12.0 Functional Description
The LM94 provides 16 channels of voltage monitoring, 4 re-
mote thermal diode monitors, an internal/local ambient tem-
perature sensor, 2 PROCHOT monitors, 4 fan tachometers,
8 GPIOs, THERMTRIP monitor for masking error events, 2
sets of 7 VID inputs, an ALERT output and all the associated
limit registers on a single chip, and communicates to the rest
of the baseboard over the System Management Bus (SM-
Bus). The LM94 also provides 2 PWM outputs and associated
fan control logic for controlling the speed of system fans.
There are two sets of fan control logic, a lookup table and a
PI (proportional/integral) loop controller. The lookup table and
PI controller are interactive, such that the fans run at the
fastest required speed. Upon a temperature or fan tach error
event, the PWM outputs may be programmed such that they
automatically boost to 100% duty cycle. A timer is included
that sets the minimum time that the fans are in the boost con-
dition when activated by a fan tach error.
The LM94 incorporates National Semiconductor's TruTherm
technology for precision “Remote Diode” readings of proces-
sors on 90nm process geometry or smaller. Readings from
the external thermal diodes and the internal temperature sen-
sor are made available as an 9-bit two's-complement digital
value with the LSb representing 0.5°C. Filtered temperature
readings are available as a 12-bit two's-complement digital
value with the LSb representing 0.0625°C.
All but 4 of the analog inputs include internal scaling resistors.
External scaling resistors are required for measuring ±12V.
The inputs are converted to 8-bit digital values such that a
nominal voltage appears at ¾ scale for positive voltages and
¼ scale for negative voltages. The analog inputs are intended
to be connected to both baseboard resident VRDs and to
standard voltage rails supplied by a SSI compliant power
The LM94 has logic that ties a set of dynamically moving VID
inputs to their associated Vccp analog input for real time win-
dow comparison fault determination. Voltage mapping for
VRD10, VRD10 extended and VRD11are supported by the
LM94. When VRD10 mode is selected GPI8 and GPI9 can be
used to detect external error flags whose state is be reflected
in the status registers.
Error events are captured in two sets of mirrored status reg-
isters (BMC Error Status Registers and Host Status Regis-
ters) allowing two controllers access to the status information
without any interference.
The LM94's ALERT output supports interrupt mode or com-
parator mode of operation. The comparator mode is only
functional for thermal monitoring.
The LM94 provides a number of internal registers, which are
detailed in the register section of this document.
When the LM94 is powered up, it cycles through each tem-
perature measurement followed by the analog voltages in
sequence, and it continuously loops through the sequence.
The total monitoring cycle time is not more than 100 ms, as
this is the time period that most external micro-controllers re-
quire to read the register values.
Each measured value is compared to values stored in the limit
registers. When the measured value violates the pro-
grammed limit, a corresponding status bit in the B_Error and
H_Error Status Registers is set.
The PROCHOT, tachometer and dynamic VID/Vccp monitor-
ing is performed independently of the analog and temperature
monitoring cycle.
The ΣΔ A/D architecture filters the input signal. During one
conversion many samples are taken of the input voltage and
these samples are effectively averaged to give the final result.
The output of the ΣΔ A/D is the average value of the signal
during the sampling interval. For a voltage measurement, the
samples are accumulated for 1.5 ms. For a temperature mea-
surement, the samples are accumulated for 8.4 ms.
The LM94 remote diode target is the embedded thermal diode
found in a Xeon class processor in 90nm processes but can
also work with any Intel based processor in 90nm or 65nm.
The LM94 has an advanced thermal diode input stage using
National's TruTherm technology that reduces the spread in
ideality found in sub-micron geometry thermal diodes. Inter-
nal analog filtering has been included in the thermal diode
input stage thus minimizing the need for external thermal
diode filter capacitors. In addition a digital filter has been in-
cluded for the thermal diode temperature readings.
In some cases instead of using the embedded thermal diode,
found on the Xeon processor, a diode connected 2N3904
transistor type can also be used. An example of this would be
a MMBT3904 with its collector and base tied to the thermal
diode REMOTE+ pin and the emitter tied to the thermal diode
REMOTE− pin. Since the MMBT3904 is a surface mount de-
vice and has very small thermal mass, it measures the board
temperature where it is mounted. The ideality and series re-
sistance varies for different diodes. Therefore the LM94 has
register support to allow calibration selection between a
2N3904 or a Xeon processor. The LM94 is optimized for typ-
ical Intel processors on 90nm or 65nm process or 2N3904
transistor. Other transistor types may used but may have ad-
ditional error that can be can be corrected for by programming
the appropriate Zone Adjustment Offset register.
The LM94 acquires temperature data from four different
4 external diodes (embedded in a processor or discrete)
1 internal diode (internal to the LM94)
2 analog temperature sensors, such as the LM60, that are
connected to the AD_IN11 or AD_15 pins
a temperature value can be externally written into an LM94
register from the SMBus.
All of these values, although not necessarily simultaneously,
can be used to control fans, compared against limits, etc.
The temperature value registers are located at addresses
06h-09h, 50h–55h and 10h-23h. The temperature sources
are referred to as “zones” for convenience:
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