DC-DC CONVERTE R 50W, Railway Certifi ed
18, Sin Sin Road, An-Ping Industrial District, Tainan 702, Taiwan
Tel: 886-6-2923150 Fax: 886-6-2923149 E-mail: 2019/06/13 REV:13 Page 8 of 8
Minmax Technology Co., Ltd.
Input Reflected-Ripple C urre nt Test Setup
Input reflected-r ipple curr ent is measured w ith a induc tor Lin (4.7μH) and Ci n (220μF, ESR < 1.0Ω at 100 kHz) to sim ulate sour ce impeda nce. C apaci tor Cin, offsets
possi ble bat t er y imped anc e. Current ripple is measured at the input term inals of the module, measurem ent band width is 0-500 kHz.
Converter Load
To Oscilloscope
Peak-to-Peak Output Noise Measur em ent Test
Use a 1μF ceramic capaci tor and a 1 0μF t antalum capacitor. Scope measurement sho uld be made by usi ng a BNC socket, measurement bandwidth is 0-20 MHz.
Position the load bet ween 50 mm and 75 mm from t he DC-DC Converter.
Single Output
Copper Strip
Copper Strip
Remote On/Off
Positive logic r emote on/ off turns the module on during a logic high voltage on the remot e on/off pin, and off dur ing a logic low. To turn t he power mo dule on and off,
the user mus t sup ply a s witch to control the v oltage between the on/off terminal an d the -Vin terminal. The swi tch c an be an op en collect or or e quivalent. A lo gic low is
0V to 1.2V. A logic high is 3.5V to 12V. The m aximum sink cur rent at th e on/off t ermi nal (Pin 2) during a logic low is -500μA.
Overload Protection
To provi d e hicc up mo d e protect ion in a fault (output overl oad) c ondition, the unit is equipped with internal current limiting circui try and can endure overload for an
unlimi t ed dur at ion.
Overv ol ta ge Pr otec t io n
The o utput overvoltage clamp consists of control circuitry, which is independent of the primary regulation loo p, that monitors the voltage on the output term inals.
The contr ol loop of the clamp has a higher vol tage set point than the prim ary loop. This provides a redundant voltage contr ol that reduces the ris k of out put
overvoltage. The OVP level can b e found in the output data.
Output Ri pple R eduction
A good qual ity low ESR cap acitor placed as close as practicabl e acros s the load wi ll give the best ripple and noi se performance. To reduce output ripple, it is
recommended t o use 4.7μF c apacitors at the output.
-Vin Load
DC Power
Single Output
Maximum Capaci tive Load
The M TQZ50 series has limi tation of maximum connect ed capacitance at th e outp ut. The power module may be oper ated in curr ent limiting mode during s tart -up,
affecting the ramp-up and the startup time. The maximum c apacitance can be found in the d ata sh eet.
Many condi tions affect the thermal performance of the p ower module, suc h as or ient ation, airflow over the module an d board spaci ng. To avoid exc ee di ng th e
maximum temper ature rating of t he components ins ide the power module, the case temp erature must be kept b elow 105℃. The derati ng cur ves are determined f rom
meas urements obtained i n a test setup.
Position of air velocity
probe and thermocouple 50mm / 2in Air Flow
15mm / 0.6i n