Page 28 ams Datasheet
Document Feedback [v1-83] 2017-Jul-18
AS5043 − Programming the AS5043
After power-on, programming the AS5043 is enabled with the
rising edge of CSn and Prog = logic high. 16 bit configuration
data must be serially shifted into the OTP register via the
Prog-pin. The first “CCW” bit is followed by the zero position
data (MSB first) and the Analog Output Mode setting as shown
in Figure 38. Data must be valid at the rising edge of CLK (see
Figure 29). Following this sequence, the voltage at pin Prog
must be raised to the programming voltage VPROG (see
Figure 29). 16 CLK pulses (tPROG) must be applied to program
the fuses. To exit the programming mode, the chip must be reset
by a power-on-reset. The programmed data is available after
the next power-up.
Note(s): During the programming process, the transitions in
the programming current may cause high voltage spikes
generated by the inductance of the connection cable. To avoid
these spikes and possible damage to the IC, the connection
wires, especially the signals PROG and VSS must be kept as short
as possible. The maximum wire length between the VPROG
switching transistor and pin PROG (see Figure 31) should not
exceed 50mm (2 inches).
To suppress eventual voltage spikes, a 10nF ceramic capacitor
sho uld be co nne cted close to pin s PROG and VSS. Thi s capacitor
is only required for programming, it is not required for normal
operation. The clock timing tclk must be selected at a proper
rate to ensure that the signal PROG is stable at the rising edge
of CLK (see Figure 29). Additionally, the programming supply
voltage should be buffered with a 10μF capacitor mounted
close to the switching transistor. This capacitor aids in providing
peak currents during programming. The specified
programming voltage at pin PROG is 7.3 –7.5V (see
Programming Conditions). To compensate for the voltage drop
across the VPROG switching transistor, the applied programming
voltage may be set slightly higher (7.5 - 8.0V, see Figure 31).
OTP Register Contents:
CCW Counter Clockwise Bit
•ccw=0 – angular value increases in
clockwise direction
•ccw=1 – angular value increases in
counterclockwise direction
Z [9:0] Programmable Zero / Index Position
FB_intEN OPAMP gain setting: 0=external, 1=internal
RefExtEN DAC reference: 0=internal, 1=external
ClampMd EN Analog output span: 0=0-100%,
Output Range
(OR0, OR1)
Analog Output Range Selection
00 = 360°; 01 = 180°; 10 = 90°; 11 = 45°