SMV2020L-LF 9939 Via Pasar * San Diego, CA 92126 TEL (858) 621-2700 FAX (858) 621-2722 VOLTAGE CONTROLLED OSCILLATOR Rev A2 (f) (dBc/Hz) PHASE NOISE (1 Hz BW, typical) FEATURES * Frequency Range: 1860 - 2180 MHz * Tuning Voltage: 0.5-4.5 Vdc * SUB-L - Style Package APPLICATIONS * WLAN * PCS * Portable Radios OFFSET (Hz) VALUE UNITS 1860 - 2180 MHz -91 dBc/Hz -10 0.5-4.5 145 dBc Vdc MHz/V Power Output 52 dBm Load Impedance 50 Input Capacitance (max.) 50 Pushing <7 MHz/V Pulling (14 dB Return Loss, Any Phase) <12 MHz -40 to 85 C PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS Oscillation Frequency Range Phase Noise @ 10 kHz offset (1 Hz BW, typ.) Harmonic Suppression (2nd, typ.) Tuning Voltage Tuning Sensitivity (avg.) Operating Temperature Range Package Style pF SUB-L POWER SUPPLY REQUIREMENTS Supply Voltage (Vcc, nom.) 4.7 Vdc Supply Current (Icc, typ.) 13 mA All specifications are typical unless otherwise noted and subject to change without notice. APPLICATION NOTES * AN-100/1 : Mounting and Grounding of VCOs * AN-102 : Proper Output Loading of VCOs * AN-107 : How to Solder Z-COMM VCOs NOTES: (c) Z-Communications, Inc. Page 1 All rights reserved LOW COST - HIGH PERFORMANCE VOLTAGE CONTROLLED OSCILLATOR SMV2020L-LF PAGE 2 TUNING CURVE, typ. FREQUENCY (MHz) 2290 2240 2190 2140 2090 2040 -40 c c c 25 c 85 1990 1940 25 1890 1840 1790 1740 1690 1640 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 TUNING VOLTAGE (Vdc) POWER OUTPUT (dBm) POWER CURVE, typ. 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1681 1760 1832 1904 1975 2049 2122 2188 2242 2286 FREQUENCY (MHz) PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS (c) Z-Communications, Inc. Page 2 Printed in the U.S.A.