Evaluate: MAX19710–MAX19713
Driver Database window appears in addition to a
New Hardware Found message if this is the first
time the EV kit board is connected to the PC. If you
do not see a window that is similar to the one
described above after 30 seconds, remove the USB
cable from the CMODUSB and reconnect it.
Administrator privileges are required to install the
USB device driver on Windows 2000/XP. Refer to
included with the software if you have any problems.
5) Follow the directions of the Add New Hardware
Wizard to install the USB device driver. Choose the
Search for the best driver for your device option.
Specify the location of the device driver to be
C:\Program Files\MAX19713, \MAX19712,
\MAX19711, or \MAX19710 (default installation
directory) using the Browse button.
EV Kit Setup
6) Verify that shunts are installed in the following locations:
JU1 (1-2) →CS connected
JU1 (3-4) →SCLK connected
JU1 (5-6) →DIN connected
JU1 (7-8) →DOUT connected
JU2 (Installed) →Internal reference enabled
JU3 (1-2) →Power U2 with OVDD
7) Connect a +3.0V, 100mA power supply to VDD.
Connect the ground terminal of this supply to GND.
8) Connect a +3.0V, 100mA power supply to CVDD.
Connect the ground terminal of this supply to GND.
9) Connect a +1.8V, 100mA power supply to OVDD.
Connect the ground terminal of this supply to OGND.
10) Connect a +5V, 250mA power supply to VOP.
Connect the ground terminal of this supply to GND.
11) Connect a -5V, 250mA power supply to VON.
Connect the ground terminal of this supply to GND.
12) Carefully align the 40-pin connector of the EV kit
(J1) with the 40-pin header of the CMODUSB inter-
face board (P4). Gently press them together.
13) The MAX19710–MAX19713 support two modes of
a. To connect a logic analyzer to the EV kit and
test the Rx ADCs, skip to step 14.
b. To connect a spectrum analyzer to the EV kit
and test the Tx DACs, skip to step 34.
Rx ADC Setup
14) Connect the clock signal generator to the input of
the clock bandpass filter.
15) Connect the output of the clock bandpass filter to
the EV kit SMA connector labeled CLOCK.
16) Connect the first analog signal generator to the
input of the desired bandpass filter.
17) Connect the output of the bandpass filter to the EV
kit SMA connector labeled IA (I channel).
18) Connect the second analog signal generator to the
input of the desired bandpass filter.
19) Connect the output of the bandpass filter to the EV
kit SMA connector labeled QA (Q channel).
20) Ensure that all signal generators are phase-locked to a
common reference frequency for coherent sampling.
21) Connect the logic analyzer to J2. Use the bit labels
(AD_) located next to header J2 for proper bit align-
ment or see the
Digital Data Bit Locations
for header connections.
22) Set the logic analyzer to capture 10-bit CMOS data
on the falling edge for the I channel or the rising
edge for the Q channel.
23) Turn on the -5V power supply.
24) Turn on all remaining power supplies.
25) Enable the signal generators.
26) Set the clock signal generator to output a 45MHz
signal. The amplitude of the generator should
be sufficient to produce a +16dBm signal at the SMA
input of the EV kit. Insertion losses due to the
series-connected filter (step 14) and the inter-
connecting cables decrease the amount of power
seen at the EV kit input. Account for these losses
when setting the signal generator amplitude.
27) Set the analog input signal generators to output the
desired frequency. The amplitude of the generator
should produce a signal that is no larger than
+5dBm, as measured at the SMA input of the EV kit.
Insertion losses, due to the series-connected filters
(steps 17 and 19) and the interconnecting cables,
decrease the amount of power seen at the EV kit
input. Account for these losses when setting the
signal generator amplitude.
28) Start the MAX19710–MAX19713 program by open-
ing its icon in the Start menu.
29) Normal device operation can be verified by the Status:
Interface Board Operational text in the Interface box
of the program.
30) Select the Maxim device that you are using from the
Device combo box.
31) Click the POR Reset button on the EV kit software
32) Enable the logic analyzer.
33) Capture data using the logic analyzer.
MAX19710–MAX19713 Evaluation
Kits/Evaluation Systems
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