shown in the figure below.;td=2;cs=dynaw.../5433 22/08/2001Semiconductor Relays Page 10 of 10 1 4 L Varistor J Same 10 80us, 1 ERY "El a pve * Set the varistor voltage to 150 V or less. 2) The current limit function capability can be lost if used longer than the specified time. Be sure to set the output loss to the max. rate. 13. Applying stress that exceeds the absolute maximum rating If the voltage or current value for any of the terminals exceeds the absolute maximum rating, internal elements will deteriorate because of the excessive voltage or current. In extreme cases, wiring may melt, or silicon P/N junctions may be destroyed. As aresult, the design should ensure that the absolute maximum ratings will never be exceeded, even momentarily. 14. Deterioration and destruction caused by discharge of static electricity (RF CxR10, 20 types) This phenomenon is generally called static electricity destruction. This occurs when static electricity generated by various factors is discharged while the relay terminals are in contact. The result can producing internal destruction of the element. To prevent problems from static electricity, the following precautions and measures should be taken when using your device. 1) Employees handling relays should wear anti-static clothing and should be grounded through protective resistance of 500 k ohm to 1 M ohm. 2) A conductive metal sheet should be placed over the work table. Measuring instruments and jigs should be grounded. 3) When using soldering irons, either use irons with low leakage current, or ground the tip of the soldering iron. (Use of low-voltage soldering irons is also recommended.) 4) Devices and equipment used in assembly should also be grounded. 5) When packing printed circuit boards and equipment, avoid using high-polymer materials such as foam styrene, plastic, and other materials which carry an electrostatic charge. 6) When storing or transporting relays, the environment should not be conducive to generating static electricity (for instance, the humidity should be between 45 and 60%). Relay should always be protected by using non-conductive packing materials. 15. Short circuit protection circuit The short circuit protection circuit is designed to protect circuits from excess current. Therefore, surge current may be detected as current overload in which case the output current will be cut and the off state maintained. For this reason, please include the inrush current in the load current and keep it below the maximum load current. Also, in order to maintain stability of internal IC operation, maintain an input current of at least 5 mA. <Back;td=2;cs=dynaw.../5433 22/08/2001