Application Specification
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E2009 Tyco Electronics Corporation, Harrisburg, PA
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Tel- Splice Connectors 16 SEP 09 Rev E
All numerical values are in metric units [with U.S. customary units in brackets]. Dimensions are in millimeters [and
inches]. Unless otherwise specified, dimensions have a tolerance of +0.13 [+.005] and angles have a tolerance of +2_.
Figures and illustrations are for identification only and are not drawn to scale.
This specification covers the requirements for application of Tel--Splice Connectors used to splice insulated
communication wire in telephone, security, temperature control, and audio systems. These connectors are
available in domestic, international, and flame retardant with 2--wire or 3--wire connection in sealed (with
sealant) for moisture resistant applications or unsealed (without sealant). Two--wire connectors are available in
butt--and--through, half--tap, and clearing (clear and cap). These connectors are designed to terminate wires by
using the insulation displacement technique. Function of each connector is described in Figure 1.
The connectors are marked with the applicable wire size range and are color--coded for identification. Each
connector consists of two pre--assembled housings: the upper (also referred to as contact retainer or blade)
housing and the lower (also referred to as wire entry) housing. Attached to the upper housing is a U--shaped
contact or two blades. The lower housing contains 2 or 3 wire holes or a wire hole and a wire slot. Each hole or
slot accepts only one wire. The contact has 4 or 6 wire contact slots—2 for each wire. The lower housing
contains a wire stuffer which forces the wires into the contact slots when the housings are pressed together for
termination. The lower housing provides strain relief for the wire after termination. The connectors are available
in loose--piece, cartridge, and ultrasonically welded stick form for terminating with manual hand--held tools.
When corresponding with personnel, use the terminology provided in this specification to facilitate your
inquiries for information. Basic terms and features of this product are provided in Figure 1.
Figure 1
3-Wire Connector
Clearing (Clear and Cap)
Upper (Blade)
Upper (Contact
Retainer) Housing
Wire Hole
2-Wire Connectors
Wire Slot
Joins Two Tap Wire Ends Joins Uncut Through Wire
Keeps Two Tap Wire Ends
Together But Not Electrically
Joins Three Tap Wire Ends
Wire Size
Range Marking
Lower (Wire
Entry) Housing
Wire Hole
Lower (Wire
Entry) Housing
2.1. Revision Summary
SUpdated document to corporate requirements
SChanged information in Paragraphs 2.5 and 2.6