Qualification Test Report 501-79143
Rev. A 8 of 33
1. test conditions
; OMI-SH-224L
1-1. Sample ; OMI-SH-224L
1-2. 測定箇所 ; (1)同極接点間
1-2. Test parts ; (1)between open contact
1-3. 測定条件 ; 50Hz(商用電源波形)
1-3. Measurement conditions ; 50Hz
徐昇法による(リーク検知電流 : 1mA)
; by gradually rise up method (Leak current: 1mA)
1-4. 周囲温度 ; 常温(特に空調をしていない雰囲気)
1-4. Ambient temperature ; standard atmospheric conditions
1-5. 試 料 ; n=10
1-5. Amount of sample ; n=10
1-6. 試験装置 ; 耐圧試験器(TOS5051,TOS8700)
1-6. Measurement instrument ; TOS5051, TOS8700
2. Data
2-1. 同極接点間 2-2. コイル-接点間
2-1. between open contact (VAC) 2-2. between coil and contact (VAC)
リレーNO. リレーNO.
Relay No. 1回路(Log No.1)2回路(Log No.2)Relay No. 1回路(Log No.1)2回路(Log No.2)
1 1,540 1,620 1 8,500 8,400
2 1,430 1,710 2 8,300 8,700
3 1,760 1,670 3 8,800 8,400
4 1,840 1,890 4 8,900 8,700
5 1,920 1,770 5 9,000 8,800
6 1,780 1,690 6 9,100 8,900
7 1,810 1,980 7 8,800 8,600
8 1,970 1,810 8 8,700 8,800
9 1,890 1,940 9 8,600 8,700
10 1,680 1,930 10 8,600 8,700
平均 平均
Average Average
Bottom view coil termi nol down, Left side is Log No.1 Reight side is Log No.2.
3. 結 果
3. Result
同極接点間AC750V 1分間、コイル-接点間AC5,000V1分間は十分保証できると
The specifications of dielectric resistance which is AC750V for lsecond between open contacts and AC5000V
for lsecond between coil and contact can be guaranteed.
1-1. 試験リレー
Dielectric voltage withstand test
(2)between coil and contact
Data No.:35312
NG電圧(NG Voltage)NG電圧(NG Voltage)
1,762 1,801 8,730 8,670