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CCD160-250-SFT Sensor
2048 x 256 High-Performance CCD Sensor
» 2048 x 256 imaging pixels
» 2048 x 256 frame storage pixels
» 16µm x 16µm pixels
» Back-illuminated format
(100% fill factor)
» Frame transfer CCD
» Fast vertical transfer rate
(4.0 MHz max)
» 1000 frames/second
at full resolution
» 32 sensor output ports
» High sensitivity over
400 to 1000nm
» >250k e- full well capacity
» 0.29nm spectral resolution
• Up to 2048 frequencies
by 256 pixels push broom
ground swath
» 2.3nm spectral resolution
• Up to 256 frequencies by
2048 pixel push broom
ground swath
» <40 e- RMS noise (off-chip CDS)
» Time Delayed Integration (TDI)
operation capabilities
The Sarnoff CCD 160-256-SFT imager is a back-illuminated CCD array
that captures high speed, high resolution digital video with large
dynamic range. The combination of high speed, high sensitivity and
high charge capacity over a wide range of wavelengths makes it an
ideal sensor for various hyperspectral imaging systems, as well as other
scientific applications that require demanding sensor performance.
The imager is designed for low noise operation with full resolution
from slow scan rates of up to 800 frames per second (fps). It uses a
vertical frame transfer architecture with a split storage register for
reduced vertical transfer time (smear). High radiometric stability is
achieved through a specially processed back surface.
» Hyperspectral imaging
» Scientific imaging
» Chem/Bio detection
» Long-range/surveillance imaging
» Environmental/agricultural
» Remote sensing from high
altitudes (UAVs, satellites)
For unparalleled sensor
performance, the high
speed, high sensitivity
CCD 160-250-SFT
generates clear images
in real time.
201 Washington Road | PO Box 5300 | Princeton, NJ 08543
p: 609-734-2553 | e: info@sarno.com | www.sarno.com
All content ©2009 Sarno Corporation. 0272009
Optional Features
Specifications (Typical)
» Architecture
• Back Illuminated CCD
• Split storage resister (frame
transfer), TDI operation capable
» Resolution
• 2048 (H) x 256 (V)
» Maximum Data Rate
• 1216 MHz (38MHz x 32)
» Pixel Size
• 16µm x 1m
» Optical Fill Factor
• 100%
» Readout noise
•  =< 60e- rms @ 1000fps
» Output Ports
• 32 ports
» Frame Rate
• Up to 1000fps @ 2048x256
» Full Well Signal
• > 250,000 e-
» Dark Current
• < 0.7 nA/cm2 at 23°C
» Vertical Clock Rate
• Up to 6.0 MHz
» QE Optimization for custom
wavelength (minimum order
quantity applied)
» Sensor evaluation board set
» 2048 x 512 resolution with Split Full
Frame (SFF) format
400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000 1050 1100
Wavelength (nm)
QE (%)
Sensor front
Sensor back
Absolute Quantum Efficiency
7 cm (2.75”)
8mm (.25”)
7 cm