Lineage Power 11
Data Sheet
October 1, 2009 3.0 Vdc - 5.5 Vdc Input, 0.9 Vdc - 3.3 Vdc Output, 10 A
Austin LynxTM SIP Non-Isolated dc-dc Power Modules:
Feature Descriptions (continued)
Output Voltage Set-Point Adjustment
(Trim) (continued)
Figure 22. Circuit Configuration to Decrease Output
For T rim-up using an external voltage source, apply a voltage
from TRIM pin to ground using the following equation:
For Trim-down using an external voltage source, apply a volt-
age from TRIM pin to ground using the following equation:
Vtrim-up is the external source voltage for trim-up
Vtrim-down is the external source voltage for trim-down
|DVout| is the desired output voltage set-point adjus tment
Rbuffer (internal to the module) is defined in Table 3 for vari-
ous models
If the TRIM feature is not being used, le ave the TRIM pin dis-
Remote Sense
Austin Ly nx™ SIP power modules offer an opti on for a
Remote Sense function. When the Device Code descripti on
includes a suffix “3”, pin 3 is added to the module and the
Remote Sense is an active feature. See the Ordering Infor-
mation at the end of this document for more information.
Remote Sense minimizes the effects of distribution losses by
regulating the voltage at the load via the SENSE and GND
connections (See 23). The voltage between the SENS E pin
and VO pin must not exceed 0.5V. Although both the Remote
Sense and Trim features can each in cre ase th e ou tp u t vol t-
age (VO), the maximum increase is not the sum of both. The
maximum VO increase is the larger of either the Remote
Sense or the Tr im.
The amount of power delivered by the module is define d as
the output voltage multiplied by the output current (VO x IO).
When using SENSE and/or TRIM, the output voltage of the
module can increase which, if the same output current is
maintained, increases the power output by the module. Make
sure that the maximum output power of the module remains
at or below the maximum rated power. When pin 3 is present
but the Remote Sense feature is not being used, leave Sense
pin disconnected.
Figure 23. Effective Circuit Configuration for Remote
Sense Operation.
Overcurrent Protection
To provide protection in a fault condition, the unit is equipped
with internal overcurrent protection. The unit operates nor-
mally once the faul t condition is remove d.
The power module will supply up to 170% of rated current for
less than 1.25 seconds before it enters thermal sh utdown.
Overtempera tur e Prot ec ti o n
To provide additional protection in a fault condition, the unit is
equipped with a nonlatched thermal shutdown circuit. The
shutdown circuit engages when Q1 or Q2 (shown in Figure
24) exceeds approximately 110 °C. The unit attempts to
restart when Q1 or Q2 cool down and cycles on and off while
the fault condition exists. Recovery from shutdown is accom-
plished when the cause of the overtemperature condition is
Rbuffer 78.7k=
Rtrim down–2.5 0.8–
x30100 78700–=
Rtrim down–147.05kΩ=
Vtrim-up 0.8 ΔVout xRbuffer
Vtrim-down 0.8 ΔVout xRbuffer