SNAU118 LMK01801 Dual Clock Divider Buffer Evaluation Board Operating Instructions 7 December 2011 LMK01801 EVAL Texas Instruments, Inc. 1 LMK01801BEVAL Evaluation Board Operating Instructions SNAU118 Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS ....................................................................................................................... 2 TABLE OF FIGURES........................................................................................................................... 3 GENERAL DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................................... 4 Block Diagram ........................................................................................................................................................... 4 Evaluation Board Kit Contents ................................................................................................................................... 5 Quick Start - Code Loader Mode ............................................................................................................................... 6 Quick Start - Pin Control Mode ................................................................................................................................. 7 Pin Control Modes...................................................................................................................................................... 8 Using CodeLoader to Program the LMK01801 ......................................................................................................... 9 Evaluation Board Inputs/Outputs ............................................................................................................................. 12 RECOMMENDED TEST EQUIPMENT ................................................................................................. 14 APPENDIX A: CODELOADER USAGE .............................................................................................. 15 APPENDIX B: TYPICAL PHASE NOISE PERFORMANCE PLOTS ......................................................... 19 LMK01801 Sample Output Waveforms ................................................................................................................... 25 LMK01801 Analog Delay Sample Data................................................................................................................... 26 APPENDIX C: SCHEMATICS ............................................................................................................ 28 Power........................................................................................................................................................................ 28 Main ......................................................................................................................................................................... 29 Inputs ........................................................................................................................................................................ 30 Inputs Page 2 ............................................................................................................................................................ 31 Clock Outputs Page 1 ............................................................................................................................................... 32 Clock Outputs Page 2 ............................................................................................................................................... 33 Clock Outputs Page 3 ............................................................................................................................................... 34 APPENDIX D: BILL OF MATERIALS ................................................................................................ 35 Common Bill of Materials for Evaluation Boards .................................................................................................... 35 APPENDIX E: BALUN INFORMATION .............................................................................................. 38 Typical Balun Frequency Response ......................................................................................................................... 38 APPENDIX F: PROPERLY CONFIGURING LPT PORT ........................................................................ 39 LPT Driver Loading ................................................................................................................................................. 39 Correct LPT Port/Address ........................................................................................................................................ 39 Correct LPT Mode.................................................................................................................................................... 40 APPENDIX G: DIFFERENTIAL VOLTAGE MEASUREMENT TERMINOLOGY ....................................... 41 APPENDIXHI: TROUBLESHOOTING INFORMATION .......................................................................... 42 2 LMK01801BEVAL Evaluation Board Operating Instructions SNAU118 Table of Figures Figure 1 - LMK01801 Block Diagram ........................................................................................... 4 Figure 2 - Quick Start Diagram ...................................................................................................... 6 Figure 3 - Pin Control Mode Quick Start Diagram......................................................................... 7 Figure 4 - Selecting the LMK01801 .............................................................................................. 9 Figure 6 - Setting the 122.88 MHz VCXO Default mode ........................................................... 10 Figure 5 - Loading the Device ...................................................................................................... 10 Figure 7 - Setting Divide, CLKout_TYPE, Enabled for CLKout1 on "Clock Outputs" tab. ....... 11 Figure 8 - Setting LVCMOS modes. ............................................................................................ 11 Figure 9 - Port Setup tab ............................................................................................................... 15 Figure 10 - Clock Outputs tab....................................................................................................... 16 Figure 11 - Bits/Pins tab. .............................................................................................................. 17 Figure 12 - LMK01801 Phase Noise @ 100 MHz with Output Divider = 1................................ 20 Figure 13 - LMK01801 Phase Noise @ 100 MHz with Output Divider = 4................................ 21 Figure 14 - LMK01801 Phase Noise @ 983.04 MHz with Output Divider = 1........................... 22 Figure 15 - LMK01801 Phase Noise @ 983.04 MHz with Output Divider = 4........................... 23 Figure 16 - Phase Noise Measurement Set-Up ............................................................................. 24 Figure 17 - Noisy vs. Clean Phase Noise...................................................................................... 24 Figure 18 - LMK01801 Sample Clock Output Waveforms.......................................................... 25 Figure 19 - CLKout12 and CLKout13 No Analog Delay............................................................. 26 Figure 20 - CLKout12 with 100 pSec of delay relative to CLKout13.......................................... 27 Figure 21 - Typical Balun Frequency Response ........................................................................... 38 Figure 22 - Successfully Opened LPT Driver............................................................................... 39 Figure 23 - Selecting the LPT Port ............................................................................................... 40 Figure 24 - Two Different Definitions .......................................................................................... 41 Figure 25 - Two Different Definitions .......................................................................................... 41 3 LMK01801BEVAL Evaluation Board Operating Instructions SNAU118 General Description The LMK01801 Evaluation Board simplifies evaluation of the LMK01801 Dual Clock Buffer Divider. Configuring and controlling the board is accomplished using Texas Instrument's CodeLoader software, which can be downloaded from: The LMK01801 can also be configured to operate in a pin control mode via headers on the PCB. Block Diagram The block diagram in Figure 1 illustrates the functional architecture of the LMK01801 clock divider buffer. The LMK01801 is a very low noise solution for clocking systems that require distribution and frequency division of precision clocks. The LMK01801 features extremely low residual noise, frequency division, digital and analog delay adjustments, and fourteen (14) programmable differential outputs: LVPECL, LVDS and LVCMOS (2 outputs per differential output). The LMK01801 features two independent inputs that can be driven differentially or in single-ended mode. The first input drives output Bank A consisting of eight (8) outputs. The second input drives output Bank B consisting of six (6) outputs. Figure 1 - LMK01801 Block Diagram 4 LMK01801BEVAL Evaluation Board Operating Instructions SNAU118 Evaluation Board Kit Contents The evaluation board kit contains... An LMK01801 Evaluation board. LMK01801 Family quick start guide. o Evaluation board instructions are downloadable from the product folder on Texas Instument's website, CodeLoader uWire cable (LPT --> uWire). A USB interface board can be purchased separately under NSID USB2UWIRE_IFACE. The CodeLoader software will run on a Windows 2000 or Windows XP PC. The CodeLoader software is used to program the internal registers of the LMK01801 device through a MICROWIRETM interface. Clock output configuration: Clock 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Output Type LVPECL LVPECL LVPECL LVPECL LVPECL LVPECL LVPECL LVPECL LVPECL LVPECL LVPECL LVPECL LVPECL LVPECL Output Connector Installed Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 5 LMK01801BEVAL Evaluation Board Operating Instructions SNAU118 Quick Start - Code Loader Mode 1. Connect a voltage of 3.3 volts to either the Vcc SMA connector or the alternate terminal block. 2. Connect a reference clock from a signal generator or other source. Exact frequency depends on programming. 3. Connect the uWire header to a computer parallel port with the CodeLoader cable. A USB communication option is available, search at for: USB2UWIREIFACE. 4. Install jumpers on TYPE0, TYPE1, TYPE2, DivVal0, DivVal1, DivVal2 in the middle `uWire' (pins 3,5) position but NOT on EN_PIN_CTRL. 5. Program the device with CodeLoader. Ctrl-L must be pressed at least once to load all registers once after CodeLoader is started or after restoring a Mode. CodeLoader is available for download at 6. Measurements may be made at any clock output if enabled by programming. Figure 2 - Quick Start Diagram 6 LMK01801BEVAL Evaluation Board Operating Instructions SNAU118 Quick Start - Pin Control Mode 1. Connect a voltage of 3.3 volts to either the Vcc SMA connector or the alternate connector. 2. Connect a reference clock from a signal generator or other source. Exact frequency depends on programming. 3. Install a jumper on EN_PIN_CTRL header in either the High or Low position. 4. Install other jumpers on Type0, Type1, Type2, DivVal0, DivVal1, and DivVal2 headers based on the configurations shown in Table 1 and Table 2. Figure 3 - Pin Control Mode Quick Start Diagram 7 LMK01801BEVAL Evaluation Board Operating Instructions SNAU118 Pin Control Modes For the following tables, Low is defined as installing a jumper between pins 5 and 6 on the desired header. A HIGH is defined as installing a jumper between pins 1 and 2 on the desired header. If EN_PIN_CTRL = LOW (jumper installed between header positions 5 and 6) then the following table describes possible output configurations: Header Type0 Type1 Type2 DivVal0 DivVal1 DivVal2 Output Groups Header = Low Header = Middle CLKout0 - CLKout3 LVDS Powerdown CLKout4 - CLKout7 LVDS LVCMOS (Norm/Inv) CLKout8 - CLKout13 LVDS LVCMOS (Norm/Inv) CLKout0-3 Divider /1 /4 CLKout4-7 Divider /1 /4 CLKout8-11 Divider /1 /4 CLKout12-13 Divider /8 /512 Table 1 - EN_PIN_CTRL = LOW Configuration Header = High LVPECL LVPECL LVPECL /2 /2 /2 /16 If EN_PIN_CTRL = HIGH (jumper installed between header positions 1 and 2) then the following table describes possible output configurations: Header Type0 Type1 Type2 DivVal0 DivVal1 DivVal2 Output Groups Header = Low Header = Middle CLKout0 - CLKout3 LVDS LVPECL CLKout4 - CLKout7 LVCMOS (Norm/Inv) CLKout8 - CLKout11 LVDS LVCMOS (Norm/Inv) CLKout12-13 LVDS LVCMOS (Norm/Inv) CLKout0-7 Divider /1 /4 CLKout8-11 Divider /1 /4 CLKout12-13 Divider /4 /512 Table 2 - EN_PIN_CTRL = HIGH Configuration 8 LMK01801BEVAL Evaluation Board Operating Instructions Header = High LVPECL LVPECL LVPECL /2 /2 /16 SNAU118 Using CodeLoader to Program the LMK01801 The purpose of this section is to walk the user through using CodeLoader to make some measurements with the LMK01801 device. For more information on CodeLoader refer to Appendix A: CodeLoader Usage or the CodeLoader 4 instructions located at Before proceeding, be sure to follow the Quick Start section above to ensure proper connections. 1. Start CodeLoader 4 Application Click "Start" "Programs" "CodeLoader 4" "CodeLoader 4" The CodeLoader 4 program is installed by default to the CodeLoader 4 application group. 2. Select Device Click "Select Device" "Clock Conditioners" "LMK01801A1" Once started CodeLoader 4 will load the last used device. To load a new device click "Select Device" from the menu bar, then select the subgroup and finally device to load. For this example, the LMK01800A1 is chosen. Selecting the device does cause the device to be programmed. However, it is advisable to do CTRL-L to ensure programming. Figure 4 - Selecting the LMK01801 9 LMK01801BEVAL Evaluation Board Operating Instructions SNAU118 3. Program/Load Device Press "Ctrl - L" Assuming the Port Settings are correct, it is now possible to click "Keyboard Controls" "Load Device" from the menu to program the device to the current state of the newly loaded LMK01801 file. CtrlL is the accelerator assigned to the Load Device option and is very convenient. Once the device has been loaded, by default CodeLoader will automatically program changed Figure 5 - Loading the Device registers, so it is not necessary to load the device again completely. It is possible to disable this functionality by ensuring there is no checkmark by the "Options" "AutoReload with Changes." Since a default mode will be restored in the next step, this step isn't really needed but included to emphasize the importance of pressing "Ctrl-L" to load the device at least once after starting CodeLoader, restoring a mode, or restoring a saved setup using the File menu. See Appendix A: CodeLoader Usage or the CodeLoader 4 instructions located at for more information on port setup. Appendix H: Troubleshooting Information contains information on troubleshooting communications. 4. Restoring a Default Mode Click "Mode" "122.88 MHz VCXO Default"; then Press "Ctrl - L" Figure 6 - Setting the 122.88 MHz VCXO Default mode For the purposes of this walkthrough a default mode will be loaded to ensure a common starting point. This is important because when CodeLoader is closed, it remembers the last settings used for a particular device. By loading the default mode a common starting point is ensured. Loading a mode does not automatically program the device so it is necessary to press "Ctrl - L" again to program the device. 10 LMK01801BEVAL Evaluation Board Operating Instructions SNAU118 5. Enable Clock Outputs This CLKoutX frequency value is only valid if the correct clock in value is specified. It may not necessarily represent the actual frequency unless manually entered. This is a mathematical calculation only, not a measured value. To measure phase noise at the clock outputs, 1. Click on the "Bank A" tab, 2. Enable an output, 3. Then set the a. CLKout Type, b. divide value Figure 7 - Setting Divide, CLKout_TYPE, Enabled for CLKout1 on "Clock Outputs" tab. 4. Connect the clock output SMAs to a spectrum analyzer or signal source analyzer. a. For LVDS, a balun is recommended such as the ADT2-1T (for frequency range of 0.4 MHz to 450 MHz). b. For LVPECL, i. A balun can be used, or ii. One side of the LVPECL signal can be terminated with a 50 ohm load and the other side can be run to the test equipment single ended. c. For LVCMOS, i. One side of the LVCMOS signal can be terminated with a 50 ohm load and the other side can be run to the test equipment single ended. 5. The phase noise may be measured with a spectrum analyzer Figure 8 - Setting or signal source analyzer. LVCMOS modes. See Appendix B: Typical Phase Noise Performance Plots for phase noise plots of the clock outputs. 11 LMK01801BEVAL Evaluation Board Operating Instructions SNAU118 Evaluation Board Inputs/Outputs The following table contains descriptions of the various inputs and outputs for the evaluation board. Table 3. LMK01801 Evaluation Board I/O Connector Name CLKout0 / CLKout0*, CLKout2 / CLKout2*, CLKout4 / CLKout4*, CLKout6 / CLKout6*, CLKout8 / CLKout8*, CLKout9/ CLKout9*, CLKout10 / CLKout10*, CLKout11/ CLKout11*, CLKout12 / CLKout12*, CLKout13 / CLKout13* Input/Output Description Populated connectors. Differential clock output pairs. All outputs are configured in LVPECL mode. On the evaluation board, all clock outputs are AC-coupled to allow safe testing with RF test equipment. All LVPECL/2VPECL clock outputs are terminated to GND with a 240 ohm resistor, one on each output pin of the pair. Output Populated connector. Vcc Input DC power supply for the PCB. Removing R1, R2, or R3 allow for splitting the power to various devices on the board. Note: The LMK01801 Family contains internal voltage regulators for the VCO, PLL and related circuitry. The clock outputs do not have an internal regulator. A clean power supply is required for best performance. Unpopulated connector. Vcc2 Input Vcc input to power the output planes separately from the Aux Plane. Refer to schematics for more information. 12 LMK01801BEVAL Evaluation Board Operating Instructions SNAU118 Connector Name CLKin0/CLKin0*, CLKin1/CLKin1* Input/Output Description Populated connectors. Input The default board configuration is setup for a single-ended reference source at CLKin0* (CLKin0 pin is AC-coupled to ground). If a DC-coupled clock is used to drive either of the inputs, the high voltage level must be at least 2 volts and the low voltage no greater than 0.4 volts. Populated connector. uWire Input/Output SYNC0, SYNC1 Input 10-pin header programming interface for the board. Of Most important are the CLKuWire, DATAuWire, and LEuWire programming lines from this header. Each of these signals, TEST, and SYNC0, and SYNC1 can be monitored through test points on the board. Unpopulated connector. Access to SYNC0 or SYNC1 of device. 13 LMK01801BEVAL Evaluation Board Operating Instructions SNAU118 Recommended Test Equipment Power Supply The Power Supply should be a low noise power supply. Phase Noise / Spectrum Analyzer For measuring phase noise an Agilent E5052A Signal Source Analyzer is recommended. An Agilent E4445A PSA Spectrum Analyzer with the Phase Noise option is also usable although the architecture of the E5052A is superior for phase noise measurements. At frequencies less than 100 MHz the local oscillator noise of the E4445A is too high and measurements will reflect the E4445A's internal local oscillator performance, not the device under test. 14 LMK01801BEVAL Evaluation Board Operating Instructions SNAU118 Appendix A: CodeLoader Usage CodeLoader is used to program the evaluation board with either an LPT port using the included CodeLoader cable or with a USB port using the optional USB <--> uWire cable available from The part number is USB2UWIRE-IFACE. Port Setup Tab Figure 9 - Port Setup tab On the Port Setup tab, the user may select the type of communication port (USB or Parallel) that will be used to program the device on the evaluation board. If parallel port is selected, the user should ensure that the correct port address is entered. The Pin Configuration field is hardware dependent and normally SHOULD NOT be changed by the user. Figure 9 shows the default settings. 15 LMK01801BEVAL Evaluation Board Operating Instructions SNAU118 Clock Outputs Tab Figure 10 - Clock Outputs tab The clock outputs tab allows the user to Enable/Disable individual clock outputs, select the clock mode (Bypass/Divided/Delayed/Divided & Delayed - for outputs 12 and 13), set the clock output delay value (if delay is enabled for outputs 12 and 13 only), and the clock output divider value (2, 4, 6, ..., 510 for clock outputs 12 and 13 or 1-8 for clock outputs 0 - 11). 16 LMK01801BEVAL Evaluation Board Operating Instructions SNAU118 Bits/Pins Tab Figure 11 - Bits/Pins tab. The Bits/Pins tab allows the user to program bits directly. Many of which are not available on other tabs. Refer to the datasheet for more detailed information. The bits available are: Common Box o RESET - Set the reset bit. This will reset the device. In a normal application it is not necessary to program this bit clear since it is auto-clearing. However in the CodeLoader software, RESET must be clicked again (cleared) to not cause a reset every time R7 is programmed. o POWERDOWN - Place the device in powerdown mode. Program Pins Box - These pins only have effect if the PWB headers are in the uWire position (3-5). See Figure 2 - Quick Start Diagram for the correct configuration. o EN_PIN_CTRL - Sets the control of the output via uWire or pins o SYNC0 - Set high or low voltage on SYNC0 pin. Checked is high voltage. o TRIGGER - Set high or low voltage on pin 10 of uWire header. 17 LMK01801BEVAL Evaluation Board Operating Instructions SNAU118 Registers Tab The registers tab shows the value of each register. This is convenient for programming the device to the desired settings, then recording the hex values for programming in your own application. The "Export register values in hex to text file" button will allow these register values to be saved to a text file. By clicking in the "bit field" it is possible to manually change the value of registers by typing `1' and `0.' 18 LMK01801BEVAL Evaluation Board Operating Instructions SNAU118 Appendix B: Typical Phase Noise Performance Plots Clock Outputs The LMK01801 Family features LVDS, LVPECL, 2VPECL, and LVCMOS types of outputs. Include are the phase noise plots for the following outputs. Device LMK01801A1 LMK01801A1 LMK01801A1 LMK01801A1 LMK01801A1 LMK01801A1 LMK01801A1 LMK01801A1 CLKoutX 8 8 8 8 4 4 4 4 Output Divide 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 Output Type LVPECL LVPECL 2VPECL 2VPECL LVDS LVDS LVCMOS(Norm/Inv) LVCMOS(Norm/Inv) Table 4 - Phase Noise Output Test Configuration Clock Output Measurement Technique The measurement technique for each output type varies. LVPECL/2VPECL - Measured by using an Minicircuits ADT2-1T balun on the input and on the output. LVCMOS and LVDS - Measured by using an Minicircuits ADT2-1T balun on the output and single ended input. Parameter Input Source Test Case 1 Wenzel XTAL Test Case 2 Wenzel XTAL Test Case 3 SMHU Input Frequency Input Power Output Divider Figure 100 MHz 0 dBm 1 Figure 12 100 MHz 0 dBm 4 Figure 13 983.04 MHz 0 dBm 1 Figure 14 Table 5 - LMK01801 test conditions 19 LMK01801BEVAL Evaluation Board Operating Instructions Test Case 4 Rohde&Schwarz SMHU 983.04 MHz 0 dBm 4 Figure 15 SNAU118 LMK01801 Phase Noise, CLKin = 100 MHz, Output Divider = 1 Phase Noise with Output Divider = 1 80 90 100 Wenzel 100 MHz XTAL 110 CLKout8_2VPECL 120 CLKout8_LVPECL 130 CLKout4_LVDS 140 CLKout4_LVCMOS(NORM/INV) 150 160 170 180 10.0E+0 1.0E+3 100.0E+3 10.0E+6 Figure 12 - LMK01801 Phase Noise @ 100 MHz with Output Divider = 1 20 LMK01801BEVAL Evaluation Board Operating Instructions SNAU118 LMK01801 Phase Noise, CLKin = 100 MHz, Output Divider = 4 Phase Noise with Output Divider = 4 80 90 100 110 Wenzel 100 MHz XTAL 120 CLKout8_2VPECL 130 CLKout8_LVPECL CLKout4_LVDS 140 CLKout4_LVCMOS(NORM/INV) 150 160 170 180 10.0E+0 100.0E+0 1.0E+3 10.0E+3 100.0E+3 1.0E+6 Figure 13 - LMK01801 Phase Noise @ 100 MHz with Output Divider = 4 21 LMK01801BEVAL Evaluation Board Operating Instructions SNAU118 LMK01801 Phase Noise, CLKin = 983.04 MHz, Output Divider = 1 Phase Noise with Divider = 1 60 80 100 LVDS /1 LVCMOS /1 120 2VPECL /1 LVPECL /1 140 SMHU 160 180 10.0E+0 100.0E+0 1.0E+3 10.0E+3 100.0E+3 1.0E+6 10.0E+6 Figure 14 - LMK01801 Phase Noise @ 983.04 MHz with Output Divider = 1 22 LMK01801BEVAL Evaluation Board Operating Instructions SNAU118 LMK01801 Phase Noise, CLKin = 983.04 MHz, Output Divider = 4 Phase Noise with Divider = 4 60 80 100 LVDS /4 LVCMOS /4 120 2VPECL /4 LVPECL /4 140 SMHU 160 180 10.0E+0 100.0E+0 1.0E+3 10.0E+3 100.0E+3 1.0E+6 10.0E+6 Figure 15 - LMK01801 Phase Noise @ 983.04 MHz with Output Divider = 4 23 LMK01801BEVAL Evaluation Board Operating Instructions SNAU118 Phase Noise Measurement Power Supply ! Signal Source LMK01801 RF Output @ 1 GHz, 0dBm CLKin0 or CLKin1 CLKoutX / CLKoutX * Agilent 5052A Figure 16 - Phase Noise Measurement Set-Up The phase noise of the signal source will impact the measured phase noise of the LMK01801. Noisy Signal Source! Clean Signal Source! Figure 17 - Noisy vs. Clean Phase Noise 24 LMK01801BEVAL Evaluation Board Operating Instructions SNAU118 LMK01801 Sample Output Waveforms A B C D Figure 18 - LMK01801 Sample Clock Output Waveforms The output waveforms shown in Figure 18 were taken at a clock in frequency of 122.88 MHz, AC coupled. These measurements follow the VID voltage convention - See Appendix G: Differential Voltage Measurement Terminology for more information. The output modes are as follows: Trace Clock Output A CLKout0 B CLKout1 C CLKout4 D CLKout5 Output Type 2VPECL PECL (Low Power) LVDS LVCMOS (Normal/Invert) 25 LMK01801BEVAL Evaluation Board Operating Instructions SNAU118 LMK01801 Analog Delay Sample Data The sample analog delay data was taken at a clock in frequency of 122.88 MHz, output format of 2VPECL. Notice in Figure 19 that with analog delay enabled there is approximately 460 ps of delay. Then in Figure 20 we added 100 ps of delay and the resulting delay is approximately 550 ps. Figure 19 - CLKout12 and CLKout13 No Analog Delay 26 LMK01801BEVAL Evaluation Board Operating Instructions SNAU118 Figure 20 - CLKout12 with 100 pSec of delay relative to CLKout13 27 LMK01801BEVAL Evaluation Board Operating Instructions SNAU118 Appendix C: Schematics Power 1 Vcc Vcc 2 R329 VccCLKoutPlaneA Vcc2 TESTPOINT 1000 SMA R332 A J1 1 2 3 4 5 6 Direct Power VccTP TERMBLOCK_2 C313 1F C314 0.1F C319 10F C320 1F C321 0.1F C54 10F C55 1F C56 0.1F DNP R330 DNP 1000 VccCLKoutPlaneA VccCLKoutPlaneA 0 C318 0.1F VccCLKoutPlaneB R333 DNP 1000 DNPC322 DNPC323 DNPC324 10F 1F 0.1F R334 1000 R335 C325 1F C326 DNPC327 0.1F 0.01F C328 1F C329 DNPC330 0.1F 0.01F 0 1000 R336 1000 R337 0 R338 V_LM3878-ADJA U300 4 51k DNPC335 4.7F 8 2 7 9 IN SD OUT ADJ NC BYP NC DAP GND 5 6 C333 2200pF 1 R343 2.00k DNPC334 10F VccCLKoutPlaneA R341 DNP 1000 DNPC332 1F A GND Vcc1_CLKout_CG0 CG0 DNPC357 100pF C337 0.01F CG1 DNPC362 100pF GND Vcc8_Digital Digital C353 0.1F B Vcc6_CLKin1 R344 DNPC336 0.1F LDO_OutA TESTPOINT R345 866 GND Vcc3_CLKout_CG1 GND VccCLKoutPlaneB 3 LP3878SD-ADJ 0 DNPC331 0.1F LDO Power Options R342 B CLKin0 DNPC361 100pF VccAuxPlane R179 R339 R340 DNP DNP 0 0 Vcc2_CLKin0 R331 DNPC315 DNPC316 DNPC317 10F 1F 0.1F SMA VccCLKoutPlaneB 1000 1 2 C312 10F 1000 C355 100pF CLKin1 GND Vcc10_CG3_p47 R346 1000 R348 DNP 1000 LP3878-ADJ 3.3 V component values: C350 = 4.7 uF R350= 2.00 k C354 = 0.01 uF R351= 866 C352 = 10 uF R349= 51 k C351 = 2.2 nF VccAuxPlane C341 1F LP3878SD-ADJ V_LM3878-ADJB 4 C R353 51k C349 4.7F 8 2 7 9 IN OUT SD ADJ NC BYP NC DAP GND 5 6 C346 2200pF 1 R354 2.00k C347 10F C339 DNPC340 0.1F 0.01F Vcc13_CG0_p64 R349 1000 U301 C338 1F C342 1F C343 DNPC344 0.1F 0.01F VccCLKoutPlaneB R351 DNP 1000 C345 1F 0 R350 0 R352 C348 0.1F Vcc5_CLKout_CG2 R347 0 DNPC356 100pF CG2 GND Vcc7_CLKout_CG3 DNPC354 100pF GND CG3 Vcc4_Bias DNPC360 100pF C Bias 3 C350 0.01F LP3878SD-ADJ LDO_OutB TESTPOINT R355 866 GND VccAuxPlane LP5900SD-3.3 R356 0 C351 0.47F R357 51k D 4 7 IN LDO_LP5900 V_LM5900 U302 6 OUT EN NC NC DAP GND 1 C352 0.47F 2 5 3 1 Designators greater than and equal to 300 are placed on bottom of PCB D LP5900SD-3.3 LP5900 Component values C367 = 0.47 uF C368 = 0.47 uF R359 = 51 k TESTPOINT Populate R215 and Open R227 to use low-noise LP5900 regulator option to power CG1 and CG2 supply planes. GND 2 National Semiconductor and/or its licensors do not warrant the accuracy or completeness of this specification or any information contained therein. National and/or its licensors do not warrant that this design will meet the specifications, will be suitable for your application or fit for any particular purpose, or will operate in an implementation. National and/or its licensors do not warrant that the design is production worthy. You should completely validate and test your design implementation to confirm the system functionality for your application. 3 4 Designed for: Evaluation Customer Mod. Date: 10/25/2011 Project: LMK01801 SVB Sheet Title: Power Supplies Sheet: 3 of 9 Size: B Schematic: 870xxxxxx Rev: 1.0 Assembly Variant: Version1 File: Power.SchDoc Contact: (c) Copyright, National Semiconductor, 2009 5 28 LMK01801BEVAL Evaluation Board Operating Instructions 6 LMK01801BEVAL schematic. Refer to BOM for differences. SNAU118 Main 1 2 3 4 5 6 IC_SYNC1 Vcc8_Digital Vcc7_CLKout_CG3 R310 Vcc6_CLKin1 51.0 GND A A CLKin1_P 37 Vcc6_CLKin1 CLKin1_N 38 CLKin1 40 39 CLKin1* SYNC1/CLKoutTYPE2 CLKout12_P 41 CLKout12_N 42 CLKout12 CLKout13_N 43 CLKout12* CLKout13_P 46 47 45 CLKout13* CLKout13 Vcc8_DIG Vcc7_CLKout13/12 CLKout9* CLKout2* CLKout8* 0 CLKout3* DAP PAD CLKout8 CLKout3 EN_PIN_CTRL Test/CLKoutTYPE0 Bias SYNC0/CLKoutTYPE1 Vcc2_CLKin0 CLKout5 CLKout5_P 19 CLKout5* 18 CLKout5_N CLKout4* 17 CLKout4_N CLKout4 16 CLKout4_P 14 CLKin0_N 15 13 CLKin0_P CLKin0 GND CLKin0* C Vcc2_CLKin0 R318 51.0 Vcc4_Bias CLKout11_N 34 CLKout10_N 33 CLKout10_P B 32 Vcc5_CLKout_CG2 31 CLKout9_P 30 CLKout9_N 29 CLKout8_N 28 CLKout8_P 27 IC_EN_PIN_CTRL 26 25 DNPC358 1F C359 1F CLKout7 IC_SYNC0 CLKout2 CLKout11_P 35 GND C Vcc4_Bias 24 12 CLKout9 LMK01801 36 CLKout7_P 11 IC_TEST Vcc5_CLKout8_9_10_11 Vcc1_CLKout0_1_2_3 CLKout7* CLKout3_P 10 CLKout1 CLKout7_N 23 CLKout3_N 9 CLKout10 CLKout6* CLKout2_N 8 CLKout1* CLKout6 CLKout2_P 7 CLKout10* 21 6 CLKout0* CLKout6_N 22 CLKout1_P 5 Vcc1_CLKout_CG0 CLKout11 CLKout11* CLKout6_P CLKout1_N 4 U1 LMK01801 CLKout0 Vcc3_CLKout4_5_6_7 CLKout0_N 3 LEuWire/CLKoutDIV2 20 CLKout0_P 2 CLKuWire/CLKoutDIV1 1 IC_uWireLE B DATAuWire/CLKoutDIV0 48 IC_uWireCLK 44 IC_uWireDATA Vcc3_CLKout_CG1 D D Designators greater than and equal to 200 are placed on bottom of PCB 1 2 National Semiconductor and/or its licensors do not warrant the accuracy or completeness of this specification or any information contained therein. National and/or its licensors do not warrant that this design will meet the specifications, will be suitable for your application or fit for any particular purpose, or will operate in an implementation. National and/or its licensors do not warrant that the design is production worthy. You should completely validate and test your design implementation to confirm the system functionality for your application. 3 4 Mod. Date: 10/25/2011 Designed for: Evaluation Customer Project: LMK01801 SVB Sheet Title: Main Sheet / IC Sheet: 4 of 9 Size: B Schematic: 870xxxxxx Rev: 1.0 Assembly Variant: Version1 File: LMK01800_Core.SchDoc Contact: (c) Copyright, National Semiconductor, 2009 5 29 LMK01801BEVAL Evaluation Board Operating Instructions 6 SNAU118 Inputs 1 2 3 4 CLKin0 V_LM5900 R301 SMA 0 C304 0.1F DNPC300 0.68F TESTPOINT C301 0.1F 2 3 R302 39k R303 1000 R304 DNP 0 R305 0 VCXO_GND R2 1000 CLKin0* CLKin0_4_N U2 1 Vtune Vcc NC DNP NC GND OUT 6 5 C302 0.1F C5 1F R4 CLKin0_3_N DNPC3 0.1F C303 10F CLKin0_2_N 0 0 SMA C4 100pF R1 DNP 0 R3 3 4 2 1 VCXO_GND PD CLKin0_N 0 S NC DNPSCT P C1 R5 R6 DNP 270 B1 CVHD-950-122.88 122.88 MHz VCXO SD 4 DNP SMA CLKin0_4_P R10 0 5 6 R8 DNP 100 R11 CLKin0_3_P R13 DNP 0 A 0.1F DNPC2 0.1F R7 51.0 BALUN - ADT2-1T CLKin0 R9 DNP 33 GND 6 VccCLKoutPlaneA R300 DNP 0 VtuneTP Vtune A 5 GND CLKin0_2_P 0 C6 R12 DNP 0 R14 DNP 270 DNP 0.1F R15 DNP 270 CLKin0_P C7 0.1F GND VCXO_GND GND B B CLKin1 C C CLKin1* SMA R16 CLKin1_2_N 0 CLKin1 CLKin1_N 0 R18 DNP 270 SMA C8 R17 R21 CLKin1_2_P 0 0.1F DNPC9 0.1F R19 DNP 51.0 R20 100 C10 R22 CLKin1_P 0 R23 DNP 270 R24 DNP 270 0.1F DNPC11 0.1F D D National Semiconductor and/or its licensors do not warrant the accuracy or completeness of this specification or any information contained therein. National and/or its licensors do not warrant that this design will meet the specifications, will be suitable for your application or fit for any particular purpose, or will operate in an implementation. National and/or its licensors do not warrant that the design is production worthy. You should completely validate and test your design implementation to confirm the system functionality for your application. 1 2 3 4 Mod. Date: 6/10/2011 Designed for: Evaluation Customer Project: LMK01801 SVB Sheet Title: Clock Inputs Sheet: 6 of 9 Size: B Schematic: 870xxxxxx Rev: 1.0 Assembly Variant: Version1 File: InClks.SchDoc Contact: (c) Copyright, National Semiconductor, 2009 5 30 LMK01801BEVAL Evaluation Board Operating Instructions 6 SNAU118 Inputs Page 2 1 2 3 VccCLKoutPlaneB VccCLKoutPlaneA LEuWire_TP TESTPOINT IC_SYNC1 R307 DNP 27k A uWire_SYNC1 TYPE2 2 4 6 R309 15k R312 27k 5 1 3 5 SYNC1_TP TESTPOINT IC_uWireLE SYNC1 VccCLKoutPlaneA R306 DNP 27k R308 DivVal2 1 3 5 2 4 6 HEADER_2X3 SMA A 15k DNP DNPC305 33pF HEADER_2X3 DNPC306 33pF R311 27k Placehold for 50 ohm resistor cose to IC on Core Schematic page. uWire_CLK or DivValue1 CLKuWire_TP VccCLKoutPlaneA For use with high frequency SYNC signals. TESTPOINT IC_uWireCLK SYNC0 or OutType1 VccCLKoutPlaneA 6 uWire Header and Level Translation uWire_LE or DivValue2 SYNC1 or OutType2 VccCLKoutPlaneB 4 VccCLKoutPlaneA uWire R313 DNP 27k R314 DivVal1 1 3 5 2 4 6 15k DNPC307 33pF HEADER_2X3 VccCLKoutPlaneA uWire_TEST uWire_LE uWire_CLK uWire_DATA 10 8 6 4 2 9 7 5 3 1 uWire_SYNC0 uWire_EN_PIN_CTRL uWire_SYNC1 HEADER_2X5 R315 27k IC_SYNC0 R316 DNP 27k B uWire_SYNC0 TYPE1 2 4 6 R317 15k 1 3 5 SYNC0_TP TESTPOINT uWire_DATA or DivValue0 SYNC0 VccCLKoutPlaneA DATAuWire_TP TESTPOINT DNP SMA R320 27k HEADER_2X3 DNPC308 33pF Placehold for 50 ohm resistor cose to IC on Core Schematic page. IC_uWireDATA VccCLKoutPlaneA 1 3 5 2 4 6 HEADER_2X3 For use with high frequency SYNC signals. B R319 DNP 27k R321 DivVal0 15k DNPC309 33pF R322 27k Test or OutType0 VccCLKoutPlaneA VccCLKoutPlaneA R323 DNP 27k uWire_TEST 2 4 6 R324 15k R325 27k C TEST_TP TESTPOINT IC_TEST TYPE0 1 3 5 HEADER_2X3 C DNPC310 33pF Enable Pin Control VccCLKoutPlaneB VccCLKoutPlaneB R326 DNP 27k uWire_EN_PIN_CTRL R327 15k R328 27k D EN_PIN_CTRL_TP IC_EN_PIN_CTRL TESTPOINT EN_PIN_CONTROL 2 1 4 3 6 5 HEADER_2X3 D DNPC311 33pF National Semiconductor and/or its licensors do not warrant the accuracy or completeness of this specification or any information contained therein. National and/or its licensors do not warrant that this design will meet the specifications, will be suitable for your application or fit for any particular purpose, or will operate in an implementation. National and/or its licensors do not warrant that the design is production worthy. You should completely validate and test your design implementation to confirm the system functionality for your application. 1 2 3 4 Mod. Date: 10/25/2011 Designed for: Evaluation Customer Project: LMK01801 SVB Sheet Title: Interface Sheet: 5 of 9 Size: B Schematic: 870xxxxxx Rev: 1.0 Assembly Variant: Version1 File: LogicIO.SchDoc Contact: (c) Copyright, National Semiconductor, 2009 5 31 LMK01801BEVAL Evaluation Board Operating Instructions 6 SNAU118 Clock Outputs Page 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 A A CLKout0 CLKout1 Default: LVPECL, AC coupled VccCLKoutPlaneA R25 DNP 120 VccCLKoutPlaneA R26 DNP 82.0 R27 DNP 51.0 R28 DNP 120 CLKout0_1_P CLKout0_P R32 DNP 62 0.1F R37 DNP 62 GND SMA GND R38 DNP 62 GND CLKout0* R43 DNP 51.0 SMA GND R48 DNP 82.0 R54 DNP 62 0.1F R59 DNP 62 R46 51.0 SMA B Default: LVPECL, AC coupled R50 DNP 120 R52 51.0 R57 CLKout3* C19 CLKout3_1_N CLKout3_N R55 240 SMA R56 DNP 62 0.1F DNP R58 SMA 68 C20 68 C21 DNP DNP R60 DNP 62 GND 0.1F CLKout2* CLKout2_1_N 0.1F R65 DNP 51.0 SMA VccCLKoutPlaneA C CLKout3 C23 CLKout3_1_P CLKout3_P 0.1F R64 DNP 82.0 R51 DNP 82.0 CLKout2 C22 CLKout2_N GND R45 DNP 82.0 VccCLKoutPlaneA R49 DNP 51.0 CLKout2_P R63 DNP 120 R44 DNP 120 CLKout3 CLKout2_1_P R61 240 CLKout1 CLKout1_1_P DNP 0.1F VccCLKoutPlaneA C18 GND 0.1F C17 R40 240 Default: LVPECL, AC coupled C SMA CLKout1_P VccCLKoutPlaneA R53 240 R36 DNP VccCLKoutPlaneA R47 DNP 120 DNP 68 C15 0.1F CLKout2 0.1F DNP CLKout0_1_N B R34 DNP 62 0.1F R42 DNP 82.0 CLKout1* CLKout1_1_N R33 240 68 C14 C16 R41 DNP 120 R30 51.0 C13 CLKout1_N R35 CLKout0_N R39 240 R29 DNP 82.0 CLKout0 C12 R31 240 Default: LVPECL, AC coupled R62 240 GND DNP 0.1F R66 DNP 120 R67 DNP 82.0 R68 51.0 SMA VccCLKoutPlaneA D D Notes: National Semiconductor and/or its licensors do not warrant the accuracy or completeness of this specification or any information contained therein. National and/or its licensors do not warrant that this design will meet the specifications, will be suitable for your application or fit for any particular purpose, or will operate in an implementation. National and/or its licensors do not warrant that the design is production worthy. You should completely validate and test your design implementation to confirm the system functionality for your application. 1. Designators greater than and equal to 300 are placed on bottom of PCB 1 2 3 4 Designed for: Evaluation Customer Mod. Date: 6/10/2011 Project: LMK01801 SVB Sheet Title: Clock Outputs 1/3 Sheet: 7 of 9 Size: B Schematic: 870xxxxxx Rev: 1.0 Assembly Variant: Version1 File: OutClks0.SchDoc Contact: (c) Copyright, National Semiconductor, 2009 5 32 LMK01801BEVAL Evaluation Board Operating Instructions 6 SNAU118 Clock Outputs Page 2 1 2 3 CLKout4 A 4 CLKout5 Default: LVPECL, AC coupled VccCLKoutPlaneA R69 DNP 120 6 Default: LVPECL, AC coupled A VccCLKoutPlaneA R70 DNP 82.0 C24 R71 DNP 51.0 R72 DNP 120 R73 DNP 82.0 CLKout4 CLKout4_1_P CLKout4_P R75 240 5 0.1F R78 DNP 62 R79 R74 51.0 CLKout5_1_N R76 240 SMA R77 0.1F DNP 62 68 C26 CLKout4* GND B 0.1F R86 DNP 82.0 R85 DNP 120 R87 DNP 51.0 SMA GND R88 DNP 120 R89 DNP 82.0 R90 51.0 CLKout7 R92 DNP 82.0 C30 R93 DNP 51.0 B Default: LVPECL, AC coupled R94 DNP 120 R95 DNP 82.0 CLKout6 CLKout6_1_P 0.1F R100 DNP 62 R101 R96 51.0 R98 240 SMA R99 0.1F DNP 62 CLKout6* CLKout6_1_N R105 240 GND D R107 DNP 120 R103 DNP 62 C35 GND 0.1F CLKout6_N 0.1F R108 DNP 82.0 R109 DNP 51.0 R102 SMA 68 C33 DNP R104 DNP 62 C34 CLKout7* CLKout7_1_N DNP C31 CLKout7_N 68 C32 GND SMA VccCLKoutPlaneA CLKout6_P C CLKout5 DNP 0.1F VccCLKoutPlaneA Default: LVPECL, AC coupled R97 240 0.1F CLKout5_1_P R84 240 VccCLKoutPlaneA R91 DNP 120 SMA C29 CLKout5_P VccCLKoutPlaneA CLKout6 R80 DNP R82 DNP 62 GND 0.1F CLKout4_1_N R83 240 DNP 68 C27 DNP R81 DNP 62 C28 GND CLKout4_N CLKout5* C25 CLKout5_N CLKout7_P R106 240 SMA VccCLKoutPlaneA GND R110 DNP 120 0.1F R111 DNP 82.0 DNP C 0.1F CLKout7 CLKout7_1_P DNP R112 51.0 SMA VccCLKoutPlaneA Notes: D 1. Designators greater than and equal to 300 are placed on bottom of PCB 1 2 National Semiconductor and/or its licensors do not warrant the accuracy or completeness of this specification or any information contained therein. National and/or its licensors do not warrant that this design will meet the specifications, will be suitable for your application or fit for any particular purpose, or will operate in an implementation. National and/or its licensors do not warrant that the design is production worthy. You should completely validate and test your design implementation to confirm the system functionality for your application. 3 4 Mod. Date: 6/10/2011 Designed for: Evaluation Customer Project: LMK01801 SVB Sheet Title: Clock Outputs 2/3 Sheet: 8 of 9 Size: B Schematic: 870xxxxxx Rev: 1.0 Assembly Variant: Version1 File: OutClks1.SchDoc Contact: (c) Copyright, National Semiconductor, 2009 5 33 LMK01801BEVAL Evaluation Board Operating Instructions 6 SNAU118 Clock Outputs Page 3 1 2 3 4 5 VccCLKoutPlaneB CLKout8 Default: LVPECL, AC coupled R113 DNP 120 VccCLKoutPlaneB R114 DNP 82.0 CLKout9 R115 DNP 51.0 CLKout8_1_P CLKout8_P R119 240 R120 0.1F DNP 62 Default: LVPECL, AC coupled R116 DNP 120 CLKout8 C36 A 6 R121 240 R1220.1F DNP 62 68 C38 CLKout8* CLKout8_1_N R127 240 0.1F R130 DNP 120 R126 DNP 62 C41 GND 0.1F C40 CLKout8_N R131 DNP 82.0 CLKout9* CLKout9_1_N DNP R124 SMA A 68 C39 DNP R125 DNP 62 GND R118 51.0 CLKout9_N SMA R123 R117 DNP 82.0 C37 DNP 0.1F CLKout9 CLKout9_1_P DNP CLKout9_P R128 240 SMA R132 DNP 51.0 R129 DNP 120 0.1F R133 DNP 82.0 R134 51.0 SMA VccCLKoutPlaneB GND VccCLKoutPlaneB GND VccCLKoutPlaneB B CLKout10 Default: LVPECL, AC coupled R135 DNP 120 VccCLKoutPlaneB R136 DNP 82.0 CLKout11 R137 DNP 51.0 Default: LVPECL, AC coupled R138 DNP 120 CLKout10 C42 CLKout10_1_P CLKout10_P R139 DNP 82.0 C43 CLKout11_N R141 240 R142 0.1F DNP 62 SMA R143 240 R145 R1440.1F DNP 62 68 C44 GND R147 DNP 62 C46 R148 DNP 62 C47 GND 0.1F CLKout10* CLKout10_1_N CLKout11_P R149 240 0.1F R151 DNP 120 GND R152 DNP 82.0 SMA R150 240 R153 DNP 51.0 VccCLKoutPlaneB C R154 DNP 120 GND Default: LVPECL, AC coupled R157 DNP 120 0.1F R155 DNP 82.0 CLKout13 R159 DNP 51.0 Default: LVPECL, AC coupled R160 DNP 120 CLKout12 C48 CLKout12_1_P R164 0.1F DNP 62 R161 DNP 82.0 C49 R169 DNP 62 R165 240 R1660.1F DNP 62 CLKout12* 0.1F R174 DNP 82.0 R172 240 SMA R175 DNP 51.0 VccCLKoutPlaneB GND National Semiconductor and/or its licensors do not warrant the accuracy or completeness of this specification or any information contained therein. National and/or its licensors do not warrant that this design will meet the specifications, will be suitable for your application or fit for any particular purpose, or will operate in an implementation. National and/or its licensors do not warrant that the design is production worthy. You should completely validate and test your design implementation to confirm the system functionality for your application. 1. Designators greater than and equal to 300 are placed on bottom of PCB 2 R162 DNP 51.0 CLKout13* R168 SMA 3 DNP 0.1F CLKout13 CLKout13_1_P CLKout13_P Notes: 1 R170 DNP 62 C53 GND 0.1F CLKout12_1_N GND D SMA 68 C51 DNP C52 CLKout12_N R173 DNP 120 R156 51.0 CLKout13_1_N SMA R167 68 C50 R171 240 CLKout11 CLKout11_1_P DNP C CLKout13_N GND 0.1F VccCLKoutPlaneB R158 DNP 82.0 CLKout12_P R163 240 DNP VccCLKoutPlaneB VccCLKoutPlaneB CLKout12 B CLKout11* CLKout11_1_N DNP SMA R146 68 C45 DNP CLKout10_N R140 51.0 4 R176 DNP 120 0.1F R177 DNP 82.0 R178 DNP 51.0 SMA VccCLKoutPlaneB D Mod. Date: 6/10/2011 Designed for: Evaluation Customer Project: LMK01801 SVB Sheet Title: Clock Outputs 3/3 Sheet: 9 of 9 Size: B Schematic: 870xxxxxx Rev: 1.0 Assembly Variant: Version1 File: OutClks2.SchDoc Contact: (c) Copyright, National Semiconductor, 2009 5 34 LMK01801BEVAL Evaluation Board Operating Instructions 6 SNAU118 Appendix D: Bill of Materials Common Bill of Materials for Evaluation Boards Item Designator Description RoHS Manufacturer PartNumber Quantity CAPACITORS 1 C1, C7, C8, C10, C12, C13, C16, C17, C18, C19, C22, C23, C24, C25, C28, C29, C30, C31, C35, C36, C37, C40, C41, C42, C43, C46, C47, C48, C49, C52, C53, C56, C301, C302, C304, C314, C321 CAP, CERM, 0.1uF, 25V, +/-5%, X7R, 0603 Y Kemet C0603C104J3RACTU 37 2 C4 CAP, CERM, 100pF, 50V, +/-5%, C0G/NP0, 0603 Y Kemet C0603C101J5GACTU 1 CAP, CERM, 1uF, 10V, +/-10%, X5R, 0603 Y Kemet C0603C105K8PACTU 5 CAP, CERM, 0.1uF, 25V, +/-10%, X7R, 0603 Y Kemet C0603C104K3RACTU 5 3 4 C5, C55, C313, C320, C359 C34, C326, C329, C339, C343 5 C54, C303, C312, C319 CAP, CERM, 10uF, 10V, +/-10%, X5R, 0805 Y Kemet C0805C106K8PACTU 4 6 CAP, CERM, 0.68uF, 10V, +80/20%, Y5V, 0603 Y Kemet C0603C684Z8VACTU 1 CAP, CERM, 0.1uF, 16V, +/-10%, X7R, 0603 Y TDK C1608X7R1C104K 4 8 9 10 11 C300 C318, C331, C336, C348 C332, C341, C345 C333, C346 C334, C347 C335, C349 Y Y Y Y TDK AVX Kemet Kemet C1608X7R1C105K 06031C222JAT2A C0805C106M8PACTU C0603C475K8PACTU 3 2 2 2 12 C337, C350 Y TDK C1608C0G1E103J 2 13 14 C340, C344 C351, C352 CAP, CERM, 1uF, 16V, +/-10%, X7R, 0603 CAP, CERM, 2200pF, 100V, +/-5%, X7R, 0603 CAP, CERM, 10uF, 10V, +/-20%, X5R, 0805 CAP, CERM, 4.7uF, 10V, +/-10%, X5R, 0603 CAP, CERM, 0.01uF, 25V, +/-5%, C0G/NP0, 0603 CAP, CERM, 0.01uF, 100V, +/-10%, X7R, 0603 CAP, CERM, 0.47uF, 25V, +/-10%, X7R, 0603 Y Y Kemet MuRata C0603C103K1RACTU GRM188R71E474KA12D 2 2 7 35 LMK01801BEVAL Evaluation Board Operating Instructions SNAU118 Item Designator Description RoHS Manufacturer PartNumber Quantity Connector, SMT, End launch SMA 50 Ohm Y Emerson Network Power 142-0701-851 19 CONN TERM BLK PCB 5.08MM 2POS OR Y Weidmuller 1594540000 1 CONNECTORS 15 18 CLKin0*, CLKin1, CLKin1*, CLKout0, CLKout0*, CLKout2, CLKout2*, CLKout4, CLKout4*, CLKout6, CLKout6*, CLKout8, CLKout8*, CLKout10, CLKout10*, CLKout12, CLKout12*, Vcc, Vtune J1 RESISTORS 19 R2, R179, R303, R329, R332 FB, 1000 ohm, 600 mA, 0603 Y Murata BLM18HE102SN1D 5 20 R3, R5, R10, R16, R17, R21, R22, R301, R305, R334, R336, R346, R349, R356 RES, 0 ohm, 5%, 0.1W, 0603 Y Vishay-Dale CRCW06030000Z0EA 14 21 R4, R11 RES, 0 ohm, 5%, 0.125W, 0805 Y Vishay-Dale CRCW08050000Z0EA 2 22 R7, R30, R46, R52, R68, R74, R90, R96, R112, R118, R134, R140, R156, R159, R175, R310, R318 RES, 51.0 ohm, 1%, 0.1W, 0603 Y Yageo America RC0603FR-0751RL 17 23 R20 RES, 100 ohm, 1%, 0.1W, 0603 Y Yageo America RC0603FR-07100RL 1 24 R31, R33, R39, R40, R53, R55, R61, R62, R75, R76, R83, R84, R97, R98, R105, R106, R119, R121, R127, R128, R141, R143, R149, R150, R163, R165, R171, R172 RES, 240 ohm, 1%, 0.1W, 0603 Y Yageo America RC0603FR-07240RL 28 36 LMK01801BEVAL Evaluation Board Operating Instructions SNAU118 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 R35, R36, R57, R58, R79, R80, R101, R102, R123, R124, R145, R146, R167, R168 R302 R306, R307, R311, R312, R313, R315, R316, R319, R320, R322, R323, R325, R326, R328 R308, R309, R314, R317, R321, R324, R327 R331, R335, R337, R338, R344, R347, R350, R352 R342, R353, R357 R343, R354 R345, R355 RES, 68 ohm, 5%, 0.1W, 0603 Y Vishay-Dale CRCW060368R0JNEA 14 RES, 39k ohm, 5%, 0.1W, 0603 Y Vishay-Dale CRCW060339K0JNEA 1 RES, 27k ohm, 5%, 0.1W, 0603 Y Vishay-Dale CRCW060327K0JNEA 14 RES, 1.0k ohm, 5%, 0.1W, 0603 Y Vishay-Dale CRCW06031K00JNEA 7 FB, 120 ohm, 500 mA, 0603 Y Murata BLM18AG121SN1D 8 RES, 51k ohm, 5%, 0.1W, 0603 RES, 2.00k ohm, 1%, 0.1W, 0603 RES, 866 ohm, 1%, 0.1W, 0603 Y Y Y Vishay-Dale Vishay-Dale Vishay-Dale CRCW060351K0JNEA CRCW06032K00FKEA CRCW0603866RFKEA 3 2 2 INTEGRATED CIRCUITS 34 U1 35 U300, U301 36 U302 37 uWire LMK01801 Micropower 800mA Low Noise 'Ceramic Stable' Adjustable Voltage Regulator for 1V to 5V Applications Ultra Low Noise, 150mA Linear Regulator for RF/Analog Circuits Requires No Bypass Capacitor Low Profile Vertical Header 2x5 0.100" 1 Y Texas Instruments LP3878SD-ADJ 2 Y Texas Instruments LP5900SD-3.3 1 Y FCI 52601-G10-8LF 1 37 LMK01801BEVAL Evaluation Board Operating Instructions SNAU118 Appendix E: Balun Information Typical Balun Frequency Response The following figure illustrates the typical frequency response of the Mini-circuit's ADT2-1T balun. Typical Balun Insertion Loss 10 9 8 Loss (dB) 7 6 ADT21T 5 4 3 2 1 0 10 100 Frequency (MHz) Figure 21 - Typical Balun Frequency Response 38 LMK01801BEVAL Evaluation Board Operating Instructions 1000 SNAU118 Appendix F: Properly Configuring LPT Port When trying to solve any communications issue, it is convenient to program the POWERDOWN bit to confirm high/low current draw of the evaluation board or the PLL_MUX between "Logic Low" and "Logic High" LD output to confirm successful communications. LPT Driver Loading The parallel port must be configured for proper operation. To confirm that the LPT port driver is successfully loading click "LPT/USB" "Check LPT Port." If the driver properly loads then the following message is displayed: Figure 22 - Successfully Opened LPT Driver Successful loading of LPT driver does not mean LPT communications in CodeLoader are setup properly. The proper LPT port must be selected and the LPT port must not be in an improper mode. The PC must be rebooted after install for LPT support to work properly. Correct LPT Port/Address To determine the correct LPT port in Windows, open the device manager (On Windows XP, Start Settings Control Panel System Hardware Tab Device Manager) and check the LPT port under the Ports (COM & LPT) node of the tree. It can be helpful to confirm that the LPT port is mapped to the expected port address, for instance to confirm that LPT1 is really mapped to address 0x378. This can be checked by viewing the properties of the LPT1 port and viewing resources tab to verify that the I/O Range starts at 0x378. CodeLoader expects the a traditional port mapping: Port Address LPT1 0x378 LPT2 0x278 LPT3 0x3BC If a non-standard address is used, use the "Other" port address in CodeLoader and type in the port address in hexadecimal. It is possible to change the port address in the computer's BIOS settings. The port address is set in CodeLoader at the Port Setup tab as shown in Figure 23. 39 LMK01801BEVAL Evaluation Board Operating Instructions SNAU118 Figure 23 - Selecting the LPT Port Correct LPT Mode If communications are not working, then it is possible the LPT port mode is set improperly. It is recommended to use the simple, Output-only mode of the LPT port. This can be set in the BIOS of the computer. Common terms for this desired parallel port mode are "Normal," "Output," or "AT." It is possible to enter BIOS setup during the initial boot up sequence of the computer. 40 LMK01801BEVAL Evaluation Board Operating Instructions SNAU118 Appendix G: Differential Voltage Measurement Terminology The differential voltage of a differential signal can be described by two different definitions causing confusion when reading datasheets or communicating with other engineers. This section will address the measurement and description of a differential signal so that the reader will be able to understand and discern between the two different definitions when used. The first definition used to describe a differential signal is the absolute value of the voltage potential between the inverting and non-inverting signal. The symbol for this first measurement is typically VID or VOD depending on if an input or output voltage is being described. The second definition used to describe a differential signal is to measure the potential of the noninverting signal with respect to the inverting signal. The symbol for this second measurement is VSS and is a calculated parameter. Nowhere in the IC does this signal exist with respect to ground, it only exists in reference to its differential pair. VSS can be measured directly by oscilloscopes with floating references; otherwise this value can be calculated as twice the value of VOD as described in the first section Figure 24 illustrates the two different definitions side-by-side for inputs and Figure 25 illustrates the two different definitions side-by-side for outputs. The VID and VOD definitions show VA and VB DC levels that the non-inverting and inverting signals toggle between with respect to ground. VSS input and output definitions show that if the inverting signal is considered the voltage potential reference, the non-inverting signal voltage potential is now increasing and decreasing above and below the non-inverting reference. Thus the peak-to-peak voltage of the differential signal can be measured. VID and VOD are often defined in volts (V) and VSS is often defined as volts peak-to-peak (VPP). Figure 24 - Two Different Definitions for Differential Output Signals Figure 25 - Two Different Definitions for Differential Input Signals 41 LMK01801BEVAL Evaluation Board Operating Instructions SNAU118 Appendix H: Troubleshooting Information If the evaluation board is not behaving as expected, the most likely issues are... 1) Board communication issue 2) Incorrect Programming of the device 3) Setup Error Refer to this checklist for a practical guide on identifying/exposing possible issues. Confirm Communications Refer to Appendix F: Properly Configuring LPT Port to trouble shoot this item. Remember to load device with Ctrl-L! 42 LMK01801BEVAL Evaluation Board Operating Instructions IMPORTANT NOTICE Texas Instruments Incorporated and its subsidiaries (TI) reserve the right to make corrections, modifications, enhancements, improvements, and other changes to its products and services at any time and to discontinue any product or service without notice. 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